Language Arts quick recall

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(n.) a speech by one actor; a long talk by one person

Moon over Manifest

2011 Newberry Medal Clare Vanderpool Abilene Tucker feels abandoned. Her father has put her on a train, sending her off to live with an old friend for the summer. Abilene jumps off the train in Manifest, Kansas, aiming to learn about the boy her father once was. Abilene finds an old cigar box filled with mementos, including some old letters that mention a spy known as the Rattler. These mysterious letters send Abilene and her new friends, Lettie and Ruthanne, on an honest-to-goodness spy hunt, even though they are warned to "Leave Well Enough Alone. Abilene throws all caution aside when she heads down the mysterious Path to Perdition to pay a debt to the reclusive Miss Sadie, a diviner who only tells stories from the past.

Amos McGee

2011 children's picture book written by Philip C. Stead and illustrated by Erin E. Stead. The book depicts a zookeeper who has bonded with the animals he cares for and who come and visit him one day when he gets sick.

complex sentence

A sentence with one independent clause and at least one dependent clause ex. Because the fish was hungry, I fed it some fish flakes.


An example of this literary device is the Shakespearean line, "All the world's a stage." Which figure of speech compares two unlike things without using "like" or "as"?


Any writing that is not poetry

Jo's Boys

Beginning ten years after Little Men, this story revisits Plumfield, the New England school still presided over by Jo and her husband, Professor Bhaer. Jo remains at the center of the tale, surrounded by her boys—including rebellious Dan, sailor Emil, and promising musician Nat—as they experience shipwreck and storm, disappointment and even murder. Written by Louisa May Alcott third installment in Louisa May Alcott's Little Women triology?

The Three Pigs

Besides its protagonists, this book incorporates other fairy tale characters, including the cat playing the fiddle and a dragon. Its trio of porcine heroes become three-dimensional as they are blown out of their own story by the big bad wolf. Give the title of this Caldecott winner by David Wiesner [WEEZ-nur].


Characters that fill this four-syllable literary role include Shere Khan and Captain Hook. They provide person versus person conflict, adding interest to a story. What do we call the opposing force of story's protagonist?

Neil Gaiman

Coraline The Graveyard Book Nobody Owen


Examples of this kind of story include "The Labors of Hercules" and "How the Leopard Got Its Spots." It is created to explain some aspect of nature. Name this type of story, which is closely related to a legend.


Examples of this literary device include "Good things come to those who wait" and "That's a piece of cake" Give the six-letter French word for an expression that is so overused that it has lost its impact.

coordinating conjunction

FANBOYS=for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

In this fable, a boy cures his boredom by frightening villagers into coming his aid. When he actually spies a predator, the villagers assume he is lying and his flock scatters. Which Aesop fables teaches that " no one believes a liar, even when he is telling the truth?

The Ant and the Grasshopper

In this fable, one of the title characters works all summer to store up food for the winter. The other character sings all summer and begs his friend for food during the winter.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

In this fairy tale, a trio of animals encounter a hungry troll as they attempt to cross a bridge. The smaller two persuade the troll to wait for the last animal, who gouges out the troll's eyes and throws him into the water. Name this fairy tale, about three grazing animals with the same name.

An Acceptable Time

In this novel, Polly and Zachary encounter the People of the Wind and the People Across the Lake. They are transported to ancient Connecticut, where Polly is nearly sacrificed to appease the gods who control rain. Give the title of this final novel in Madeline L'Engle's Time Quintet.

Mirette on the high wire

In which book does a girl face her fears and find the courage to walk across a tight rope? Emily Arnold McCully

simple subject

Is he your best friend? he = _________?__________

Anne of Green Gables

L.M. Montgomery Set in the late 19th century, the novel recounts the adventures of Anne Shirley, an 11-year-old orphan girl, who is mistakenly sent to two middle-aged siblings, Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, who had originally intended to adopt a boy to help them on their farm in the fictional town of Avonlea on Prince Edward Island. The novel recounts how Anne makes her way through life with the Cuthberts, in school, and within the town.


Like a period, this punctuation mark can correct a comma splice. Normally, it is not used with a conjunction. Name this punctuation mark, which typically joins two closely related independent clauses.

