Lib 160 Final

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In the citation below, what does Ten new primitive binary trinomials represent? Brent, R.& Zimmermann P. (2009). Ten new primitive binary trinomials. Mathematics of Computation, 78(266): 1197-1199.

article title

This chapter discusses the difference between open web material and paywalled resources. For each item below, indicate if it describes Open, Paywalled, or both types of resource.

the resource requires you to login=Paywalled the resource is scholarly= Could be both you can view the resource regardless of your affiliation=Open

There are many alternatives to cheating. Match the following issues with the appropriate campus services. Where could your roommate go for help...

learning time management skills=Academic Success Center finding a style guide to cite sources correctly for a paper=Library when personal problems make it difficult to concentrate on coursework=Student Counseling Services learning strategies for taking tests=Academic Success Center

What is the benefit of using a Creative Commons license?

makes clear the conditions for reusing original work

When you're off-campus you need to log into ISU Library's scholarly databases and full-text journals. Logging into the Library website is ...

required because the ISU Library pays a fee so ISU students and researchers can access paywalled databases and journals

You want to search for articles that discuss the role of nature in the poetry of Emily Dickinson. You're specifically interested in her repeated mention of bees or flowers in her poetry. As discussed in Chapter 3, which example of a nested search would best fit your topic?

(bees OR flowers) AND dickinson

Which of the dates listed below is the best indicator of the currency of a web page's content?

A date listed after "Last updated on..."

Indicate whether the statements below about Google Scholar are TRUE or FALSE.

As an ISU student, you can access paywalled articles the Library owns in your Google Scholar search results=true Google Scholar equally covers all subject areas=false You will need to login to Google Scholar to use it on campus=false You can find a variety of scholarly materials with Google Scholar=true

What does the "peer" refer to in "peer reviewed article" as defined in Chapter 1?

Experts in the same subject as the author critiqued the article.

What is the difference between Google and Google Scholar?

Google searches different types of websites, but Google Scholar searches only scholarly materials.

Chapter 1 discusses how to get started with research and the information-seeking process. According to the Chapter, which of the following is important to consider when getting started?

How much information do you need for your project

What is the main reason a sponsored link website gets placed at the top of search engine results?

Money - the search engine company is paid to place it at the top.

You created a fan video on the Rolling Stones for your music appreciation class and got an A on the project. You've used photographs you found on the web along with one of their songs and cited them appropriately. Did you violate copyright law?

No, the video was created for educational purposes and thus probably Fair Use

Why is peer review an important element of the scholarly conversation?

Peer review draws on the expertise of others to strengthen research

Google Scholar results often list older articles first. How could you easily find recent articles in your results? Choose all that apply.

Sort results by date instead of relevance. Use the facets to select a year.

You're writing a paper on development of "supercenter" retail stores. You've gotten information for your paper from a book, an article, a website, and even a graphic from a website. Which of the following do you need to cite?

The book, article, website, and graphic all need to be cited.

As described in Chapter 2, what is a potential benefit for researchers in using social media in addition to traditional scholarly publishing?

They may reach different audiences through social media.

To find information on the development of architecture in Central Asia during the Timurid Empire, which one of the choices below could best be used as search terms for finding information on the topic?

Timurid Empire and architecture and Central Asia

Now you want to upload your Rolling Stones fan video to YouTube. Would you be violating copyright?

Yes, because you didn't get copyright permissions plus the audience and purpose is no longer educational

You are attempting to access an article. Why might you be prompted with the following screen?

You are off-campus and not logged into your ISU account. The library does not own a copy of this article. This article is part of a subscription journal.

According to Chapter 5, which of the following must you do when correctly paraphrasing?

Cite the source=True Agree with the original author=False Use quote marks when you change the original author's words=False Use quote marks if you use some of the same words as the original author=True

You know that using style guides helps you prepare your footnotes and reference lists for your papers. According to Chapter 5, there are other good reasons to use a style guide. What is one of them?

It makes it easy to communicate with peers in a particular subject area.

