Indonesian 4-7

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di depan

in front of




no, not (informal)



pasar swalayan



to know


why (formal)

Apa kamu suka makan di sini?

Do you like eating here? (inf)

Apakah Anda suka belajar Bahasa Indonesia?

Do you like studying Indonesian?

Kamu mau ke sana?

Do you want to go there? (inf)

Berapa jam ke Flores?

How many hours to Flores?

Saya akan pergi ke pasar

I am going to go to the market

aku bisa pergi ke kantor polisi atau mal. Aku juga bisa pergi ke mal.

I can go to the police station or the mall. I can also go to the mall. (inf)

Saya bisa bicara bahasa Inggris

I can speak English.

saya tidak tahu

I don't know

Saya tidak suka minum kopi, tetapi say suka minum teh

I don't like to drink coffee, but I like to drink tea

saya tahu

I know

Saya suka nasi ini

I like this rice

Saya suka orang itu

I like those people

Saya mau pergi ke Flores

I want to go to Flores

Apakah mesjid jauh dari sini?

Is the mosque far from here?

O gitu. Sekolahku jauh tapi rumahku dekat.

Oh, I see. My school is far but your house is nearby. (inf)

saya minta itu

Please give me that.

Bank juga di dekat kantor pos

The bank is also near the post office

Apa itu?

What is that?

Jam berapa?

What time is it?

Anda tinggal di mana?

Where do you live?

Di mana Flores? Flores di dekat Bali, tidak jauh dari Timor

Where is Flores? Flores is close to Bali, not far from Timor

Di mana rumahmu? Jauh dari sini?

Where is your house? Far from here?

Itu roti siapa?

Whose bread is that?

Itu ayam siapa?

Whose chicken is that?

Ini rumah siapa?

Whose house is this?



di belakang


di samping


di antara


terminal bus

bus terminal




but (informal)



pusat kota

city centre

Di dekat (Adverb)

close to

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