jeopardy season 36 (1)

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Edmund Muskie


This coif never really goes out of style

the mullet

Bullock's & Baltimore


An island group of the Western Pacific held by Germany until WWI, it bears the name of a German Chancellor

Bismarck Archipelago

After an attack at 2 mosques in this city, PM Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand banned most semi-automatic weapons in 2019


"Death Comes for the Antonia"

Death Comes for the Archbishop

Rubble or Boop


By Eric Carle: "The Very ___ Spider"


2011 was busy for Rachel Weisz & this Bond actor; the pair starred in "Dream House" & got married

Daniel Craig

In 1227 this Asian conqueror was buried in a secret & still unknown location

Genghis Khan

This character complains to Antony about Cleopatra's "contestation"


"___ Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis"


The "D" in DC Comics refers to this profession


Sadly isolated


A TV writer & producer, Maria Semple more recently wrote the bestseller "Where'd You Go" her


She's known for her bold & whimsical designs & for her hair extensions: B.J.

Betsey Johnson

Chris Pratt's "beta" raptor from "Jurassic World" was named this, like the coloration on its skin


A dog that gave its name to a Richard Nixon speech


Here's a building in UNAM in Mexico City that is the school's Institute of this


Planet No. 2 changes one letter & becomes a place where an event is held

Venus to venue

Ultramarine was the ultra-essential to this Dutchman's "Woman in Blue Reading a Letter"


An American symbol:BAGEL DEAL

a bald eagle

In 1698 Peter the Great wanted his wife, Eudoxia, to become an ex-this & forced her into a nunnery

a czarina or empress

Road-building & irrigation--lots of infrastructure investment by this S. American people who ruled an empire of nearly 12 million

the Inca

With 20, in 2018-19 Morgan Rielly led the NHL in goals by a player at this position where scoring isn't your first job

a defenseman

Featuring Clapton, Winwood & Baker, 1969's Blind Faith has been described as the 1st rock band to be one of these special formations

a supergroup

A word that means the same as another word

a synonym

Jefferson likened liberty to one of these that must be "refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

a tree

An absolute ruler; in ancient Greece it was one who seized power illegally

a tyrant

Aided & this got you in legal trouble


Time to get on the ship! All this!


To hastily depart to avoid capture, perhaps with the money, too


From a word meaning "circular", it's a world revolution

an orbit

There are over 160 stories in Dubai, & this 2,717' building has every one of 'em! This building'll make you say gee, wiz!

the Burj Khalifa

The Russian revolution saw this 4-letter legislative body fade away

the Duma

"Vela En El Viento"

"A Candle In The Wind"

A museum founded by Pope Gregory XVI is dedicated to the antiquities & art of these darn ancient Italian people

the Etruscans

Calling TV "a vast wasteland" in 1961 was no less an authority than Newton Minow, chairman of this commission

the FCC

In a Marine Corps recruiting slogan, this 3-letter word means "uncommon"

the Few

In "Good Omens", this biblical group was updated a bit for the times with a new member: Pollution

the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

In "Jersey Boys" Frankie Valli, lead singer of this group, narrates the section of the play dubbed "Winter"

the Four Seasons

Before Charlemagne was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 800, he was dubbed king of these people

the Franks

Formed in 1977, this Marxist British post-punk band took its name from a group infamously led by Mao's widow

the Gang of Four

Sacred to Hindus, this river begins in a Himalayan ice cave more than 10,000 feet above sea level

the Ganges

Tyler, the Creator raps, "I am" this character, "Tell your homeboy in a red suit to chill, before I ban him from Who-ville"

the Grinch

Frank Lloyd Wright was in his 90s when he supervised construction of his final masterpiece, this museum

the Guggenheim

Manhattan Island is bounded by the Harlem River, the East River & this river

the Hudson

"Democracy demands wisdom", says the website of the NEH, the National Endowment for these

the Humanities

This organization, the IMF, was created in the 1940s to promote global trade & to secure financial stability

the International Monetary Fund

Here is the 6,000-mile journey known as this, taken in 1934-35

the Long March

Te Reo is the language of this New Zealand people

the Maori

The final stages of this oddly mobile seed with a "national" name ' is the emergence of a moth that has cocooned inside

the Mexican jumping bean

This gathering with a numerical and alliterative name drew hundreds of thousands of black men to Washington, D.C.

the Million Man March

This Canadian police organization is famous for its musical ride of 32 officers on horseback

the Mounties

In 1977 the Soviet icebreaker Arktika became the first surface ship to reach it

the North Pole

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) The Earth wobbles as it spins, moving the Polar Axis through the sky, so 12,000 years from now, Vega will replace Polaris as this

the North Star

Marathon: This empire

the Persian Empire

Made famous by Walt Disney, this student uses magic while his teacher is away, leading to loads of trouble

the Sorcerer\'s Apprentice

These are found in Rome, though they sound like they should be in Madrid

the Spanish Steps

In 1991 the German government allowed access to personal files from this East German secret police force

the Stasi

Playing a shell game, J├╕rn Utzon won a 1957 design competition for what would become this Australian landmark

the Sydney Opera House

Tilbury & Southend-on-Sea lie on this river, along with many other British-sounding places

the Thames

The Lanterne Rouge goes to the athlete who finishes last in this long race; in 1931 Richard "Fatty" Lamb took the prize

the Tour de France

This fortress & prison complex was begun around 1078 by William the Conqueror

the Tower of London

During this part of a military wedding, swords are drawn & the bride & groom pass through the arch

the recessional

Not sparing it to spoil the child in "The Children's Friend" in 1821, Santa left parents "a long, black birchen" this to use

the rod

Perennials like mountain hemlock & lodgepole pine are found near, but not above, this natural boundary at about 9,500 feet

the timberline

It's the lowest-sounding member of the brass section

the tuba

It's the name for the set of drums seen here


This sledding sport probably originated on the slopes of Montreal


You pledge your this 5-letter word when engaging to marry


A: in Genesis 20:2, he says his wife is his sister


The graphic thriller "Whiteout" takes place at McMurdo station in this very remote place


A list of the best ones might include Partagas & Cohiba Siglos

Cuban cigars

Taking place on the eve of this invasion, 2018's "Overlord" features less-than-human Nazis


D: this German died in 1900, a quarter century before his firm merged with that of Karl Benz


Rugs called Roskilde, Silkeborg & Osted are among things bearing names of towns not in Sweden but in this country


This daughter of Jacob & Leah is seduced by Shechem, leading to a horrible revenge by her brothers on his family


In the 2019 Western Conference Final this Warrior not named Steph or Klay led both teams in rebounds, assists, steals & blocks

Draymond Green

Cáemgen in Gaelic, the 7th century's Saint Kevin is a patron saint of this capital city


Had Rum, North Carolina

Durham [HAD RUM]

In the title of a bestseller by Gail Honeyman, this woman "is Completely Fine"

Eleanor Oliphant

"Women in Defense" (documentary short) commentary written by (1941)

Eleanor Roosevelt

Florence Graham said she got this pseudonym & brand name from Tennyson's poem "Enoch Arden"

Elizabeth Arden

Named for a child kidnapped in 1996, an Amber Alert is short for "America's Missing: Broadcast" these 2 words

Emergency Response

The Source magazine began a feud with this Detroit rapper & film star, but he put a "Nail In The Coffin" on that


As it says on the 1941 Uncle Sam "I Want You" poster, do this "Now"!


"Fear of Fifty" was "A Midlife Memoir" by this "Fear of Flying" author

Erica Jong

Founded in 1885, this magazine established an institute to test consumer goods, which might get its seal of approval

Good Housekeeping

Sofia Vergara & this hunky husband co-star in Hulu's "Better Ruins Everything" commercials

Joe Manganiello

About Mr. Tribbiani, who spins off to Los Angeles to continue his acting dreams


A rock star: Aaron Taylor-Johnson in "Nowhere Boy" & Ian Hart in "Backbeat"

John Lennon

Part of "Being" this actor was getting inside the head of Poirot in a recent TV miniseries called "The ABC Murders"

John Malkovich

This actor's diary & pistol are at Ford's Theatre

John Wilkes Booth

Visitors often leave pennies face up on the Baltimore grave of this assassin

John Wilkes Booth

Steven Spielberg called this composer "the single most significant contributor" to his "success as a filmmaker"

John Williams

The hospital system of this university known for its school of medicine employs 31,000 Marylanders

Johns Hopkins

He was recovering from typhoid fever when he was inaugurated Vice President on March 4, 1865


This 7-letter last name of 2 U.S. Presidents is particularly common in Minnesota, Nebraska, Wisconsin & both Dakotas


"Fourth Grade Nothing" Peter Hatcher & Sally J. Freedman as herself

Judy Blume

While famously going around the world in 72 days, Bly met this author who told her how her route differed from Phileas Fogg's

Jules Verne

On "SNL" Dan Aykroyd once portrayed this Emmy-award-winning chef having a little difficulty preparing a chicken

Julia Child

In an ex-terminal, designed by Eero Saarinen, the TWA Hotel has 500-plus ultra-quiet rooms with views of this airport's runway

Kennedy Airport

The name of this single-use coffee brand is derived from the Dutch word for "excellence"


President of Marvel Studios

Kevin Feige

In 2017 Billy Bob Thornton took home the gold for his role as lawyer Billy McBride taking on the big guys on this drama


She thanked her "one and only love" Kevin Bacon when she won for "The Closer"

Kyra Sedgwick

A Pace├▒o is from this South American capital

La Paz

The Romaine River is a small part of Canada's longest provincial boundary between Quebec and this vast mainland region


In Poe's "The Raven", her whispered name is heard in the darkness


This Real Housewife of Beverly Hills is Mrs. Harry Hamlin

Lisa Rinna

"The Girl Who Lived Twice" is the latest novel featuring this tattooed heroine introduced by Stieg Larsson

Lisbeth Salander

In 1040 Scottish King Duncan I was slain in battle & this man known to readers of Shakespeare succeeded him


For more than 200 years, Spain has made people rich on Christmas with the Lotería de this


While the Crimean War was raging, this mountainous land fought a less well-known war with its neighbor Tibet


This toy brand said, "Throw it around indoors; you can't damage can't hurt babies or old people"


About 3 million people live in this state--51,000 work for MGM Resorts International


Martinez is number 1 in this state where Susana Martinez was governor from 2011 to 2019

New Mexico

If you're having beignets, at Cafe du Monde, you're living the high life in this city

New Orleans

The London Metropolitan Police has licensed this "New" name on a forensics kit for kids

New Scotland Yard

You'll find this state in Australia's lower right-hand corner

New South Wales

In 1703 this scientist had enough gravitas to be named president of the society


Arianism, which argued that God & Jesus weren't one & the same, was condemned by the 4th c. council of this "Creed" city


(VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE) If you visit this country, you can enter the room where Edvard Grieg did his composing in the home he built


Splitting from Sweden in 1905, this nation got its monarchy restored; Haakon VII became king & reigned until 1957


The album "Beerbongs & Bentleys" topped the Billboard 200, going pillar to him

Post Malone

The official residence of King Mohammed VI of Morocco is the Dar al-Makhzen Royal Palace in this capital city


About Ms. Morgenstern, who leaves Minneapolis to give New York one last chance


The Royal Portuguese Cabinet of Reading isn't in Portugal, but in this carnival city

Rio de Janeiro

"Lethal White" is the fourth Cormoran Strike novel J.K. Rowling has written using this pseudonym

Robert Galbraith

Jason Bourne, a whole lot of people chasing Jason Bourne

Robert Ludlum

Hildene, a Georgian Revival mansion in Vermont, was built at the turn of the 20th century by this son of Abraham Lincoln

Robert Todd Lincoln

2018: "On the Basis of Sex"

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

A peak in Oregon's Wallowa Mountains is named for this Shoshone interpreter


Norman Mineta became the first Asian-American mayor of a major U.S. city when he took over this tech town near San Francisco in 1971

San Jose

Texas' Swift Single Malt Whiskey is made from barley imported from this whisky homeland


Ordering these sea creatures got you a packet of brine shrimp eggs instead of primates


American Airlines Captain Beverley Bass was piloting one of the 38 planes that were diverted to Newfoundland on this date

September 11th

In 2017 this Cherokee syllabary inventor appeared on the reverse of the $1 coin


Tiny Vukovar Island in the Danube River is claimed by both of these former members of Yugoslavia

Serbia and Croatia

This line begins the nursery rhyme that also says, "Wasn't that a dainty dish to set before a king?"

Sing a song of sixpence

Check out the 130-foot Rain Vortex at Changi Airport in this city state island country directly below Malaysia


It's the most common last name in over half of the 50 states


Playwright August Strindbergs home, with rooms that he furnished like stage sets, is now his museum in this capital


"Hughes" was chiseled off this poet's headstone so often by her admirers that the surname was then cast in bronze

Sylvia Plath

Western Air Express & Transcontinental Air Transport formed what would be this company in 1930, but it got absorbed by Am. Airlines in 2001

TWA (Trans World)

These punk rockers: "Should I Stay Or Should I Go"

The Clash

Mark Haddon got the title of this novel from an observation made by Sherlock Holmes in an 1892 story

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

C.S. Lewis' review of this 1937 work by pal J.R.R. Tolkien said, "Prediction is dangerous but" it "may well prove a classic"

The Hobbit

The appetite for this 2008 dystopian bestseller, the first in a series, has yet to be quenched

The Hunger Games

"The Iceman Becomes Electra"

The Iceman Cometh

In 1943 the L.A.times said this "tale of a little boy from a very little asteroid" was "so big with meaning"

The Little Prince

In 1932 this London newspaper started using the New Roman typeface named for it

The London Times

This Netflix show is a chilling reworking of Shirley Jackson's gothic horror tale

The Lottery

Rachel Brosnahan portrays a strong woman in this period comedy on Amazon & won Golden Globes for her work in 2018 & 2019

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

In this long cinematic "Story", Atreyu loses his horse Artax in the swamp of sadness, devastating many a child of the '80s

The NeverEnding Story

The Pigeon sisters (not enough? okay...). Felix & Oscar

The Odd Couple

One of Roger Moore's final films was this 2017 TV remake, but Adam Rayner, not Roger, played Simon Templar

The Saint

1994:Red Redding, a lifer at a Maine prison

The Shawshank Redemption

In this Thomas Harris thriller, the death's-head's hawk moth is used by the villain Buffalo Bill

The Silence of the Lambs

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew is at Profiles in History in Calabasas, CA.) Here's the outfit James Gandolfini wore in the final scene at the diner of this Emmy-winning drama series before they cut to black

The Sopranos

This island play that involves a lot of sorcery is the only place he used "sorceries"

The Tempest

From 1984, it "is out there! doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. & it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead"

The Terminator

On Jan. 25, 1959 John XXIII called for this, the 21st ecumenical council of the church, but it sounds more like the 1st sequel

Vatican II

The double-talk name of this Washington city may come from a Native American word meaning "small rapid rivers"

Walla Walla

The Lilly clan's annual family reunion near Beckley in this "Mountain State" has had as many as 75,000 attendees

West Virginia

Tennessee's Ole Smoky Distillery bottles this electric-sounding stuff, also a 2-word term for moonshine

White Lightnin\'

This last name of Rhode Island Senator Sheldon is also a famous building not far from the Capitol


At 16 James Monroe entered this college named for 2 royals but left after 2 years to fight in the revolution

William & Mary

The NCAA record for rebounds in a game is 51 by Bill Chambers in a 1953 game for this very old college in Williamsburg, Va.

William & Mary

American poet of "The Red Wheelbarrow" who's also a store selling gourmet cookware

William Carlos Williams-Sonoma

This 3-named leader of the Free Silver Movement served as Secretary of State under Woodrow Wilson

William Jennings Bryan

Until 1987 no building in Philadelphia rose higher than the statue of this Colonial founder atop city hall

William Penn

Louisiana-born singers Hank Jr. & Lucinda share this surname, the state's most common


Augustus Gloop gets evicted from this man's candy factory because his gluttony has gotten the best of him

Willy Wonka

Putting faith above all else, Sandy Koufax didn't pitch game 1 of the 1965 World Series, as it fell on this Jewish day of atonement

Yom Kippur

Called the longest street in the world, this Toronto st. is more than 200 years old, but its name sounds like the opposite of "old"

Yonge Street

Based on a Caroline Kepnes novel, this Lifetime/Netflix series about stalking is one creepy pronoun


This actor's cookbook featured Food Fit for the King and You, and included Russian, Gypsy and Thai recipes

Yul Brynner

On April 12, 1961 this Soviet pilot made a single hour & a half orbit of Earth

Yuri Gagarin

In 2002 he announced his retirement & the closing of his famous haute couture house: Y.S.L.

Yves Saint Laurent

In 2006, the first "High School Musical" gave this actor his breakout role

Zac Efron

It's the former name of the Democratic Republic of the Congo


Fitzgerald's career as an inept Army officer was brightened when he met this future wife while stationed in Alabama


Don't complain. Just name the sage type of this bird that Lewis & Clark called the heath cock

a (greater) grouse

Part of the deal with organic milk is that cows are not given rBST, a type of these

a (growth) hormone

This item that you often need to buy at checkout for $1.50 is called Frakta

a (shopping) bag

4-part harmony is integral to this style of unaccompanied singing

a barbershop quartet

22-year-old Steven Trotter was the youngest man to go over the falls in one of these & survive; BTW, the stunt is illegal

a barrel

In 1968 Annie Leibovitz bought her first one of these, starting her on the road to fame

a camera

It's a fish nursery

a hatchery

Sail holder

a mast

It's a Spanish word for an interior courtyard, or an American word for a paved backyard area

a patio

In this type of manuscript, the handwritten text is supplemented by the addition of elaborate illustration

an illuminated manuscript

The alliterative "more" this "for your buck" was popularized by a 1950s Secretary of Defense


This type of pressure is also called atmospheric pressure


The Greeks gave us saganaki, setting the sheep's milk type of this ablaze right at your table


Ludmilla Alexeyeva, one of these activists who "dis"agreed with the Soviet line, noted there's no good word for them in Russian


Sparkling iron pyrite sometimes gives miners delusions of impending wealth & is derisively called this

fool\'s gold

In his 1941 State of the Union Address, FDR said, "We look forward to a world founded upon" this many "essential human freedoms"


Pheasant or duck, for example


Some say this 2-word power of personal choice is an illusion; C.S. Lewis said it "makes evil possible" but also goodness

free will

A computer term, GIGO is short for this

garbage in, garbage out

In 1920 the society awarded William Bateson a royal medal for his work in this field of biology he had named in 1905


(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. On a sphere, the shortest route is described as this, a term preceding "dome" in a Buckminster Fuller structure


To correctly read this Japanese type of comic, be sure to start with the panel at the upper right side of the page


About halfway between extremes, or one who communicates with spirits


After picas: petty, or a former Louisiana currency


Trace minerals give this seasoning from the Himalayas its namesake rosy hue

pink salt

Dizzy, Lefty, Pud,Cy


When I tripped & fell into the Upper Tiber, there was a big splat in Umbria


Magic,Isiah, John(okay, John Stockton)

point guard

It means toward the rear & is also a polite word for the part you sit on


A turntable known as a "slow wheel" is used by practitioners of this craft


Some Frigidaire wall ovens beep when this early-stage recipe instruction is finished & the food can go in


Watch out for one of these defensive sorties that sounds like a female first name


In the mid-1100s the Taira clan became Japan's first dominant political group who were these warriors


There were lemon, orange & raspberry types of this frozen fruit juice & cream treat


A word meaning not blind gets rid of -ted to make this weary exhalation


The larva of Bombyx mori never gets to leave the cocoon, which is turned into this cloth


This interjection is from the Danish & used as a toast


In a kids' rhyme you'll "break your mother's back" if you do this

step on a crack

This 5-word idiom meaning "to take responsibility" comes from what a baseball batter does before seeing a pitch

step up to the plate

A throat culture can check for an ailment common in kids & caused by the group a type of this bacterium


A word meaning to try hard tries hard & changes a letter to take one long step

strive & stride

Maize dishes (& their names) from Algonquian include hominy & this boiled corn & beans combo


More than 35,000 folks in New Jersey work at Wakefern, a co-op with about 350 of these including ShopRite

supermarkets (grocery stores)

According to Luke 2, Mary "brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in" these

swaddling clothes



60% of milk's water is removed & sugar is added before canning to get this double-adjective shelf-stable milk

sweetened condensed milk

This "dark" pandemic ravaged Europe between 1347 & 1351

the Black Plague

In 1926 "The Sun Also Rises" was one of the first novels mailed by this club that lets you discover new titles 12 times a year

the Book of the Month Club

A 1957 study of the middle class, with the alliterative title "The Black" this group, traced it to 1865 & the Freedmen's Bank

the Bourgeoisie

Gangs in the "Gangs of New York" era included the Plug Uglies, the Short Tails & these "Boys" named for part of lower Manhattan

the Bowery Boys

The DIA, this, provides info for the JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff

the Defense Intelligence Agency

About 40 attendees didn't survive this 1846-47 "party" in a Sierra Nevada mountain pass

the Donner Party

This ancient priestly class had mostly died out by the 400s because most Celts had become Christians

the Druids

Sarah Paulson nabbed a trophy for playing this prosecutor in "American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson"

(Marcia) Clark

The first Olympic Team USA, in this 19th century year, consisted of 14 athletes, who won 11 events


Ahead of the new millennium, Necco offered the saying this many "Kisses" & this many "Hugs"


A Motown legend: "What's Going On", also the name of one of his albums

Marvin Gaye

We'll give you more than 4 bits if you know this rapper played himself in 2015's "Spy"

50 Cent

Not a Halloween tradition, English Jack o' Lents were made on this mid-week Christian holiday

Ash Wednesday

In the Bahamas, everyone dances in the streets for the Junkanoo celebrations on New Year's & this December 26 holiday

Boxing Day

In 2013 Variety said of this AMC show's final episode, it got the "chemistry just right"

Breaking Bad

Seen here, he dressed as befits a publisher whose name is still on "GQ" and "Vogue"

Condé Nast

By Natalie Babbitt: "Tuck ___"


The islands of Lemnos & Samos


"The War Room" (1993) as herself

Hillary Clinton

J.D. Vance analyzes the culture of poor white Americans in this 2016 memoir

Hillbilly Elegy

India's first female prime minister, she helped shape the country's constitution & society

Indira Gandhi

"Interview with the Damned"

Interview with the Vampire

August marks the 30th anniversary of Iraq invading this country, leading to the Persian Gulf War


October 7, 1950 is the official founding date of her own order, the Missionaries of Charity

Mother Teresa

When this board game launched in 1981, it came with 6,000 questions

Trivial Pursuit

In a 1962 game he had 25 rebounds to go along with 100 points

Wilt Chamberlain

At his death, this great hunter was changed into a constellation


In this Pierre Boulle novel, chimps & gorillas rule & men live like beasts

Planet of the Apes

The legislature of N.M., the home state of Clyde Tombaugh, has decreed this body to be a planet when it passes over the state


Sweet! This South American judicial capital lies at 9,000 feet on the Quirpinchaca River


Thomas Gainsborough set the tone with the portrait seen

The Blue Boy

In Greek mythology, the Epigoni were the sons of Greek chieftains known as the "Seven Against" this


These 3 words precede "the centre cannot hold" in Yeats' "The Second Coming"

Things fall apart

"The ___ Wizard of Oz"


Feeding on flies, zyzzyx is a sand type of this stinging insect

a wasp

Of declare guilty in a court of law (6 letters)


Swelling of the throat can be part of this severe & potentially life-threatening allergic reaction

anaphylactic shock

Stephen Dedalus


To make amends for a past mistake


Julius No


Many of the songs of Elizabethan composer Thomas Morley end with these "Deck the Halls" syllables

fa la la la la la la la la

To leave someone when they still need you; oh, my darling, do not


Originally a set of graduated bells, now it's tuned steel bars struck with wooden hammers


Horrific & grisly, like some murders


From @stoweboyd on August 25, 2007: this ubiquitous social media word derived from a keyboard symbol


Boundless capacity, or a number greater than any countable quantity


Contraction used to address the queen in England


Lawrence "L.T." Taylor, Ted "The Mad Stork" Hendricks,Harry "no cool nickname" Carson


Abbreviated LPG, it burns clean when cooking in your RV

liquid propane gas (liquified petroleum gas)

Chile's University of Atacama was founded in 1857 as a school of this, the Atacama region's main economic activity


The volcanic soil of Maui is low in harsh sulfur compounds, producing the sweetness of Maui or Kula these


Doppler weather systems use this type of technology to detect weather patterns


This 4-letter way you might like your steak is also a synonym for "uncommon"



subway cards (transit cards)

This mighty tree lends its name to a city of about 400,000 on San Francisco Bay

the oak

This tall flightless bird was supposedly uncaring about its own young, as in Job & Lamentations

the ostrich

5-letter type of nurse who keeps the surgical team sterile & helps with their gloves & gowns

the scrub nurse

The Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal & Viminal are these

the seven hills of Rome

The King James Bible sayeth, "A soft answer turneth away" this synonym for anger


In Mandarin Chinese: huang se


Approved 2020 names for these in the Eastern North Pacific include Fausto, Yolanda & Zeke


This word meaning given to quick & unpredictable mood changes goes back to the Roman messenger god


Another way to say stay quiet!: this word for your mother


From the French for "jumped", it means to fry food quickly in just a little fat or oil


"B" aware that this 19-mile-long strait splits Turkey into western & eastern portions

the Bosporus

E: his "Elements" says, "a line is a length without breadth"


This city of 75,000: by Wilmette, Skokie, Chicago & Lake Michigan


This Shakespeare play is set in 44 B.C.

