Life Span Chapter 8

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Rodesia is a left-handed adult. Is is most likely that she

has thicker corpus callosum This is probably because, growing up in a right-handed world, left-handers have a greater need to coordinate both sides of the body

In early childhood, from age ___ to _____, children add almost __________ in height and gain about ____ in weight per year. By age 6, the average child in a developed nation weighs _____and measures about _____in height.

2:6:3inches (about 7 centimeters); 4 1/2 pounds (2 kilograms); between 40 and 50 pounds (between 18 and 22 kilograms); 31/2 feet(more than 100 centimeters)

Not until age __________does any disease become a greater cause of mortality.


1) Each year from age 2 to 5, the average child gains ________pounds and grows _________inches, respectively.

41/2 pounds and 3 inches

12) Most gross motor skills can be learned by healthy children by about age


In multiethnic countries, children of __________descent tend to be tallest, followed by _________, then _________, and then ___________.


7What ethnic's are tallest to shortest .

Children of African descent tend to be tallest, followed by European's Asian, and Latinos.

2)During childhood, the legs develop rapidly. T/F

F During childhood, the brain develops faster than any other part of the body

Myelination is essential for basic communication between neurons. T/F

F Although myelination is not essential for basic communication between neurons, it is essential for fast and complex communication.

7)Most serioius childhood injuries truly are "accidents." T/F

F Most serious accidents involve someone's lack of forethought

Which of the follwing is true of the corpus callosum?

It connects the two halves of the brain. The corpus callosum is not directly involved in memory. Myelination of the central nervous system is important to the master of fine motor skills

3 yrs old Kyles' parents are concerned because Kyle, who generally seems healthy, doesn't seem to have the hefty appetite he had as an infant. Should they be worried?

No, because caloric need is less during early childhood than during infancy

13) Andrea is concerned because her 3 yr old daugher has been having nightmares. Her pediatrician tells her

Not to worry, because nightmares are often caused by increased activity in the amygdala which is normal during early childhood. Nightmares generally occur when activity in the amygdala overwhelms the slowly developing prefrontal cortex. There is no indication that nightmares are caused by diet Increased activity in the amygdala is normal during early childhood, as are the nightmares that some children experience.

(a Case to study) Laws are generally more effective than educational campaigns in preventing childhood injuries. T/F


1)between age 2 and 6 results in body proportions more similar to those of an adult. T/F


3) Regarding handedness, some societies favor left-handed people All societies favor right-handed people. T/F


3)For most people, the brain center for language is located in the left hemisphere. T/F


4)At age 5, the body mass index is lower than at any other age. T/F


5)Overweight children tend to become overweight adults.T/F


8)Children often fare as well in kinship care as they do in conventional foster care. T/F


10) Children who have been maltreated often regard other children and adults as hostile and exploitative.

They are less friendly and more aggressive They are more isolated than other children 11 Brain areas that control generalized creative and emotional impulses are found in the right hemisphere.

Study tip: Learning and remembering developmental changes in height, weight, brain maturation, and other aspects of biosocial development requires a lot of rote memorization. A good way to facilitate your learning is to design and complete a simple organizational chart. Your chart might look something like:

Weight: Children gain 4/5pounds each year. Because they are also growing rapidly, they are actually thinner than in earlier years.

8)Is a 2 yrs old singing the same song over and over an example of perseveration? Y/N

Y kicking a ball is a gross motor skill Pouring is a fine mtor skill

kinship care

a form of care in which a relative of a maltreated child takes over from the biological parents

The leading cause of death in childhood is


child abuse

actions that are deliberately harmful to a child's well-being

The brain area that register emotion is the

amygdala The hippocampus is a central processor memory The hypothalamus produces hormones that activate other parts of the brain and body. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for regulating attention, among other things. It makes formal education more possible in children.

injury control

an approach emphasizing accident prevention

The long, thick band of nerve fibers that connects the right and left sides of the brain, called the _______ _________, grows and _____-rapidly during early childhood. This helps children between coordinate functions that involve ________ _____________.

