info tech mid term

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most important category of data processing system

equally important


fake email addresses that seem to be from a known source

advantage of RAM over auxiliary storage

faster access speed

function of operating system

file managment, user interface, data security, I/O managment

forms of magnetic disks

floppy disks and hard disks

output batch proc

forming charectors in a printer- dot matrix. charector printed on page, hammer striking.

what calculates values in a spreadsheet


clock rate

frequency of pulses, determines how often work can be done

uploading direction

from local computer to a remote computer

downloading direction

from one remote computer to the local computer

batch proc

gathers data over period of time, puts into machine readable format nd proc data as group, 3 phases= data entry(when captured nd put in file), proccessing

system clock

generates pulses in cpu, no proc done until pulse

what is an end-user agreement

gives a user the right to use a program, but not to sell or modify it

what is the data path(bus width)

group of bits that are transmitted at the same time

what is a computer word

group of bits that makes memory location, or the group of bits that are processed at the same time


group of bits that represent a charector, 8 bits, storage measured by bytes

data path

group of bits thats transferred at one time. decreases rep power since requires two or more operations to move


group of components that work together to accomplish a function


handles single user. desktops, laptops, palmtops. smnallest

two levels of computer systems

hardware and subcategories

categories of a data processing system

hardware, software, data, personnel, procedure

density on tape

how close together data is recorded, bits per inch

domain experts

human experts in an expert system


identifies web page


in magnetic tape, errors may ocur, parity bits are bits added to detect these errors, odd parity = if even number after oarity bit error. even = oppasite of odd. zero parity = no way to detect error. clear parity = parity bit set to zero, mark parity = parity set to one


in sector organization, each surface on disk is split into sectors each sector has a number and is on each surface of magnetic disk,

track- direct

in sector organization, each track on surface of each sector, with a track number,

expert system

info system that captures and stores the knowledge of human experts nd imitates human behavior

world wide web

information base on internet that connects documents to others allowing for surfing


initiates and controls all activity in system, contains circuitry that does basic operations, two major parts are control unit and arithmetic/logic unit

how is info accessed

though its stored in files but accessed in records

latency time

time for sector to rotate under the read/ write head.

transfer time

time to move data

seek time

time to move to correct track

IP address

to send messages to a device need IP add

storage capacity

total amount of storage a device has

uploading and downloading

transfering info

optical disk

uses light instead of magnets, data recorded as light and dark spots. greator storage density, lasts longer, but most cant be erased and reused and slower access speed.

binary device

uses only two discrete codes. most computers

decimal devices

uses ten descrete codes

input equipment

way data is entered into system to be proc


web addrress

search engines

web sites that allow you to look for pages


when loss of power, all data is lost

word wrap

when right margin is reached the txt goes to the next line automatically


wifi, dial up(public facility connection), cable, satelite, etc

proccessing power determined by

word size and clock rate

what 2 things determine processing power

word size and clock rate

hard disk

built into computer, greater storage density, faster access speed.


buissness activity online, B2B= buissness to buissness, B2C= to consumer, C2C= consumer 2 consumer


moving from one website to another

home page

1st page displayed when website opened


20-100 users, also called server.


2nd smallest. 4-10 users, not popular

most important component of computer systems


what do you need to process info


subcategories of the computer system

CPU/RAM, input equipment, output equipment, auxiliary storage, other peripheals

interactive proc output

CRT monitors= glass tube like tv set, redraw image, resolution, format image. raster pattern = move beam in constant pattern nd only turn on for dots.

aux storage vs RAM

RAM isexpensive, limited sizevolatile, but faster than aux. auxillary is cheap, unlimited in size, non-volatile

cylinder organization

SET OF ALL TRACKS ON ALL SURFACES AT A PARTICULAR POSITION,tracks are circles that start in the middle of disk to end each with dif amount of data. each cylinder has a "cylinder number" this is the same as the track number on the surface. track number. also need offset(address in bytes)

binary vs decimal

binary faster, simpler, cheaper.

smallest unit of info storage



bringing data from a different program into the current one and putting it into the form used by it.

what is memory called that gives each byte an address

a byte addressable memory

main memory RAM, and addresses

access memory in any order, we need an address to specify what we want though. these are bit-addressable, or byte-addressable, or word-addressable. most byte


adware or pop up generators, browser hijackers, key loggers.

storage density

amnt data stored in a given area


an applet that is added to a BROWSER improves browser like opening files

what device represents values as continuous physical measurments

analog device

web portal

anchor site that connects a variety of resources


attempt to have user provide personal info email

comercial input devices

bar code scanners, light wands, etc.

ways to input data

batch proc and interactive proc

output proc types

batch proc and interactive proc too, but in dif way

why are the main memory(RAM) and the CPU in the same category

because they work together, CPU processes but doesn't store and main memory stores but doesnt process

transmission speed

best way to get message through over the internet in noisy enviro . slow

blocking records

between each item it writes, the drive stops. there is a gap here. blocking records reduce amount of space used by gaps.