According to Chapter 2, is a website with a top level domain of .edu automatically trustworthy, or does its content need to be evaluated?

It needs to be evaluated because domain tells you where a site comes from but doesn't guarantee quality.

Using what you know about Wikipedia contributors from this chapter, why might you want to use an additional source? (Choose all that apply.)

Majority of Wikipedia contributors do not have advanced degrees. Wikipedia articles are not traditionally peer reviewed.

What are some strategies you can use to control the release or use of your personal information online? For each statement below, indicate whether it is a good strategy or not.

Read user agreements and privacy policies before creating accounts=good Take advantage of options for minimizing advertisements in an app or service=good Use the same password for as many sites as possible so you don't forget it=not good Encourage your friends to tag you in Facebook photos=not good

If you discover the Library does not own the book you need, which of the following is the best option for you to access the book?

Request the book through the Interlibrary Loan service

Using Advanced Search in Google Scholar would allow you to

Search for an exact phrase.

You've read in Chapter 5 that common knowledge does not have to be cited in your scholarly work. For each of the following examples, indicate whether it's common knowledge as defined in Chapter 5, or needs to be cited.

Stromboli is a volcanic island=Common knowledge Most US voters believe the 2011 Japanese earthquake has hurt the US economy=Need to cite The Canary Islands are a Spanish archipelago=Common knowledge According to researchers, oceanic noise pollution damages marine life=Need to cite

What is the main purpose of subject headings?

To organize resources according to subject areas

What type of publication, scholarly or popular, do the descriptions on the left column represent?

Usually include lengthy bibliographies=scholarly Footnotes and bibliographies are rarely used=popular Written for the general public=popular Takes more time to produce because of review process= scholarly

It's also important to know what the elements of a citation represent. They often help you find the item, and are important for your bibliographies. For the citation listed below, match the citation elements to the correct answers. You need to answer ALL elements correctly to get credit on this question. Wardle, Claire. (2009) Crime reporting. In Franklin, Bob (ed.) Pulling newspapers apart: Analysing print journalism.(pp. 136-144). London: Routledge.

Wardle, Claire ........................................................chapter author 2009 ......................................................................publication year Crime reporting ......................................................chapter title Franklin, Bob .........................................................editors Pulling newspapers apart: Analysing print journalism title pp. 136-144 numbers London of publication Routledge ..............................................................publisher

Indicate whether the statements below are true or false

When you create an original work and put a Creative Commons attribution license on it, you are still the copyright holder=true In order to be a copyright holder you must register with the U.S. Copyright Office=false

For the items below, indicate whether the description fits controlled vocab or natural language searches

Whole sentences can be used=Natural language Uses pre-defined terms= Controlled vocabulary Uses everyday language= Natural language More likely to yield relevant results=Controlled vocabulary

Chapter 4 describes different ways to find journal articles. Indicate below which tool you would best use to find the information listed. Which tool would you use to find ...

articles in a wide range of subject areas=Quick Search a comprehensive set of articles on your in-depth research topic=Article Index search features that are customized to your specific subject area=Article Index general search features and quick access to full-text=Quick Search

As an information finding tool, Quick Search is the best tool for finding:

books and more that a library owns

You want to find books and articles about the symbolism used by American folk artists. Since this is a complex topic, you want to break it down into its main concepts to help identify keywords that could help you search, as described in Chapter 1. Which of the following are your three best choices for this topic:

A. Symbolism (or metaphors, emblems, themes) B. American (or United States, U.S. regions, etc.) D. Folk art (or traditional art, outsider art, etc.)

Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) affect your search results. If you search Quick Search for books using the search phrase Twitter OR marketing, you'll retrieve hundreds of records. If you re-do that search as Twitter AND marketing, you will narrow your search results (retrieve fewer records). Why is this so?

AND will show results containing both search terms.

According to Chapter 1, each of the three major finding tools has strengths and weaknesses. Which one of the finding tools discussed in the Chapter is described in the statement below? Best choice for finding in-depth research articles on a specific topic and for having specialized search features, but may not always include full-text articles.

Article index

Why is it important to cite other people's work in your research?