are not; lateralization;right;advise agains

Fine motor skills are useful in almost all forms of _________ ____________, yet such skills are far from perfect. Theses skills typically mature ________ (earlier/later), by about ________ months, in _________(girls/boys).

artistic expression;earlier;6;girls

corpus callosum

band of nerve fibers connecting the right and left hemispheres of the brain

(A View of Science) Maltreated children suffer substantial ________and _________ handicaps. However, deficits in their ______ ________are even more apparent. (A View from Science) Describe other deficits of children who have been maltreated.

biological; academic;social skills Maltreated children tend to regard other people as hostile and exploitative,a nd thus are less friendly, more aggressive, and more isolataed than other children.Adults who were severely maltreated often abuse drugs or alcohol, choose unsupportive relateonships, become victims or aggressors, sabotage their own careers,e at too much or too little, and engage in self-destructive behavior.

right hemisphere

brain area that is primarily responsible for generalized creative impulses

left hemisphere

brain area that is primarily responsible for processing language

During early childhood, inadequate lateralization of the brain and immaturity of the prefrontal cortex may contribute to all these deficiencies in

cognition, peer relationships, emotional control

Some of the brain's increase in size during childhood is due to the proliferation of _______pathways, but most of it occurs becuase of the ongoing process of ________. This process enable greater ________ ___________ _________.

communication;myelinates;bothsides of the brain or body

The brain's ongoing myelination during childhood helps children

control their actions more precisely. react more quickly to stimuli control their emotions.

The left half of the brain contains areas dedicated to all the following EXCEPT

creative impulses Brain areas that control generalized creative and emotional impulses are found in the right hemispher.

Often the first sign of maltreatment is ________ ____________, such as slow growth or lack of curiosity.

delayed development

By age 2, substantial pruning of the brain's ___has occurred, and the brain weights _______ percent of its adult weight. By age 5, the brain has attained weight.


What of the follwing is an example of a fine motor skill?

drawing with a pencil

child neglect

failure to appropriately meet a child's basic needs

Skills that involve small bodymovements, such as pouring liquids and cutting food, are called __________skills. Most 2 yrs old have greater difficulty with these skill primarily because they have not developed the _________________ control, patience, or ______needed-in part because of the immaturity of the _______ ______ and ____ ______.

fine motor; musclular; judgment; corpus callosum; prefrontal cortex

Some children are officially removed from their biological parents and placed in a ___________ ______________ arrangement with another adult or family who is paid to nurture them.

foster care

Large body movements such as running, climbing, jumping, and throwing are called _________skills.

gross motor

Climbing a fence is an example of a _______ _______- _________.

gross motor skills

Skills that involve large body movements, such as running and jumping, are called

gross motor skills

The brain area that is a central processor for memory is the

hippocampus the amygdala is responsible for registering emotions. The hypothalamus produces hormones that activate other parts of the brain and body. The prefrontal cortex is involved in planning and goal-directed behavior.

The brain structure that produces hormones that activate other parts of the brain and body is the


In young children, perservation is a sign of

immature brain functions.

Two signs of an immature prefrontal cortex are __________and __________, which is the tendency to stick to a thought or action for a long time.


Household _______also affects physical growth. In Brazil, for instance, whereas low income once correlated with _____(undernutrition/overnutrition)


To prevent accidental death in childhood, some experts urge fore-thought and planning for safety and measures to limit the damage of such accidents when they do occur. This approach is called ___________ ______________

injury control

Insted of accident prevention, many experts speak of _________ ____________ (or ___ ____) , an approach based on the belief that most accidents ________(are/are not) preventable.

injury control;harm reduction;are

The most prevalent nutritional problem in early childhood is an insufficient intake of __________,___________, and ___________. An additional problem from American children is that they consume too many _________ ________ and ___________ . One result of too much sugar is ________ ________, the most common disease of young children in developed nations.

iron;zinc;calcium;sweetened cereals and drinks;tooth decay

2 yr old Ali is quite clumsy, fails down frequently, and often bumps into stationary objects. Ali most likely _

is normal 2 yr old whose gross motor skills will improve dramatically during early childhood. Because the child has better balance and coordination of both sides of the brain, motor skills improve greatly during this period.

