Intro to Surgical Technology Final Part 2

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Which special patient populations would likely require diagnostic biopsies for verification of cryptosporidiosis, candidiasis, or cytomegalovirus infections? a. HIV/AIDS b. diabatic c. geriatric d. trauma


Which level of trauma center designation can meet all the needs required for treating patients on a 24-hour basis? a. Level I b. Level II c. Level III d. Level IV

a. Level I

Which area of concern or fear would most likely be the main focus for a toddler scheduled for surgery? a. abandonment b. body image c. mortality d. privacy

a. abandonment

Placement of a rolled sheet or pad to elevate a pregnant patient's right hip, tilting the operating room table to the left with slight Trendelenburg, or both will shift the weight of the gravid uterus and relieve pressure from the: a. abdominal aorta and vena cava b. bilateral sciatic nerves c. pelvic floor and bladder d. ureters and right kidney

a. abdominal aorta and vena cava

Which type of general category of death would most likely generate high emotional trauma for family members and a need to follow protocols for preservation of evidence in the perioperative period? a. accidental b. chronic c. prolonged d. terminal

a. accidental

What is the number one cause of death in children ages 1 to 15 in the United States? a. accidents b. carcinoma c. genetic malformations d. metabolic disorders

a. accidents

For what type of research was Sister Callista Roy best known? a. adaptation model b. hierarchy of needs c. patient care partnership d. five stages of grief

a. adaptation model

A patient undergoing bariatric surgery may require extra time for general anesthetic reversal because anesthetic agents may be accumulated in and slowly eliminated from what type of tissue? a. adipose fat b. hypertrophic liver c. lung alveoli d. smooth muscle

a. adipose fat

For which type of transmission-based disease would health care workers need to be fitted for an N-95 respirator mask? a. airborne b. contact c. droplet d. vector-borne

a. airborne

Multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis are examples of: a. autoimmune diseases b. congenital anomalies c. demyelinating processes d. hereditary disorders

a. autoimmune diseases

Which of the following procedures would be surgical treatment for an elderly patient's psychological dissatisfaction with his or her appearance? a. blepharoplasty and rhytidectomy b. laparoscopic cholecystectomy c. transurethral resection of prostate d. extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy

a. blepharoplasty and rhytidectomy

Physical forces of deceleration, acceleration, compression, and shearing are factors in which type of injuries? a. blunt b. electrical c. hypothermia d. penetrating

a. blunt

Which organs or tissues can be recovered after death or after a patient has already been removed from life support? a. bone b. heart c. liver d. pancreas

a. bone

What other condition frequently suffered by obese patients and discovered intraoperatively may be treated surgically in conjunction with a bariatric procedure? a. cholelithiasis b. degenerative osteoarthritis c. non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus d. obstructive sleep apnea

a. cholelithiasis

Overgrowth of which microorganism is most likely responsible for pediatric cases of enterocolitis following antibiotic therapy? a. clostridium difficile b. Escherichia coli c. Helicobacter pylori d. Staphylococcus aureus

a. clostridium difficile

Which of the following activities would present no risk of contracting HIV from an infected individual? a. conversation in close proximity b. pregnancy and childbirth c. sharing used hypodermic needles d. unprotected sexual relations

a. conversation in close proximity

Denial, rationalization, regression, and repression are common forms of what type of mechanisms? a. coping b. diagnostic c. physiological d. treatment

a. coping

What is a normal human emotion that surgical team members may feel for their patients, but must not interfere with their abilities to maintain focus on their jobs, particularly in all-hazards situations? a. empathy b. eustress c. repression d. reconciliation

a. empathy

Approximately 80 % of which special patient population presents to surgery with one or more comorbid conditions? a. geriatric b. pregnant c. pediatric d. sensory impaired

a. geriatric

Which of the following needs of the surgical patient is related to anatomy and physiology, genetics, and pathology? a. physical b. psychological c. social d. spiritual

a. physical

Which patient condition might be characterized by physical appearance of flat nasal bridge and short neck with some impairment of cognitive ability and growth, slower speech, and an affectionate to elingy persona? a. Alzheimer's disease b. Down syndrome c. juvenile diabetes d. pituitary dwarfism

b. Down syndrome

Which of the following religions typically prohibits its followers from receiving blood transfusions? a. Roman Catholic b. Jehovah's Witness c. Mormon d. Protestant