Julius Caesar

Once part of Massachusetts, this state is celebrating its bicentennial


Patty Duke & Anne Bancroft play student & teacher in this film

The Miracle Worker

The opera ain't over until you get to Bayreuth, Germany & its periodic festivals celebrating this composer's work


After the high chair, a toddler can graduate to this seat

a booster seat

When the King James Bible refers to the "hart" as clean, it means these forest dwellers

a deer

This dietary progression might begin with plants, move up through herbivores & end with large carnivores

a food chain

Hamilton Beach 8-cup with adjustable slicing

a food processor

Breezy, or a hawk's nest

airy [aerie]

Arthur Dimmesdale, (Young) Goodman Brown


"...Three men in a tub"


Idris Elba, 2010-2019


(VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE) This primate, seen here, lives in coastal countries of North Africa

A Barbary ape

A 1918 song title said this "Is Hard To Find"

A Good Man

Rustic-looking chairs made of natural woods are in this style named for an upstate N.Y. mountain range


In 1878 & 1886 he produced sets of "Slavonic Dances"

Antonin Dvořák

The website for this company begun in 1886 has links for "Shop with a Friend" & "Become a Representative"


Michael Crichton put a 10th c. Muslim traveler into the events of this Old English epic to prove he could make it entertaining


In 1886 gun maker Friedrich Krupp had a daughter named this; we're not sure if she was a big baby


This prehistoric period began around the 4th Millenium B.C.

Bronze Age

This Nevada city bears the name of John C. Fremont's scout

Carson City

Coco Crush is a jewelry collection from this brand


South-of-the-border dog breed (1967)


This "softly named" Puritan minister examined Christianity in New England with "Magnalia Christi Americana"

Cotton Mather

Kevin Kwan said he based this 2013 bestseller on the Kwan, Oh & Hu families

Crazy Rich Asians

Joe Jonas of this 4-letter group described "Cake By The Ocean" as a party anthem


In this film, Kevin Costner first meets the Sioux after they repeatedly try to steal his horse, Cisco

Dances with Wolves

She betrays Samson for silver


Jeff Lindsay's books about a very different Miami CSI were the basis for this Showtime series


The film "Blade Runner" was based on this Philip K. Dick novel whose title is a 6-word question

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

This Frank Lloyd Wright masterpiece in Pennsylvania is named for what's happening below it


Mississippians Caddy Compson & Thomas Sutpen


The novel "Shoeless Joe" by W.P. Kinsella was the basis of this 1989 film

Field of Dreams

In the late 1800s this physician identified Mycobacterium leprae, the cause of a disease now named for him

Gerhard Hansen

In this 2017 horror film, Lakeith Stanfield delivers the 2-word title line

Get Out

Joseph Lieberman


In this poem Allen Ginsberg tells Carl Solomon, "I'm with you in Rockland" 19 times


Straddling 2 continents, this city famous for its mosques & palaces has been called the place where "East meets West"


John Krasinski, since 2018

Jack Ryan

She was Lieutenant Starbuck on "Battlestar Galactica" and now seeks out aliens as astronaut Niko Breckenridge on "Another Life"

Katee Sackhoff

This wooden toy dates from 18th century Japan


Act II of this play ends with Cornwall saying, "'Tis a wild night. My Regan counsels well. Come out o' the storm"

King Lear

By Monsieur Flaubert, "A Story of Provincial Life"

Madame Bovary

Xian means "county" in this language


Remember the Alamo & this city whose ZIP Codes run from 78201 to 78299

San Antonio

2018 saw "The Last" of 6 of these comedy disaster TV movies on SYFY that combined saltwater carnivores & storms


A 2015 biopic: "Nuthin' But A 'G' Thang" & "We Want Eazy"

Straight Outta Compton

Legend says when Columbus saw the 3 mtn, peaks on this Caribbean island he chose to name it for the Father, Son & Holy Spirit


In a poem by William Blake, these 4 words precede the second line, "In the forests of the night"

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright

$13 billion in aid was distributed to 17 European nations, including this new country born from a recent division

West Germany

Robert Pirsig's 2-wheeled traveling tale: "An Inquiry into Values"

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Before her death, Sue Grafton had planned to write a final alphabet mystery, counting down to "Z is for" this


Seen hanging from the neck of zebu

a dewlap

A stodgy older gentleman

a fogy

An elaborate maze

a labyrinth

A cleaver in the head is part of Bellini's "Assassination of St. Peter" this, one who dies for his faith

a martyr

Something adopted by a group as a representative symbol

a mascot

It is "often thought of as referring to persons (or) places"

a noun

A walk-through is a very early one of these; a run-through comes later

a rehearsal

The house here has this type of veranda that extends around the sides of the house

a wraparound

This synonym for ridiculous is derived from Latin: that's completely...


Named for its shape, it's the fighting area in a UFC cage

an octagon

This belief is the denial & rejection of the existence of God or gods


These tight-fitting, 3/4-length pants named for an Italian resort were hip, & on hips, in the '50s, '80s & again in the 2000s


Days of protests on this island in 2019 forced Governor Ricardo Rossello to say he'd leave office

Puerto Rico

In 2019 one of these chairs from the Titanic was up for auction; about 10 are still known to exist

deck chairs

"Sweet melody" music maker struck with handheld hammers (1949)


French échelle, "ladder", gave us this word for a ranking; try to be in the upper one


Adjective meaning fair, as in the distribution of property


From the Greek for "moral character", this discipline is concerned with right & wrong


This figure that begins a famous speech just means 87

four score and seven years

In Verona, Italy the symbol of carnevale festivities is il papa del these potato dumplings


Tony Esposito,Vladislav Tretiak, Ken Dryden

goalie (in hockey)

Rock, solid:TEA RING


Bela I of Hungary died ignominiously when this furniture symbol of his royalty collapsed, mortally wounding him

his throne

Marie's monthly nut for her condo naturally includes HOA dues, HOA short for this

homeowners association

Fabric pattern seen here that's popular for jackets and suits


The diversion of water above the falls for this type of power slows the rate of erosion


To question formally, like a cop does to a suspect


This 5-letter word for a very large deer comes from words meaning "he strips off" (bark to eat, that is)


Your point is this, of no practical value


I declare this Latin word to mean a suspension of activity


Its name is from a word for "little fly"; a 2019 book says it may have killed half the humans who ever lived


A type of embroidery:DELETE NO PIN


This 4-letter seaweed that wraps up sushi is actually a type of red algae


NIMBY is an acronym for "not" here

not in my backyard

Dryads were the tree-dwelling version of these creatures




Vanguard I, Proba-3


It's a system of sending messages using flags (1946)


George Smiley


It's the dialectical combining of 2 seemingly opposing ideas into a new one


(Sarah of the Clue Crew at the Széchenyi Chain Bridge in Budapest, Hungary.) The Széchenyi Chain Bridge was the first to permanently span this river and connect the two old cities that form Hungary's capital. At the time, there was debate over Budapest versus Pestbuda

the Danube

This strait gets its name from Dardanus, an ancient city on its Asian shore

the Dardanelles

This peninsula: by the Yellow Sea, the Tsushima Strait & the Sea of Japan

the Korean Peninsula

Thousands gathered at this iconic L.A. location for Olympic track & field events

the L.A. Coliseum

In a 1978 film Peter Ustinov's Poirot discovered "Death on" this waterway

the Nile

"The Fall of Athens" is the 37th & final chapter in Donald Kagan's book named for this war

the Peloponnesian

The Cagayan River, Mindoro Island

the Philippines

In 1978 Inspector Clouseau dealt with Andrew Sachs as a mental patient who believed himself to be Poirot in "Revenge of" this

the Pink Panther

With the photic sneeze reflex, looking at this can cause some people to spontaneously sneeze

the Sun (light)

In Spanish they're the Indias Occidentales

the West Indies

This crime involves charging unusually high interest


"___ Years in Tibet"


Jennifer Lawrence to Bradley Cooper in this film: "Calm down, crazy"

Silver Linings Playbook

Neil Gaiman won a Newbery Medal for "The Graveyard Book"; this Neil won a Pulitzer for "Lost in Yonkers"


This duo's biggest hit was 1970's "Bridge Over Troubled Water"

Simon and Garfunkel

This 4'8" gymnast carried the flag in the closing ceremonies of the 2016 Rio Olympics

Simone Biles



In 2018 this choir dropped "Mormon" from its name


Theodore misses his old place & thinks a 3rd term is the perfect solution but this incumbent has other ideas about TR's house hunting


This tuba was developed by & named for the "March King"

the sousaphone

"Hitch your wagon to" one of these

a star

Rivoli's & bumblebee




Chase Sapphire,Discover,Blue Cash

credit cards

Before "up", it means to admit to a misdeed


Blue & Steller's


Jimmy & Rosalynn are moving to D.C.; he's putting his farm of this crop into a trust to avoid conflicts of interest


This colorful word can be applied to both the beautiful bloom and the edible gastropod seen here


This body of water: by Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Azerbaijan & Russia

the Caspian Sea

I'd like to thank the Recording Academy for handing out these awards, first presented in 1959

the Grammys

A big race with this 2-word French name was first run near Le Mans in 1906

the Grand Prix

A 2019 tweet about Hong Kong by Daryl Morey, GM of this NBA team, caused consternation in China

the Houston Rockets

The SAS for short, it's kind of the British Delta Force

the Special Air Service

This movement, whose name harkens back to the 1770s, made its first big splash with rallies on Tax Day 2009

the Tea Party

In the Pyrenees, the Candlemas bear was the more ferocious predecessor of this U.S. rodent

the groundhog

In times of good fortune, you "live high on" it

the hog

In 1952 an Ohio man annoyed by loud ads invented the Blab-Off, an early version of this feature on your remote

the mute button

This central part of a Christian church is where the worshippers sit; the altar is for the clergy

the nave

#TBH is short for this, when users try to be truthful about an idea they post...on the Internet...noted home of the truth

to be honest

This word means "sweetly charming"; if you don't know it, you may lose some


In 1987 Brad Pitt was on this CBS nighttime drama in an episode directed by the show's star Larry Hagman


She was "DF", daughter of a haberdasher, before she was "DK", powerhouse designer

Donna Karan

After creating Elsie the Cow, Borden Dairy introduced this bull to sell glue


In 1984 he played Ace on "E/R" 10 years before getting even more devilishly handsome on a very different "ER"

George Clooney

This author's "Middlemarch" includes a party hosted by Mr. Vincy on New Year's Day

George Eliot

The graphic novel "They Called Us Enemy" is a memoir of this "Star Trek" actor's time in an American WWII internment camp

George Takei

This noble name: "The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes"


In March 1995 Russian troops captured this Chechnyan capital


Here's a view of this TV personality

Joy Behar

"Dark Paradise" is a song on her album "Born To Die"

Lana Del Rey

Until Vatican II, it was the only speech for mass communication


"Disclosing the Past" is the autobiography of this Mary who dug up some very old skulls

Mary Leakey

In 1632 this colony was chartered by Cecil Calvert as a safe haven for Catholics being persecuted in England


The name of this people of Kenya precedes "Mara" in the name of a national reserve loaded with lions


"Masterchef Junior" (2017) as herself

Michelle Obama

This company created the Verdana typeface for use on its Windows operating system


A to U: a tree part enjoys a late-morning meal, as tree parts do

branch to brunch

Named for an anesthesiologist, an Apgar score for newborns measures Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity & this


Families feeding birds have led to the nickname "world's biggest bread soup" for Tj├╢rnin Pond in this Icelandic capital


Right there in the webbing of the Michigan hand is Madonna's city of birth, named for its location on this bay

Saginaw Bay

After 1378 rival popes in Rome & Avignon excommunicated each other during the Great Western this 6-letter term


Told he babbles on under pressure on this tech sitcom, Thomas Middleditch's Richard asks, "Why does this thing people say?"

Silicon Valley

Get me pictures of the Mwanza flat-headed rock agama, a lizard that looks like this Marvel superhero created in 1962


This show about an animated fellow "Who lives in a pineapple under the sea"

SpongeBob SquarePants

"Anna Karenina": these 2 cities about 400 miles apart

St. Petersburg & Moscow

"The Music Lovers": Richard Chamberlain as this Russian


PTFE is an AKA of this coating for pots & pans that has made cooking & cleanup much easier since 1960


On March 26, 2018 the Commerce Dept. said the question of this would be reintroduced on the census; a lawsuit was soon filed


Give partially decayed plant matter called peat a few million years & it'll form this ignitable rock


Joaquin Castro & Louie Gohmert are both in the House from this state, & that's about as much as the 2 have in common


In this novel Mark Watney says, "I didn't die on Sol 6. Certainly the rest of the crew thought I did"

The Sun Also Rises

Quaker has an organic hot cereal called "Simple &" this word for healthful


It's the lowest-sounding member of the string section

a bass

Of bedridden or unable to walk (10 letters)


Giving oxygen by mask during sleep is one treatment for this sleep disorder


Acorn Street in Beacon Hill is one of the last roads in Boston still paved with this material


Today there's Jamoca; back in the day it was just plain this beverage


Understanding:SPECIMEN HONOR


After we get our hot dogs, time to slather on the mustard at this station


Festive paper pieces that are tossed in the air


South Mountain: McClellan tops this top general

(Robert E.) Lee

In a 1994 film, Alan Cumming voiced this title horse

Black Beauty

Just go with it--Andy Roddick is married to this model

Brooklyn Decker

This Pasadena school makes a big bang with its 2.9 billion bucks


The USA's tallest all-granite structure is the Pilgrim Monument in Provincetown at the tip of this cape

Cape Cod

In 2002 Queen Latifah belted it out as prison matron Mama Morton in the movie version of this musical


1984 was the first model year for the minivan from this company with Lee Iacocca as its CEO


"De-Lovely": Kevin Kline as this red, hot & blue American

Cole Porter

Just one more thing--this Asian capital city is home to Gangaramaya Temple


"We keep spending most our lives livin' in a gangsta's paradise" on a hit by this rapper


A quote from his ever-cheery "The Road"--"There is no God & we are his prophets"

Cormac McCarthy

An X-shaped chair of the Italian Renaissance is also known as this divine Italian poet's chair


This Persian ruler of the 500s B.C. is mentioned in the books of Ezra, Haggai & Zechariah


Really, 007--SPECTRE is Special Executive for Counter-Intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge & this blackmail synonym


"Let's Hear It Tor The Boy" & "Almost Paradise"


He's well-suited as Italy's most successful designer: G.A.

Giorgio Armani

This desert with a Mongolian name takes up huge portions of Central Asia


On those warm, sunny London afternoons, take a dip in the bathing ponds of this famed Heath in the north of the city

Hampstead Heath

I'm confused! This calendar had Adar Sheni, its leap month, in 2019, not 2020

Hebrew (Jewish)

HSBC stands for these 2 Chinese places Banking Corporation

Hong Kong & Shanghai

2 characters: "You're using Bonetti's Defense against me, ah?"; "I thought it fitting considering the rocky terrain"

Inigo Montoya & Westley

2009:Nelson Mandela


The title character of Margaret Atwood's "The Penelopiad" tells the story of running this kingdom while waiting for Odysseus to get back


In 2019 his "Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters & Seymour: An Introduction" first came out as an e-book

J.D. Salinger

Jamie Dimon is head of this financial services company, the largest in the United States

JPMorgan Chase

Fanny, who visits Mansfield Park, & hunky Edmund, whom she meets there

Jane Austen

In 2014 this "NCIS: Los Angeles" co-star ended a 17-year rift with Canibus, with the 2 rapping onstage in Brooklyn

LL Cool J

On HBO: "Behind the Candelabra"


Born Emmanuel Radnitsky, this artist, whose work is seen here, was a contributor to the Surrealist and Dada Movement

Man Ray

This state: by Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Arizona & California


A Newfie is from this Canadian province


"The Long Goodbye" finds this gumshoe describing various blondes, including a shadowy one who "speaks softly out of nowhere"

Philip Marlowe

Tight Burps, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh [TIGHT BURPS]

Zywiec, a town in this Central European nation, is home to the Komorowski Castle


The iconic pony representing this brand appeared on a Ralph Lauren shirt cuff in 1971


Giving new meaning to the word "mass", he was the headliner of one held in Manila in 2015 that drew 6 million people

Pope Francis

Diamonds & a winning lottery ticket, not $100 bills, are the goal in this 2002 action comedy


In 1893 Ruggero Leoncavallo & this other Italian composer had lunch & discovered both were working on "La Bohème" operas


"Shrek 2" improves on the original with the introduction of this gato guapo

Puss in Boots

A 1970s special Pulitzer winner: "The Saga of an American Family"


A lake that forms the boundary between Vermont & New York bears the name of this explorer who visited in 1609

Samuel de Champlain

The Sammarinese are the people of this country

San Marino

Noted for his wisdom, this B.C. ruler organized Ancient Israel into 12 districts, appointing his own gov. for each one


With more than $27 billion, this California school is the best-endowed non-Ivy League private university


2014: "The Theory of Everything"

Stephen Hawking

This novelist has sold an estimated 350 million books

Stephen King

In 1968 this band took us on a musical "Magic Carpet Ride"


This Louisiana Rep. received a standing ovation in 2017 after returning from injuries received from a gunshot wound

Steve Scalise

The university system of this state has more than $30 billion; its A&M system, more than $13 billion


This TV family headed by Herman lived at 1313 Mockingbird Lane

The Munsters

In 2018, for voting purposes, it became the first reality-competition series in TV history to air shows live, coast-to-coast

The Voice

Lt. Monroe crossed the Delaware with Washington to fight in the battle of this now-N.J. capital & got a near-fatal wound


In VC, a British military decoration


Francois-Marie Arouet used this one name on works like "Candide"


In 2012 this probe left the heliopause (the boundary of the sun's magnetic field) & headed out into interstellar space


In 2019 the U.S. Mint issued quarters with a "W" mint mark for the first time, indicating they were minted at this N.Y. location

West Point

A series by Jeff Kinney: "Diary of a ___ Kid"


From 2019: "Let It Be" & "Carry That Weight"


A needle's proverbial best hiding place

a haystack

When a soccer player dribbles the ball between the legs of an opponent, it's called this spice

a nutmeg

Of enemy, especially during wartime




Kareem, Moses,Wilt

center (in basketball)

Thanks to smart marketing, many in Japan celebrate Kentucky Christmas eating this for dinner


The 3 basic states of matter are solid, liquid & this; superfluids, plasmas & superconductors got defined later


Greylag & barnacle


To some, G.I. means "government issue"; MacArthur thought it meant this "issue" & couldn't stand the term


Older than humongous, this 9-letter blended word for shockingly big goes back to WWII


In ye olden days this 2-word stuff was thick boiled flour often eaten as a quick breakfast

hasty pudding

This synonym for big & strong is also a brand of trash bags & paper plates


This term for a villain's minion may be from a Middle English word for horse handler


Less than an inch long, the sea bunny is this type of being with both male and female reproductive organs


For her first big story, Bly faked insanity & was diagnosed with this 8-letter "female malady" & committed to an asylum


Narrow-edged cutter at the front of the jaw (1975)


Deb Haaland of the Laguna Pueblo & Sharice Davids of the Ho-chunk Nation are the first women of this group in Congress

indigenous women



Ballena asesina is a Spanish name for this swimmer

killer whale (orca)

When describing 2 people who are simpatico, it precedes "spirits"


Proverbially, it precedes "drag-out fight"


More than 70% of Ecuadorians belong to this ethnic group, a Spanish word for someone of mixed race


As an adjective it can mean active in combat, or aggressive about a cause


Early Shakespeare poems & plays were sometimes printed in this format about 5x7 inches, smaller than a quarto


Detroit's Andre Drummond has led the NBA 6 times in these rebounds that come off his own team's miss