Young children generally insist that a particular experience occur in an exact sequence and manner, a phenomenon called _________ _______. By age _______, this rigidity fades somewhat.

just right (just so);6

In another type of foster care, called __________ __________, a relative of the maltreated child becomes the approved caregiver. A final option is _______.

kinship care; adoption

The brain center from the basic of language is usually located in the

left hemisphere The right brain is the location of areas associated with generalized emotional creative impulses. The corpus callosum helps integrate the functioning of the 2 halves of the brain; it does not contain areas specialized for particular skills.

Followinig an automobile accident, Amira developed severe problems with her speech. Her doctor believes that the accident injured the ___________ ___________ of her brain.

left side The left side of the brain specializes in the basics of language

The 2 sides of the body and brain ____ (are/are not) identical. The specialization of the two sides of the body and brain is called ___________. Throughout the world, societies are organized to favor __________ - handedness. Developmentalists ________ (advise against/ advise) trying to switch a child's handedness.

left-; coordinate

Adults who are ___(right-/left) handed ten to have a thicker corpus callosum, probably because as children they had a greater need to _________ both sides of the body in a rigt-handed world.

left; coordinating

foster care

legal placement of a child in the care of someone other than his or her biological parents

The part of the brain that plays a crucial role in the expression and regulation of emotions is the _____ ____. Within this system is the _________, which registers emotions, particularly ________and __________. Next to this area is the ______, which is a central processor of _______, especially of ____________. Another structure in this brain region is the __________, which produces _______ that activate other parts of the brain and body.

limbic system; amygala; fear; anxiety; hipposcampus; memory; locations; hypothalamus; hormones

Intentional harm to or avoidable endangerment of someone under age 18 defines child ________. Actions that are deliberately harmful to a child's well-being are classified as ____. A failure to act appropriately to meet a child's basic needs is classified as ____________.

maltreatment; abuse; neglect

In older children,the corpus callosum is more ____, which partly explains why they are better at thinking and why their behaviors sometimes are less clumsy.


Yolanda, who is 5 yrs old, has improved dramatically in her ability to throw and catch a baseball. Which aspect of her brain development contributed most to enable these abilites by enhancing communication among the brain's various specialized area?

myelination The greatest myelination in early childhood occurs in the motor and sensory areas, the area repsponsible for the skills that develop dramatically during this time

6) When parents or caregivers do not meet a child's basic physical, educational, or emotional needs, it is referred to as

neglect Abuse is deliberate, harsh injury to the body Endangerment was not discussed Maltreatment is too broad a term

Helga comes to school with large black-and-blue marks on her arm. Her teacher suspects ________

ongoing abuse and neglect by Helga's own parents. At one time, people thought child maltreatment was a rare situation, perpetrated by amentally ill stranger. Today, they know it is more likely to be perpetrated by the child's own parents.

fine motor skills

painting a picture or tying shoelaces

Once maltreatment has been substantiated and the child legally removed from the home, U.S. federal law requires authorities to begin ________ ________for the child's long-term care.

permanency planning

Environmental hazards such as ________________ do more harm to young ones. Some of the substances that have proven to be harmful are _____________________________________.

pollutants; lead in the water and air, pesticides, BPA in plastic, and secondhand cigarette smoke

Signs of maltreatment may be symptoms of ___________ ____________ _______ _____, which was first described in combat victims.

post-traumatic stress disorder

2 yr old Carrie is hyperactive, often confused between fantasy and reality, and jumps at any sudden noise. Her pediatrician suspects that she is suffering from _______________

post-traumatic stress disorder First identified in combat vertans, PTSD is now evident in some maltreated children.

Which of the following activities would probably be the most difficult for a 5 yr old child? gross motor skills or fine motor skills.

pouring juice from a pitcher without spilling it Fine motor skills are more difficult for the young child, in part because of their short, stubby fingers.