b. Jehovah's Witness

In recognition of which religion's death rites would the operating room staff allow the deceased patient's son or other relative to close the eyes and mouth and wash the body after removal from the surgical suite? a. Catholic b. Jewish c. Jehovah's Witness d. Mormon

b. Jewish

Which of the following legislative rulings requires medical facilities to inform patients of their rights to choose the types and extent of medical care available and their legal right to advance directives? a. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act b. Patient Self-Determination Act c. Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act d. Affordable Care Act

b. Patient Self-Determination Act

To preserve evidence in a criminal case, what might be done to the patient's hands if the patient does not require surgery? a. A hand sanitizer is rubbed into the skin of the hands. b. bags are placed around the hands and taped in place c. Sterile oversized gloves are placed on both hands. d. A surgical scrub brush and water are used to 2 inches above the elbows.

b. bags are placed around the hands and taped in place

Which area of concern or fear would MOST likely be the main focus for a teenage patient having surgery ? a. abandonment b. body image c. insurance coverage d. mortality

b. body image

For which condition would a patient coming to the operating room likely need an interpreter? a. total blindness b. complete deafness c. Down syndrome d. vegetative state

b. complete deafness

Bariatric patients undergoing surgery and in the immediate postoperative period should have sequential compression devices applied to the lower extremities to prevent: a. congestive heart failure b. deep vein thrombosis c. hypovolemic shock d. respiratory arrest

b. deep vein thrombosis

Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of which body system? a. cardiovascular b. endocrine c. genitourinary d. integumentary

b. endocrine

What type of life-support treatment would be considered ultimately futile and its benefits far outweighed by the financial and emotional burden suffered by the family and health care system? a. curative b. extraordinary c. ordinary d. palliative

b. extraordinary

Who would be responsible for seeking consent from family members for organ donation after a patient is determined to have suffered whole-brain death? a. family's spiritual advisor (pastor, priest, rabbi, etc.) b. facility's gift of life coordinator c. patient's durable power of attorney d. surgical department chairpersorn

b. facility's gift of life coordinator

During a surgical procedure on a pregnant patient, the surgical technologist in the scrub role may be asked to palpate what area to detect possible contractions? a. carotid artery b. gavid uterus c. radial artery d. xiphoid process

b. gavid uterus

What is the name of the device used to test the blood of patients with diabetes for metabolic status? a. acetometer b. glucometer c. insulometer d. ketometer

b. glucometer

A person with only basic physiological functions of respiration, blood pressure, and heartbeat intact is categorized as having suffered which kind of death? a. cardiac b. higher brain c. sudden d. whole-brain statement

b. higher brain

What is the chemical and physiological classification of insulin? a. carbohydrate b. hormone c. protein d. sugar

b. hormone

Which diagnosis could create a social stigma and possible overdramatization of exposure risk by health care workers? a. carcinoma of the lung b. human immunodeficiency virus c. morbid obesity d. type II diabetes mellitus

b. human immunodeficiency virus

Which of the following is a common response of pediatric patients to injury and may result in gastric dilatation? a. assuming a fetal position b. hyperventilation c. projectile vomiting d. syncope and collapse

b. hyperventilation

A patient with acquired immunodeficiency virus may have complications of multiple infections from diseases considered to be: a. benign b. opportunistic c. symbiotic d. transient

b. opportunistic

What type of procedure or care provides a terminal patient with symptom relief or avoidance and improves quality of the remaining life expectancy? a. definitive b. palliative c. supportive d. therapeutic

b. palliative

The death of a patient from complications of asthma or high blood pressure would be categorized as which general category of cause of death? a. accidental b. prolonged c. sudden d. terminal

b. prolonged

During which part of pregnancy would an abdominal surgery be considered safest for both mother and fetus? a. first trimester b. second trimester c. third trimester d. concurrent with delivery

b. second trimester

The term golden hour refers to reduction of morbidity and mortality of which type of patient population? a. pregnant patients b. trauma victims c. premature neonates d. organ transplant recipients

b. trauma victims

What type ofphysiological measurement method is rarely done ina neonatal patient due to risk of anatomical trauma? a. cut-down intra-arterial catheter placement b. urethral catheterization for urinary output c. esophageal temperature probe placement d. pulse oximetry for blood oxygen saturation

b. urethral catheterization for urinary output

A patient may be considered a candidate for donation after cardiac death (DCD) if his or her heart is predicted to cease functioning within what period of time after removal from mechanical support? a. immediately b. 30 minutes c. 90 minutes d. 3 hours