To exceed one's previous best effort is to this "yourself"


On the periodic table of elements, which ranks as a great scientific tool, horizontal rows are also called these


In Greece baklava is traditionally made with 33 layers of this dough to represent the years of Jesus' life


Mark Twain was among those who worked as a devil, an apprentice in this profession


From ancient words meaning "before the stage" comes this arch found in a theater


Yum-yum; here's this eggy dish that's a specialty of France


(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) Sometimes a planet appears to loop in its path in the sky. The faster orbit of Mercury makes it look like it's changing direction when lapping us. In astrology, the phenomenon is known as this and is often blamed for misfortune


The reading of a list of names to check attendance in a classroom

roll call

I'll get us to the airport with my phone--this app hires rides in a jiffy


5th century Pelagians thought man was essentially good & denied the doctrine of original this


In music, pianissimo means very this

softly (*very quiet)

Black & mute


The Ugly Duckling dodged a bullet--these birds of the genus Cygnus are deemed unclean to eat


In 2008 in Hong Kong 20,000 people did long, slow turns in a class of this, AKA Chinese boxing

tai chi

This is a Christmas staple in Latin America, although some in Central America use banana leaves instead of corn husks


Ruins from 2 Ancient Wonders of the World, the Temple of Artemis & the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, are in London here

the British Museum

It was one of the first bridges to use steel for cable wire! On N.Y.'s East River, it almost sells itself!

the Brooklyn Bridge

Pioneering environmentalist Marjory Stoneman Douglas is known as the woman who saved this Florida "river of grass"

the Everglades

Ecuador took possession of these islands in 1832, 3 years before they got a visit from a famous scientist

the Galapagos

A 1964 prediction said this 2-named subatomic particle imparts mass to all known elementary particles

the Higgs boson

Number 5 is the teleporting, time-traveling alumnus of this Netflix "Academy", possibly helpful on a rainy day

the Umbrella Academy

(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C.) After much internal debate over the wisdom of giving in to terrorists, in 1995, the FBI allowed publication of this criminal's long rambling manifesto. The move paid off when the man's brother recognized his writing and alerted authorities

the Unabomber (Ted Kaczynski)

The Crystal Cathedral, now known as Christ Cathedral

the United States

Michael Sheen voiced this bunny in Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland"

the White Rabbit

Proverbially, you have to pay this strolling musician who plays a small wind instrument

the piper

From the Russian, the vast plain that covers much of Siberia is called not the stair but this

the steppe

Bear with us--in the night skies, it precedes "Major" & "Minor"


Stick held by an orchestra conductor

a baton

An Emirati is from this country

the United Arab Emirates

In 2016 the IAU renamed this 3-star system just 4.3 light years away Rigel Kentaurus

Alpha Centauri

In 1991 Helmut Kohl appointed her Minister for Women & Youth

Angela Merkel

12th century Holy Roman Emperor Frederick had this nickname


Isaac & Maria D'Israeli welcomed this bundle of joy December 21, 1804

Benjamin Disraeli

In Spanish this familiar proverb is "Mas vale tarde que nunca"

Better late than never

Hello! I am Scott Adsit, who voiced Baymax, your personal healthcare companion, in this 2014 animated film

Big Hero 6

In 2019 Meryl Streep joined the cast of this HBO drama as the mother-in-law of now-widowed Nicole Kidman

Big Little Lies

Dunbar, now part of this big armored car company, was hit in 1997 to the tune of almost $19 million; the company got some of it back, though


Each year U.S. fossil fuels emit around 5 billion metric tons of this gas


The "Saga" of this game? It's "been making moments sweeter since 2012"

Candy Crush Saga

A memorial that depicts an albatross on this Chilean cape is dedicated to the sailors who lost their lives in the Southern Ocean

Cape Horn

Before leaving Russia in 1922, he designed some decorative panels for the Jewish Chamber Theatre in Moscow


This MSNBC host served as the top aide for House Speaker Tip O'Neill in the '80s

Chris Matthews

This Welsh-born man won a Supporting Actor Oscar for "The Fighter"

Christian Bale

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) A Census Bureau map shows that, from 1930 to 2000, the population density of this Nevada county increased by more than 5,000%

Clark County

In 2017 this actress won a Tony for Lillian Hellman's "The Little Foxes", but in 2018 she did not win a race for N.Y. governor

Cynthia Nixon

"Nothing Lasts Forever", with a cop named Leland flying out to the coast to visit his daughter at Christmas, became this action film

Die Hard

A National Museum of Immigration at this site is housed in the original main building restored to its 1918-to-1924 appearance

Ellis Island

#HeforShe went viral after a U.N. speech about men & boys working for gender equality given by this "Harry Potter" actress

Emma Watson

Concerned about colon cancer, Dr. Dennis Burkitt changed eating habits with his 1979 book "Don't Forget" this "In Your Diet"


Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico & Utah meet at a spot called this

Four Corners

Mary Mapes Dodge is best remembered for her tale of this Dutch lad, illustrated here

Hans Brinker

In a poem by this 3-named guy, Evangeline whispers to Gabriel, "If we love one another, nothing, in truth, can harm us"

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Geryon, a character in one of this hero's labors, falls in love with him in Anne Carson's "The Autobiography of Red"


Marcellus asks this friend of Hamlet "to watch the minutes of this night, that if again this apparition come, he may...speak to it"


In 1993 this author came along with his first Alex Cross novel, "Along Came a Spider"

James Patterson

2011: "The Iron Lady"

Margaret Thatcher

"Dream Warriors" is the subtitle to the third movie in this series

Nightmare on Elm Street

The son of Greek & Hungarian immigrants, he was the president of France from 2007 to 2012


This South Dakota city and its beautiful Falls Park are both named for the same landmark

Sioux Falls

Antoni Gaudí's Sagrada Família


"The Cat and Ham"

The Cat in the Hat

This show about the bionic Steve Austin was based on the novel "Cyborg"

The Six Million Dollar Man


a Musketeer

Flying 5,430 miles between Korea & Canada, Steve Fossett made the 1st Transpacific solo flight in one of these

a balloon

No time to crash--some of these mouse-like marsupials of Australia have a gestation period of a mere 12 days

a bandicoot

The Rialto or Ponte Vecchio

a bridge

In an Irish tale, clever Tom captures this title magical creature who promises to bring him wealth, but deceives him instead

a leprechaun

An endearing, sweet child, from an old word for "rag doll"

a moppet

This long, flowing dress is 4 U

a muumuu

Wheel of Fortune Five-Reel, a progressive type

a slot machine

A single gem set alone

a solitaire

They "typically express some relation of place, time, manner..."


"Heavenly" predator of the coral reef:FLAG SHINE

an angelfish

An agreeable odor

an aroma

John Donne's 1624 "Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions" is the source of the phrase "No man is" this

an island

Condition due to lack of oxygen & surplus of carbon dioxide

anoxia (asphyxia)

A bit of evidence


Prussian blue contained this poison that's also found in the seeds of apples


It can refer to a thin sheet of any metal, not just aluminum


The tough way to pledge a fraternity


The Carabao is a popular variety of this tropical fruit


Often used in soups, it's a pasta shaped like grains of rice


Natty Bumppo

pathfinder (deerslayer)

The opening of this in 1869 provided direct water access between the Mediterranean & the Red Sea

the Suez Canal

Floating on ponds & pools, this 2-word beauty is the national flower of Bangladesh

the water lily

This colorful variety of sapsucker of North America can migrate as far as the West Indies

the yellow-bellied

In UV rays


In VR, which allows you to experience anything, anywhere, at any time


Frommer's says some of the best souvenirs you can bring home from Russia are nesting dolls & bottles of this--cheers!


A dig & a spike are actions April Ross executes in this sport


William G. Morgan invented this sport in 1895


A 2015 hit song was about what happened when "I took a pill in" this third-largest of Spain's Balearic Islands


In concert, after playing this song that begins, "Don't go changing, to try & please me", Billy Joel said, "& then we got divorced"

"Just The Way You Are"

In a 1974 Carl Douglas hit, "Everybody was" doing this, "Those cats were fast as lightning"

"Kung Fu Fighting"

"...How does your garden grow?"

"Mary, Mary, quite contrary"

My my my! It took 20 years for The Knack to notice that Run-DMC sampled this song on "It's Tricky"

"My Sharona"

O! American clergyman Phillips Brooks wrote the words to this Christmas carol after a pilgrimage to the Holy Land

"O Little Town of Bethlehem"

"Romeo and Juliet": "Good night, good night!" these 5 words "that I shall say good night till it be morrow"

"Parting is such sweet sorrow"

"El Sábado Por La Noche Esta Bien (Para Luchar)"

"Saturday Night\'s Alright for Fighting"

Oh darlin', darlin'--Sean Kingston's "Beautiful Girls" sampled some of this Ben E. King classic

"Stand By Me"

"...The first star I see tonight"

"Star light, star bright"

Dionysus is a big factor in "The Secret History", this author's first novel

(Donna) Tartt

He's the Dublin-born actor and one-time seminary student seen here

(Gabriel) Byrne

I hear Lake Tanganyika is lovely; sure, I'll head over there & find out why no word from Dr. Livingstone

(Henry Morton) Stanley

In 1607, this English explorer set forth to discover a passage by the North Pole to Japan and China

(Henry) Hudson

Nellie Bly was a reporter for this man's New York World & had she been born later, she might have won one of his prizes

(Joseph) Pulitzer

The House Republican leader since 2014, he shares his name with the star of the 1956 film "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"

(Kevin) McCarthy

Childe Rowland, youngest son of this legendary monarch of Britain, saves his sister & brothers from an elf king

(King) Arthur

Hallelujah! In 2019 Canada issued stamps honoring this Canadian singer-songwriter who passed in 2016

(Leonard) Cohen

Later to play U.S. President Bartlet, in 1974 he played the title deserter facing death in "The Execution of Private Slovik"

(Martin) Sheen

From 1981 to 1985 he averaged--averaged!--206 points per season; "The Great One", indeed

(Wayne) Gretzky

In 2018, after he was transferred to a West Virginia prison, this infamous Boston mobster was murdered

(Whitey) Bulger

February is the 200th birthday of this union general whose middle name honored a Shawnee chieftain

(William Tecumseh) Sherman

At the end of the 19th century, this man started selling his "In-a-Dor" beds

(William) Murphy

"__ Years a Slave"


In season one of this series based on Jay Asher's novel, Clay tries to figure out what made Hannah Baker kill herself

13 Reasons Why

In the 2012 State of the Union Address, Obama said, "Our destiny is stitched together like those 50 stars and" these

13 stripes

There was a pretty big revolution in 1905, but 2 bigger ones came in this year & saw Nicholas II get the boot


The dollar got smaller--literally, by about 30%--in this year the stock market shrank too


"Attlee, Clement", "Bergen-Belsen, Liberation of" & "Nagasaki" are index entries in Ian Buruma's book about this year


Adding this letter before "OK" dates back to a NASA official misunderstanding Alan Shepard during his first flight


New Zealand-born Russell Crowe received 3 straight Best Actor nominations, winning in 2001 for this film

A Beautiful Mind

Robert Shaw was Henry VIII & Paul Scofield was Thomas More in this 1966 costume drama

A Man for All Seasons

In this play Oberon says, "Ill met by moonlight, proud Titania"

A Midsummer Night\'s Dream

2018: "La Vie En Rose" & "I'll Never Love Again"

A Star is Born

By Dickens: "Knitting"

A Tale of Two Cities

By Khaled Hosseini: "A ___ Splendid Suns"

A Thousand

This slightly flared skirt of the 1960s is named for the letter it resembles in silhouette


Aphrodite fell for this other "A" when he was but a wee lad, sending him to Persephone for safekeeping


The expanse of Long Island to Georgia is about the size of this troubled Asian land


This British dame sets the mystery in "Death Comes as the End" in Egypt way back in 2000 B.C.

Agatha Christie

Barbara Feldon, who played this partner of Agent 86 on "Get Smart", turned 86 in 2019

Agent 99

A 49-star U.S. flag was unveiled after this state got admitted in 1959


PBS Newshour titled a medical article "F. Scott Fitzgerald's Life was a Sudy in Destructive" this addiction


This inventor was one of the founders of the National Geographic Society & succeeded his father-in-law as its president in 1898

Alexander Graham Bell

Multiply Texas three and a half times to get the size of this North African biggie


Bad robots & Xenomorphs are on the deadly prowl yet again in "Covenant", the most recent film in this interstellar terror franchise


Ronald Reagan was in the 1940 biopic "Knute Rockne" this

All American

Little A & 47North are publishers owned by this Internet behemoth that mails out a lot of books


In 2017 a Kiwi named Peter Burling became the youngest helmsman to win this quadrennial race

America\'s Cup

Aka "AFV", this longest-running ABC primetime entertainment series had Bob Saget & Tom Bergeron as hosts pre-Alfonso Ribeiro

America\'s Funniest Home Videos

Edward Lansdale, a U.S. officer in Asia, was a model for the novel "The Ugly" this & possibly for "The Quiet" this also


How to say "I love you" in ASL, short for this

American Sign Language

Sinterklaas arrives via boat from Spain (where he lives the rest of the year, why not?) & parades through this Dutch capital


Taking over operation of intercity trains in 1971, it's also known as The National Railroad Passenger Corp.


After she said, "They tried to make me go to rehab & I told them no no no", her producer told her, "We should turn that into a song"

Amy Winehouse

Watch this PBS show & guess how much grandma's old postcards might be appraised for

Antiques Roadshow

This Belgian city is a world diamond exchange capital & was the site of a $100 million heist in 2003


The most profitable on the list is this technology company that passed $1 trillion in value in 2018


Future cancer researcher William Thilly had the idea for this cereal as a Kellogg's intern in 1965

Apple Jacks

Don't fool around! In 2020 you need to have your census form in by this date, 'cause it's Census Day, too!

April 1st

Edith was killed off, but the series called this character's "Place" endured for a couple more seasons

Archie Bunker\'s Place

It's roughly a third the size of the contiguous United States


This singer wanted a tattoo written in Japanese that said "7 Rings", her song; she ended up with one translating to "BBQ grill"

Ariana Grande

The 4 cardinal signs of the zodiac are the signs that begin seasons, like Libra for fall & this one for spring


You can catch the 3:10 to this state's Yuma County, then keep goin' east to Cochise


1981 was the year of Gielgud's Oscar-winning turn as this character's butler


This city's Freedom Park was opened as part of the 1996 Summer Olympics


Lyndon Johnson accepted the 1964 Democratic nomination in this city's Boardwalk Hall

Atlantic City

6'11" Mason Cox, a walk-on hoopster at OK. St., got his kicks as a Down Under star in this sport, playing in its grand final

Australian rules football

St. Stephen's Cathedral, AKA Stephanskirche, consecrated in the capital in 1147


According to this lead singer, "Paradise City" is where "the grass is green & the girls are pretty"

Axl Rose

I say, old chap, it's time for "A Question of Sport", a quiz show on this network since 1970


The cemetery is home to this Yankee who hit 714 HRs & once said, "If I'd just tried for them dinky singles, I could've batted around .600"

Babe Ruth

That's Megan Fox dancing in a club in this Will Smith/ Martin Lawrence sequel

Bad Boys II

At Brennan's in New Orleans, 35,000 lbs. of a certain fruit gets flamed annually to make this signature dessert of the restaurant

Bananas Foster

One of Powell's Indiespensable Book Club selections was George Saunders' "Lincoln" in this purgatory-like state


Bill Hader, since 2018


Flossie & Glossie were 2 "deer of much intelligence", casually chatting about "sledge" work with Santa in a tale by this "Oz" author


"Immortal Beloved": Gary Oldman as him


Schiller's "Ode To Joy" sparked joy for this composer who used it for the choral movement of his "Ninth Symphony"


Wordsworth began a poem not with "Scram, thou fond presumptuous elf", but this more old-fashioned 6-letter word


This media tycoon served as Italy's prime minister 3 times


At the heart of a major industrial region, this 2nd-most populous U.K. city lies near the geographic center of England


He served as Illinois governor from 2003 to 2009; in 2012 he began serving time at a low-security prison in Colorado


In the 1970s you paid a $40 "adoption" fee for Little People, the precursor to these dolls that come with birth certificates

Cabbage Patch Kids

In a 2015 cover story for Vanity Fair, she revealed her new identity & talked about her gender transition

Caitlyn Jenner

In 1995 he broke Lou Gehrig's record for the most consecutive games played by a Major League ballplayer

Cal Ripken, Jr.

37.3 million people were living in this state in 2010--that's more than the 21 least populous states combined


Henry Wadsworth Longfellow rowed with his kids on Fresh Pond in this Boston-area university city


In September Pope John Paul II visited this country & spoke up for the rights of the Inuit


(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) 20 times more luminous than the Sun, Sirius, also known as the Dog Star, is the brightest star in the night sky and in the constellation known by this Latin name where it sometimes appears to form the nose

Canis Major

One of Alcatraz' most infamous inmates, he served time in Chicago's Cook County jail & in Atlanta before his arrival in 1934


Composer Georg Philipp Telemann was godfather to this composing son of J.S. Bach, hence the Philipp in the young Bach's name

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

This city "By-the-Sea" & at the northern edge of Big Sur got its name from the Friars who accompanied early Spanish explorers


This Punic city "Must Be Destroyed" covers its epic battle with Rome


She joined Second City Toronto in the 1970s as Gilda Radner's understudy & is still on TV with her SCTV pal Eugene Levy

Catherine O\'Hara

This daughter of Ferdinand & Isabella was Henry VIII's first wife

Catherine of Aragon

Following conflict with Parliament, this English king was beheaded in 1649

Charles I

You have the Gaul to tell me that he brought Burgundy under his control in the 700s?! & that he was Pepin the Short's dad?!

Charles Martel

Born in England in 1889, he made the comedy short "Making a Living" in 1914 in Los Angeles

Charlie Chaplin

"Chappelle's Show" dramatized this man's encounters with the one & only Rick James

Charlie Murphy

He's the hitmaking singer-songwriter-producer seen here

Charlie Puth

Eudora Welty said this E.B. White book about "friendship on earth, affection and protection" was "just about perfect"

Charlotte\'s Web

Opposite the cave of the sea monster Scylla, you'd find this monstrous personification of a whirlpool


A Burgundy variety not of grape but of this red fruit ice cream


( Jimmy of the Clue Crew is in a mailroom.) I'm with mail for ZIP Codes 60601 through 60827 at the United States Postal Services' main processing plant for this, the third most populous U.S. city


On Oct. 8, 1871 a fire started on DeKoven Street, destroying more than 17,000 of this city's buildings


(Sarah of the Clue Crew is at the Dittrick Medical History Center.) I'm at the Dittrick Medical History Center of Case Western Reserve University in this Midwest city that has become one of the world's leading centers for medical treatment and research


A pun on a vacation resort company's name, this is slang for a cushy federal prison for white-collar criminals

Club Fed

The leather Kat Saddle Bag from this brand features its horse & carriage motif


In 2007 the long-disbanded Rage Against the Machine got together & drew 100,000 at this California festival


Suspended lawyer Joel McHale was forced to go back to college, bonding with a bunch of misfits on this comedy


Fun house mirrors & vintage bumper cars are part of the collection celebrating this iconic amusement area in Brooklyn

Coney Island

In 1543 the world revolved around this man who wrote "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres"


Crouch Spirits, Texas

Corpus Christi [CROUCH SPIRITS]

This island belonging to France is just 7 miles from Sardinia


The men of this Spaniard's 1521 expedition described Aztec human sacrifices atop the pyramids


At the 1999 Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show, ReplayTV won a best in show prize for unveiling this technology


Robert Langdon & "the hulking albino named Silas"

Dan Brown

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew is standing in Ford's Rouge plant.) I'm in this city near Detroit, at Ford's Rouge plant, which, during World War II employed 120,000 people


Try tunneling, like attackers did through chalk to collapse part of this Channelside British castle in 1216

Dover Castle

In the "Austin Powers" films, Rob Lowe & Robert Wagner played Number 2, second only to this villain

Dr. Evil

This lunatic: "or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"

Dr. Strangelove

From 1952 to 1958 this Friday cop show aired on Thursday


Charlie Chaplin read this "Sister Carrie" author's poem "The Road I came" at his funeral & served as a pall bearer


1989:Hoke Colburn, a chauffeur

Driving Miss Daisy

You don't need to walk on water to get to this city's Miracle Garden


James Joyce's "Ulysses"


The Great Seal of the United States bears two 3-word Latin phrases: Novus ordo seclorum & this

E pluribus unum

A 2014 biographical novel about this author opens with his "Passage to India" aboard the SS City of Birmingham

E.M. Forster

In a 1982 film a trail of Reese's Pieces draws this marooned title character out from hiding


Energy & matter can be converted into each other, says this notable equation from 1905


On April 22, 1990 around 750,000 people hit Central Park to celebrate this annual event

Earth Day

The then Agricultural College of the State of Michigan was founded in what's now this city in 1855

East Lansing

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) A statue at the Chiaramonti Museum features the torso of an unknown tragic poet. The head--believed to be from a different source, because it's a little small for the body--is that of this Greek playwright who wrote "Medea"


"When the Whistle Blows" was the sitcom within this Ricky Gervais sitcom about TV bit players


In 1965 John played Henry IV in "Chimes at Midnight" with Orson Welles in this part that suited him physically


Marie got her condo's mortgage through this government agency, "sister" to Freddie Mac

Fannie Mae

He has ended his feud with 50 Cent & also changed his physique, making his rap name less accurate

Fat Joe

Many songs by Everclear concern this person in our lives, as in him "of mine / Tell me where have you been?"


About Ms. Porter, who impulsively goes to college in New York City to be with high school crush Ben


The tombs of Machiavelli & Michelangelo can be found in this city's Basilica of Santa Croce


Why yes, in 1860 I will use $200,000 in donations to found my training school for nurses in London, thank you very much!

