Land 240 Final

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which of the following statements is Untrue about Islamic Architecture?

A muhtasib would generally conduct rituals and sacrifice from eh mudejar within the courtyard of a mosque was usually an ablution fountain where worshippers washed before prayer.

Mogul islamic gardens in India had four primary characteristics which defined their layout. Which of the following characteristic does NOT CHARACTERIZE a typical Mogul garden?

An external focus away from the water features

the belief that elements such as wind and water ha conscious life and the sprit forces dwelt within trees, birds, fish, reptiles, and mammals


This French medieval Bastide town was established in 1240 by King Louis IX and served as a base for future crusades to Israel. The wall still exists in its original form and the entire town has been adaptively reused. The tour de constance was its major citadel with a lighthouse beacon.


This Islamic gardens is considered a prototype from which most other Mogul gardens were copied. Located high in the mountains of Kabul, the garden planning, important events, public communion, music and poetry. However, it did not contain a water surrounded platform which was typical.

Babur gardens

Medieval towns can be either organic or planned. What is not a type of Medieval town?


Medieval towns can be either organic or planned. Which of the following types of towns is NOT a type of Medieval town?


An Italian garden structure dependent upon a 'beautiful view' usually used as a lookout area whose purpose is the aesthetics of its surrounding scenery


Which of the following did not occur within the medieval period?

Bronze age

Which of the following town types were developed with a military function in mind?

Burg and Bastide

Which of the following statements describes the head of state and the title for the ruler of the islamic world?


This public space designed by Michelangelo was built at Capitoline Hill - the point where ancient Romans thought to be the center of the world. It was designed as a hilltop piazza with artfully framed vistas and its placement and orientation signified the new, developing section of the city rather than emphasizing ancient ruins.


Roman cities typically developed around a grid layout orientated toward a central intersection generally forming the town center. What are the two principle streets which create this century intersection?

Cardo and Decumanus

Which of the following terms describes the inward focused houses and gardens of Arabic Spain design?


Cosmogony seemed to be a universal belief at one time in our prehistory. All of the following are examples of cosmogony landscape in the Pre spanish conquest americas Except:

Chemi Shanidar Mounds in mesa Verde, Colorado

A renaissance art style which utilizes light-dark contrasts used to suggest the volume and modeling of the subjects depicted and for dramatic effect


This term describes a Renaissance art style which utilizes light-dark contrasts to suggest the volume and modeling of the subject depicted and for dramatic effect?


The term used to describe the aesthetic values embodied in Greek and Roman art and architecture


A long sequence of columns joined by their entablature, often free-standing, or part of a building


The Paleolithic settlement of Marseilles, France is characterized by wall painting of hands using negative space. four- fifths of the interior, including any art on its walls, was submerged and obliterated by rising levels of water.


This islamic city is home to the Mesquite and was an important center of arts and trades as well as a center for studying botany and medicine in the middle ages. The Mesquite has horseshoe-shaped double arches atop of forest of columns within its interior which originally aligned to the court of Orange- tree in its exterior. It was originally a pagan temple, then a church, then a mosque, than a Catholic Church again.


the city was a spiritual center sacred to all greeks and was said to house the most important in the classical Greek world. Pilgrimages were made to consult oracles. Journeys here for men who lacked governmental roles and didn't take part in athletic contests were common.


The Assyrian city in Mesopotamia was organized around wear resources and parks (known as pairidaeza) were its key feature, generally walled hunting parks. Also exotic non- native trees characterized the landscape and its rested upon a mound of debris from constant rebuilding of its fallen mud and clay structure


Which of the following attributes is NOT a shared characteristic of a typical historic Islamic garden?

External focus away from water features

Which of the following attributes is NOT a shared characteristic of a typical historic islamic garden?

External focus away from water features

the near east Neolithic community, this settlement is located in Turkey an with a fortress- like wall surrounding it and mud-brick structures whose entrance were a roof. IT became a trading post for obsidian.