c. 90 minutes

Under what circumstances would many hospitals rescind (invalidate) a "Do Not Resuscitate/Do Not Intubate" order? a. A patient is admitted to ICU with pneumonia. b. A family member disagrees with patient's wishes. c. A patient must undergo a therapeutic surgical procedure d. A perianesthesia nurse discovers an unresponsive patient in the PCU

c. A patient must undergo a therapeutic surgical procedure

Which of the following religions believes in reincarnation and that the rebirth is influenced by the previous death experience? a. Judaism b. Muslim c. Buddhism d. atheism

c. Buddhism

All of the following national agencies have regulations or protocols for healthcare workers who may be exposed to infectious diseases in their work environment EXCEPT: a. CDC b. NIOSH c. NFPA d. OSHA


Which broad category of routes of transmission of microorganisms includes food water, and medical devices and equipment? a. airborne b. droplet c. common vehicle d. vector-borne

c. common vehicle

What does Sister Callista Roy define as "all conditions, circumstances, and influences that surround and affect the development and behavior of the person"? a. adaptation b. development c. enviroment d. synchronization

c. enviroment

Which of the following terms represents a positive physical and psychological state of a patient? a. distress b. dyspnea c. eustress d. euthanasia

c. eustress

Maslow 's research produced a hierarchical structure of ______________ a. administrative authority b. pathological diseases c. human progression d. insurance reimbursement

c. human progression

Because of the types of drugs used to prevent rejection of a transplanted organ, the recipient patient is considered to have which of the following? a. autoimmune disorder b. immunodeficiency syndrome c. immunosupressed status d. T-lymphocyte compromise

c. immunosupressed status

Which body system is highly susceptible to injury during positioning of bariatric and geriatric patients? a. cardiovascular b. digestive c. integumentary d. respiratory

c. integumentary

In a surgical procedure on a severely injured trauma patient, which of the following measures is of utmost importance? a. performing accurate sponge, sharps, and instrument counts b. prepping all traumatic wounds with a pulse lavage device c. keeping the patient's spine in alignment during changes in position d. keeping the patient's body temperature well below 35°C (95°F)

c. keeping the patient's spine in alignment during changes in position

What is the term for the mechanism of injury in a trauma patient that takes into account velocity of the injuring force, flexibility of the tissue, and shape of the injuring force? a. advance directive b. informatics c. kinematics d. trauma designation

c. kinematics

Which of the following terms describes a set of therapies that preserve a patient's life when body systems are not functioning sufficiently? a. advance directives b. hierarchy of needs c. life support d. therapeutic surgery

c. life support

Which organ is responsible for the faiture to produceinsulin in a patient with type I diabetes? a. kidney b. liver c. pancreas d. spleen

c. pancreas

A terminally ill patient whose advance directive is to refuse any life - saving efforts by health care workers is choosing which type of euthanasia? a. active b. involuntary c. passive d. voluntary

c. passive

Conditions such as severe arthritis, contractures, and tremors are categorized under which type of challenge? a. cognitive b. developmental c. physical d. sensory

c. physical

Which of the following is NOT a potential risk from administration of general anesthesia to a pregnant patient? a. fetal death b. lower birth weight c. placenta previa d. preterm labor

c. placenta previa

What is a common potential side effect of all forms of antibiotic therapy for major pediatric infections? a. hypovolemic shock b. kernicterus c. pseudomembranous entercolitis d. tooth enamel staining and hypoplasia

c. pseudomembranous entercolitis

Which anesthetic method helps reduce the anxiety and stress experienced by pediatric surgical patients? a. awake intubation b. Bier block c. rapid induction d. spinal continuous drip

c. rapid induction

What is a coping mechanism often seen in children reacting to trauma? a. adaptation b. denial c. regression d. trivializing

c. regression

Which of the following needs identified by Maslow would likely be MOST prominent in a surgical patient's mind? a. esteem b. love and belonging c. safety d. self-actualization

c. safety

Which physiological response to environmental temperature changes is missing or undeveloped in an infant of less than 6 months of age? a. fever b. flushing c. shivering d. shock

c. shivering

What is the usual cause of a clavicular fracture of a neonate during a vaginal delivery? a. cephalopelvic disproportion b. placenta previa c. shoulder dystocia d. use of surgical forceps

c. shoulder dystocia

SIDS (formerly known as "crib death") is categorized as which general category of cause of death? a. accidental b. prolonged c. sudden d. terminal

c. sudden

Which classification of antibiotics is contraindicated for use in neonates due to increased incidence of kernicterus? a. cephalosporins b. penicillins c. sulfonamides d. tetracyclins

c. sulfonamides

An emergency laparotomy would be the indicated treatment for all of the following postoperative bariatric surgery complications EXCEPT: a. abdominal catastrophe b. gastric perforation c. thrombophlebitis d. bowel strangulation

c. thrombophlebitis

Morbid obesity refers to patients whose body weight is greater than how many pounds over their ideal weight? a. 15 b. 50 c. 75 d. 100

d. 100

Kaposi's sarcoma is sometimes seen in combination with which of the following diseases? a. TB b. HBV c. HPV d. AIDS