how is data represented

binary digits/bits

voice band

capacity of telaphone line

batch processing data entry equip used to make file

card punch, key to tape, key to disk

batch input equip

card reader, tape drive, disk drive

whats a spreadsheet called


track-cylinder organization

circular on disk starts in middle and each track goes to the end of the disk and has dif amnts of data.

web sites

collected of related web pages


computer to computer connection speed measurmemt

network access point

connection for the ISP to the internet

how internet works

connects thousends of usually private networks and computers to internet

two major parts of CPU

control unit, arithmetic logic unit

disk organization

coordinate system helps maintain direct access of records.

what does word processing software do

creates, edits, formats, prints, and saves txt docs

two types of disk organization

cylinder and sector

sequential access

data accessed in order first to last, economical but speed to get to a particular record slow. if data proc in order, access better

interactive processing

data entered directly proc immedietely.

what device has ten different states

decimal device

size of computer

determined by number of users they typically handle


device connected to network


device that uses service of the net work

analog vs digital device

digital is more flexible but some values cant be represented but values can be cleaned up/fixed, analog values cannot be corrected but they can all be displayed

difference in uploading and downloading


web page

docs that contain info on the web /HTML/HTTP

selecting printer factors

draft quality, letter quality, near-letter quality, laser quality,

cylinder in cylinder organization

each cylinder is a group of tracks which are in the same position but on another surface.

sector organization

each surface divided into sectors, each track on the surface of each sector, data is not always at the beginning of each sector

gap between written items on tape

inter-block gap

instant message (IM)

interacts with a message server wich sends message directly to comp

name the parts of an expert system

knowledge base and inference rules

parts of expert system

knowledge base, inference engine uses info from kno base to produce conclusions, user interface allows user to ask questions.

two considerations for buying mobile computer

large screen, light weight, proccessor, memory and storage.

what can make processing power bigger

larger word size means greater rep power means greater proc power

name operating system other than any windows



loading operating system into RAM on startup.

point of presence(POP)

local connection provided by ISP(internet service provider)

system software does

makes the hardware work, or work better


malicious software sends user an imposter site with correct URL

word size

maximum number of bits a CPU can process in a given time/ determines how much work can be done


measure how much data can be sent in a given amount of time. bits per sec

most connections require the use of a

modern, this is a modulator which changes the signal from one form to another digital to analog.

data in sector

not always at begining, needs offset(address given in bytes),

blocking factor

number of records per block(group of records)


on browser, web page is displayed. windows split into sections called frames

represational power

one bit reps 2 things. to rep more need more bit. rep power is the number of things that can be represented

magnetic tape

only form of sequential device. most useful for storing large amounts, backup, and archiving.


others see and read your email

what is a use of computers in healthcare

patient records

knowledge engineers

people who create expert system

display adapter(interactive output prc)

performs graphics processing. types = MDA,CGA,EGA,VGA,XGA,sVGA.

tracks(on magnetic tape)

position which a bit is recorded(across width of tape)


program that displays web pages, gives us access to internet


program that interprets the URL's, pages have connections to other pages called hyperlinks

productivity applications

programs that helps a user do their jobs faster

service providers

provide connection to the internet

comercial online servers

provide internet conect, and other content


provides some service to other nodes on the network


range of frequencies that make communication channel OR data that can be TRANSFERRED in a amnt of time

how does blocking records reduce gap size

read and writes groups of records instead of one ata time, only need gap between groups of records,

when data is accessed, what unit is accessed


floppy disks

recording medium flexible plastic, REMOVABLE, cant maintain constant gap, so read/write head on surface

direct access

records accessed directly, MAGNETIC DISKS disk organization makes finding records possible. less economical.

in floppy disks, r/w head on surface because

reduce friction which would slow down rate of rotation, and so r/w head can be larger


representation of information

digital device

represents values by discrete code

wireless internet service providers

same as internet service providers but wireless

hard disk access speed components

seek time, latency time, and transfer time

output batch proc interface

serial, transfers bits of the byte one after the other, slower nd cheaper/parallel= eight bytes at a time,/


set of high speed lines that connect gateways of a network in any network


set of related bytes that stores one facts. has data type (the values it can take) and field length(amount of data in the field)


set of related fields. facts that pertain to one thing


set of related files. has dat, and data about the data(metadata).


set of related records, all records pertaining to something, like students

virtual reality

simulator mimic some physical or abstract systems

device driver

small program that allows the operating system to control actions of peripheal device


small text files such as passwords saved by websites


software intended to cause harm to a comp system


software that can be obtained for free for trial period but then requires payment

input ex

sound input = microphone, image= scanner, digital camera,

forms of output

sound=speakers, images=pics and vids, direct control = computer directly controls some equipment,

art intel, natural language processing

study intended to allow computers to recognize understand and produce human language

fastest most powerful computer


expert systems

systems that mimic the action of human experts.

information technology

systems, software, and devices that create, share, and manipulate info

atrificial intelligance

tech that emulate human activities. export or knowledge based systems

interactive proc data enrty equip

text from keyboard, mouse, trackball, pointer, touch pad, touch screen, joy stick, light pen.

processing power

the amount of calculations that can be done in an amnt of time

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