Introduction to Joint Fundamentals

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How many principles of Joint Operations are there?

12 (9 principles of war; 3 additional principles)

What provides full authority for a CCDR to perform those functions of command over assigned forces necessary to accomplish the missions assigned to the command?

Combatant Command (Command Authority) (COCOM)

_____ is the authority that a commander in the armed forces lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment.


_____ helps commanders and staffs understand the operational environment and achieve information superiority. It identifies enemy capabilities and vulnerabilities, projects probable intentions and actions, and is a critical aspect of the joint planning process and execution of operations.


_____ employment is the use of available weapons and other systems to create a specific lethal or nonlethal effect on a target.

Joint Fires

The _____ system provides many things, including the means by which the President and the SecDef can receive warnings and intelligence so that accurate and timely decisions can be made.

National Military Command

What are the principles of Joint Operations?

Objective; Offensive; Mass; Maneuver; Economy of force; Unity of command; Security; Surprise; Simplicity; Restraint; Perseverance; Legitimacy

The _____ focuses on planning and execution of operations using operational art to develop strategies, campaigns, and operations and employ military forces by integrating ends, ways, and means.

Operational level

_____ is an authority over assigned or attached forces or commands, or military capability or forces.

Tactical Control (TACON)

Difference between the Services in career paths leading up to a joint assignment may surprise new staff Service members in joint assignments. This demonstrates which key element to remember when working with other services?

***NOT*** Static vs. dynamic mission sets

the purpose of a(n) _____ action is to concentrate the effects of combat power at the most advantageous place and time to produce decisive results.

***NOT*** objective

_____ encompasses the exercise of authority, responsibility, and direction by a commander over assigned and attached forces to accomplish the mission.

Command and control (C2)

This implies cross-Service combination where the capability of the joint force is greater than the capabilities of individual components.


Select the answer that matches the following definition. This purpose of joint operations is to project power in areas which access and freedom to operate are challenged.

Maintain a safe, secure, and effective nuclear deterrent

The purpose of a(n) _____ action is to place the enemy in a position of disadvantage through the flexible application of combat power.


_____ is the routine contact and interaction between U.S. Armed Forces and other nation's armed forces, foreign and domestic civilian authorities, and agencies to build trust and confidence.

Military engagement

The _____ exercise ADCON through their respective Service Chiefs over the Service.

Secretaries of the Military Departments

_____ is the logistics and personal services necessary to maintain and prolong operations until mission accomplishment. This provides the JFC flexibility, endurance and the ability to extend operational reach.


Joint Command Organizations include:

Unified Combatant Command; Specified Combatant Command; Subordinate Unified Command; Joint Task Force

This type of command is composed of significant assigned components of two or more military departments.

Unified Combatant command

What components are some of the components that can constitute a Joint Force?

Various services, associated civilians supporting governmental and private sector workforces, Department of Defense (DoD) agencies

A service component command comprises is _____.

assigned to CCDR, comprised of Service forces, provides Service-specific functions

Select the answer that matches the following definition: This purpose of joint operations is to defend national interests, not only in conflict, but through preventive measures to deter potential adversaries who could threaten the vital interests of the U.S. or its partners.

deter and defeat aggression

The principles of organization for Joint Command and Control include:

simplicity; span of control; unit integrity; interoperability

A Functional Component Command has many favorable factors associated with it, including reduced span of control, integrated planning, unity of effort, and _____.

control over the scheme of maneuver

A functional component command is _____.

established when two or more Services operate in the same physical domain, integrates planning, reduces span of control, improves: combat efficiency, information flow, unity of efforts, weapons systems management, component interaction, control over the scheme of maneuver

Select the answer that matches the following definition. This purpose of joint operation is to conduct a sustainable pace of presence operations abroad, including rotational deployments and bilateral and multilateral training exercise.

provide a stabilizing presence.

The _____ is comprised of Department of Defense policies, plans, procedures assets, and resources that ensure continuity of its component mission-essential functions under all circumstances, including crisis, attack, recovery, and reconstruction.

***NOT*** Joint Force Commanders communication tool

Some Services have an emphasis that vacillates between combat, law enforcement, and safety patrols. This demonstrates which key element to remember when working with other services?

***NOT*** base-centric vs. ship-centric

A _____ is a series of related major operations aimed at achieving strategic and operational objectives within a given time and space.


The _____ is the principal military advisor to the President, the SecDef, National Security Council, and the homeland Security Council.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Who has the authority to tailor forces for the mission at hand by selecting those that can effectively and efficiently ensure success?

Joint Forces Commander (JFC)

This is the purposeful reliance on one another's capabilities to maximize complementary and reinforcing efforts.

Joint interdependence

What are broad operations that can be integrated and adapted to a commander's requirements?

Military engagement, combat, security, relief and reconstruction

_____ includes moving or deploying forces into an operational area and maneuvering them within the time-line and to the operational depth necessary to achieve objectives. This function uses organic and supporting means and methods that allow a commander to choose where and when to engage an adversary or take best advantage of geographic and environmental conditions.

Movement and maneuver

_____ is the command authority that may be exercised by commanders at any echelon at or below the level of CCMD and may be delegated within the command.

Operational Control (OPCON)

Select the answer that matches the following definition. This purpose of joint operations is to defend national interests, not only in conflict but through preventative measures to deter potential adversaries who could threaten the vital interests of the U.S. or its partners.

Project power despite anti-access/area denial challenges

_____ focuses on conserving the joint force's fighting potential through: active defensive measures that protect the joint force from an adversary's attack; passive defensive measures that make friendly forces, systems, and facilities difficult to locate, strike, and destroy; technology and procedures that reduce the risk of fratricide; emergency management and response to reduce the loss of personnel and capabilities due to accidents, health threats, and natural disasters.


What are the roles of a joint forces commander (JFC)?

Provide clear intent and timely communication; transfer forces and other capabilities; provide information; delegate authority

_____ are the broad and enduring purposes for which the Services and the Combatant commands (or CCMDs) were established by law.


What are Joint Task Force organizational options?

Service component command; functional component command

As an example of General vs. Specialized Enlisted Forces, Navy and Air Force Service members, accustomed to working with enlisted personnel who are specialized technicians, may approach joint staff work from a more _____ perspective than that of their ground Service member counterparts.

Technical or managerial

_____ synchronizes planning for cyberspace operations.

U.S. Strategic Command

The purpose of organization for Joint Command and Control include:

analyze; determine course of action (COA); carry out course of action (COA)

Land-based forces gravitate toward a control mindset endemic of a higher headquarter model. This demonstrates which key element to remember when working with other services?

centralized vs. decentralized approach

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