Fatal Huyuk

One of the first major urban expansion of the Renaissance in Italy, this city's alteration was designed by Biagi Rossetti using the three principle features. Street widening, town enlargement, and extension of the current layout. The Palazzo Diamenti was its most famous structure


the semicircle of alluvial soils in an otherwise and landscape, housed a bulk of the Neolithic settlements, and is generally accepted as the origin site of agriculture

Fertile Crescent

Islamic city layout was a result of reasons for their founding, their location, the climates they were settled within, and any pre-settlement. Which of the following IS NOT a typical characteristic of an Islamic cit?

Garrison towns located at costal locations

the spirit of a specific place and the idea of guardian deities of the landscape

Genius Loci

Large scales mages inscribed on the Earth, generally by carving into stone or the ground plane


Renaissance philosophies stressed the outlook or system of thought which attached prime importance to humans rather than divine or supernatural matters. What was the term used to describe this philosophy?


The early islamic garden cities were also known as the "City of gardens". Its connective spine was a water distraction channel and its population maxed out at 600,000


Which of the following early islamic garden cities was also known as the "city of Gardens"?

Isfahan early islamic garden cities was also known as the "city of gardens"

Which of the following statements is Untrue about Mecca?

Its Kaaba is believed to be founded by Muhammad

the settlement in India is through to be the oldest city in the Neolithic period. It was a farming village consisting of rectangular and mud huts compactly packed together


A singular large upright standing stone, generally used as a grave


The distinctive architectural feature of Islamic mosques, generally a tall spire with an onion-shaped or conical crown.


Which of the following terms describe the overseer of the market operations in Historic islamic europe?


WHich of the following statements is UNTURE about rapheal Sanzio?

Never commissioned to perform work in the Vatican.

The social structure of the Islamic Empire was based on a categorization of its inhabitants which created its primary economic components. Which of the following class(es) are considered portions of the Islamic social hierarchy?

Nomadic Bedouins who herded livestock and regularly raided one another, traders who formed the economic elite, and farmers who worked the agricultural lands.

The function of most Medieval gardens was mostly utilitarian as most formal gardens disappeared with the collapse of the Roman empire. Which of the following statement is True about gardens in medieval Europe?

Non-herb planting typically included iris, lily, and rose specimen.

This term is used to describe a bucket-scoop waterwheel that raised water into elevated canals. It facilitated the construction of numerous gardens


Select the word which is best used to describe a tall, narrow, tapering monument which ends in a pyramid-like shape at the top and is usually placed upon a pedestal, constructed during the Egyptian times to pay homage to rulers and placed at entrances to other symbolic sites.


The market and church square are primary spaces of public forum in the Dark Ages, especially in Italy. Which of the following cities was NOT discussed in class as having a major public square designed within it during Medieval times?

Palma Nova

The space around the medieval church where people gathered before or after service, or sometimes used as a burial ground


Which of the following is NOT a traditional component of an Islamic City?


Which of the following terms best describe the Medieval word for the space around the church where people gathered before or after service?


A three pronged set of radial avenues, or goose foot shaped set of pathways

Patte d'oie

Which of the following stereotypes is least true about the culture of Medieval villagers?

People were not typically heroic, entertaining, and romantic.

A garden feature forming a shaded walkway, passageway or sitting area made of vertical posts or pillars that usually support cross-beam and a sturdy open lattice, often upon which woody vines are trained.


All of the following are examples of primary components of medieval urban form except?

Peristyle Gardens

Medieval European cities were generally small, compact urbanized pockets of development. While most towns were significantly different in terms of layout and aesthetics, Medieval urban form also had many shared characteristics. Which of the following elements is NOT an urban form component of a typical Medieval town?

Peristyle gardens

Medieval European Cities were generally small, compact urbanized pockets of developments. While most owns were significantly different in terms of layout and aesthetics, medieval urban form also had many shared characteristics. WHich of the following elements is NOT an urban form component of a typical Medieval town?

Peristyle gardens are not an urban form component in a typical medieval.