Florence Nightingale

Purportedly seeking the Fountain of Youth, Ponce de Leon reached the American mainland in 1513 in what is today this state


Take a county seat! Specifically for Seminole county in this state, that'd be Sanford


It's no folly--this Paris music hall has been a hotspot since the 1886 revue "Place au Jeunes"

Folies Bergère

Young Jenny: "What's wrong with your legs?" This character: "Nothin' at all, thank you. My legs are just fine and dandy"

Forrest Gump

Aiming to unite the colonies for trade & security, the Albany Plan of Union was proposed by this Founding Father in 1754


(Jimmy of the Clue Crew at Mirabell Gardens in Salzburg, Austria.) With beautiful landscaping, fountains, and statues, Mirabell Gardens in Salzburg was created in the 1600s but first opened to the public in 1854 by this longtime emperor of Austria

Franz Joseph

The middle letter in the acronym for the 1994 trade pact between the U.S., Canada & Mexico stands for this word


Mais oui, this flavor has a nationality in its name

French Vanilla

In "Thus Spake Zarathustra", he wrote, "The voice of beauty speaks softly: it steals only into the most awakened souls"

Friedrich Nietzsche

A phrase in a gun catalogue gave Stanley Kubrick this title for his film based on Gustav Hasford's "The Short-Timers"

Full Metal Jacket

Change one letter in the word "future" to get this font created in the '20s & used by tech companies like Cisco


In the third season of this Netflix series, the wrestlers take up residence at the Fan-Tan Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas


Rei Kawakubo made clothes that had the ease of boys' clothes, so she named her line "Comme des" these, French for boys


This Irish dramatist wrote, "A lifetime of happiness! No man alive could bear it: it would be hell on earth"

George Bernard Shaw

Bob Dole

Gerald Ford

Nearly 1,400 feet of limestone awaits you when you enjoy this territory seen here


The truth is out there; this actress took the trophy in 1997 for her role on "The X-Files"

Gillian Anderson

This one-named designer created the iconic little black dress that Audrey Hepburn wore in "Breakfast at Tiffany's"


A Weegie is a lad or a lass from this Scottish city


For pies, a good choice is these yummy apples seen here

Golden Delicious

Michael Sheen & David Tennant play an angel & demon in this series based on a Neil Gaiman-Terry Pratchett comic novel

Good Omens

The N.Y. Times said of this 1947 book, the words & the pictures "combine to lull and reassure when bedtime and darkness come"

Goodnight Moon

2.8 million cubic yards were excavated to build this New York City train station opened in 1913

Grand Central

Over toward the pinkie side is this city where Gerald Ford got married in 1948. The city is named for the swift current of a river

Grand Rapids

You can snorkel through Molinere Underwater Sculpture Park at this island the U.S. invaded in 1983


Made in 100-pound wheels, this Swiss cheese from Fribourg has a golden-brown rind & a firm, pale yellow interior


This port on the west bank of the Guayas River is Ecuador's largest city


The Marvel comic "Spider-Gwen" takes place in a universe where this girlfriend of Peter Parker gets the radioactive bite

Gwen Stacy

The first initial in the name of this clothing retailer is short for "Hers" in Swedish


The 100s are my time, so I'm gonna put my name on a wall that runs from Wallsend-on-Tyne to Bowness-on-Solway


In 1976 it became the capital of the reunified North & South Vietnam


He wrote of the Little Match Girl who had "frozen to death on the last evening of the old year"

Hans Christian Andersen

Kanye rapped about "Christmas in" this Manhattan neighborhood north of 110th Street


Jem Finch, Mayella Ewell

Harper Lee

2019: "Harriet"

Harriet Tubman

He'd seen Anne in a painting prior to their 1540 nuptials, yet still called her "the Flanders Mare"; she likely thought he was fat

Henry VIII

"The world's largest open-air shopping center", ALA Moana in this city, has had koi ponds since it opened in 1959


"Ted Mosby, Architect" & "How Lily Stole Christmas" are episodes of this show about a very long courtship story

How I Met Your Mother

Second line: "I love thee to the depth and breadth and height..."; first line: this

How do I love thee

This politician was assassinated in the Louisiana state Capitol building in Baton Rouge; his grave is in the gardens there

Huey Long

This British author of a famous dystopian novel was the grandson of a prominent biologist & the brother of 2 more biologists


No. 1 duet by Sonny & Cher nicknamed the Sultan of Swat

I Got You Babe Ruth

Completes the title metaphor from a 1986 hit song, "The Future's So Bright..."

I Gotta Wear Shades

Very little we can quote from his "No Vaseline"--let's just say this man was feeling "cold" toward his ex-NWA bandmates

Ice Cube

About the size of Kentucky, it looks bigger when it's not floating in the Atlantic


Near the tip of the pinkie is this Center for the Arts where parents have sent talented children since 1928


& Here's to you, Mary Robinson, president of this European country from 1990 to 1997


Built in the 300s A.D., the Church of the Nativity


The star of the clue is the logo of this country's police force


At the bottom center of the palm is this penitentiary city named for the president who signed Michigan into statehood


Javelin Locks, Florida

Jacksonville [JAVELIN LOCKS]

This legend here, at rest in Gate of Heaven with his wife of 64 years, won a Best Lead Actor Oscar for "Yankee Doodle Dandy"

James Cagney

The Buddhist Shingon Toji Temple overlooks Nachi Falls, the tallest waterfall in this country


72 symbolic stupas encircle the top levels of the Borobudur Temple complex on this island, Indonesia's most populous


The mom of this "Empire State of Mind" & "Hard Knock Life" star told him to apologize to Nas after a very rough diss track


Initially the only woman in her class at law school, she's been holding court on TV since 1996

Judge Judy

A 4-time nominee in the category as a nurse on "ER", she won twice as a lawyer on "The Good Wife"

Julianna Margulies

Playing Napster's Sean Parker in "The Social Network", this singer says, "Drop the 'The'. Just 'Facebook'. It's cleaner"

Justin Timberlake

Chogori & Dapsang are local names for this very tall mountain


2018's Album of the Year went to this country queen for "Golden Hour"

Kacey Musgraves

A nightmarish bureaucracy may be described by this adjective, from the name of a 20th century author


The Big Apple drops a ball, but in Manhattan in this Midwest state, "The Little Apple", they drop an apple at midnight


Perhaps Daveed Diggs should've won 2 Tonys for "Hamilton" instead of just one for playing both Thomas Jefferson & this Frenchman


For her work with libraries & literacy, a promenade outside a library at SMU is named in honor of this first lady

Laura Bush

Jules, not George, was a pseudonym that Ms. Sand used while writing for this newspaper of Paris, not Seville

Le Figaro

At least 1,300 men would prefer not to be in this Kansas county; they're in the same-named medium security penitentiary


In 1949 this toy company produced its first plastic brick


This beloved novel whose first word is "Christmas" has been adapted for a Christmas 2019 movie, with Meryl Streep as Aunt March

Little Women

Here's the 25-ton yellow submarine that docked at John Lennon Airport in 2005, in this city where it all began


Richard Hooker's "Novel About Three Army Doctors" was the basis for a film & a TV show, both with this name


It's no surprise that the "M" in the cosmetics brand MAC stands for this


In 2013 he left Louis Vuitton to focus on his own line: M.J.

Marc Jacobs

Warren Buffett offers employees $1 million a year for life for getting the Sweet 16 exactly right in this alliterative event

March Madness

Stories of cannibals & courtesans, Kublai Khan & Prester John abound in this explorer's circa 1300 "Travels"

Marco Polo

A civil rights leader: Jeffrey Wright in "Boycott" & Nelsan Ellis in "The Butler"

Martin Luther King

Him: "Back up, we don't have enough road to get up to 88." Doc Brown: "Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads"

Marty McFly

Failing eyesight & eventual blindness forced this American-born artist to stop painting around 1914

Mary Cassatt

"What's the 411?" She received a double Oscar nomination for Supporting Actress & Original Song for "Mudbound"

Mary J. Blige

AKA Workers' Day & observed around the world each spring, in 2019 it featured protests for minimum wage raises & shorter shifts

May Day

"Miss Universe Pageant" (1999) as "herself - judge"

Melania Trump

In disarray after airport security? Mitchell International, serving this Wisconsin city, has a place for you to get sorted out


How kids get to build a volcano, a castle & survival houses to avoid creepers in this video game


Hubert Humphrey in the 1940s & George Pillsbury in the 1880s presided over this city


The unfinished Longwood in Natchez in this state is best known for its Byzantium dome


Though he wrote against slavery, Monroe freed only 1 of his own slaves & went along with the 1820 deal admitting this slave state


"The Whiteness of the Whale"

Moby Dick

London's Portobello Road in the district called this "Hill" has had an antique market for decades

Notting Hill

There aren't actually 8 rivers in this Jamaica port, but there are plenty of resorts, like Sandals Royal Plantation

Ocho Rios

Gabriela Mistral (a pseudonym) encouraged this other Chilean Nobel Prize-winning poet (also a pseudonym)

Pablo Neruda

This nation's President Dr. Arif Alvi was born in 1949, 2 years after his country achieved independence


Gatun Lake


Around 300 million years ago, almost all of Earth's continents came together to form one supercontinent known as this


This city calls Elfreth's Alley, between 2nd Street & the Delaware River, "America's oldest residential street"


During the Khmer Rouge's rule from 1975 to 1979, most of this capital's population was forcibly evacuated

Phnom Penh

"Crouching Woman" & "Blind Man's Meal" are paintings from his blue period


A cemetery in Paris is nicknamed for this priest, confessor to Louis XIV

Pierre Lachaise

Not big fans of Elvis or John Wayne, this rap group urged its audience to "Fight the Power" in 1989

Public Enemy

David Suchet's Hercule-an run on TV, 1989-2013, included perhaps Poirot's trickiest puzzle, "The Murder of" this man

Roger Ackroyd

Term for the cultural & artistic movement of the late 18th & early 19th C. emphasizing emotion & sentiment rather than reason


A pregnant Mrs. Woodhouse attends a strange New Year's Eve party in this devilish book by Ira Levin

Rosemary\'s Baby

The 1996 movie "Shine" popularized his concerto known as the "Rach 3"

Sergei Rachmaninoff

In this 1954 movie musical, Adam brings home his bride Milly, who thinks his 6 siblings are uncouth & tries to tame them

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

This Zulu leader was slain by his half brothers in Southern Africa in 1828

Shaka Zulu

Sheldon by birth, this late stand-up comic played Larry David's father on "Curb Your Enthusiasm"

Shelley Berman

She's the C.O.O. of Facebook

Sheryl Sandberg

"Testimony": Ben Kingsley as this Soviet composer


Written at age 87, this prolific author's final book was "Are You Afraid of the Dark?"

Sidney Sheldon

When it came to winning the 2019 Stanley Cup, meet me in this city, as its team avenged a 1970 finals loss to the Bruins

St. Louis

Eastern European countries were also offered assistance in the plan & some showed interest, but this Soviet leader nixed the idea


(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C.) These passports belonged to Cynthia and Richard Murphy, real names Lidiya and Vladimir Guryev, who were among 10 foreign agents arrested in a 2010 operation that inspired this Emmy-winning FX series about Russian spies masquerading as U.S. citizens

The Americans

Jean Dujardin didn't have much to say in becoming the first Frenchman to win Best Actor, for this 2011 film

The Artist

This series introducing Tony, Carmela, Meadow & A.J.

The Sopranos

In 2002 as the first woman to chair the Conservative a Party, she pushed the Tories away from being the "Nasty Party"

Theresa May

The film "Loving" tells the story of an interracial couple jailed in this state, & of the 1967 Supreme Court case that ensued


The results are in for the 2019 NCAA men's basketball championship: Texas Tech lost in overtime to this school's Cavaliers


Special sauce wasn't enough--in 2019 the European Union revoked McDonald's trademark on this sandwich's name

a Big Mac

Say, Meriwether, that sheep sure has large paired features on its head--you're right, William, so let's call it this

a bighorn sheep

The European type of this grazing mammal is also called a wisent

a bison

Originally a pilot was one who steered this

a boat

Here, kitty, kitty! You aren't a mountain lion--you're this wildcat named for its short tail

a bobcat

The name of this perforated pasta prep bowl is from the Latin for "strain"

a colander

A coma is the hazy atmosphere of gases that forms around one of these as it nears the sun

a comet

Latin for "run together" gives us this word for a large open area where crowds gather, as in an airport or a train station

a concourse

A paniolo, one of these, works on a ranch herding cattle

a cowboy

A solid shaft lock engaged by turning a knob or key

a deadbolt

It's the 5-letter word for the central part of a cricket field that's between the wickets

a pitch

2 bits equals one of these U.S. coins

a quarter

(VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE) This hornless breed--take a look--is named in part for a place in Scotland

black angus

In 2017 19% of U.S. high school students experienced this type of intimidation by peers while on school property


Drawings of the head of a bearded man & of the skeleton are 2019 U.K. stamps commemorating the 500th anniv. of this artist's death

da Vinci

In 1819 famed aeronaut Sophie Blanchard ignited fireworks over Paris; bad idea in a balloon filled with this


From the name of Rome's top god, it means "full of good cheer"


A punny way to say go away is "Make like a tree and" do this


As its name indicates, this verb involves bringing to 212 degrees, but only for a brief period


Medically, it's the kneecap; excise a letter & it's a saffron-flavored Spanish rice dish

patella & paella

Gilbert Perreault is credited with "The 3 important elements of hockey are fore-check, backcheck &" this, & you can take that to the bank


Pluck a letter from these lovely flowers and they become small, stalky, maned animals

peony & pony

My title is this, & I am funky, but in Japanese, it's kōshaku


Not something to brag about, The Big Brother Award is given to the biggest offender against this right


8,000 feet up in a valley in these mountains, the scenic city of Cuenca is on the UNESCO World Heritage list

the Andes

Not only is it the world's smallest ocean, it's also the shallowest

the Arctic

This medical oath named for a Greek physician does not explicitly say, "First, do no harm" but advocates doing no harm

the Hippocratic

That Aeron desk chair is so sleek it should be in a museum; in fact, one became part of the collection of this NYC museum in 1994

the Museum of Modern Art

When Medgar Evers was gunned down in 1963, he was the Mississippi field secretary of this national organization


Emily Post says the person with this title "offers the first toast to the bride & groom at the reception"

the best man

You can say "Hit the road!" or "hit" these, which roads were once often made of

the bricks

"The sky is the daily bread of" these body parts

the eyes

It's the line of reference seen here

the prime meridian

A body part gets twisted into this alliterative, hyphenated term for being unable to utter a word


There's a body part in this word for flavorful


After Uto-Aztecan: an ideal place


A "Twilight"-themed series included do this to "Me"


One of a fingerprint's central ridges


"Adi├│s Camino De Ladrillos Amarillos"

"Goodbye Yellow Brick Road"

"...And can't tell where to find them"

"Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep"

The animal attraction series had "Purr" followed by these 4 letters


This song by Otis Redding mentions "the Frisco Bay" & "Watchin' the tide roll away"

"(Sittin\' On) The Dock Of The Bay"

In 1999 this pair of 2-letter words, a "Clueless" movie quote, was kind of a mean choice

"As If"

The Rolling Stones sued The Verve claiming too much of their song The Last Time" was used on this "Symphony"

"Bitter Sweet"

This 1960s alliterative slogan has roots in an 1858 speech that mentioned "rich color" & "full broad features"

"Black is beautiful"

In line 2 of this poem, "The score stood four to two with but one inning more to play"

"Casey at the Bat"

"Roca De Cocodrilo"

"Crocodile Rock"

"No Vayas Rompiendo Mi Coraz├│n"

"Don\'t Go Breaking My Heart"

In 1998, between "Call me" & "Text me", came this 2-word phrase invoking now-outmoded telecommunications

"Fax Me" (**"Page Me")

British composer James Sanderson used a folk tune as the basis for this, now the U.S. president's entrance music

"Hail To The Chief"

Title of the poem with the second line "He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored"

"The Battle Hymn of the Republic"

Simon & Garfunkel sang of this title guy who "carries the reminders of every glove that laid him down"

"The Boxer"

Its second line is "Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore"

"The Raven"

Superstitious theater folks use this term to refer to Shakespeare's "'Macbeth"

"The Scottish Play"

1985's Song of the Year was this charity number with 21 soloists & a big chorus of stars

"We Are The World"

To promote the use of ZIP Codes, Ethel Merman recorded a jingle to the tune of this song from "Song of the South"


The start of the 1977 "Star Wars" movie informed us it all happened "a long time ago in" this place

"a galaxy far, far away"

In 2017 Alyssa Milano tweeted, "If you've been sexually harassed or assaulted write" #this


This motto was added to the backs of $1 silver certificates in 1957 & to $1 Federal Reserve notes in 1964

In God We Trust

In 2016 an estimated 1 million people protested in Caracas against this president of Venezuela


I'm walkin' in this capital of Ancient Egypt, founded around 3000 B.C., but do I really feel the way I feel?


This "green table" region of southwest Colorado was home to Pueblo cliff dwellers more than 7 centuries ago

Mesa Verde

Venturing south to report from this country, Bly reported "American food is insipid in comparison" to the local food


In 1985 the slogan "Cubano Vota Cubano" led to Puerto Rico-born Mayor Maurice Ferré losing his job in this city to Xavier Suarez


In 1988 young Julia Roberts got mixed up with a drug dealer on an episode of this Don Johnson cop show

Miami Vice

In 1508 Julius II told him, forget Florence--I got a ceiling for you to paint, or words to that effect


In 1987 James "Bonecrusher" Smith took this heavyweight boxing champ the distance but lost the decision

Mike Tyson

This three-named actress turned her powers to Eleven on "Stranger Things"

Millie Bobby Brown

Denise Scott Brown & Robert Venturi pioneered the late 20th century style futuristically called "Post" this


Deep in the red after years of public service, this 5th president got the government to pay off at least a portion


The Santa Lucia River provides much of the drinking water for this capital of Uruguay


After Jefferson's death, owing what would be $1-2 million today, his heirs had to sell this beloved estate


This island of more than 1.5 million people is near the confluence of the Ottawa River & St. Lawrence River


A giant sculpture of a dead Norwegian blue parrot in London celebrated the 2014 reunion of this comedy troupe

Monty Python

JP ___ Chase or ___ Stanley


A 2018 statement from the Latter-Day Saints says not to call them these


The city of Marrakech, in the fertile Haouz Plain


Neo: "What are you trying to tell me, that I can dodge bullets?" Him: "No... when you're ready, you won't have to"


You can't get higher in the lower 48 than the top of this mountain in the Sierra Nevada

Mount Whitney

"Amadeus": Tom Hulce as him


Gaius Julius Vindex rebelled against this emperor after seeing him "playing pregnant women & slaves" on stage


1845, in the Knickerbocker Magazine: this 2-word possessive synonym for January 1

New Year\'s

"Bright Lights, Big City" & "From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler"

New York City

When she won in 2018, this actress gave a revised version of a quote by Margaret Atwood in her acceptance speech

(Elisabeth) Moss

Kids 5-15 get prizes at the Rotten Sneaker Contest from this brand whose name implies it's trying to help reduce the smell

Odor Eaters

In this Steinbeck work, George kills his friend Lennie to spare him from a lynch mob

Of Mice and Men

On a chart, a decan is an arc of this many degrees, a 36th of the celestial circle


JFK's 1963 speech on the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty says this many years ago "the advent of nuclear weapons changed" the world


After taking a strange drink, Rip Van Winkle falls asleep for this many years before waking up


From a Verne work: "Boldly Down the Crater"

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Directed by Stanley Kubrick, this epic film was inspired by the short story "The Sentinel" by Arthur C. Clarke

2001: A Space Odyssey

As officer Judy Hoffs, Holly Robinson Peete went undercover to solve youth crimes on this drama

21 Jump Street

Though born in Sweden, she won an Oscar for her supporting role in 2015's "The Danish Girl"

Alicia Vikander

Before guitarist Neil Giraldo, there was this other Neil from Ohio who piloted the X-15 to the edge of space


"Why should you go to jail for a crime someone else... noticed?" asked attorney Bob Loblaw on this Bluth-tastic show

Arrested Development

Played by Timothy Olyphant on "Justified", Raylan Givens appeared earlier in the short story "Fire in the Hole" by this author

Elmore Leonard

In early 2001 this Houston energy company had a market cap of $60 billion; by December it had filed for bankruptcy


Zaragoza, Spain is home to a museum dedicated to this painter of "The Naked Maja"


This country chose the image of an owl from an ancient 4-drachma coin to use on its 1-euro coin


A precursor to napalm, this combustible weapon was used by besieged defenders at Constantinople in the 7th century

Greek fire

I don't understand anything in this language, Patroclus, "It's all" this

Greek to me

"American Idiot" made its way to Broadway 6 years after this pop-punk band released the album in 2004

Green Day

This brand of canned & frozen veggies offers steamcrisp corn niblets

Green Giant

The calendar I just got doesn't say it's using the "new style" created by the 13th pope of this name, but it's a good guess

Gregory (XIII)

(Sarah of the Clue Crew is at Profiles in History in Calabasas, CA.) The ermine-trimmed velvet coronation robe from 1933's "Queen Christina" of Sweden was worn by this star of the silent screen who actually did speak in the film

Greta Garbo

Chandra Wilson not only plays Dr. Bailey, on this ABC drama, she's also directed many episodes

Grey\'s Anatomy

This drama starring Ms. Brenneman as Ms. Gray, who presided over family court cases

Grey\'s Anatomy

In the 1750s this man started his first brewery in County Kildare--later he opened the St. James Gate Brewery


Brick, Big Mama, Gooper


2 characters: "Look, your worshipfulness... I take orders from just one person: me"; "It's a wonder you're still alive"

Han Solo & Princess Leia

Living on a $112 per month pension after the White House, this ex-haberdasher refused any cashing in on the prestige of the presidency

Harry Truman

Haben Girma, who advocates for disability rights, was the first deaf blind person to graduate from this law school


The basic idea for the plan was announced during a 1947 speech to the graduating class at this prestigious U.S. university


This last name, alone or paired with McCoy


In 1968, the Byodo-In Temple was built without nails in Valley of the Temples Memorial Park in this U.S. state


With blooms lasting only about a day, hibiscus has 7 known species native to this western state


In conspiring against Othello, this character utters the only instance of "favourably"


W.H. Auden wrote a famous poem about a painting of him, described as "a boy falling out of the sky"


7,300 square miles in area, it's the smallest of the Great Lakes


If you're standing on the New York side of Niagara Falls, you can see this Canadian province on the other side


Overlord or Desert Storm


In this group's "Player's Ball", André 3000 raps, "You thought I'd break my neck to help y'all deck the halls?"


