interview questions

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tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of

one time, in ninth grade, I got a 100 on a fictional essay I was writing for English. my teacher was known for being a harsh grader and never gave out 100s. I continued to receive 100s on a lot of my essays throughout 10th and 11th grade, and I was so surprised and proud of myself because writing used to be a weakness of mine. but now I love it.

describe yourself

I am extremely hard-working and ambitious. my friends have told me multiple times that my work ethic is insane. I love to give in any way I can. I like to think about the future a lot because it's excites me. but I also tend to live in the present at the same time and can't stand sitting around doing nothing, which is why I'm constantly finding new things to learn/do.

what can you offer us that someone else can't?

I believe that I can offer unique strategies to completing tasks because I actually thrive in a busy environment and am very committed to a project once I set my mind on it.

are you a leader or a follower?

I can adapt to both roles, depends on the situation. usually, if there is already a leader, I would not try to assert myself, but if a leader is needed, I would gladly step up. overall, I don't mind being a leader or a follower because I've learned that each contributes equally to the project at hand.

what are your weaknesses?

I tend to be a little too independent. I end up concentrating a little too much when doing something, which causes me to keep to myself. I have learned that this won't allow me to exchange ideas with others. However, I know how important teamwork is in the real world, and I'm actively making an effort to be more open-minded.

how do you handle pressure?

I usually take a step back and re-evaluate the situation. then I would take some time to cool off and come up with a new game plan. lastly, I would try solving the issues from a different angle.

what questions do you have for me?

I was wondering what some of the benefits for this job was since there was no description of this position anywhere online.

what are your strengths?

I would have to say that I'm really proud of my consistent drive and my decisive problem-solving skills. I am always wanting to look for ways to improve my surroundings by carrying out tasks efficiently. I have lots of dreams for the future, so I'm actively seeking ways to enhance my experience as a professional in the real world.

what was your biggest failure?

I wouldn't consider anything I've done to be a failure because I know that failure is simply just another opportunity to learn and improve. but one instance where I did not succeed the way I want to is when...

why are you looking for a new job?

I'm at the point in my life where I believe I can successfully add another responsibility to my schedule, while also balancing school work, college admissions, and babysitting my sister. I'm looking for an opportunity to take financial matters into my own hands. more specifically, I'm in need of a car to drive to school next year. my grandparents just moved out, so there is no one to take me and my sister to school.

why are you interested in working for [insert company name]?

I've always found the boba shop environment to be very thrilling. I like challenging myself so I think that the fast-paced atmosphere will help me grow to become a more adaptive person.

tell me how you handled a difficult situation

a couple of years ago, I had a best friend all throughout freshmen year of high school. but everything suddenly changed during summer. she sent me a text message complaining of how I was a bad friend for the past year and said she didn't want to be friends anymore. although, I didn't agree with her, I accepted her feelings and respected her decision. about 2 years later, she reached out again and we're on good terms now. I learned that people aren't always going to agree with you, but as long as you're true to yourself, it won't matter.

what are some of your pet peeves?

besides for the obvious ones like chewing with your mouth open, one of my pet peeves is when people are overly curious or nosy. I learned this when I was about six or seven years old. my cousin would always go through my bag without my permission when we hung out at family gatherings, and it's been a pet peeve ever since.

what motivates you?

family (and myself). I grew up with a very supportive family, so I feel that I owe it to them to try my hardest in everything I do. however, a lot of what pushes me to be better is my strong desire within myself to grow into a more mature person, and I think the best way to do is to put myself in positions I've never been in, such as this job.

why haven't you been employed yet?

if I'm being completely honest, I've been very focused on school for the past few years, especially taking all honors or AP classes, as well as participating in club activities. for example, this summer, I'm currently studying to be on the competitive academic decathlon team (at school). simply put, I haven't had time to apply for a paid work experience.

why should we hire you?

im a very dedicated and flexible person, and I believe that I can offer unique approach to situations. I know that I will always be giving my best. I know I can dedicate a lot of my time to working here.

where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?

my dream job is to become an optometrist, so in 5 years (I'll be 22), I hope to have graduated university with a bachelor's and enter optometry school. Thus, in 10 years, I hope to be practicing optometry full time. I also desire to responsibly grow in experience and to develop my professional skills as far as I am able.

what makes you uncomfortable?

people who try to over-assert themselves. I think of myself as someone who is very organized and serious. so when someone is acting too overbearing for no apparent reason, whether it be at work or at home, I tend to get uncomfortable. Im more accustomed to an orderly environment.

what questions haven't I asked you?

should think of a question to ask what will highlight your strengths

what is your dream job?

since I was in elementary school, I've always wanted to become a doctor. right now, I have my mind set on optometry. I was never afraid of going to the doctor's office because I knew that they would make me feel safe and comfortable there, and that's a big reason why im drawn to that career. I also love to challenge myself and my favorite subject is science, so working in the medical field would really suit me.

what are some of your leadership experiences?

while volunteering for the Salvation Army, I gained a lot of experience interacting with other people. I welcomed customers, checked their ID, directed them through the food pantry, and answered phone calls all by myself.

what are your hobbies?

writing, hanging out with family (mention eating outside), playing violin, listening to music, making bracelets/keychains, cleaning when im bored

is this your first job?

yes, this is my first paid work experience. however, I have a lot of practice working in a team through various volunteer experiences with the Salvation Army and school clubs. most recently, I've been involved in a program called Clinicals in which students rotate through different clinical sites during school hours in order to shadow physicians, medical assistants, nurses and more. I've been able to improve my communication skills through these experiences, which helped me feel more confident about applying for a job.

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