The area of the brain that directs and controls the other areas is the

prefrontal cortex The corpus callosum is the band of fibers that link the two halves of the brain. The myeline sheath is a fatty substance that surrounds some neurons in the brain The amygdala registers emotions

The part of the brain that shows the most prolonged period of postnatal development is the _____________ _______. Development of this brain area increases throughout ____. This area is sometimes called the ___________because all othere areas of the brain are ruled by its decisions. Maturation of this area over the years of early childhood is evident as _______becomes more regular, _________become more nuanced, _________ _______subside, and uncontrollable laughter and tears become less common.

prefrontal cortex;adolescence; executive;sleep;emotions;temper tantrums

Preventive community actions that reduce everyone's chance of injury are called _______ _____. Preventive actions that avert harm in a high-risk situation constitute_________ _________. Actions aimed at minimizing the impact of an adverse event that has already occurred contitute _______ ____________.

primary prevention;secondary prevention;tertiary prevention

Public policy measures and other efforts designed to prevent maltreatment from ever occurring are called ________ ______. An approach that focuses onspotting and treating the first symptoms of maltreatment is called ___________ _________. Last ditch measures,such as removing a child from an abusive home, jailing the perpetrator, and so forth, constitute___________ __________.

primary prevention;secondary prevention;tertiary prevention

A mayoral candidate is callng for sweeping policy changes to help ensure the well-being of children by promoting home ownership, high-quality community centers, and more stable neighborshoods. If these measures are effective in reducing child maltreatment, they would be classified as ______________ prevention.

primary. Primary prevention refers to action taken to prevent an adverse event from occurring to a child

primary prevention

procedures to prevent unwanted events or circumstances from ever occurring

Which of the following is an example of tertieary prevention of child maltreatment?

removing a child from an abusive home

Since 1993, the ratio of the number of cases of _____ ______, in which authorities have been officially notified, to cases of __________ __________, which have been reported, investigated, and verified, has been about _______ (what ratio?).

reported maltreatment; substantiated maltreatment ; 3 to 1

2) The center from appreciation of music, art, and poetry is usually located in the brain's

right hemisphere The left hemisphere of the bain contains areas associated with language development. The corpus callosum does not contain areas for specific behaviors.

The improvements in eye-hand coordination that allow young children to catch and then throw a ball occur, in part, because

the brain areas associated with this ability become more fully myelinated The corpus callosum begins to function long before the years between 2yrs and 6yrs. Neither fine nor gross motor skills have fully matured by age 2

The left hemisphere of the brain controls the ____side of the body and contains areas dedicated to ________ ________ detailed _____, and the basic of _____. The right hemisphere conrols the ______side of the body and contains brain areas dedicated to generalized ___ and _____impulses. As a rule , though, every cognitive skill requires ___(the right/the left/both) sides of the brain.

right;logical reasoning; analysis; language; left; emotional; creative; both

gross motor skills

running and jumping

5) Seeing her toddle reach for a brightly glowing burner on the stove, Sheila grabs his hand and say, "No, that's very ot." Sheila's behavior is an example of

secondary prevention

The appetites of young children age 5 seem they were in the first two years of life.

smaller than

According to ____theory, most children learn these skills best from _______________________(other children/parents).

sociocultural; other children

Regarding lateralization, which of the following is NOT true?

some cognitive skills require only one side of the brain. We need both sides for lateralization.

A factor that would figure very little into the development of fine motor skill,s such as drawing and writing, is ____


Until about 1960, the concept of child maltreatment was mostly limited to rare and _______outbursts of a disturbed stanger. Today, it is known that most perpetrators of maltreatment are ___________

sudden; one or both of the child's own parents

Children's problems with tooth decay result premarily from their having too much ____ in their diet.


Overfed children ____(tend/do no necessarily ten) to become overweight adults. Overweight children often have early symptoms of two chronic illnesses: ____________diseases and ___________. During early childhood, children need __________ (fewer/more)calories per pound than they did as infants.


After his daughter scraped her knee,. Ben gently cleansed the wound and badaged it. Ben's behavior is an example of _________prevention.

tertiary. Ben is applying medical treatment after the adverse event, his daughter scraping her knee

4) A nutritional problem of young children in developed nations is

too little iron

During early childhood, the most common disease of young children in developed nations is

tooth decay

The leading cause of childhood death ____


Height differences _________(between/within) groups are greater than the average differences _________(between/within groups).


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