Landing gear rewrite

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What does the inlet of the steering damper do?

A steering damper is a hydraulically operated device that accomplishes the functions of steering and eliminating shimmying.

A pilot reports the right brake on an aircraft is spongy when the brake pedal is depressed in a normal manner. The probable cause is what?

Air in the brake hydraulic system.

A high speed aircraft tire with a sound cord body and bead may recapped?

An indefinite number of times

Aside from an external leak in the line, what will cause parking brakes to continually bleed off pressure?

An internal leak in the master cylinder

In brake service work, the term bleeding brakes is the process of what?

Bleeding the brakes means removing any fluid from the system that has air trapped in it.

The left brake dragging excessively on an airplane on which no recent brake service work has been performed. The probable cause is what?

Foreign particles stuck in the master cylinder compensating port.

Exposure to and/or storage near which of the following is considered harmful to aircraft tires?

Fuel oil ozone hydraulic fluid solvents

What does the embossed letter H stand for on a air valve core stem?

Indicates high pressure type

Bumper ring is incorporated in a landing gear oleo shock strut to what?

Limit the extension stroke.

Nose gear centering cams are used in many retractable landing gear systems. The primary purpose of the centering device is to?

Many retractable nose gears use a centering cam to center the nosewheel when all the weight is off of the shock strut.

Excessive wear in the center of the tread of an aircraft tire is an indication of?


The metering pins in oleo shock struts serve to do what?

Retard the flow of oil as the struts are compressed.

The best safeguards against heat buildup in aircraft tires are?

Short ground rolls, slow taxi speeds, minimum braking, and proper tire inflation.

A stripe or mark applied to a wheel rim and extending onto the sidewall of a tube type tire is a?

Slippage mark

What would be the effect if the piston spring broke in a brake master cylinder?

The brakes would drag

The pressure source for power brakes is what?

The main hydraulic system.

Why do most aircraft tire manufacturers recommend that the tubes in newly installed tires be first inflated, fully deflated, and then reinflated to the correct pressure?

To allow the tube to position itself correctly inside the tire.

To prevent a very rapid extension of an oleo shock strut after initial compression resulting from landing impact?

Various types of valves and orifices are used inside an oleo strut to prevent a rapid extension of the strut after the initial landing impact has been absorbed.

The purpose of a relief valve in a brake system is to what?

compensate for thermal expansion

Chines are used on some aircraft nose wheel tires to help what?

deflect water away from the fuselage

If it is determined that spongy brake action is not caused by air in the brake system, what is the next most likely cause?

deteriorating hoses as the pressure is built up.

when bleeding aircraft brakes one of the indications that the air has been purged from the system is?

firm brake pedals

What should be checked when a shock strut bottoms during landing?

fluid level

A landing gear position and warning system will provide a warning in the cockpit when the throttle is?

retarded and gear is not down and locked.

The correct inflation pressure for an aircraft tire can be obtained from what?

the aircraft service manual

When installing a chevron type seal in an aircraft hydraulic cylinder, the open side of the seal should face?

the direction of fluid pressure

Internal leakage in a brake master cylinder unit can cause what?

the pedal to slowly creep down while pedal pressure is applied.

How long should you wait after a flight before checking tire pressure?

at least 2 hours.(3 hours in hot weather)

Aircraft tire pressure should be checked how often?

at least once week or more often

Debooster valves are used in brake systems primarily to?

reduce the pressure and release the brakes rapidly

When a properly operating fusible plug has allowed a tire to deflate, the tire should be?


Excessive wear in the shoulder area of an aircraft tire is an indication of?


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