Statistics 2.2a Graphical Displays of Data: Pie Charts and Bar Graph (To Display Qualitative Data)

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Stacked Bar Graph

A bar graph that allows the reader to view different groups in a category as one in order to make comparisons between the categorical data.

Side-by-Side Bar Graph

A bar graph that compares different groups, in one category, to one another.

Pareto Chart

A special bar graph with the bars in descending order (highest to lowest). Typically used with nominal data. If a Pareto chart were created from ordinal or quantitative data, the values on the x-axis might seem out of order after the bars were rearranged from largest to smallest. Nominal data is appropriate for creating Pareto Chart.

Pie Charts

Shows how large each category is in relation to the whole

Bar Graphs

Used to represent categorical data. Height of the bar represents he amount of data in that category. Horizontal axis contains the qualitative categories. Vertical axis represents the frequency of each category.

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