It was the alma mater of Hugh Grant & Sir Roger Bannister


In the 1986 film "Trick or Treat", Gene Simmons played Nuke & this Black Sabbath frontman was Rev. Aaron Gilstrom

Ozzy Osbourne

In 1849 this showman turned the lecture room of his American museum into a full-scale theater but it all burned down in 1865

P.T. Barnum

A history of this 2-letter Sumerian city is subtitled "The City of the Moon God"


William Herschel described it as "perhaps a comet", but it turned out to be the seventh planet


A long, rambling tale that is amusing because of its absurd or pointless ending

a shaggy dog story

The Sony X800G is one of these "clever" TVs with Internet connectivity

a smart TV

In 1919 the society was able to confirm Einstein's theory of general relativity by photographing this event you shouldn't stare at

a solar eclipse

Prosecco is a popular one of these 2-word potent potables

a sparkling wine

Referring to its shape, the Milky Way is described as this type of galaxy

a spiral

Rotisseries slowly cook meats that revolve on one of these rods

a spit

The optic nerve transmits impulses to the brain from the one million ganglion cells in this eye part

a retina

JFK used this type of chair to combat back pain--the movement was thought to relieve tension in the lower back

a rocking chair

It's a perch for chickens to rest on at night

a roost

A dramatic play in which the main character is brought to ruin in an unhappy ending

a tragedy

A wound, or the psychological damage it causes

a trauma

Anansi, a spider in African mythology, was famed as this type of mythical figure named for fooling the humans he ran across

a trickster

This word for a prehistoric cave dweller can also mean a brutal, primitive person

a troglodyte

Tradition says a toot of this instrument by Gabriel will announce judgment day

a trumpet

In your bathroom you might have a corner or clawfoot one of these

a tub

Now considered the standard for screenplays, Courier was used by IBM for the Selectric brand of these

a typewriter

Rev up your big ol' RV & go to this Wisconsin county south of Waupaca & east of Waushara


This star who made a comeback with "Stranger Things" was named for a city in her birthplace of Minnesota

Winona Ryder

The homes of the "Desperate Housewives" were on a cul-de-sac with this flowery name


About an endearing 3-legged critter: "The ___ Donkey"


Also known as a scraper, this percussion instrument originated in Latin America

a guiro

According to the Census Bureau, 35% of U.S. adults over 25 have this college degree or higher

a Bachelor\'s

On Aug. 15, 1934 this craft with "sphere" in its name took 2 men 3,028 feet underwater, a record that stood for 15 years

a Bathysphere

John Fogerty sounds like he crawled out of the swamp on CCR's song "Born On" this marshy inlet

a Bayou

It's one entrance in 2 sections, top & bottom, that operate independently

a Dutch door

The word pharaoh originally referred to a palace, but in the 18th of these, the word began to refer to the kings themselves

a Dynasty shows you how to use the plunger when making coffee in one of these

a French press

This fictional mountain creature is featured on a stamp from Bhutan

a Yeti

Car and Driver test drove one of these rink machines & said it had "the vague steering" of a '70s Cadillac

a Zamboni

You little weasel! The American species of this member of the weasel family is a carnivore & a good digger

a badger

This British job originated with the word "bar" & meant one who was called to it

a barrister

A flying fox, with a wingspan of up to 5 feet, isn't a fox--it's this type of mammal

a bat

Billy, a popular one of these especially for your library, is named for IKEA employee Billy Liljedahl

a bookshelf

You might end up in the gutter or pick up a split at this place

a bowling alley

The region of a country that grows a lot of grain is called this, also a slang term for a person's stomach

a breadbasket

With no -ted, you go from a slang way to say you got caught to this mode of group transport

a bus

Step right up & identify this musical instrument that bears the name of a muse

a calliope

A window that swings out on hinges

a casement

The Turtle Creek this establishment in northern Michigan is owned by the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa & Chippewa Indians

a casino

In the 1990s the flat screen began replacing the CRt, this boxy tube

a cathode ray tube

Reaching this tessellated banner first means you've won an auto race

a checkered flag

If you're counting carbs, this legume that's the main ingredient in hummus may not be your best choice

a chickpea

CPOs are these officers, but I don't think they are spiteful

a chief petty officer

Stravinsky's "Ebony Concerto" is for this reed instrument AKA an ebony stick

a clarinet

It's a group of witches

a coven

A monk's habit inspired this draped collar that can be pulled over the head & worn as a hood

a cowl

In Britain, the alliterative "Christmas" this is not a baked good, but a party favor that pops when you pull it open

a cracker

3 basic types of home foundations are a basement, a slab & this "space" you can slither into to access pipes

a crawl space

This term for the struggles between liberals & conservatives, especially in media, comes from the German "kulturkampf"

a culture war

Virginia's state tree is the flowering type of this "canine" tree

a dogwood

Classic practical joke novelties include this one that sends liquid trickling down a drinker's chin

a dribble glass

Abbreviated DZ, it's the area where airborne troops, equipment or supplies are expected to land

a drop zone

If you want that Indiana Jones look, you can get an officially licensed crushable wool felt this kind of hat

a fedora

Aw, the smallest of the foxes, this critter stands about 8 inches tall at the shoulders and weighs 3 pounds

a fennec fox

The name of this weasel relative can mean "to clear out"; in 1971 Fermilabs used one to clean the tubes of a particle accelerator

a ferret

This numerical term for someone or something superfluous comes from an additional tire once part of carriages

a fifth wheel

By taking away needed oxygen, a mix of baking soda & vinegar can work as a basic type of this safety device

a fire extinguisher

To give a break to those who fight conflagrations, this strip of cleared land helps stem the spread of a prairie fire

a firebreak

On New Year's Eve New Orleans drops this floral emblem

a fleur-de-lis

In 1628 privateer Piet Heyn captured a Spanish fleet & put 12 million of these Dutch monetary units ($165 million today) in the treasury

a florin (a guilder)

This lamp should only be on if visibility is reduced

a fog light

Economist Milton Friedman was fond of the saying, "There's no such thing as" this

a free lunch

This instrument heard here is a mainstay of the brass section

a french horn

Henry Purcell wrote this type of march when Queen Mary II died in 1694

a funeral march

1934, from an L.A. times piece about a "lonely wives party": this rhyming 2-word term for a female buddy

a gal pal

A car that uses a great deal of fuel

a gas guzzler

What a "gas"! This type of doctor specializes in the stomach, the intestines & their ailments

a gastroenterologist

In 1909 Wilhelm Johannsen coined this 4-letter word to describe a unit of heredity

a gene

A moraine is the name for the material & debris deposited over time by one of these as it moves on

a glacier

Gimme one of these grapefruit & vodka cocktails named for a fast dog, & make it snappy!

a greyhound

To make oat milk, use steel-cut oats or whole these, 2 letters longer than oats

a groat

It's a plucky early relative of the piano

a harpsichord

A country bumpkin

a hayseed

Jesus laments that he would have gathered the children of Jerusalem as she gathers her brood under her wings

a hen

"Polar" stars Mads Mikkelsen as a retired one of these professionals, who has relocated to a snowier clime

a hitman (assassin)

Camels & hares are unclean because this body part of theirs is not cloven

a hoof

Now a term for any astrological prediction, this term described the position of heavenly bodies in the night sky at any "hour"

a horoscope

Benjamin Maughan invented one of these called the geyser; nowadays tankless ones have eradicated cold showers

a hot water heater

Designed to carry over 400 passengers, the first one of these jets took flight in 1970

a jumbo jet

Oddly, this word, land overgrown with tropical vegetation, is from Sanskrit for dry ground or desert

a jungle

It supports your motorcycle while you're away

a kickstand

Three-letter name for the offspring seen here

a kid

It's the insect-eating bird with a royal-sounding name, seen here

a kingfisher

& Here's the pitch! This slow... erratic... maddening... baseball pitch

a knuckleball

"The Murders in the Rue Morgue"


Manhattan buildings with their own ZIP Codes include the Postum & Metlife buildings, both on the avenue with this scenic name

Park Avenue

On this sitcom, all of Pawnee comes out for the memorial of beloved miniature horse Li'l Sebastian

Parks and Recreation

The Wrigley Mansion in this L.A.-area city is today the headquarters of the Tournament of Roses Association


"Talking for Clapping" by this man took the honors as Best Comedy Album in 2016

Patton Oswalt

A Tahitian girl named Teha'amana stares at the viewer in his painting "Mana├▓ Tupapa├║ (Spirit of the Dead Watching)"

Paul Gauguin

Among the Sistine Chapel tapestries is "The Miraculous Draught of Fishes" depicting the calling of him, AKA Simon


Jesus tells him "The cock shall not crow, till thou hast denied me thrice"


Just prior to his death in 2006, this bestselling novelist wrote a book for younger readers called "Shark Life"

Peter Benchley

"Or, the Boy Who Would Not Grow Up"

Peter Pan

Take plenty of these to scale the walls; Joan of Arc said she was the first to place one against a fortress at the Siege of Orleans

a ladder

At Acme Labs, this cartoon rodent pairs with "the Brain" to attempt world domination


No lie: "The Beautiful Child Rescues the Puppet"


These rapscallions: "The Curse of the Black Pearl"

Pirates of the Caribbean

Dorothy Parker wrote, "Tonstant weader fwowed up" in her 1928 review of the book "The House at" this place

Pooh Corner

Lucida Bright was designed for this magazine that has brought the lab to the layman since 1845

Popular Science

Henri IV of France was of this faith in 1572; his bride was not, so the wedding was held just outside Notre Dame


The Japanese artist Hokusai was adept at using the dye of blue named for this onetime European kingdom

Prussian blue

A problem called tongue thrust often causes this problem, noticed when a child asks for a second story so she can sleep

a lisp

This word goes way back in Britain, despite the legend that the 1st ones hung out in D.C.'s Willard Hotel to nag Pres. Grant

a lobbyist

Buche de Noel is a chocolate sponge cake resembling a yule this

a log

Yes: Dr. Bruce Reitz' transplant in 1981 of a heart along with this organ: the "totally empty chest was... a dramatic moment"

a lung

A complex like Westfield Citrus Park in Tampa

a mall

The one that eventually caught Olympic Park bomber Eric Rudolph lasted about 7 years

a manhunt

A writer's original prepublication document

a manuscript

Using one of these he built himself, in 1674 Anton Van Leeuwenhoek gave the first accurate description of red blood cells

a microscope

This unit of measure of air pressure is based on dynes per square centimeter

a millibar

Different types of these can remove hot stuff from the oven or catch baseballs

a mitt

Time to dial up a response upon hearing one of these

a modem

A design of your initials on your stationery

a monogram

If you put off retiring, you could be one of these nocturnal avians

a night owl

This word borrowed from French for "shade of color" means a small difference in many things, including colors

a nuance

Chicago Pile-1

a nuclear reactor

Someone who receives money even though they've shown up of their own accord to work without expecting a salary

a paid volunteer

This term for an idea that cannot be criticized refers to a Hindu belief about an animal

a sacred cow

Bring somebody strong to lift this heavy, iron-bound, vertically sliding door that covers the main gate

a portcullis

Lewis & Clark gave this non-canine rodent its name and even brought one back to give to Thomas Jefferson

a prairie dog

This word refers to an area covered by a police station; Ed McBain wrote about the 87th one

a precinct

They "typically express a spatial, temporal, or other relationship"

a preposition

Mexico's coat of arms has a nopal, a type of cactus that also has this alliterative name

a prickly pear

At the Council of Trent in 1563, the Catholic church said one of these had to perform the wedding to make it legal

a priest

In the mid-19th century, the screw type of this took over from the paddle wheel as the way to make steamships go

a propeller

You kicked a football, then kicked out the -ted to get this, a play on words

a pun

After quatorze: a very short poem with a fixed amount of lines

a quatrain

The Latin for "of whom" gives us this word for the number of members of a group needed to legally transact business

a quorum

This word for a little animal that may go through your trash comes from a word for "he scratches with hands"

a raccoon

Type of steering in which the first part engages with the second

a rack & pinion

I still have a few weeks to change my Asian lunar calendar--it will soon be the year of this small creature

a rat

Sorta: the 1960s Emerson Wondergram, a portable one of these that would spin platters--if you kept it level

a record player

Bryan Ferry & mates reunited to play "Avalon" as this band was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2019

Roxy Music

This 1980s trio rapped, "It's Christmas time in Hollis, Queens, mom's cooking chicken and collard greens"


The Okhrana's function was to stifle leftist activity in this country, at least until 1917


Eva Mendes has 2 daughters with this longtime boyfriend, her co-star in "The Place Beyond the Pines"

Ryan Gosling

Shemar Moore heads up an elite unit on the streets of L.A. on this CBS reboot


NASA acronym for alien-seeking


What could be more chilling than "The Chilling Adventures of" this gal, last name Spellman, of course


Goldman this son-in-law to Goldman


$650 million stolen in Iraq was found hidden in the walls of one of this leader's palaces in 2003

Saddam Hussein

The only land border between the Netherlands & France is on this 34-square-mile Caribbean island split between them

Saint Martin

In 1810 the N.Y. Historical Society drew up a picture of this saint giving gifts but he wears a robe &--whoa whoa whoa!--is bald

Saint Nicholas

This city that was renamed was the center of the 20th century revolutions & of the Decembrist one back in 1825

Saint Petersburg

Teresa of Ávila & Ignatius of Loyola appear in Gertrude Stein's libretto for the opera titled "Four" these "in 3 Acts"


Issued in 1862, the first dollar bill featured the portrait of a real big fish, this Treasury Secretary & future Chief Justice

Salmon Chase

This Southwest U.S. state capital lies in the Northern Rio Grande Valley at about 7,000 feet above sea level

Santa Fe

Home to a lively nightlife & popular with artists, Santa Cecilia is a district in this most populous Brazilian city

Sao Paulo

Before she was a nominee for vice president & a governor, she was the mayor of the small city of Wasilla

Sarah Palin

The CBC's "Road to Avonlea" made a star of this actress named Sarah who played young Sara Stanley

Sarah Polley

In 1948 at age 42, he was Major League Baseball's oldest rookie ever

Satchel Paige

Home to its 2 most sacred cities, the Hejaz is a region in this country

Saudi Arabia

Mr. Sammler, who had a "Planet"; Von Humboldt Fleisher, who had a "Gift"

Saul Bellow

The "TODAY" show is anchored by Hoda Kotb & this woman who is also NBC news chief legal correspondent

Savannah Guthrie

Garcia is the number 1 last name in 2 states--these 2 biggies

Texas & California

You'll find King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi in this country


In this medieval literary work, Judas is found in the lowest circle of hell being gnawed on by Satan

The (Dante\'s) Inferno

Led by Capt. Mercer, this sci-fi series on FOX sees its title ship & crew boldly going where no comedy has gone before

The Orville

A priest & a greedy doctor are but a few of the obstacles the young diver Kino must overcome in this Steinbeck tale

The Pearl

"The Prince of Santini"

The Prince of Tides

Emily Blunt played pregnant mom Evelyn Abbott in this scary 2018 film

The Quiet Place

William Brodie, craftsman by day & criminal by night, was the inspiration for this Robert Louis Stevenson tale

The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

In this folk tale, the title barnyard trio faces off against a troll under a bridge

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

This Victor Hugo novel begins in 1482

The Three Musketeers

Pink Floyd is the band & the main character in this 1979 rock opera

The Wall

One of the band's 4 faces, Keith Moon was the man who drummed for this quartet that had a hit with "Squeeze Box"

The Who

Russian for "self-boiler", these urns were traditionally used to heat water for tea & in 1989 were showcased on a series of stamps

a samovar

From a 1988 speech by a presidential candidate. "A brilliant , diversity spread like stars, like" this 5-word phrase

a thousand points of light

The pressure of one of these might be low based on the light seen here

a tire

This word for an ax comes from Algonquian, though it's associated with the Florida State Seminoles

a tomahawk

The final stage of a chess contest


To deposit it, sign your name on the back of the check!


In battle you better follow the R.O.E., rules of this


Zymosis is a type of this process that produces alcohol by the conversion of sugar


To rot, or the uncle on "The Addams Family"


Bring back the stick, Fido!


During the Revolutionary War, drums were usually paired with this four-letter tooter


We wish you a merry Christmas pudding, AKA this, a dish of dried fruit, suet & cognac, set afire before serving--now bring us some!

figgy pudding (*plum pudding)

When you must let everyone know you didn't touch up that shot of you by that scenic overlook, it's #no(this 6-letter word)


Fins & scales are required for these to be considered okay to eat


These elongated crevices or cracks on the slope of a volcano release lava


(Jimmy of the Clue Crew in Nuremberg, Germany.) With some 50 million cookies produced each year in all sizes and shapes, Nuremberg, Germany is this Christmas treat capital of the world

gingerbread cookie

This Vegas term for a really high roller is what Ichikawa is called in "Casino"

a whale

The powder for these, worn by 18th c. men, was made of ground starch & scented with lavender; a 1795 tax ended the style

a wig

In Medieval Europe, some women wore a cloth headdress called this, still used today by some nuns who wear a traditional habit

a wimple

Grey Wind was the name of one of these that belonged to Robb Stark on "Game of Thrones"

a wolf

"Hell hath no fury like" one of these

a woman scorned

Lewis noted of the Lewis' type of this bird that the pointy tail helps it stay vertical against the tree trunk it's beaking

a woodpecker

The Mongol Dynasty lasted from 1271 to 1368


John Feinstein gave a behind-the-scenes look at playing this sport professionally in "A Good Walk Spoiled"


Copper sulfate helped produce Scheele's this color, which gave some Victorians arsenic poisoning from wallpaper


In Japanese: midori


An A to Z of kitchen tools might end with this one used to remove part of the peel of certain fruits

a zester

1940s Mexican-American men helped popularize this rhyming ensemble associated with jitterbug dancing

a zoot suit

If you're "taken" this way, also a nautical term, you're surprised


The pool & tennis courts are just a few of these attractive conveniences, from the Latin for "pleasant"


It's also known as the Cape anteater & it earns that name by eating tens of thousands a night

an aardvark

In 2016 the Gerald R. Ford, one of these, took almost an hour & a half to turn 180 degrees; it also needed some tugboats

an aircraft carrier

It's a collection of writings by several authors concerning a similar subject

an anthology

A projecting portion of a stage in front of the curtain is known as this, also a term for a protective garment worn in front

an apron

A physical repository of historic documents; there's a famous one at 700 Pennsylvania Avenue

an archive

(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) In figure skating, a long backward glide on the outside edge of one foot leads into a Lutz. You face forward before leaping into the air to do one of these

an axel

Niels Bohr said an atom's electro-magnetic radiation occurred only when one of these elem. particles jumped to a lower-energy orbit

an electron

A white one of these animals is a metaphor for something too expensive for its owner to take care of

an elephant

It makes sense that this animal is at the center of the coat of arms for the Ivory Coast

an elephant

(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) Australia's coat of arms has the kangaroo and this bird. Both symbolize the country's forward motion, as it's believed the animals don't like to move backwards

an emu

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew is at the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C.) Stick and ball games are common among many Native peoples, but the only nation with its own sports team on an international level is the Iroquois team, competing in this centuries-old sport


Used in "The Arrest of Christ", Naples yellow contains both antimony and this heavy metal once common in house paint


The company Archie McPhee is known for novelties like this profession action figure with "amazing shushing action!"


In the Olympics, Leon Spinks won a gold medal in this boxing class between 165-178 pounds

light heavyweight

At 97, John Goodenough is the oldest Nobel Prize winner, for work on these batteries with a hyphenated name in laptops & phones


John Gay in "The Beggar's Opera" calls it "the knot that sacred love hath tied"



memory cards

The use of cinnabar as a red, like in Degas' "Combing the Hair", is quite toxic, as it contains this liquid metal


Another word for compassion; Jesus said those who practice it will have it shown to them


Oklahoma's state flower, with tiny ones blooming in winter, this grows as a parasite on tree trunks--now give us a kiss!


Glyphosate is one of the most widely used of these, another word for a weedkiller

an herbicide

A big yes: this, described in a March 2006 patent filing as a "multi-functional handheld device"

an iPhone

You may be accused of cultural this 13-letter word if you wear a Sikh-style turban & you aren't Sikh


Spirits are also known as eau de vie or this Latin phrase that also means "water of life"

aqua vitae



Of natural, like certain sweeteners


The Arabic-language "Canon of Medicine" recommends willow oil for head pain--willow, genus Salix, as in this common medicine of today


An itching sensation in the chest can signal an attack of this, in which bronchioles narrow


2 chambers of the heart quiver instead of beating properly in the condition called "AF", standing for this

atrial fibrillation

(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) Particles in a solar wind hit the Earth's magnetic shield and head for the Poles then interact with gases in our atmosphere to form this six-letter phenomenon


Adjective for a brook making a low, continuous murmur


This "body part" type of compliment is ambiguous & insincere


In German place names, bad means "bath" & a spa town got its name from this plural word for bath


Qualatex, which offers an exam to become a CBA, certified this artist, is a brand of microfoil & latex ones


Okay, these fruits are about 22% carbs, but Cavendish ones do help lower blood pressure & promote a healthy heart, so it's worth it!