Citing sources advances the scholarly conversation=true Your paper will look more important and its length will be increased=false Citing sources allows you to use them without seeking copyright permission=false Citing sources allows your readers to see where ideas you used originated=true

Using the citation below, match the citation elements to the correct answers. Crouse, J.S. (1994). Leadership: Working From the Inside Out. Vital Speeches, 60(19): 597.

Crouse, J.S. ................................................article author 1994 ...........................................................publication date Leadership: Working from the Inside Out .......article title Vital Speeches ...........................................journal title 60 ..............................................................volume, 19 ..............................................................issue 597 number

For the statements on information "value" below, indicate which are true or false, as described in Chapter 2:

Free information has no value=False Only paywalled materials have value=False Value may be contextual depending on what you need=True Value can mean usefulness=True All kinds of information can have value=True

As described in Chapter 1, which ONE of the following best characterizes what is meant by "scholarly information"?

Information content produced in and for academic settings

Academic Search Premier offers many Search Options on its front page as ways to focus your search results. Which of the following are offered on that page? (Select all that apply.)

Limit to peer reviewed items only Get search help Limit results to full text items

You need to find certain types of information for a class assignment. Where would you look for each of the different types of information listed below?

Look for background information in ...................books and encyclopedias Look for statistical information in .......................government sources Look for subject-focused information in .............journal articles Look for news and general information in .........newspaper articles

Chapter 1 discusses the difference between quick information searches and research. For each example below, match the description to the correct choice.

Looking for current stock market prices= Quick Information Seeking Using three different article indexes to find articles= Researching Reading the local newspaper for this week's weather = Quick Information Seeking Requesting a journal article from Interlibrary Loan = researching

You are researching the history of Iowa just after becoming a state in 1846. One of the information sources you have found on this is a transcript of an 1846 speech given by an Iowa politician. Is this source primary or secondary, and why?

Primary because it was created immediately after the speech was given

Scenario: You're writing a paper on how to quit smoking. You know some things, but need specific information about the use of yoga to help quit smoking. According to Chapter 1, which one of the following is your best option for finding subject-focused information on your specific topic?

Research journal articles

Chapter 1 discusses primary and secondary sources. Why might you want to use secondary sources for a project or paper?

Secondary sources may provide useful analyses of your topic

Scenario: You and your roommate both need to find scholarly materials for a paper on the topic of how to prevent bullying in schools through educational programming. You've been told to use a scholarly article index. Your roommate uses the following search terms: how to prevent bullying in schools through educational programming but gets poor results, including some items that don't look relevant. According to Chapter 1, what would be the best next step to ensure that you both get more relevant results?

Simplify your search terms to search only key concepts

What is the main purpose of an index as discussed in Chapter 4?

To identify & provide access to journal articles in a subject area.

According to Chapter 5, what is the definition of plagiarism?

Using someone else's words or ideas without giving credit to that person.

Chapter 5 discusses ways you can control use / re-use of your own scholarly creations. Indicate whether the statements below are true or false.

You can share results of research you did at ISU in the ISU Digital Repository=true Your original works are automatically protected by copyright=true You can remix all other works that have Creative Commons licensing=false You can hold copyright to your works for 17 years, then they will be automatically public domain=false

You're looking for information on developing effective presentation skills. Match the information sources listed below to the appropriate finding tool - WorldCat, Quick Search, or Google Books. [a] - books, ebooks, journals, articles & other scholarly materials from ISU Lib; all books available on your topic that you can check out. [b] - materials in libraries nearest you; libraries nearest you that own copies of your textbook; books owned by any library that you can ILL for free. [c] - ebooks you can download or buy; scanned full-text or excerpted books to read online; free ebooks for your Android or iPhone.

You're looking for information on developing effective presentation skills. Match the information sources listed below to the appropriate finding tool - WorldCat, Quick Search, or Google Books. QuickSearch - books, ebooks, journals, articles & other scholarly materials from ISU Lib; all books available on your topic that you can check out. WorldCat - materials in libraries nearest you; libraries nearest you that own copies of your textbook; books owned by any library that you can ILL for free. Google Books - ebooks you can download or buy; scanned full-text or excerpted books to read online; free ebooks for your Android or iPhone.

