lacrimal apparatus

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geniculate ganglia of facial nerve

where the two branches of the facial nerve come together... (nervous intermedius and facial) gives off greater petrosal nerve

at a basic level what nerve controls tear production?

CN 7 facial preganglionic parasympathetic =facial nerve

pterygopalatine ganglion

Parasympathetic ganglion (this is where the parasympathetic fibers of the greater petrosal nerve synapse!!!)

after the reaching the pterygopalatine ganglion... how do the postganlionic parasympathetic secetromotor fibers get to the lacrimal gland???

Postganglionic sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers leave the pterygopalatine ganglion and make their way to the lacrimal gland by joining the zygomatic nerve (a branch of the maxillary nerve - CN V2). Branches of the zygomatic nerve then bring both types of fibers to the lacrimal nerve (a branch of the ophthalmic nerve - CN V1), thus arriving at the lacrimal gland.

deep petrosal nerve

Postganglionic sympathetic fibers from internal carotid plexus (already synapsed in the superior cervical ganglia of the neck!!) joins with the fibers of the greater petrosal nerve (branch of facial) in the Vidian canal (pterygoid canal) this forms the nerve of the pterygoid canal

what nerve controls the lacrimal gland? (responsible for production of lacrimal fluid/tears)

The lacrimal gland receives sympathetic and parasympathetic input Secretomotor, preganglionic parasympathetic axons come from the facial nerve. At the level of the geniculate ganglion the facial nerve gives off the greater petrosal nerve.

inferior meatus of nasal cavity

below the lower concha drains nasolacrimal duct

greater petrosal nerve

carries pre-ganglionic parasympathetic fibers from facial nerve joins with sympathetic fibers arising from the internal carotid plexus in the Vidian canal (pterygoid canal)... (these fibers make up the deep petrosal nerve)

pterygopalatine fossa

contains pterygopalatine ganglia

what are tears?

excess production of lacrimal fluid

tears (lacrimal fluid) move medially across the eye and drain into...

lacrimal canaliculi (by actions of the eyelids)

lacrimal glands secrete function of this secretion?

lacrimal fluid (through 12 lacrimal ducts) lubricates cornea and conjunctiva, and provides nutrients and oxygen to cornea

The lacrimal canaliculi drain into___________ the which, in turn, drains into the_________ via the __________

lacrimal sac inferior meatus nasolacrimal duct

palpebral conjunctiva

lines the eyelids

lacrimal glands

located at the upper lateral margins of the orbit and they secrete lacrimal fluid. This fluid moistens and lubricates the surfaces of the cornea and conjunctiva, providing nutrients and oxygen to the cornea.

Lacrimal nerve

located on lateral side of eye goes to lacrimal gland branches off of V1 (ophthalmic nerve)

the deep petrosal nerve joins the greater petrosal nerve to form what nerve?

nerve of the pterygoid canal

bulbar conjunctiva

overlays the eyeball, with the white sclera showing through


parasympathetic secreto-motor fibers come from the facial nerve and greater petrosal nerve (preganglionic) their post-ganglionic fibers (ie after pterygopalatine ganglion) hop onto a branch of the V2 maxillary nerve (zygomatic branch) and then onto a branch of V1 ophthalmic nerve (lacrimal nerve) this is how they get to the lacrimal gland

the nerve of the pterygoid canal travels into the __________ where it joins the ______________

pterygopalatine fossa pterygopalatine ganglion (parasympathetic ganglia)

secrestion of tears is related to what type of fibers?

secretomotor (parasympathetic) come from facial nerve!!!!

lacrimal sac

structure that collects tears before emptying into the nasolacrimal duct

Lacrimal fluid is expressed through the 12 lacrimal ducts into the....

superior conjunctival fornix ie the space between the conjunctiva covering the eye (bulbar conjunctiva) and the upper eyelid conjunctiva (palpebral conjunctiva) (common step question)


the mucous membrane that covers the front of the eye and lines the inside of the eyelids.

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