This 3-letter word can mean "except", especially preceding "none"


Topps,Bowman,Panini America

baseball cards

Chauncey Billups & former Phoenix Suns owner Jerry Colangelo are board members for this sport's governing body in America


While cooking meat keep it moist by doing this, pouring juices or melted fat over it


Alkalisk is the name for these sold at IKEA


Despite the name patients don't need to be on a mattress to benefit from this soothing 2-word doctor demeanor

bedside manner

This word for something monstrous in size comes from the name of a powerful grass-eating beast in Job


The Spanish word "Baja" in Baja California means this

below (lower)

In French: noir


A couple of shaves of this on your pasta can set you back several hundred dollars

black truffles

Often used when describing plain food, this 5-letter word means not highly flavored, maybe even tasteless


Natural insulation found on a seal or whale


Countries with flags of only these 2 colors include Greece, Honduras & Israel

blue & white

The feather type of this "snake" scarf gets the press but you can wear one in pleated silk or fur, too


It means to mishandle a football or baseball


Clothing articles that gave their name to 1940s adolescent girls

bobby socks

You kicked something, then kicked out the -ted to get this, a sports fan's sound of contempt


A dull person can become exciting as a South African of Dutch extraction

bore [Boer]

How to identify the differences between antique copper & these 2 "B" alloys

bronze & brass

U to A: to sing in the street for money, then do this in the resulting applause

busk & bask

Things are always going wrong with the proverb "Bread always falls" this way

butter side down

Almond Breeze, an almond milk, provides 45% of the recommended daily allowance of this bone-building element


Still or nearly still; "Keep" this "& carry on"


Remember: "A", for the city that is the official seat of government in a state; "O", for a state legislature building

capital & capitol

Leonardo da Vinci used a black powder made from carcinogenic sources like coal tar & named for this element


In 1950 the U.S. manufactured more than 75% of the world's these; in 2018, 12%


In movies & on TV, crushers of these are often seen at junkyards; OverBuiit LLC makes one with 10' jaws & 159 tons of crushing power


A specialty of Goa, India is feni, a potent liquor made from the fruit of the tree that produces these kidney-shaped nuts


13-letter adjective for the fluid that surrounds the brain & other parts of the nervous system


French word for cherry that's also a shade of red (1926)


You don't have to hold a candle if you have this hanging fixture whose name is from a word meaning "something that holds candles"


The pig is forbidden because it doesn't do this like cows & goats do

chew its cud

Greek for "dance" & "write" gives us this occupation


Pius X's demand for the resignations of 2 bishops led to France's 1905 law mandating the separation of these 2 entities

church and state

In an old print ad, Santa says a gift bringing "pleasure to every rare indeed. Such a gift, my friends, is Lucky Strike"--these


The formula for this measure of a circle is pi times the diameter


The 3 most basic types of clouds are stratus, cumulus & this high, wispy type with a name meaning "curl"


In 1932 Jaya Narayan was jailed in India for protesting British rule in this 2-word nonviolent way

civil disobedience

Come out of your "shell" & say this 2-word term meaning to suddenly cease speaking

clam up

Please explain better that you know this verb means to melt butter to sort out impurities


There's no "rock" in the name of the U.S. team for this sport that includes bouldering & speed disciplines


The J-Mo Doctrine said the Americas are "not to be... subjects for" this type of settlement by European powers


When CBS got FCC approval to broadcast in this in 1950, only about 2 dozen sets could receive it


Jesus said the first one is "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart"


Around the condo the grounds open to all are called these "areas", just like Marie's favorite rapper


"Monty Python's Flying Circus" often encouraged us with "And now for something..." these 2 words

completely different

Marie is stoked that her condo has one of these French-named helpers who gets her tickets to all the best stuff


Doctors should protect this 15-letter bond with the patient, ensuring that personal details are kept secret


They are " their function as connectors between words, phrases, clauses, or sentences"


A retailer who buys goods from a wholesaler "on" this pays only for what he in turn can sell, returning the unsold items


The plan was part of this 11-letter geopolitical policy of keeping Communist expansion within boundaries


The Dalai Lama has tweeted "a sense of" this "is crucial to being happy"


Proverbially, you do this to "your heels" when you're kept waiting


The temperature of this liquid has gotten too high

coolant (antifreeze)

Fed to livestock, it's the USA's most widely produced feed grain, grown on more than 400,000 farms


1125, in the "Anglo-Saxon Chronicle": this word for an assembly that now often follows "city"


The Swiss company Alpen Schatz has been making these noisy items for 250 years


A painful, spasmodic contraction of a muscle turns into a tool to fasten objects together

cramp & clamp

A fold in the center of your pant leg goes into the changing room & exits as an oily lubricant

crease & grease

Bust out your chafing dish, some orange butter sauce & Grand Marnier to fire up this crepes dish

crêpes Suzette

Literally translated as "burnt cream", this custard dish is topped with sugar that gets caramelized under a broiler

crème brûlée

2-word term for the trauma experienced when suddenly moving from one society to another

culture shock

Gyres are circular ocean systems of these flows, such as the Canary one, part of the North Atlantic Gyre


The science of determining a tree's age by looking at its growth rings


An iron anvil will float in mercury because this quality in mercury is about twice that of iron


Water begins to form on plants & cars at this "point", the temperature at which the atmosphere is saturated with water vapor


Better return that encyclopedia Monday before the librarian notices it's missing


Russia's 1,700-foot-deep Mir Mine, one the largest manmade holes in the world, has produced millions of carats of these


The glow plug in this type of engine is not hot enough to ignite the fuel


This synonym for "expanded" is often used of a widened pupil


The 1970s & '80s were the heyday of this meal-&-a-show type of venue, hiring movie stars like Tab Hunter & Cyd Charisse

dinner theater

It's the condition of being a god, or a fudge-like nutty candy


A fierce situation in which survival belongs to those with the toughest & thickest skin is this kind of "world"


1970s Budget Director Bert Lance got people saying "If it ain't broke", this

don\'t fix it

This '50s music style is what The Turbans are saying in their song "When You Dance"


After the birth of Jesus, the Virgin Mary makes an offering of 2 of these birds


Not a Dirty Harry movie, magnus force makes soccer balls curve due to this resistant force acting on 1 side of the spinning sphere


Unusual for a conifer, larch trees do this each fall like deciduous ones

drop leaves

Dumbfounded is a synonym for this other "dumb" word that means you've been surprised to the point of speechlessness


The Lord told Moses, "I bare you on" these birds' wings

eagles\' wings

There are 3 C's in this word for someone who has a truly unconventional personality


Get an "E" for effort with this egg-laying Aussie mammal. Here are its babies called puggles


In the 1940s, William Sheldon classified body types into endomorphs, mesomorphs & these


The hawk owl is unusual for producing almost perfectly spherical ones


A 1990 Oilers-Kings game saw 356 of these doled out, with Marty McSorley getting 37--that'd be more than half the game!

penalty minutes

A to O: a work of drama on a stage employs a maneuver to gain a strategic advantage

play & ploy

In 1922 London, over 50 companies were making this mechanical & musical wonder with no fingers on the keys

player pianos

Real programs on this type of TV seen in "Wayne's World" include "The Mr. Science Show" & "Cast Iron TV"

public access

The helpful Wesley Snipes: "You ever play" this game? "Let me give you a word of advice--always bet on black"


I hope our clue doesn't rub you the wrong way


Kick out a letter from a British contact sport to get a July birthstone

rugby & ruby

A learned, venerable person; it sounds like an aromatic herb of the mint family used to season food


Latin for "salt" gives us this word for how much you get paid each week


Reel in a letter from a popular food fish to get a place where you get your nails done

salon from salmon

Lester Young was a legendary tooter on the tenor type of this


After Schachtism: deriving happiness at the expense of another's woes


The Margaret Herrick Library of the Motion Picture Academy is home to more than 15,000 of these from 1910 to the present

scripts or screenplays

The motion of tectonic plates sliding past each other is known as this, like clipping a sheep


2-word phrase also meaning "push the boat out into the water"

shove off

Will Ferrell & John C. Reilly were title these in a 2008 film

step brothers

In a Jeffrey Eugenides novel, each of the lovely Lisbon sisters commits this, which a priest in the book calls a mortal sin


"The Burning", the debut film for Holly Hunter & Jason Alexander, was part of the flourishing horror-at-this-summer-setting genre

summer camp

On the morning of February 24, 1987 SN 1987A, one of these, appeared in the large Magellanic Cloud


Stretchy & strong, the Prolene brand of these was invented in 1969 & is still used for bypass surgery


The hermit,the hanged man,the 4 of pentacles

tarot cards

Four o'clock or so, when Earl Grey is traditionally served

tea time

Made from this 4-letter wood from India, the HMS Trincomalee is the oldest British warship still afloat


Fans visiting Graceland sometimes leave these stuffed animals from a 1957 hit song on Elvis' grave

teddy bear

A display of anger "thrown" by a child

temper tantrum

You put up a portable canvas shelter yesterday, then took down the -ted to leave this cardinal number


Since 1900 the Davis Cup has been awarded to men's teams in this sport


These "waters" are traditionally within 3 miles of a nation's shores


CoverGirl cosmetics is Leaping Bunny certified, meaning the company doesn't do this

test on animals

400 years ago, it reached Plymouth carrying 102 passengers


In 1905 this ship sailed into Odessa with a revolutionary attitude, a red flag & a "people's committee" newly in charge


In this novel, after learning there are no grownups, Jack says, "We'll have to look after ourselves"


Since 1846, a ship with this alliterative name has been bringing people close to the roaring cataracts


Some are up in arms over this marble statue carved around 150 B.C., saying she's really the sea goddess Amphitrite


This rigid airship made its first Atlantic crossing in May 1936 & its last in 1937


You could say T.S. Eliot's masterpiece known as "The Four" these gives you quadruple the number


The White Stripes sang, "I'm gonna fight 'em off"; one of these "couldn't hold me back"

the "Seven Nation Army"

The "Music City Miracle" was a last-second play that benefited this NFL team in 2000

the (Tennessee) Titans

Both male & female Americans will celebrate the August 2020 100th anniversary of this amendment to the Constitution

the 19th Amendment

After stopping a carriage driver from beating his horse, Henry Bergh founded the org. known by these 5 letters for short


At the S.E. tip of Italy, Santa Maria di Leuca has been called the "City Between Two Seas", the Ionian & this one to the north

the Adriatic

You can get from Manhattan's Penn Station right to your terminal at Newark Airport on the air this

the AirTrain

Hippolyta is the queen of these women

the Amazons

Fanesca, an Ecuadorian Easter soup, is made with fish, representing Jesus, and 12 grains or beans representing these

the Apostles

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) The British government's Proclamation of 1763 created what the Brits called a vast Indian reserve in which no colonists were allowed to settle west of these mountains

the Applachian Mountains

(Sarah of the Clue Crew is at the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C.) Soon after this 1876 battle, the U.S. had almost all the region's Native Americans confined to reservations, yet that one setback looms large and made the Sioux and other plains people the iconic image of Native Americans

the Battle of Little Bighorn

Hydrogen & helium, which make up 98% of atomic matter, were formed during the first few minutes after this event not caught on film

the Big Bang

A temple in India has a tree descended from this five-letter tree important in the life of Buddha

the Bodhi Tree

On "Star Trek: Voyager", this techno-species designated Jeri Ryan's character Seven of Nine & it sorta stuck

the Borg

Santa Cruz is a port & the chief city on the island of Tenerife in these Atlantic islands

the Canary Islands

With as many sets of double letters as the Mississippi, this river forms about half the Alabama-Georgia border

the Chattahoochee

Here's this city's river of the same name decked out for St. Patty's Day. The dye powder is actually orange until it hits water

the Chicago

Of the 7 Ancient Wonders, the name of this one from the 200s B.C. reflected its huge size

the Colossus of Rhodes

The British Empire Games are now known by this name, as the Brits are somewhat less imperial now

the Commonwealth Games

Appropriately, this river forms a 500-mile boundary between the Republic of it & the Democratic Republic of it

the Congo

The CBO, this, analyzes economic issues on behalf of the House & Senate

the Congressional Budget Office

Thomas Blood & his criminal gang stole these treasures from the Tower of London in 1671, but were quickly caught

the Crown Jewels

In the 2nd century Basilides taught that Jesus traded bodies with Simon of Cyrene before this event & watched laughing

the Crucifixion

(Sarah of the Clue Crew is at the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C.) Disputes over treaties between tribes and the U.S. may seem far in the past, but this mile marker says otherwise. It was part of the 2016 protest by the Standing Rock Tribe that claimed this pipeline violated an 1868 pact

the Dakota Access Pipeline

One a Buddhist, one a South African Anglican, these 2 religious leaders co-wrote "The Book of Joy"

the Dalai Lama & Desmond Tutu

In 2019 some folks in Humble, Texas wanted to get into a time machine & start making this stainless steel car again

the DeLorean

Thomas Jefferson's final draft of this document dropped language calling slavery "an execrable commerce"

the Declaration of Independence

Hello, young lovers. Head over to this symbol of the Universal Exposition of 1889; the world's tallest structure then; iconic now

the Eiffel Tower

At first just for the rich, the falls became a destination for all classes when this waterway opened in 1825

the Erie Canal

With nearly 7 million rivets, the Scottish bridge over this firth was the first built primarily of steel

the Firth of Forth

The U.S. Navy wanted to paint this bridge that opened in 1937 with yellow & black stripes so that it would be more visible in the fog

the Golden Gate Bridge

Long-lasting storm system on Jupiter that's a British expression for a sip of Lipton or Twinings

the Great Red Spot of tea

In 2018 around 1.7 million people trekking from all over the world made this pilgrimage to Mecca

the Hajj

(VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE) That's the pope putting the crown on Charles V, so this must be the title he's receiving in 1530

the Holy Roman Emperor

Theodosius I stamped out Macedonianism, which denied that this 3rd person of the Trinity was a person

the Holy Spirit

The Arizona-Nevada power plant at this 1,244'-long hydroelectric structure has a 2,080-megawatt capacity

the Hoover Dam

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe was the big star of this "worldly" 20th century style that emphasized straight lines

the International Style

This band was "Only Human" as a hitmaker in 2019, its humans being Kevin, Joe & Nick

the Jonas Brothers

Beginning in 1954 this security agency of the Soviets began dealing harshly with enemies of the state

the KGB

This 1611 book had what were known as "He" & "She" editions, after variants in the last words of Ruth 3:15

the King James Bible

This powerful union of the 1880s, KOL for short, began as a secret society modeled on the Masons

the Knights of Labor

The Folger Library is in D.C. across 2nd Street SE from this much larger library

the Library of Congress

A 1968 horror movie was titled "Night of" these zombies

the Living Dead

4 of the 7 members of the team that first conquered this Alp in 1865 fell to their deaths during the descent

the Matterhorn

Hydroelectric plants & pumping-generating stations on the U.S. & Canadian sides of this river have a 4.8-million kilowatt combined capacity

the Niagara River

In 1946 Emily Greene Balch, a colleague of Jane Addams, was a co-winner of this award first given in 1901

the Nobel Peace Prize

Existing from about 1200-400 B.C., this civilization of Mesoamerica is closely identified with giant stone heads

the Olmecs

In 1977, after decades of dwindling ridership, this luxury train was discontinued, or was it...murdered?!

the Orient Express

The Paz River separates Guatemala & El Salvador before flowing into this body of water

the Pacific

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) While Greece is the southernmost country of the Balkan Peninsula, the southernmost part of mainland Greece is this other peninsula where ancient Sparta was located

the Peloponnesian

In journalism, before Neil Cavuto came Neil Sheehan, who got a huge scoop in 1971 with these Defense Department documents

the Pentagon Papers

Time Magazine named Corazon Aquino, the first female president of this nation, 1986's woman of the year

the Philippines

Richard Rogers & Renzo Piano played with traditional notions of design with this Paris art "Centre" named for a French president

the Pompidou Centre

One of Christo's temporary works of art was the wrapping in fabric of this oldest Paris bridge

the Pont Neuf

On April 21,1918 he caught a fatal bullet while piloting his Fokker triplane over northern France

the Red Baron (Richthofen)

These 2 rivers form parts of the border between the U.S. & Mexico

the Rio Grande & the Colorado

Tiger & Phil went 0-6 as the European team beat the U.S. 17 1/2-10 1/2 to claim this trophy in 2018

the Ryder Cup

A Spotify survey shows most surgeons listen to music in the O.R. & the No. 1 selection is this band's "Rock You Like A Hurricane"

the Scorpions

Pre-D.C., Nancy was an actress & Ronald was a different kind of president, leading SAG, short for this, from 1947 to 1952

the Screen Actors Guild

This 15-nation U.N. body is charged with the maintenance of international peace

the Security Council

The coat of arms of this nation of islands off Africa's east coast has only one shell down by the seashore, & it's a turtle

the Seychelles

Onetime vampire players Evan Rachel Wood, Tilda Swinton, Danny Trejo & Wesley Snipes all had cameos on "What We Do in" these

the Shadows

China got its hands on Christianity & Buddhism via this trade "highway"

the Silk Road

The name of this university honors a 13th century French theologian

the Sorbonne

The face of this statue of Giza is thought to represent Khafre, builder of one of the Great Pyramids at Giza

the Sphinx

On a high stone pyramid, Aztec priests performed sacrifices to Huitzilopochtli, god of this heavenly body

the Sun

Warren E. Burger founded this body's historical society & served as its first honorary chairman

the Supreme Court

UNESCO described this landmark, built in memory of a man's wife, as "the jewel of Muslim art in India"

the Taj Mahal

Organized in the 1830s, this group of lawmen merged with the Texas State Highway Patrol in 1935

the Texas Rangers

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew is at the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C.) Despite the legal veneer of the Indian Removal Act, forcing 100,000 Native Americans from the fertile southeast to the more arid lands west of the Mississippi, caused thousands of deaths from starvation, exposure, and disease, leading to this term

the Trail of Tears

One of several Nobel laureates associated with this university is its professor Takaaki Kajita, a 2015 physics winner

the University of Tokyo

Thutmose I was the first pharaoh to cut his tomb into this "royal" resting place near Thebes

the Valley of the Kings

Completes the title of a podcast devoted to to a Sarah Michelle Gellar series, "Buffering..."

the Vampire Slayer

Among the first of many demonstrations to protest this conflict was in August 1963, part of a Hiroshima commemoration

the Vietnam War

In 1909, painter Boris Kustodiev captured a promenade and some merrymaking along this river

the Volga

In July 2019 this D.C. monument was "turned" into a rocket for the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11

the Washington Monument

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C.) This phone and wiretapping device help set off one of the most notorious episodes in American history in the early morning hours of June 17, 1972 when five burglars were arrested in this Washington, D.C. hotel and office complex

the Watergate

Abe & Mary Todd are moving back to D.C., where Abe was a congressman from 1847 to 1849 in this pre-Republican party

the Whig Party

Dublin's Leinster House inspired James Hoban's design of this Washington, D.C. building

the White House

At the 9/11 Memorial Museum, you can see part of a retaining wall and a column now covered with mementos from this complex

the World Trade Center

Chongming Island at the mouth of this river is part of Shanghai Municipality

the Yangtze

Bosworth Field: This royal house

the York

A nationalistic movement that began in Istanbul lent its name to this term for any progressive thinker

the Young Turks

Brazilian dance that's the Canadian province where Halifax is the capital

the bossa Nova Scotia

Here's Cuba's national flower, the mariposa, the Spanish name of this insect that the petals resemble

the butterfly

Around 1080 Chinese scientist Shen Kuo made the first scientific mention of one of these magnetic devices

the compass

Originating in the late 1600s, England's Tories believed in the doctrine called this right of kings

the divine right

Though we think of it as grayish-brown, the boys called it a "white bear" & killed quite a few

the grizzly bear

This French word refers to a way in which doctors prioritize patients


If a vehicle flips over, this piece of steel in the form of an inverted "U" can prevent the occupants from being crushed

the roll bar

For the Winter Olympics, luge has its own governing body, while bobsled shares a governing body with this similar sport

the skeleton

Before Neil Gorsuch, A.B. Neil similarly believed in the original meaning of the Constitution as Chief Justice of this in Tennessee

the state supreme court

In Romanian: alb


No: these, attached to a Scotsman's arms for a leg-breaking leap from the top of Stirling Castle in 1507


A verb meaning to shrivel, or an old adverb meaning "Where to?"

wither [whither]

This word from the German for a child prodigy was first used for musicians


During fermentation, live & active cultures convert pasteurized milk to this; look for the "live & active cultures" seal on it


Partner of hither, it means farther away


The Palais de Justice & Notre Dame Cathedral are both found on this île in the Seine

Île de la Cité

One theory estimates that life on Earth began 3.5 billion years ago near these volcanic openings in the seabed

(alkaline) vents

A country singer: "How do You Like Me Now?!" & "Who's Your Daddy?"

Toby Keith

Unlikely allies Jack Ryan & Captain Marko Ramius

Tom Clancy

Marshall Field's Chicago department store popularized the expression "The customer is" this

always right

Fill up your tank with a Ferrari, made with dry vermouth & this almond-flavored liqueur


According to synastry, or relationship astrology, if his Mars is in her 8th this, she'll have the hots for him


It can mean the lighting used to decorate a building, or someone's spiritual or intellectual understanding


Hair color products from this company include Féria, Excellence Creme & Superior Preference


It's a city of 3 million located on the Río de la Plata Estuary

Buenos Aires

The fee to this ferryman was an obolos coin placed in the mouth of the deceased


This sociable forest antelope shares its name with paired Afro--Cuban drums

a bongo

Non-fluid aneroid barometers use a partial one of these instead of mercury to measure air pressure


He chose a nice blue hat to cover the bandage over his ear for the 1889 painting seen here

van Gogh

Swipe a letter from a liquid used to form a glossy coating & watch it disappear

varnish & vanish

Rice milk is right for those who are lactose intolerant or who follow this 5-letter diet that avoids animal products


This nice-to-touch fabric comes in a crushed type, such as panne & mirror


One day a year this restaurant chain offers free chicken if you dress like a cow


The Mount, not the House of Mirth, is the name of her estate in Lenox, Massachusetts

(Edith) Wharton

On his podcast "Under the Skin", this British comedian tackles serious topics like personal growth

(Russell) Brand

French folk Queen Margot & Athos

(Alexander) Dumas

Based on the real life of a troubled fashion model, HBO's "Gia" made this actress a star

(Angelina) Jolie

San Jacinto: This general, who became a prisoner the next day

(Antonio de) Santa Anna

"The skeleton atop the canopy bed is a reminder of our mortality", said this woman who painted herself in "The Dream"

(Frida) Kahlo

In July 1984 in San Francisco, she accepted the Democratic Party's nomination for vice president

(Geraldine) Ferraro

This psychiatrist is buried in the Protestant church graveyard in Z├╝rich, Switzerland

(Carl) Jung

(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from Omni Parker House in Boston MA.) Arriving on November 19, 1867 for a U.S. reading tour, this author practiced "A Christmas Carol" in front of the mirror here, now named for him

(Charles) Dickens

The society first met in 1660 after a lecture by this architect, long before he designed St. Paul's Cathedral

(Christopher) Wren

This "Robinson Crusoe" author was pilloried (literally) & jailed for libel in 1703

(Daniel) Dafoe

B: this tasty Elizabethan courtier pioneered inductive reasoning in "Novum Organum"

(Francis) Bacon

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew at the Great Synagogue in Budapest, Hungary.) The largest synagogue in Europe is found in Budapest, and in 1865, this Hungarian composer and keyboard master stopped by to play the organ

(Franz) Liszt

In the U.S. sparklers are big on July 4th; in the U.K., they come out for the November day & night named for this conspirator

(Guy) Fawkes

This Great Compromiser introduced the Compromise Tariff of 1833

(Henry) Clay

His whale of a tale began in New York City in 1819 & ended there with his death in 1891

(Herman) Melville

In "The Book of Gutsy Women", this former first lady & her daughter tell the stories of their heroes, like Diana Nyad & Rachel Carson

(Hillary) Clinton

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C.) This imposing desk was used by this imposing man who headed the Bureau for 48 years and for whom the headquarters' building is named

(J. Edgar) Hoover

As an editor in London, Ezra Pound helped to publish this man's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man"

(James) Joyce

Much to her chagrin, homicide detective Kate Beckett got teamed up with this title mystery writer to solve cases

(Richard) Castle

In "Frontier" this "Aquaman" actor gets chilly as ruthless trapper Declan Harp

(Jason) Momoa

This host of "The Tonight Show" wrote the children's book "Your Baby's First Word Will Be DADA"

(Jimmy) Fallon

John Edwards

(John) Kerry

In one of the society's first experiments, this founding member soon to be known for his "law" of gases tested an air pump

(Robert) Boyle

"Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect" was originally written to raise money for his passage to the New World

(Robert) Burns

John played Clarence when this other great 20th century Shakespearean actor directed "Richard III" in 1955

(Laurence) Olivier

According to legend, he was blown off course around 1000 A.D. & landed on the North American continent