THe piazza is in a bowl like enclosure of buildings in Siena. The tower acts as a sundial broadcasting the time of day to observers. A sloping surface for drainage, a refined level of detail in the paving patterns, and bollard posts separating the inner circle from outer truack make this space unique.

Piazza del campo

Which of the following cities does not have a square in it which was built during the Middle ages?

Pontennzia, Italy

A porch leading to the entrance of a building, or extended as a colonnade, with a roof structure over a walkway, supported by columns or enclosed by walls


Which of the following statements BEST describes the Quraysh Tribe in historic Islamic Europe?

Powerful tribe that Controlled Mecca and the Kaaba

The ceremonial way developed in conjunction with religion rituals in which priests and populations assembled before ziggurats, pyramids, and temples

Processional axes

A generally level area in the Italian Renaissance intended specifically for walking, usually connecting major public space.


The roman drastically altered the Classical Greek landscape when they took power. Which of the following is NOT an example of the Roman alteration of the Greek landscape?

Rebuilding of the Parthenon

The plan of Rome by Sixtus V restructured the entire city in an effort to bring to its historic prestige. Which of the following tasks DOES NOT describe a portion of the scheme of Sixuts V's Plan of Rome?

Reconstruction of the Temple of Apollo in the Piazza del Campo

Towns in the middle ages has many similarities.. Which of the following elements is Not a typical component of Medieval urban for?

Rooftop social spaces are Not a typical opponent of medieval urban form

All of the following are examples of medieval garden features except?

Roses as plant specimen is not a medieval garden features

The islamic states had a much different political, economic, and social structure than the rest of Medieval Europe. Which of the following characteristics DOES NOT describe an attribute of the Islamic States?

Ruled by heads of state known as muhtasibs

This Medieval planted town was originally sealed in 100 AD (then referred to as Old Sarum) then abandoned for 500 years until William the Conquer built a castle there. The nearby valley town of Wilton was invaded by Vikings and a cathedral was built in 1092 and the 2 towns become 1 city.

Salsbury, England

the landscape is an urban shrine set into a hillside above the town of Praeneste, Rome with 7 terraces organized around a central axis. Columns and colonnades decorate the passageways and newly developed arches are celebrated through design

Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia

The notion that within the larger sanctity of nature, some places are especially sacred

Spatial hierophany

Which of the following statements is UNTRUE about the Layout and character of islamic cities?

Spires, arches, and domes were seldom used in the archietecutre

the cosmological landscape is found in the Salisbury Plains in England and evolve from an earthen bankment, to a wooden structure to the stone stockings currently seen today


The islamic open market for relatively small- scale craft sales composed of narrow streets lined with craftsmen's shops with each street often dominated by a particular craft.


This Mongul tomb garden in Arga, India has proportional characteristics similar to that of a Renaissance gardens. The major structure has the look of a mosque but was actually built as a gift of love from Shah Jahan in honor of his wife Mumtaz-i_Majal.

Taj Majal

Roman urban-ism was based on the philosophy of imperial order a means of making manifest through planning and architecture common urban spatial arrangements and building types. Which of the following is NOT considered an element of Roman urbanism imperial order?

Temenos sanctuaries and ovular oculus

Which of the following sites is NOT considered an early Islamic magul garden?

The Alhambra of Genrallife

All of the following events occurred during the time period of the Renaissance except:

The Great Schism between Christian churches

The Mogul garden was composed of three square terraces, each with an open sided pavilion placed on a stone platform set in the water within them. Its designed epitomized the use of the baradari. Its name can be translated into the 'Adobe of Love'

The Shalimar garden of kashmir

The art of the Renaissance was really it claim to fame. Which of the following statement is Best describes the attributes of Renaissance art?

The depiction of nudes was original and became commonplace in art, Pagan scenes and myths were popular subjects with no apologies to the church, stressed proportion, balance and harmony

Life in the middle ages was harsh, uncertain, and somewhat dangerous which is why many of the new cities were so heavily fortitude. Which of the following events DID NOT occur during medieval times?

