International Business Chapter 1
Pros for Producers and Globalization
- Access to new markets - Access to lower cost and better production inputs - Economies of Scale - Lower risk by diversifying across markets
National Sovereignty
- All nations are sovereign entities, they have the right to govern themselves - They are the ultimate authority in their own country - They have the right to make their own choices
Cons for Workers and Globalization
- Competition from other workers - Difficult to keep improving changing skills - Reduces salaries - Unemployment - Greater Stress
Arguments against globalization undermining national sovereignty
- Countries can choose whether to enter or not - Countries can leave global treaties - Countries can violate global treaties
Pros for Workers and Globalzation
- Creates new jobs - Improves workers' skills - Creates impetus to learn new skills - Makes them valuable to a larger set of firms - Improves income
Global Institutions that help Globalization
- GATT - WTO - IMF - World Bank - UN
Cons for Producers and Globalization
- Greater competition - Difficult to improve production processes - Difficult to continually innovate - Difficult to engage in IB
Cons for the Environment and Globalization
- Greater production, more stress on the natural world - Raw materials depleted - Global warming - Oceans getting polluted and depleted - Less oversight
Pros for Governments and Globalization
- Job Creation - Higher value-creating economy - More government revenues - Greater political stability - Less ability to regulate and control competition
Cons for Government and Globalization
- Job loss - Retrenchment of an uncompetitive economy - Lower government revenues - Greater political instability - Less ability to regulate and control competition
The reasons globalization causes greater competition (3)
- Lower Prices - Higher quality - More Products
Pros for Consumers and Globalization
- Lower prices - Superior quality - More products to choose from - Customized products - Faster service
Arguments for globalization undermining national sovereignty
- Organization like WTO and IMF makes the rules - Even if don't agree, still must abide by rules - Once entered, very hard to turn back - Costly sanction for breaking rules
Globalization of production examples
- Produce different parts of the product or service in different countries - Search for lowest cost production site - Search for best skills for specific activities
Stakeholders in Globalization (5)
- Producers - Workers - Consumers - Governments - The Enviornment
Globalization of markets examples
- Sell product or service in many countries - Economies of scale - Higher revenue base
6 Factors leading to Globalization
1. Free movement of goods and services across national borders 2. Relative economic stability across the world 3. Relative political stability across the world 4. Communication Improvements 5. Technological improvements 6. Transportation improvements
The Multinational Enterprise (MNE)
A firm that engages in international investments
International Business
Any business activity that involves the transfer of resources, goods, services, knowledge, skills, or information across national boundaries
Operational nature examples include
Communication, coordination, motivation, differences in organization, principles and management philosophies
Group of 20
Comprises the finance ministers and central bank governors of the 19 largest economies in the world, plus representatives from the European Union and the European Central Bank
Home Country
Country in which MNE is headquartered and is doing business, also the country from which IB activities are controlled
Environmental Dynamics include
Currency, inflation, interest rates, accounting practices, cultures, social customs, laws, and political stability
Cons for Consumers and Globalization
Don't know what is going into the product
Globalization is driven by
Economice imperatives
International Vs. Domestic Business is significantly different due to differences in
Environmental dynamics and operational nature
International Business Includes
Exports and Imports International Investments
This has made it easier to sell internationally
Falling barriers to cross border trade
Host Country
Foreign country in which the MNE is doing business, also the country in which international activity is conducted
The Uruguay Round
Further reduced trade barriers; extended GATT to cover services as well as manufactured goods; provided enhanced protection for patents, trademarks, and copyrights; and established the World Trade Organization to police the international trading system
Major source for clashes between societies
2 Types of Globalization
Globalization of production and Globalization of markets
Globalization is the reason for
Greater Competition
International business is conducted by (4)
Individuals, companies, government and bodies, and international institutions
Globalization of Markets
Merging of historically distinct and separate national markets into one huge global marketplace
FDI is becoming (Foreign Direct Investments)
More Important aspect
Economies of scale
More produce = lower production cost
Is there a relationship between globalization and hapiness
2 types of International Investments
Passive and Active
Moore's Law
Predicts that the power of microprocessor technology doubles and its cost of production falls in half every 18 months
Process of increasing interdependence and integration of national economies
Examples of Intangible Exports and Imports
Services and Licensing
Globalization of Production
Sourcing of goods and services from locations around the globe to take advantage of national advantages in the cost and quality of factors of production
2 types of Exports and Imports
Tangible and Intangible
Pros for the Environment and Globalization
Virtually nons
Does globalization undermine national sovereignty?
Yes and No