(Leif) Erikson

She wrote the novel "Big Little Lies", the basis for an HBO series

(Liane) Moriarty

This 6'9" author who raised dinosaurs from the dead passed away in 2008 after a battle with cancer

(Michael) Crichton

She defeated Serena Williams to win the women's title at the 2018 U.S. Open

(Naomi) Osaka

Upon the death of Daniel Inouye, this Vermont Democrat, in office since 1975, became the longest-serving U.S. Senator

(Patrick) Leahy

He got up late on New Year's Day 1660, ate some turkey & began writing his diary

(Samuel) Pepys

He dedicated his poem "The Waste Land" to Ezra Pound, "il miglior fabbro" ("the better craftsman ")

(T.S.) Eliot

El Greco's painting of the Virgin Mary cradling her dead son is called this, like Michelangelo's famous sculpture of the same subject


"Wolf Hall" is the first in a planned trilogy of books about the rise & fall of this adviser to Henry VIII

(Thomas) Cromwell

Shared last name of the two men seen here, New York's Archbishop and one of the city's sports team owners

(Timothy & James) Dolan

Let's get something strait; in 1724 Peter the Great appointed this Dane to find out if Asia & North America were connected by land

(Vitus) Bering

In "Song of Myself" this poet sounds his "barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world"

(Walt) Whitman

As prime minister, this man the younger emerged in the late 18th century as the leader of the new Tory party

(William) Pitt

This comedian hopes to turn his Branson, Missouri theater into Yakov Towers, a senior community

(Yakov) Smirnoff

At a peace rally in Tel Aviv, an assassin took the life of this Israeli prime minister

(Yitzhak) Rabin

This U S. Army officer with a summit named for him in the Rockies was killed in action in the War of 1812

(Zebulon) Pike

Going to federal prison at this Calif. landmark is more fun today than when it actually held inmates from 1934 to 1963


A famous scene on the Sistine Chapel ceiling shows "The Creation of" him


1/53 of California's House Delegation is this Intelligence Committee Chairman

Adam Schiff

Charlie Kaufman wrote this 2002 film that starred Nicolas Cage as Charlie Kaufman


In 2016 this British woman had a hit with "Water Under The Bridge"


In an annual competition, you toss a fish west over the state line from Florida to this state


One notable alum is this actor who starred on "M*A*S*H" & directed 32 of its episodes

Alan Alda

This province: by British Columbia, the Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan & Montana


Perseus rescues this mythological beauty from becoming sea monster food & then marries her


Starring David Boreanaz, this spin-off from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"


Both parts of this "heavenly" Tony Kushner play proved to be the best of the year in 1993 & '94

Angels in America

A life-size statue of this girl pulling back an imaginary curtain in her attic hiding place is at a Boise Human Rights Memorial

Anne Frank

This city lies 5 miles from the Bay of Phaleron, an inlet of the Aegean Sea


"Peachtree Road" by Anne Rivers Siddons


The Golden Globes proved to be magic for Donald Glover, winning in 2017 for acting on this series, which also won for Best Comedy


Zilker Park is home to this 3-word music festival held every fall bearing the name of Texas' capital

Austin City Limits

The San Diego Zoo is just part of this vast park named for a conquistador

Balboa Park

We appreciate the indoor service dog relief area at the airport for this charmed city; the fire hydrant's a nice touch


In 2005 this British graffiti artist installed his own works on the walls of museums in N.Y. & London


She was born to magazine publisher Marvin Pierce in 1925, 16 years before she met "Poppy"

Barbara Bush

On 1960s TV, Yvonne Craig was civilian Barbara Gordon but also this caped crime fighter


She won an Emmy for playing "Maude"; then came her Emmy for "The Golden Girls"

Bea Arthur

In 2020 this composer's birth city of Bonn & surrounding areas are celebrating his 250th birthday all year long


Just ask Kim Jong Un: in the '90s this wacky "Worm" led the NBA in rebounds per game 7 straight times

Dennis Rodman

In West Philadelphia born & raised, Will Smith moved in with his aunt & uncle to a home on St. Cloud Road in "a town called" this


The motto "L'Union fait la force", "Unity makes strength", is on the coat of arms not of France but of this next-door neighbor


"A Dream About Lightning Bugs" is a 2019 book from this singer, minus his Five

Ben Folds

This 1880 Lew Wallace novel takes place during the life of Christ


On May 18, 1872 he was born to Lord & Lady Amberley & proud Grandpa Lord John Russell


Her grandson said she suggested the use of a 5-pointed star on the flag vs. George Washington's chosen 6-pointer

Betsy Ross

The freeform titanium-sheathed Guggenheim Museum in this Spanish city is a work of art in itself


An entrepreneur: Anthony Michael Hall in "Pirates of Silicon Valley" & Steve Sires in "The Social Network"

Bill Gates

Inspired by "A Christmas Carol", the movie "Scrooged" starred him as a venal TV executive

Bill Murray

At the beginning of "Bad Guy", you can hear this young star removing her Invisalign braces so she doesn't lisp as she sings

Billie Eilish

Many think Daniel Webster's summation at a murder trial inspired this man to write "The Tell-Tale Heart"

Edgar Allan Poe

Jazz great Charlie Parker got this nickname while playing with Jay McShann's band in the early 1940s


With the White House becoming unstable & dangerous, Harry & Bess start a 4-year reno in 1948 & move to this building across the street

Blair House

In 2019, Garth Brooks and this fellow country star, seen here, team up to hit "A Dive Bar"

Blake Shelton

As Mongo, Alex Karras takes down a horse with one punch in this 1974 Mel Brooks comedy

Blazing Saddles

About Miss Russo, who gets through adolescence with her single father & her best friend Six


Jack Kemp

Bob Dole

This animated FOX series features the Belcher family, who own a restaurant

Bob\'s Burgers

These 2 6-letter aircraft makers topped the Aerospace section on the list

Boeing & Airbus

A huge potato is lowered to celebrate New Year's in this state capital


Touring the 500-acre film city & even getting to be an extra is a treat for fans of Mumbai's movie industry, best known as this


Europe's oldest, the university of this "meaty" Italian city was founded in 1088


In 1988 "New Jersey" was a No. 1 album by this band that's from there

Bon Jovi

He made February 1, 1931 a big day for Nikolai & Klavdia Yeltsin

Boris Yeltsin

Season 5 of this detective show was largely based on Michael Connelly's "Two Kinds of Truth"


In 1990 works by Rembrandt & Degas were among the half-billion dollars worth of art stolen from the Gardner Museum in this city


Instituted in 1968, his "Doctrine" allowed for Soviet interference in countries where Socialism was threatened


This character's January 1 diary entry counts Bloody Marys as food ("as contain Worcester sauce & tomatoes")

Bridget Jones

Prospect Park in this borough was one of the sites of the Battle of Long Island in the Revolutionary War


In 2019 this cop comedy moved from FOX to NBC & characters were allowed to curse--bleeped out, of course

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

A martial artist: Philip Ng in "Birth of the Dragon" & Mike Moh in "Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood"

Bruce Lee

It's the name of the half-sheepdog, half-St. Bernard in "The Call of the Wild"


A former stripper turned forensic investigator, Catherine Willows was played by Marg Helgenberger on this TV show

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

This boy-&-tiger team formed the club called "Get Rid of Slimy Girls", using the last letter in "Girls" to form the backronym "GROSS"

Calvin & Hobbes

Sports Illustrated has a yearly swimsuit edition; this competing mag is going online-only but will still print its Body Issue

ESPN The Magazine

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew is at Profiles in History in Calabasas, CA.) Collectors prize unique props from classic films, such as this table lamp from Rick's Café Americain, used in this 1942 drama


C: Giacomo was the first name of this 18th century man whose "History of My Life" recounts his many amores


Trouble ahead, trouble behind, this Cannonball Express engineer & folk hero sacrificed himself in a crash in 1900 to save many lives

Casey Jones

Originally serving as a private gallery of art, the Hermitage Museum was founded by her in 1764

Catherine the Great

A real pond in this urban park is where E.B. White's Stuart Little is victorious racing his sailboat

Central Park

Ads in comic books featuring a scrawny kid getting sand kicked in his face sold this muscleman's fitness program

Charles Atlas

This character first appeared in a comic strip called "Li'l Folks"

Charlie Brown

2 aided by José de San Martín, Bernardo O'Higgins took control of this country after beating Spanish forces in 1817


With $4 trillion in total assets, the ICBC, the Industrial & Commercial Bank of this country, tops the list


Dragon Gate Arch on Grant Avenue marks the entrance to this iconic San Francisco district


Star-shaped board game in which each player tries to move a set of marbles from one side to the other

Chinese checkers

Alphabetically, it came between Chocolate Almond & Chocolate Fudge

Chocolate Chip

French novelist George Sand had several lovers, including this Polish-French pianist & composer


This Polish-born piano man called his E Major Etude his most beautiful melody


Born in Vienna, he won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his role as Col. Hans Landa in "Inglourious Basterds"

Christoph Waltz

About Mr. Bartowski, a computer repairman dragged into the spy life in the CIA


"Wheel of Fortune" debuted in 1975 with Susan Stafford, not Vanna White, turning letters, & this man, not Pat Sajak, as host

Chuck Woolery

His D.C. statue signaling "V for victory!" stands outside the British embassy


This spring holiday honors a Mexican army victory over French forces in 1862

Cinco de Mayo

The USCCR isn't a classic rock band but the United States Commission on these important CRs

Civil Rights

Ring the palace! This actress took the award in 2018 for "The Crown"

Claire Foy

Fuimus, meaning "We have been", is the motto of this clan found in the name of a famous king of Scotland

Clan Bruce

For this 1953 film Gielgud coached a nervous Marlon Brando, playing Mark Antony, on how to read The Bard's lines


"Bindi: The Jungle Girl"

Crocodile Hunter

Sir Joseph Paxton was knighted for designing this glittering glass and iron structure for London's 1851 Great Exhibition

Crystal Palace

Readers got Ezra Pound's views on art, poetry & philosophy in his "Guide to" this, oddly spelled starting "K-U-L-C-H"


A drink called the Fast and Furious has rum, coconut rum & the blue type of this liqueur named for a Caribbean island


In 2003 Seth Rogen didn't wanna wait to play Bob in the "Rock Bottom" episode of this Katie Holmes TV drama

Dawson\'s Creek

It's the last word in 6 of George Romero's zombie movie titles


(Jimmy of the Clue Crew is standing in the street.) I'm in this South Dakota city named for the fallen timbers left by a forest fire. Today the entire city is a national historic landmark


In 2012 this play about Willy Loman won Best Revival despite totally giving away the ending in its title

Death of a Salesman

This Arnold Schwarzenegger comedy about a father's desperate search for a Christmas toy might ring a bell

Deck the Halls

"Do Good" is the motto of this women's fraternity whose name has the same initials as its motto

Delta Gamma

Traditionally the authorship of this book is attributed to Moses, but chapter 34 gives an account of his death


Back in 1917 the president of Argentina announced an Oct. 12 holiday called not Columbus Day but this "Dia"

Dia de la Raza

Her iconic wrap dress evolved from her design of a wrapped top with a matching skirt

Diane von Furstenberg

In the comics, Sparkle Plenty was the daughter-in-law of this thick-jawed Chester Gould P.I.

Dick Tracy

This Dylan Thomas title is rhymed with "Though wise men at their end know dark is right"

Do Not Go Gently Into The Good Night

When William Hartnell's health forced him to leave this show in 1966, viewers discovered that Time Lords could regenerate

Doctor Who

Way too proud of his visage, this man in a Wilde tale sells his soul for eternal youth

Dorian Gray

This regular contributor to "The New Yorker" was known for her quips, but her writing is often melancholy

Dorothy Parker

With $8.5 billion, it's the best-endowed school in the Carolinas


Many of the events of his novels were based on his own experiences as a 19th century sailor and whaler


A university in the Netherlands is named for this Dutch humanist; a Brooklyn high school is called his "Hall"


I have found it! --this city about 100 miles south of the Oregon border whose name is also the state motto


The 33-mile Seikan Undersea Tunnel links these 2 major islands that both begin with the same letter

Honshu & Hokkaido

In 1918 Woodrow Wilson outlined these, one of which was free navigation of all seas

Fourteen Points

Agincourt: This country


If anyone is still keeping track, it's the month of Niv├┤se, year 228 on this European country's revolutionary calendar


In 1910, less than a century after this novel was published, it had its first film adaptation with Augustus Phillips at the title scientist


The ZIP Code 12345 in Schenectady, New York lights up this company that began operations there in 1892

General Electric

It preceded "Fleece" in an award mocking silly-sounding federal research; now it precedes "Goose" in an award honoring the same


In 1940, for her role in this film, Hattie McDaniel became the first black performer to win an Oscar

Gone with the Wind

Blake Lively & Penn Badgley starred in this CW series based on Cecily von Ziegesar's book series about privileged NYC teens

Gossip Girl

Angels applaud this alliterative Breyers ice cream with marshmallow flavor & almonds, sorta like Rocky Road

Heavenly Hash

John Cameron Mitchell wrote a 1998 rock opera about this genderqueer cabaret singer "& the Angry Inch"


This glamorous Vienna-born actress invented a device that contributed to the development of GPS and WiFi

Hedy Lamarr

In this character's fight with Hermia in "A Midsummer Night's Dream", she utters the bard's only use of "bashfulness"


This last name is paired with Cooper in the name of a national design museum


A famous "Farms" started selling meats & cheeses in Ohio in the '50s, but this tree in its name is a Virginia Algonquian word


The only river that serves as part of a national border in the Caribbean is the Artibonite River on this island


He surprised people at the 2019 VMAs by performing "Panini" over the very expected "Old Town Road"

Lil Nas X

"Song Exploder" breaks down a classic tune, as when this Fleetwood Mac singer/guitarist discussed "Go Your Own Way"

Lindsey Buckingham

This nonmetal braces brand calls itself "the world's most advanced clear aligner"


Newsflash, 338 B.C.! I'm hearing Philip II, ruler of this land, has taken Greece & I, for one, welcome our new overlord


The title of Jim Cramer's TV show, or cash on hand for emergencies or impulse buying

Mad Money

Using the 3 laws of robotics in his "Lucky Starr" Y.A. novels should have alerted folks that Paul French was him

Isaac Asimov

Formerly the host of "Our America" on OWN and currently hosting "This is Life" on CNN, she's the award-winning journalist seen here

Lisa Ling

Not just the title of a Dustin Hoffman western epic, it's the name of Crazy Horse's lieutenant at the Little Bighorn

Little Big Man

(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C.) Nearly 95% of the over 500 who've appeared on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted fugitives list have been found, including this man who was listed twice--first following an April 1968 assassination and again briefly after a short 1977 prison escape

James Earl Ray

She came out of Second City & into your living room on "Glee" & as the host of "Hollywood Game Night"

Jane Lynch

The god of beginnings & ends, this Roman god had a temple in the forum whose doors were open during war & closed during peace


2nd century Montanists believed the "Heavenly" this city was soon to descend on a plain in Asia Minor


One of England's most beloved tunes is the one by Hubert Parry named for this faraway Mideast city [Listen.]


"The rainbow is mandating a new definition of greatness", he told the 1984 Democratic Convention

Jesse Jackson

When this 1971 "super" Andrew Lloyd Webber rock opera premiered onstage, it was performed concert-style

Jesus Christ Superstar

Guitar picks are taped to this man's grave, inscribed "1942-1970", in Greenwood Memorial Park near Seattle

Jimi Hendrix

A restaurant was named for this singer's "Cheeseburger in Paradise"

Jimmy Buffett

In a 2019 film he starred as Arthur Fleck, who becomes the villainous Joker

Joaquin Phoenix

There is some debate over which Johannes this city on the Highveld is named for


This Justice who died age 99 in 2019, is seen around 1975, the year he joined the Supreme Court

John Paul Stevens

In 1612 this future husband of Pocahontas introduced a new tobacco into the colonies using seeds from the West Indies

John Rolfe

(Sarah of the Clue Crew is at the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C.) The Americans exhibit highlights Native Americans' role in American identity. One legend is Pocahontas' famous 1607 rescue of this man, a story some doubt, as he didn't tell it until 1624, though he had written about his time in Virginia before then

John Smith

When Monroe passed away in 1831, he became the third president to give up the ghost on this date

July 4th

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) Commissioned in 1711 as a gift to encourage the pope's support for the building of an observatory, a series of astronomical paintings show the then-known planets, including Mars, Saturn, and this giant, with its bands of color


Named for the man who first observed them, the "Galilean satellites" are the 4 largest moons of this planet


Midwest news: in 1886 Wyandotte changed its name to this city; across the border, what was once Westport did the same in 1889

Kansas City

Occupied in parts by three nations, this former kingdom is home to the ninth highest peak on Earth


In 1957 the integration of Central High School in this state capital became international news

Little Rock

(VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE) This author based a 1962 novel on personal experience working in a hospital's psychiatric ward

Ken Kesey

Telly Savalas, 1973- 1978


In 2011 this singer said, "'Born This Way' is my answer to many questions over the years: Who are you? What are you about?"

Lady Gaga

This diva was way beyond "The Edge of Glory" in 2016 when she said she'd return to act on "American Horror Story"

Lady Gaga

At age 15, this 16th century girl reluctantly allowed herself to be put on the English throne; bad move

Lady Jane Grey

Sections from "Straight To Hell" by The Clash play in this 3-letter rapper's "Paper Planes"


Sampling Rick James' "Super Freak" worked out okay for this rapper, as his album went on to sell more than 10 million copies

MC Hammer

Sam Mendes directed a theatrical telling of the story of these brothers who built a financial empire that collapsed in 2008

Lehman Brothers

This African-American singer & actress kept her 1947 marriage to white bandleader Lennie Hayton secret due to prejudice

Lena Horne

Marius, Young Éponine, Madame Thenardier

Les Misérables

In 2006 this 90-year-old guitar innovator won Grammys for Best Rock & Best Pop Instrumental Performances

Les Paul

He & Miley Cyrus became close while filming "The Last Song"; the couple married in 2018 but split in 2019

Liam Hemsworth

In 2019 this small Central European country honored its 300th birthday with a souvenir embroidered stamp of the Princely Hat


Arthur Conan Doyle called this city the "great cesspool into which all the loungers and idlers of the empire are... drained"


Known for a very big bang, this county in New Mexico was organized from parts of Sante Fe & Sandoval counties in 1949

Los Alamos

When Netflix rebooted this sci-fi show from 1965, the Robinson family got stuck on an icy planet

Lost in Space

This company's LV monogram is also its logo

Louis Vuitton

He was beheaded in Paris in 1793

Louis XVI

On I-64 it's about an 80-mile drive between these 2 metrop-"L"-ises of Kentucky

Louisville and Lexington

Tories, Americans opposed to the American Revolution, were also called Royalists or these (just change 1 letter)


This rapper, real name Christopher Bridges, mixes his name with "Crismas" saying, "All I want for Christmas is 2 gold front teeth"


Bavarian King Louis II, also known by this German version of the name, mysteriously drowned soon after being declared insane


Uber didn't make the 2019 list, but this competitor just squeaked in at No. 1,949


In 2019 "The Rewatchables" celebrated the 30th anniv. of this movie about Charlie Sheen & his Cleveland Indians teammates

Major League

David Sedaris, Bette Midler & Blue Man Group did early work at La MaMa, an experimental venue in the East Village in this NYC borough


Jacques-Louis David painted "The Death of..." this Frenchman in 1793, the year of his assassination


This singer played Ms. Weiss in "Precious" & got better reviews than she did in "Glitter"

Mariah Carey

In between his third & fourth terms as mayor of Washington, D.C., he served 6 months in prison on drug charges

Marion Barry

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew is at Profiles in History in Calabasas, CA.) I can't believe I'm holding the lightsaber used by this man playing Luke Skywalker in 1977's "Star Wars"--it would be even cooler with the blue light and sound effects

Mark Hamill

The 2015 Record of the Year was "Uptown Funk" by this guy & featuring Bruno Mars

Mark Ronson

In 2019 adult contemporary fans sure wanted to know "Girls Like You" from this Adam Levine band

Maroon 5

In 1886 this appropriate First Lady's portrait began appearing on $1 silver certificates

Martha Washington

This naval epic: "The Far Side of the World"

Master and Commander

Scalpel! Clamp! Retractor! may all be on a type of instrument stand named for these brothers of Minnesota clinic fame


"An America in which all seniors live nourished lives with indep. & dignity" is the vision of this charity with a rhyming name

Meals on Wheels

"Do you love me? Will you love me forever?" are lyrics in this singer's "Paradise By The Dashboard Light"

Meat Loaf

A boxer: played by Terrence Howard in "King of the World" & Darius McCrary in "Don King: Only in America"

Muhammad Ali

In 2017 Kenneth Branagh "train"-ed for the role of Poirot in this movie mystery

Murder on the Orient Express

The Doubleday Book Club will mail you mystery novels "co-written" by Jessica Fletcher, based on this TV show

Murder, She Wrote

Lila & Elena are pals in this first book of Elena Ferrante's Neapolitan Quartet

My Brilliant Friend

In a musical: Henry Higgins, Alfred P. Doolittle

My Fair Lady

"Hellcats of the Navy" (1957) as "Nurse Lt. Helen Blair"

Nancy Reagan

(Sarah of the Clue Crew is at Grant's Tomb in New York City.) The tomb of Ulysses S. Grant, once New York City's most popular attraction, was partly inspired by the tomb of this other 19th century man who was both a great general and a head of state

Napoleon Bonaparte

Echo's love for this lad was unrequited; he only had eyes for himself


A giant musical note is the feature of this city's "Music City Note Drop"


2 years before Neil Diamond was born there, this "Laughter In The Rain" singer-songwriter was born in Brooklyn

Neil Sedaka

New Year's Eve finds 4 people contemplating suicide in "A Long Way Down" by this man who also wrote "About a Boy"

Nick Hornby

This film series: "Battle of the Smithsonian"

Night at the Museum

This biblical man's pudding, first made when the waters subsided, is eaten by Turkish Muslims on Ashura


This is the only city that has "City" in its NBA team's full name

Oklahoma City

"Or, the Parish Boy's Progress", which included picking a pocket or 2

Oliver Twist

Mutual of this city bank


Harry Grey's book "The Hoods" inspired this 4-hour Sergio Leone film that starred Robert de Niro

Once Upon a Time in America

"Ready Player ___ "


In 1991, 87-year-old Sir John played this "Tempest" magician, saying it was the only Shakespeare role he was the right age for


This Virginia Native American died in 1618, but wars that bore his name were fought on & off between 1622 & 1646


This word that follows Andhra & Uttar comes from Sanskrit for "province"


In the 1890s what this Ohio Republican thought was a $17,000 debt helping a pal ballooned to $130,000

President William McKinley

The author of this 1996 "Novel of Politics" was listed as anonymous

Primary Colors

Canadians have Tories, too, like this prime minister who had a Shamrock Summit with Reagan

Prime Minister Brian Mulroney

In a Shelley work this fire bringer is not happy to be nailed to a "wall of eagle-baffling mountain"


A glass barrier now prevents visitors from kissing Oscar Wilde's tomb with lipstick in this storied Paris cemetery

Père Lachaise

In 2019 this airline used employees as guinea pigs on a 19-hour flight direct from London to Sydney


The Apostles Peter & Paul & the Roman emperor all show up in this Henryk Sienkiewicz novel whose title is a question

Quo Vadis

In 2015, she told us "This is my fight song, take back my life song, prove I'm all right song"

Rachel Platten

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew is at Profiles in History in Calabasas, CA.) Yes, it's safe to look at the angels that adorn the top of the object of Indiana Jones's quest in this 1981 film

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Tara Strong gives voice to Twilight Sparkle in this animated series

Rainbow Brite

Near Lake Nasser is the "Great Temple" constructed by this pharaoh who reigned for 66 years

Ramses II (the Great)

It's home to the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology

Rapid City

1917 arrives soon, & I've got an invite to Prince Yusupov's! Sounds fun! He'd never try to poison, shoot & drown an ol' Siberian like me!