The famous sculpture of Davis is unveiled, marking the depiction of nudity in art as commonplace

The transition from the medieval era to the Renaissance Era was sparked by three events. WHich of the following events does NOT mark this transition?

The multitude of deaths resulting from the Crusades

Which statement about Renaissance designers is UNTRUE?

The plan of Pope Francisco Petrarch of Rome utilized old Egyptian Obelisks

Which of the following major events did NOT occur during the medieval times

The protestant reformation did not occur in the medieval times

THe use of axial planning on an urban scale during the Renaissance merged well with the emphasis on proportion during the time. WHich of the following options best describes the primary design elements of axial planning on an urban scale during the Renaissance?

The relatively small utility of the gridiron, the straight primary street, enclosed spaces such as piazza and squares.

Which of the following statements is true when comparing the Medieval era to the Renaissance era?

The renaissance system of town design was based on the role of designers and persons with money as town developers while the Medieval system of town design was based on the role of an individual as the town builder

While the two periods overlapped slightly, the Medieval and Renaissance eras were extremely different in regards to philosophical thought and design. Which of the following statement is TRUE when comparing the Medieval Era to the Renaissance Era

The renaissance system of two design was based on the role of designers and persons with money as town developers while Medieval systems of town design was based on the role of individual as the down builders

What is true about Medieval urban form?

There was a usually a clear delineation between castle and surroundings

Which of the following statement is most true about Niccolo Machiavelli?

Throughout that it was better to be feared than loved, Defended despotism, Rejected all restrictions of honor and religion

Which of the following statements is untrue about the culture of historic Islamic European cities?

Traders were the peasants of the

This medieval town was created by a system of canals and the major means of transportation within it is the gandola. Is primary public square is the Piazza San Marco


the piece of Paleolithic art was sculpted of limestone and believed to be a symbol of fertility to prehistoric peoples and is thought to depict the ideal woman of the time.

Venus de wilendorf

Designed by architect Giacomo de Vignola,, this Renaissance site offers expressions of Bramatian like axial planning combined with a highly imaginative use of water. A series of sequential steps along prescribed routes off of a central spine paves the way and highly decorated grottoes characterized the openings.

Villa Lante

One of the two ENGLISH bestides towns, this town was built as a replacement harbor for a lost sea town but fell victim to the retreat of the sea and invasion due to extremely weak walls.


What are the following statements is Untrue about the middle ages:

Wool, granite, and Iron working were the three primary industries of the Middle ages

The Greek island called crete was aMinoan civilization which had a few settlements characteristics which made it somewhat distinct from mainland settlements. Which of the following characteristics best describe the Crete island city of Knossos?

all of the above answers: Wall-less and peaceful placed with a natural megaron the most important religious complex on Crete

The entirety of outlying environments and regional space in Greek city structure where connections for trade, defense, and building materials where made from the polls


The Moorish city was home of the Mesquite and the Court of Oranges. It mosque of hourseshoe-shaped double arches atop foreman from earlier destroyed buildings for Roman and Germanic territories


The Early Mediterranean religion was composed of a multitude of areas which consisted of differing settlements characteristics. Select the answer of answers which describe some of the major Cultures of the classical Mediterranean landscape

greek, carthaginians, and romans

An italian viewing gallery or corridor at ground level


An Islamic bucket-scoop waterwheel that raised wear into elevated canals and helped facilitate the construction of numerous gardens in the islamic landscape


While Mongul, moorish, and other Arabic cities and gardens had geographic and cultural differences, garden design had an immense amount of overlap in terms of shared characteristics. In regards to this statement, which of the following statements is Untrue?

tamed plant growth and hedging were common

Located in Sderlonga, Rome and famous for its luxurious villain, this area functioned as a holy place with a nature seaside cave. The cave was extended into the landscape pond with an area for outdoor banqueting functioned as its entranceway/

the grotto of Tiberius

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