Lifetime Health Final Exam Study Guide

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A condition in which a person can no longer control his or her drug use.

Drug Tolerance

A condition in which a user needs more of a drug to feel the same effect felt when first using the drug.


A condition that occurs as a result of exceeding the recommendations of the FITT formula.


A deadly disease that replaces healthy liver tissue with scar tissue; most often caused by long term alcohol abuse.

Fad Diet

A diet that requires a major change in eating habits and promises quick weight loss.


A dietary pattern that includes few or no animal products.


A disease that causes a person to lose control of his or her drinking behavior; a physical and emotional addiction to alcohol.

Chronic Disease

A disease that develops gradually and continues over a long time.

Peer Pressure

A feeling that you should do something because that is what your friends want.


A fixed number of repetition followed by a rest period.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)

A form of medicine that delivers small amounts of nicotine to the body to help a person quit using tobacco.


A formula made up of four important parts involved in fitness training: Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type of exercise.

Carbon Monoxide

A gas that blocks oxygen from getting into the bloodstream.

Target Heart Rate Zone

A heart rate range within which most gains in cardiovascular health will occur.


A measure of how much you value, respect, and feel confident about yourself.


A measure of how one views oneself.

Nutrient Density

A measure of the nutrients in a food compared with the energy the food provides.

Generic Medicine

A medicine made by a company other than the company that developed the original medicine.

Public Service Announcement (PSA)

A message created to educate people about an issue.


A person who buys products or services.

Weight Management

A program of sensible eating and exercise habits that keep weight at a healthy level.


A respiratory disease in which air cannot move in and out of alveoli because they become blocked or lose their elasticity.

Dietary Guidelines for Americans

A set of diet and lifestyle recommendations developed to improve health and reduce nutrition-related disease risk in the U.S. population.

Action Plan

A set of directions that will help you reach your goal.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

A set of physical and mental defects that affect a fetus that has been exposed to alcohol because of the mother's consumption of alcohol during the pregnancy.


A state in which the body has lost more water than has been taken in.

Physical Dependence

A state in which the body relies on a given drug in order to function.

Psychological Dependence

A state of emotionally or mentally needing a drug in order to function.


A sticky, black substance in tobacco smoke that coats the inside of the airways and that contains many carcinogens.

Refusal Skill

A strategy to avoid doing something you don't want to do.


A strong belief or ideal.


A substance in food that provides energy or helps form body tissues and that is necessary for life and growth.

Anabolic Steroid

A synthetic version of the male hormone testosterone used for promoting muscle development.

Peer Mediation

A technique in which a trained outsider who is your age helps people in a conflict come to a peaceful solution.

Food Guide Pyramid

A tool for choosing a healthy diet by selecting a recommended number of servings from each of the five food groups.


A written order from a doctor for a specific medicine.

Food Allergy

An abnormal response to a food that is triggered by the immune system.

Bulimia Nervosa

An eating disorder in which the individual repeatedly eats large amounts of food and then uses behaviors such as vomiting or using laxatives to rid the body of the food.

Anorexia Nervosa

An eating disorder that involves self-starvation, a distorted body image, and low body weight.

Food-Borne Illness

An illness caused by eating or drinking a food that contains a toxin or disease-causing microorganisms.

Mental Disorder

An illness that affects a person's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

An index of weight in relation to height that is used to access healthy body weight.

Defense Mechanism

An unconscious thought or behavior used to avoid experiencing unpleasant emotions.


Any chemical or agent that causes cancer.


Any drug used to cure, prevent, or treat illness or discomfort.

Side Effect

Any effect that is caused by a drug and that is different from the drug's intended effect.

Over-the-Counter (OTC)

Any medicine that can be bought without a prescription.


Any physical force that is used to harm people or damage property.

Dietary Supplement

Any product that is taken by mouth that can contain a dietary ingredient and is also labeled as a dietary supplement.

Sexual Abuse

Any sexual act without consent.

Sexual Assault

Any sexual activity in which force or the threat of force is used.


Any situation that puts a demand on the body or mind.


Any substance that causes a change in a person's physical or psychological state.

Sexual Harassment

Any unwanted remark, behavior, or touch that has sexual content.

Risk Factor

Anything that increases the likely hood of injury, disease, or other health problems.

Alcohol Abuse

Drinking too much alcohol, drinking it too often, or drinking it at inappropriate times.

Binge Eating

Eating a large amount of food in one setting: usually accompanied by a feeling of being out of control.


Engaging in behaviors such as vomiting or misusing laxatives to rid the body of food.

Health-Related Fitness

Fitness qualities that are necessary to maintain and promote a healthy body.


Harassing newcomers to a group in an abusive and humiliating way.