What does the following citation represent? Grady, W. (2001). The bone museum: travels in a lost world of dinosaurs and birds. New York: Four Walls Eight Windows.

a book

As you learned in Chapter 4, it's important to know what a citation represents because that often helps you find the item. What does the following citation represent? Ramirez, Anne. (2008) Emily Dickinson's Breadcrumbs of Grace. In Magid, Annette M. (Ed.) You Are What You Eat: Literary Probes into the Palate. (pp. 44-55). Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars.

a book chapter

According to Chapter 2, Wikipedia would be a good source to use when you are looking for ...

a broad overview of a topic to help you pick an aspect to focus on a timeline of events in the Black Lives Matter movement

What does the following citation represent? Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2): 191-215.

a journal article

What does the following citation represent? Beeson, B., P. Jennings and W. Kramer. (2013). A new path to grandparenthood: Parents of sperm and egg donors. Journal of Family Issues, 34(10): 1295-1316. Accessed August 8, 2016, doi:10.1177/0192513X13489299.

a journal article

Using and citing sources ...

advances the scholarly conversation helps prevent plagiarism builds off of the work of others

This statement: "Bob Dylan's first album was released in 1962" is common knowledge. According to Chapter 5, why is this so?

because it is a fact that can be verified

Indicate true / false for the following statements. Items in the public domain are....

good examples of common knowledge=false often materials published before 1923=true often US government documents=true available for re-use without giving credit=false

Truncation is a keyword search technique that helps you find useful variations of a term or terms. You want to find books on the topic of gravity and gravitational collapse. Where should you best truncate in this example?

gravit* and collapse

Chapter 1 discusses primary and secondary sources. Why might you want to use primary sources for a project or paper?

it may be useful to document a historic event with perspectives from that time

During a class lecture, your professor mentions a book about leadership by authors named Avery and Bergsteiner. Which of the following Quick Search strategies is the most effective way to find this book, and why?

leadership Avery Bergsteiner in title, books & more in first drop down menu, that contain my query words in second drop down menu, anywhere in the record

You have examined a website in order to evaluate it and have found that the site includes many links that no longer work. According to Chapter 2, this suggests that the website ...

may lack currency.

Which of the following are reasons to consider privacy when you put info about yourself online? (Choose all that apply)

our professors or future employers may see your party photos your information may reside in a place that you can't edit or control your information may be copied, shared, or resold without your consen

Identify three common features of scholarly information, as described in Chapter 1:

qualifications of author included, has gone through peer review, includes footnotes and references

Match the following descriptions to the appropriate items. You must get all answers correct to earn credit for this question:

someone else's words or ideas used without credit=plagiarism law determines how authors' works can be re-used= copyright published works no longer protected by copyright=public domain someone else's information explained in your own words=paraphrase

Knowing when the event you're researching happened is important because it helps you ...

to know how much information and what types of information may be available

For the topics listed below, indicate which finding tool would be the best choice: Google or Google Scholar?

weather forecast for Ames, Iowa for the next four days= Google report on the effects of past years' weather on the Iowa soybean harvest=Google Scholar A list of past and future host cities for the Olympic Games=Google In-depth analysis on the economic impact of past Olympic Games on their host cities=Google Scholar

Now, match the three major finding tools to their WEAKNESSES, as described in Chapter 1:

web search engines = misses most subscription- based scholarly resources library discovery tools= hard to focus your search indexes=may not include full-text books & journals=not a finding tool, as defined in Chapter 1

As described in Chapter 1, match the three major finding tools to their STRENGTHS:

web search engines= best choice for finding up-to-date information library discovery tools= best choice for finding what a specific library owns indexes=best choice for finding scholarly journal articles books & journals=not a finding tool, as defined in Chapter 1

Which of the following are points that can demonstrate the accuracy of a website?

whether the information it contains agrees with other sources

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