Robert Frost

Poems: A Patch of Old Song The Pasture The Road Not Taken Mending Wall Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening


Sequence of events in a story


Some stories have more than one character who serves this literary role. They can be unreliable and if they participate in the story they are first person. Name this literary element which can be limited or omniscient?


The first part of this compound word is an antonym of "lower" The second part is an antonym of "least." What is this compound word?


The first part of this compound word is antonym of "unimportant." The second portion is a synonym of "kid." Identify this compound word for your offspring's offspring.


This Greek prefix can be found before "graph" "biography" or "mobile" What is this prefix meaning "self"?


This Latin root can follow "per", "trans," "com" or "sub" Identify this root, meaning "to send"


This Latin root means "carry." It can follow "ex-," "im-" "re-" or "trans" Name this root which can also follow "pass-" or "air-"


This adjective can mean "genuine" or "exhibiting vigorous good health" In culinary circles, it describes a meal that is both filling and nourishing. What is this word which contains the name of a vital organ in the human body?


This hero of a Caldecott-winning bool resembles a white blob but wears an orange crown. He is born on magical island but tires of waiting for a child choose him, so he sets off for a city. Who is this "unimaginary friend" created by Dan Santat?

Gerund phrase

This kind of verbal is present in the sentence, "Landing on the moon would be easier that what we're trying to do." It includes a verb that acts as a noun. Identify the verbal that always ends in -ing.


This literary element can be ironic, detached, warm or nostalgic. It is often confused with mood. What do we call the attitude a writer has toward his subject or toward the audience?


This method of passing beliefs and values to the next generation was brought to America by enslaved people from West Africa. In the 19th century, Joel Chandler Harris put this oral method into this written stories. What do we call these stories, many of which tell of a clever animal who outsmarts another, such as the Br'er Rabbit tales.


This part of speech can be either abstract or concrete depending on whether or not it can be perceived by the five senses. Collective ones include "flock" "committee" and "group" Which part of speech can be proper or common?


This poetic form was invented by Adelaide Crapsey, who was inspired by the Japanese tanka and haiku. They use vivid imagery to convey a specific emotion and contain lines of two, four, six, eight, and two syllables. Give the name of this five-line poem.


This special kind of phrase appears in the sentence, "The spider, a daddy long legs, crawled up the wall." What type of noun phrase renames another noun right beside it?

John Henry

This tall-tale character was known as a "steel-driving man." Who is this man who won a race against a power tool and died with a hammer in his hand?

Martin Luther King

United States charismatic civil rights leader and Baptist minister who campaigned against the segregation of Blacks (1929-1968) I Have a Dream speech

What are little boys made of? nursery rhyme

What are little boys made of? What are little boys made of? Snips and snails And puppy-dogs' tails, That's what little boys are made of. What are little girls made of? What are little girls made of? Sugar and spice And everything nice, That's what little girls are made of.

What are little girls made of? nursery rhyme

What are little girls made of? What are little girls made of? Sugar and spice, And all that's nice; That's what little girls are made of.

Shel Silverstein

Where the Sidewalk Ends A Light in the Attic

complete predicate

consists of the verb and any words related to it My parents have started painting my room. Have started painting my room = _________?____________

gerund phrase

ends in -ing and functions as a noun My cat Prissy enjoys hunting mice. hunting mice = ____________?__________


exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.


homonym when you see a rest in music refers to hands and feet of cats and dogs



Dead End in Norvelt by Jack Gantos

is an autobiographical novel by the American author Jack Gantos It features a boy named Jack Gantos and is based in the author's hometown, Norvelt, Pennsylvania. According to one reviewer, the "real hero" is "his home town and its values", a "defiantly political" message. is a novel about an incredible two months for a kid named Jack Gantos, whose plans for vacation excitement are shot down when he is "grounded for life" by his feuding parents, and whose nose spews bad blood at every little shock he gets.


mythical animal with a rabbit's body and antelope's antlers


poem of only two lines


this suffix means "one who does a specific action." It can be found after "tour" "art" and "solo"

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

traces the story of the boy Nobody "Bod" Owens who is adopted and reared by the supernatural occupants of a graveyard after his family is brutally murdered.


wrong idea

Cordwood Pete

younger brother of Paul Bunyan

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