Having excess body fat for one's weight; the state of weighing more than 20 percent above your recommended body weight.


Helping an addict avoid the negative consequences of his or her behavior.

Body Image

How you see and feel about your appearance and how comfortable you are with your body.


Sadness and hopelessness that keep a person from carrying out everyday activities.


Scaring or controlling another person by using threats or physical force.


Sexual activity between family members who are not husband and wife.

Date rape

Sexual intercourse that is forced on a victim by someone the victim knows.

Sidestream Smoke

Smoke that escapes from the tip of a cigarette, cigar, or pipe.

Mainstream Smoke

Smoke that is inhaled through a cigarette and then exhaled by a cigarette smoker.


Something that you can use to help achieve a goal.


Something that you work toward and want to achieve.

Physical Fitness

The ability of the body to preform daily physical activities without getting out of breath, sore, or overly tired.


The ability to overlook differences and accept people for who they are.


The ability to recover from illness, hardship, or other stressors.


The ability to understand another person's feelings, behaviors, and attitudes.


The achievement of a person's best in all six components of health.


The achievement of the best that a person can be.

Binge Drinking

The act of drinking five or more drinks in one sitting.


The act of intentionally taking one's own life.

Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)

The amount of alcohol in a person's blood, expressed as a percentage.


The body's and mind's response to a demand.


The body's physical response to the need for food.


The characteristic of doing what one knows is right.

Active Ingredient

The chemical component that gives a medicine its action.


The desire, rather than the need, to eat certain foods.


The drug in wine, beer, and liquor that causes intoxication.


The feeling that is produced in response to life experiences.


The highly addictive drug that is found in all tobacco products.

Lactose Intolerance

The inability to completely digest the milk sugar lactose.

Health Literacy

The knowledge of health info needed to make good choices about your health.

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

The minimum amount of energy required to keep the body alive when in a rested and fasting state.

Resting Heart Rate (RHR)

The number of times a heart beats a minute while resting.


The number of times an exercise is performed.


The passing down of traits from parents to their biological child.


The physical and mental changes produced by drinking alcohol.

Public Health

The practice of protecting and improving the health of people in a community.

Indirect Pressure

The pressure that results from being swayed to do something because people you look up to are doing it.

Direct Pressure

The pressure that results from someone who tries to convince you to do something you normally wouldn't do.


The results of your actions and decisions.


The science or study of food and the ways in which the body uses food.

Mental Health

The state of mental well-being in which one can cope with the demands of daily life.

Nutrient Deficiency

The state of not having enough of a nutrient to maintain good health.


The state of well being in which all of the components of health are in balance.

Domestic Violence

The use of force to control and maintain power over a spouse in the home.


To arrange items in order of importance.


To be hostile and unfriendly in the way one expresses oneself.


To express deep sadness because of a loss.


To express oneself in a direct, respectful way.


To speak out or argue in favor of something.


To work together with one or more people.

Life Skill

Tools for building a healthy life.


Uncomfortable physical and psychological symptoms produced when a physically dependent drug user stops using drugs.

Drug Interaction

When a drug reacts with another drug, food, or dietary supplement such that the effect of one of the substances is greater or smaller.

Lifestyle Diseases

Diseases caused partly by unhealthy behaviors and partly by other factors.


A condition in which a family member or friend sacrifices his or her own needs to meet the needs of an addict.


Dealing with troubles or problems in an effective way.


A bargain or compromise for a peaceful solution to a conflict.


A change that a person notices in his or her body or mind and that is caused by a disease or disorder.


A class of energy giving nutrients; also the main form of energy storage in the body.


A class of energy-giving nutrients that includes sugars, starches, and fiber.


A class of nutrients that are chemical elements that are needed for certain body processes, such as enzyme activity and bone formation.


A class of nutrients that are made up of amino acids, which are needed to build and repair body structures and to regulate processes in the body.


A class of nutrients that contain carbon and are needed in small amounts to maintain health and allow growth.

Secondhand Smoke (Environmental Smoke)

A combination of exhaled mainstream smoke and sidestream smoke.


Being heavy for one's height.


Negative stress that can make a person sick or keep a person from reaching a goal.


Not offering opposition when challenged or pressured.


Not taking part in physical activity on a regular basis.


Occurs when a caretaker fails to provide basic needs.


One of the hormones that is released by the body in times of stress.


People that don't eat any animal product.


Physical or emotional harm to someone.


Positive stress that energizes one and helps you reach a goal.


Public forms of communication and advertisements.

Daily value

Recommended daily amount of a nutrient; used on food labels to help people see how a food fits into their diet.

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)

Recommended nutrient intakes that will meet the need of almost all healthy people.

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