A surgical technologist working in a Veteran's Administration (VA) facility might frequently encounter patients with which of the following conditions? a. COPD b. DCIS c. IDDM d. PTSD


In which pediatric age group would all of the craniofacial sinuses be fully developed? a. neonatal b. toddler c. preschooler d. adolescent

d. adolescent

Which of the following is NOT a form of advance directive? a. do not resuscitate (DNR) b. durable power of attorney c. donation after cardiac death d. document of self-actualization

d. document of self-actualization

For what type of research was Elizabeth Kubler-Ross best known? a. adaptation model b. hierarchy of needs c. patient care partnership d. five stages of grief

d. five stages of grief

Vomiting from preoperative narcotics can predispose patients with diabetes to fluid and electrolyte imbalances resulting in: a. hypertension b. hypotension c. hyperglycemia d. hypoglycemia

d. hypoglycemia

Which of the following is the major cause of serious trauma suffered by pediatric patients? a. bicycle falls b. birth injuries c. electrical burns d. motor vehicle accidents

d. motor vehicle accidents

High-or low-velocity projectiles are factors in which type of injuries? a. blunt b. electrical c. hypothermia d. penetrating

d. penetrating

In what way can the surgical technologist who is setting up his or her back table and Mayo stand reduce an 18- month-old patient's anxiety prior to induction of anesthesia? a. Wave to and joke with patient, while maintaining distance from unsterile areas. b. Break scrub and hold patient down on bed during IV placement. c. Leave room when patient enters to reduce number of persons in room, returning after anesthesia induction. d. perform normal duties of preparation of the sterile field, keeping as quiet as possible for induction

d. perform normal duties of preparation of the sterile field, keeping as quiet as possible for induction

Which of the following is NOT one of the "Five Stages of Grief"? a. acceptance b. bargaining c. denial d. repression

d. repression

Which position enhances a bariatric patient's total lung volume and aids in ventilation? a. lateral chest b. low-lithotomy c. Trendelenburg d. reverse Trendelenburg

d. reverse Trendelenburg

Which of the following levels so Maslow's hierarchy of needs is the pinnacle and can be accomplished only when all other needs are met? a. esteem b. love and belonging c. physiological and safety d. self-actualization

d. self-actualization

What is the MOST common type of shock seen in infants and children? a. cardiogenic b. hypervolemic c. hypovolemic d. septic

d. septic

Which of the following needs of the surgical patient is related to the identification and understanding of an individual's place in the universe and may include his or her views on theology, philosophy, or mythology? a. physical b. psychological c. social d. spiritual

d. spiritual

Which organ is MOST often injured in motor vehicle accidents? a. brain b. heart c. liver d. spleen

d. spleen

For which special patient population group would the help of a counselor or social worker who could communicate the current state of mind or mood of the patient to the OR staff be of benefit to all parties involved? a. geriatric b. isolation c. pediatric d. substance abuse

d. substance abuse

Which special patient population group has a 30%-80% statistical likelihood of coexisting psychiatric illness in addition to the diagnosis for which they are coming to surgery? a. HIV/AIDS b. geriatric c. physically challenged d. substance abuse

d. substance abuse

The patient statement " I know I will be in a better place" is part of: a. a coping mechanism b. the hierarchy of needs c. a physiological stressor d. the acceptance stage of grief

d. the acceptance stage of grief

Which of the following diagnoses is currently used in most jurisdictions of the world to define a state of irreversible death? a. higher brain death b. myocardial infarction c. respiratory arrest d. whole brain death

d. whole brain death

Which of the following conditions was defined by the Harvard School of Medicine and include the following physical signs: flat EEG, unresponsiveness, lowered body temperature, and absent pupil reflexes? a. acute myocardial infarction b. higher brain death c. respiratory arrest d. whole-brain death

d. whole-brain death

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