In this 2007 animated film, a rodent named Remy dreams of becoming a French chef


Liev Schreiber, since 2013

Ray Donovan

Founded in 1922, this magazine sold longer versions of its condensed articles to other magazines

Reader\'s Digest

The capacity for analytical thought; its "Age" began around the 18th century


Sal Mineo got the first of 2 Oscar nominations for this classic 1955 James Dean film about a juvenile delinquent

Rebel Without a Cause

This colorful women's magazine once had sister magazines Blue Book & Green Book


(Sarah of the Clue Crew at the State Opera House in Vienna, Austria.) The Vienna State Opera House was built in Neo this style to reflect that 16th century period of artistic rediscovery when the art form of opera was born


This man's scale is based on the logarithm of the amplitude of the largest seismic wave in an earthquake


The Folio Society sells mail-order illustrated editions of famous books, like this 1880s pirate adventure

Robinson Crusoe

SAD says it all when it comes to being a backronym for this type of depression

Seasonal Affectiveness

Pike Place Market in this Pacific Northwest city is a great place to get in touch with your inner fishmonger


Randomly selected anonymous gift-giving tradition among an office's employees during the holidays

Secret Santa

The Marshall Plan was named for former general George Marshall, who was then serving in this cabinet post

Secretary of State

A lot of this sitcom took place in apartment 5A at 129 West 81st Street in Manhattan; the neighbor from 5B was a regular


In England this rhyme about wedding attire ends with "and a silver sixpence in your shoe"

Something old, something new (*Something borrowed, something blue)

Despite its name, the sunda flying this, an animal native to Madagascar, is not one, nor does it fly

a lemur

Before moving north for good, Jimmy Walker got to be 1920s Mayor of NYC with the backing of this corrupt Dem. executive committee

Tammany Hall

In English, it's "O Christmas Tree"; in German, it's "O" this


In 2018 Gerry Adams resigned as head of this 2-word Northern Ireland unification party after 35 years

Sinn Féin

The Ancients associated this star's pre-dawn rising with the hottest months, giving rise to the term "dog days"


"The Tracks Of My Tears" & "Ooo Baby Baby" were hits for this frontman backed by a group of Miracles

Smokey Robinson

"Exit Stage Left" reimagines this cat from Hanna-Barbera cartoons as a Southern playwright in the 1950s


It's 399 B.C. & I'm ready for my trial; 500 Greek jurors are sure to give this harmless elderly philosopher a fair shake


Let's tell of her & nothing but her--she was born a slave in the 1790s & once freed, sold a book of her "Narrative"

Sojourner Truth

"Mayans M.C."--the M.C. stands for Motorcycle Club

Sons of Anarchy

She got her JD degree from Yale Law in 1979, and we'd say her legal career panned out nicely for her


Bordering Angola & Botswana, what is now Namibia was administered by this South African country until 1990

South Africa

Celebrated April 27, Freedom Day, this country's national holiday, commemorates an event of 1994

South Africa

Chuncheon, just below the 38th parallel

South Korea

A 1609 law in this country banned Moriscos (Muslims baptized as Christians) & shipped 300,000 of them to north Africa


Protected on 3 sides by mountains, this Greek city-state not big on luxury was on the bank of the Eurotas River


(Sarah of the Clue Crew is at the Basketball Hall of Fame.) I'm at the Basketball Hall of Fame in this city in Massachusetts, where James Naismith invented the game while teaching phys ed at a YMCA training school in 1891


Around 1071 construction was completed on this Venetian basilica said to house the remains of a Gospel writer

St. Mark\'s

By 1880 the refining of around 90% of all U.S.-produced oil was controlled by this mega-company

Standard Oil

"The Story of a Sacred Landscape" is the subtitle of a history of this ancient monument on Salisbury Plain


As taught by Lao Tzu, this is "the way", the religion of living a virtuous life of humility & piety


Before she was running an empire, this actress was Detective Joss Carter on "Person of Interest"

Taraji P. Henson

He served South Carolina as a senator from 1954 to 2003, dying short of his 101st birthday

Strom Thurmond

In this Stravinsky ballet, the title character gives Prince Ivan a magical feather after he captures & releases her

Swan Lake

They're all the rage in Stockholm

Swedish pancakes

The Dada art movement started at Cabaret Voltaire in this central European country


Christy Lefteri's "The Beekeeper of Aleppo" details a married couple's flight from this war-torn country


This 66-year-old magazine offers a section for shows on Netflix, Hulu & Amazon called "Stream It!"

TV Guide

Movie that gave us "Dynaguy, snagged on takeoff! Splashdown, sucked into a vortex... no capes!"

The Incredibles

Frank Lloyd Wright built this Wisconsin home for himself & an ex-client's wife; its name means "shining brow" in Welsh


Set in Seattle, "Station 19"

Talk Radio

2013:Archie, visiting Sin City with 3 old, old pals

The Bucket List

"I am not Mr. Lebowski. You're Mr. Lebowski. I'm" this moniker

The Dude

When Tom Wopat & John Schneider walked off this show in 1982, cousins Coy & Vance Duke suddenly appeared

The Dukes of Hazzard

A foreword to this book says Irma Rombauer wrote it in 1931, when "women all over the country were...again heading to the kitchen"

The Joy of Cooking

A classic line from this 1972 film is "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse"

The Godfather

"Schooled" , starring AJ Michalka as Lainey Lewis, now a music teacher

The Goldbergs

Annette Bening won a Golden Globe for her role in this 2010 film about children looking to connect with their sperm-donor dad

The Kids Are All Right

Fitzgerald was 44 when he died of a heart attack before he could finish this "Last" novel about a Hollywood producer

The Last Tycoon

2014:Vitruvius (voice only)

The Lego Movie

Pumbaa, Nala, Zazu

The Lion King

The opera "Rusalka", about a water nymph who longs to be human, is partly based on this fairy tale by H.C. Andersen

The Little Mermaid

The Lord works in mysterious ways, giving John Goodman & his family of deviant evangelists great wealth on this show

The Righteous Gemstones

"Dammit Janet" & "The Time Warp"

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Patricia Wettig started the 1990s with back-to-back wins for her role on this drama about yuppie baby boomers


Norm Abram earned his spot on the debut of this renovation show 40 years ago by having a minuscule scrap pile

This Old House

No: this man's 1890s magnetic iron ore separator--he probably chalked up its failure to perspiration

Thomas Edison

"Jeremiah was a bullfrog, was a good friend of mine", begins the 1971 No. 1 hit "Joy To The World" by this numerical group

Three Dog Night

It's in the middle of the Susquehanna River just south of Harrisburg

Three Mile Island

The name of this Polynesian creator god also refers to an image of him--or to a type of Polynesian bar


This footwear brand turns up often in hip-hop lyrics; the Notorious B.I.G. & Smif-n-Wessun called them "Timbs"


This weekly mag took the time to put newsmaking people like Selena Gomez & Kate Upton on its Nov. 20, 2017 cover


"A Christmas Carol" says, "However & whenever we part from one another, I am sure we shall none of us forget poor" him

Tiny Tim

The title of this 1973 rock opera by The Who is partly drawn from an incorrect understanding of schizophrenia


In 2016 he launched a new line in collaboration with model Gigi Hadid: T.H.

Tommy Hilfiger

This Nobel Laureate, whom Barack Obama called a national treasure, passed away at 88 in 2019

Toni Morrison

This brand of toy trucks began in Minnesota in the late 1940s


In the name of TD Bank, T is this city & D is dominion


In addition to a clothing line, this designer offers a ToryTrack hybrid smartwatch

Tory Burch

In 1904 this route was finished but ran through Manchuria; a new route through Russian territory alone was completed 12 years later


1883: "Pieces of eight"

Treasure Island

South African host of "The Daily Show" who came up with an American dictionary of the English language

Trevor Noah Webster

Born Lev Davidovich Brownstein, this agitator came up with the concept of permanent revolution


The good times roll in Bon Temps, Louisiana, the setting for this drama where some folks really vamped it up

True Blood

No Cuts, Arizona

Tucson [NO CUTS]

Hagia Sophia


In this play Sir Toby belches out Shakespeare's only use of "implacable"

Twelfth Night

Speaking to Viola in this play, Olivia says, "Love's night is noon"

Twelfth Night

Mark Frost wrote "The Secret History of" this place, also the title of a TV show he created with David Lynch

Twin Peaks

Unarmed civil rights protesters were killed on Jan. 30, 1972, the "Sunday Bloody Sunday" that inspired that song by this group


Not exactly a laptop with 5,000 vacuum tubes & weighing 16,000 pounds, this computer was utilized for the 1950 census


When the father of the future leader of this African country converted to Islam, he added the names "Amin Dada"


In 2019, this actress turned Food Network star took home a Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Culinary Host

Valerie Bertinelli

The "Spirit of Haida Gwaii", the jade canoe greets you at the airport serving this most populous city in British Columbia


This tiny country's soccer team chose coach Gianfranco Guadagnoli because he'd never received a yellow or red card

Vatican City

This daughter of Chinese immigrants designed her own wedding dress, leading to her own bridal boutique

Vera Wang

The grapes for the wine known as "Lacryma Christi" (Tears of Christ) are grown on the slopes of this volcano


In the organization known as the VFW for short


In a DVM degree--this 10-letter adjective


(Sarah of the Clue Crew is at the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia, PA.) The 20th century painting here of southern France is by Jean, great-grandson of this 19th century French romantic author

Victor Hugo

From north to south, it's long enough to stretch from Michigan to Florida


The 1800 census' No. 10 on the largest urban places in America--Norfolk Borough in this state, with wow! 6,926 people


Mr. Ramsay in her 1927 novel "To the Lighthouse" is a portrait of her father Leslie Stephen

Virginia Woolf

Terry McMillan could breathe a sigh of relief after this 1992 novel made its way up the charts

Waiting to Exhale

Originally a syringe & scalpel company, this brand changed focus when one of its knives was used in a pinch to fix a print ad


At $30 billion, it's No. 2--in the Ivy League


Grand Prismatic Spring is a sight to behold in this venerable national park


This national park may be near the end of alphabet, but its 1,430-foot upper fall is tops in our book


One of the 7 Ancient Wonders, the 40-foot statue of this god had a statue of Nike on his outstretched right hand


Before the days of public relations firms, mouthpiece was slang for this professional

a lawyer

The 350 or so species of these include the numbat

a marsupial

The name of a French soldier with a rigorous system of training gave us this word for a strict disciplinarian

a martinet

Adjective for a religious order that relied solely on alms

a mendicant

A fuzzy surface on leather

a nap

This word for a tenuous mass of interstellar dust & gas is Latin for "cloud"

a nebula

Avian term for a sum of money saved for retirement or other important purpose

a nest egg

Using a pot of the same name, it's the ritual cleaning of the nasal sinuses

a neti pot

Both a product such as Adolph's & a kitchen tool have this name, referring to what they do to meat

a tenderizer

In "Rigoletto" Verdi used this really high-pitched tooter to represent a flash of lightning

a piccolo

As a symbol of American success, it dates back to the Colonial Era

a picket fence

"I just couldn't make the grade as a hack", Fitzgerald explained after his MGM contract as one of these wasn't renewed

a screenwriter

They're eared seals that roar & (except the California type) have manes

a sea lion

Once used to authenticate documents, it's a device to leave an impression, usually in wax, or the impression itself

a seal

This instrument records earthquake vibrations

a seismograph

In the 1970s Ed Mullinax Ford in Amherst, Ohio had the world's largest one of these indoor spaces, holding 120 cars

a showroom

You can apply a warm compress to this small abscess on the edge of the eyelid that's also called a hordeolum

a stye

Germany's U-96

a submarine

Prince Charles came to give Brunei independence as an Islamic one of these, based on the title of the man to Charles's right

a sultan (sultanate)

Taos Pueblo, New Mexico, is home to many structures, made of this five-letter clay building material


Hester Prynne wears a scarlet "A", which stands for this sin that she's committed


At a mass in 1978, John Paul II repeatedly said, "Be not" this, a biblical phrase calling for Christian courage


The placenta, post-main event


Adjective for a car's replacement parts


I "sense" you know it's the remaining sensation about an experience, often a bad one

aftertaste (*after effects)

As its name says, Agitprop was the Soviet department responsible for these 2 tactics

agitation & propoganda

Starting with the same 3 letters as "agriculture", it's the science of soil management & crop production


(Sarah of the Clue Crew drops a coin in water.) Made of this lightweight metal, Japan's 1-yen coin weighs only a gram and can float on water


This fabric worn on an extremity as a tribute is also called a brassard

an armband

Pharaohs were known to wear headdresses with a uraeus, a symbol of power in the form of this snake

an asp

The big rock that caused mass extinction 65 million years ago has the alliterative name the "Alvarez" this

an asteroid

They are a "class of words expressing emotion, their use in grammatical isolation"

an interjection

O. vulgaris, a species of this mollusk, has been called the most intelligent of all invertebrate animals

an octopus

How to cut one of these pungent vegetables without crying

an onion

The Sumatran species of this ape is much more endangered than the Bornean

an orangutan

A long piece of classical music for singers & an orchestra

an oratorio

Unit of weight equal to 16 drams or 28.35 grams

an ounce

Harry Potter likes the passage in Job that reads, "I am a brother to dragons and a companion to" these birds

an owl

Unlike mammals, birds regenerate cells within their ears, so the barn type of this doesn't lose its incredible hearing with age

an owl

An alternate performer who learns the role of a featured player just in case there is an emergency need for a substitute

an understudy

This light and airy cake is perhaps a favorite of Gabriel

angel\'s food

Insufficient blood flow is the cause of this type of chest pain with a Latin name


British physician William Withey Gull gave this 2-word name to an eating disorder

anorexia nervosa

Of relating to the period after the biblical flood


We assume you may know this layer of hot, solid material between earth's crust & core


The event of 65 million years ago that took out the dinosaurs is reckoned as the fifth of these mass die-offs

extinction events

Land plants are about 450 mil. years old, but evolution didn't bring us these colorful seed-bearing parts until about 130 MYA


Something in this state is in a condition of continuous change


In 1937 a search party was sent for one of the goalies when a soccer game was stopped in England due to this weather condition


#FF, short for this, is used to recommend social media accounts you enjoy


A 2018 Swiss stamp has a pot of melted cheese to honor this national dish


A risk factor for liver cancer is a chronic infection with the B- or C-type of this virus


It's the system by which coats of arms & other family or national emblems are devised & regulated


A 40-foot Paris sculpture is called Le Pouce, French for thumb and ironically also for this small measure


All forms of matter have this property, the resistance of an object to a change in its state of motion


Do this 6-letter imperative with your debit card at the ATM to begin your electronic transaction


This adjective with a meaning similar to "rebellious" refers to one who won't accept the authority of a superior


It comes before "stimulating" when referring to work or conversation that wakes up your brain




IKEA sells freestanding these for the kitchen; models include Vadholma & Tornviken


A small piece of land in the sea, or a theater walkway

isle [aisle]

The earth rotates on this imaginary line only once every 24 hours--kinda slow

its axis

When it comes to team participation, remember that "a chain is no stronger than" this

its weakest link

For more than 250 years, Nakamura-za was one of the foremost venues for viewing this highly stylized Japanese drama


This German title comes from the Latin word Caesar


Morten Andersen played this position for the Saints, Falcons, Giants, Chiefs & Vikings, retiring at age 47


Chili con carne is always fun but be prepared to carbo-load as you down these "renal" items

kidney beans

This high-flying verb means to smuggle a letter into prison or to write a bogus check outside of prison


After kowliang: to show extreme submission


"Friends of Superman" could send for a nugget of this, just a regular rock coated with glow-in-the-dark green paint


"Sine cerere et baccho friget Venus" means "without food and wine" this, represented by Venus, "grows cold"


A whirlpool off Norway's coast, or a tumultuous state of things


From the French for "clumsy", it means unskillful


From the name of the Greek goddess of vengeance, it's a longstanding rival or enemy


Spoka, meaning "to haunt", is a line of these to illuminate kids' rooms

night lights

You have no stake in a conflict or issue if you've got no this

no dog in that fight

Academy Awards host

nobody (there was no host)

Cities as big as L.A. & Dallas have this kind of mayoral election where there's no "D"' or "R" after the candidates' names


In a 2-week period in 2018, the East Coast was walloped by 3 of these storms named for the direction from which they came


1738: this 2-word term for low-powered binoculars you might take to a performance of "Aida"

opera glasses

Leading to the first animals, this element began to build up in the atmosphere 2 BYA as a product of photosynthesis


In Hawaii say this 3-letter word if you want an edible paste; in Tahiti, put "Po" before it


This 13-letter synonym for infantile paralysis comes from words meaning "gray marrow" & "inflammation"


A sunflower provided these microscopic grains


Emma Lazarus wrote, "Give me your tired, your" these


The Treaty of Tordesillas, which split the New World between Spain & Portugal, was sanctioned by a man in this position


Food lore says this salty snack represents arms crossed in prayer & that its holes represent the Trinity


Fans of "Law & Order" know this adjective meaning previous can be a noun meaning a previous arrest or conviction


11-letter word meaning to give something in return, perhaps your feelings


In Portuguese, this primary color: vermelho


This Creole dish "& rice-ly yours", the name of a Louis Armstrong LP, is how Louis often signed his letters

red beans

One of the closest stars to the Sun, Barnard's Star can't be seen with the naked eye; it's in this colorful class of small, dim stars

red dwarfs

(Sarah of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) Osteoarthritis involves the breakdown of the cartilage that's between joints. Inflammation of the membranes that lubricate the joints causes damage in this other type of arthritis


A 1958 paper by Max Faget showed that a spacecraft could fire these to slow itself down & allow re-entry to the atmosphere


It's the term for repetitive echoing


Red blood cells should be round but instead are crescent shaped in this type of anemia

sickle cell anemia

In grammar this synonym of "uncommon" refers to a noun pertaining to one entity"


To satisfy one's thirst


Get down in the dirt to reach home plate without being tagged!


I to O: to lose your foothold, perhaps in a type of pig food

slip & slop

Coiton Mather supported the Salem witch trials but was more forward-thinking when he urged inoculation against this disease


AKA ammonium inhalants, these salts that revived enfeebled Victorian women are still used in the NFL to wake people up

smelling salts

The yamakagashi of Asia is a venomous one


A to I: to quickly seize something like a purse gets you busted because someone did this, to tattle

snatch to snitch

"S" is for "soft" in the name of this easily carved rock. It's basically talc


10 years ago, it cost about $50,000 to install a system to power your house using this energy; now, a 6-kw system could go for $14K


Before Prohibition, middle-class women were rarely seen in bars; siince these 1920s establishments were illegal anyway, they were welcomed


"When you can tread on 9 daisies at once", this season "has come"


When used by hand, it'll kill a vampire


From Indo-Iranian for "place", these 4 letters at the end of a place name mean "land of"


Proverbially, you "turn on" these devices in a jet engine when you really want to get moving fast

the afterburners

There is a fault in this system if the light stays on

the airbag system

Peritonitis, an inflammation of the lining of the abdominal cavity, is one possible complication if this organ bursts

the appendix

Just like an amusement park, an airport has carousels, in this area

the baggage claim

The 1792 Coinage Act named 10-dollar U.S. gold coins for this bird

the bald eagle

In frontier general stores, this was often used as a table or counter; hence "cash on" it to mean payment right away

the barrel (the barrelhead)

You can buy stuff at a PX, post exchange, or BX, this

the base exchange

It's what "the squeaky wheel gets"

the grease

The 1st African-American woman to win Olympic gold, Alice Coachman cleared 5'6 1/8" in this track & field event in 1948

the high jump

"A foolish consistency is" one of these "of little minds"

the hobgoblin

Also known as the measuring worm, this moth larva may look cute, but it can be quite destructive to fruit trees

the inchworm

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) This system, part of the circulatory one, returns fluid from tissues to the bloodstream and helps the body absorb fat

the lymphatic system

If the person chosen as maid of honor is already married, traditionally the title gets changed to this

the matron of honor

About 1/4 inch in length, this geographic-named pest is associated with citrus crops but also attacks peppers and tomatoes

the medfly

Brought to the United States as an ornamental, this spicy-sounding Brazilian tree has red berries and can crowd out native species

the pepper tree

WWI correspondent Nellie was literally "in the" these, which she described as "muddy & filthy"

the trenches

To placate someone in a minor way by giving them something

to give a dog a bone (throw them a bone)

In pool, if you've sunk the cue ball or sent it flying into the bar area, you've done this foul & lost your turn as a result

to scratch

Pre-presidency, George Washington was in debt in the early 1760s farming the "sweetscented" type of this crop


At Subway the signature wraps come wrapped in one of these


Eliud Kipchoge averaged about 4:35 per mile to be the first to finish a marathon under this amount of time (by exactly 20 secs.)

two hours

This iron-rich earth is used as a brown pigment


YouTube has plenty of this type of video where people open new stuff & show you how it works


A reverse overjet is a type of this problem caused by jaw misalignment


Adding an "M" to this word meaning "to speak" makes it something hard to hear


In 1500 B.C. people in Central America were processing rubber in a way similar to this process discovered by Goodyearl"


It follows a schooner as it moves forward


Like Madame Tussaqds, Paris' Musée Grévin primarily deals in exhibits of these

wax figures

Bodybuilding includes a fair amount of this activity, using barbells & other resistance training devices


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