Lysistrata Quiz 1

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Kleonike is the next-door neighbor of Lysistrata and is the first to show up at Lysistrata's meeting of women. Kleonike embraces her feminine side and is delighted that Lysistrata's scheme for peace involves garments like negligees.


Lampito is representative of Spartan women. Lampito is a large, well-built woman who American audiences might imagine with a thick Appalachian accent (by Arrowsmith's translation, Sparta was the Greek equivalent of the stereotypically South). Lampito brings the Spartan women into Lysistrata's plan.


Leader/Spokesperson of each part of the chorus

Koryphaios of Women

Like the Koryphaios of Men, the Koryphaios of Women leads the Chorus of Old Women around. The Koryphaios of Women leads a successful seizure of the Akropolis and outwits the men in every possible way.

Exposition of Lysistrata

Lysistrata calls a meeting and explains her idea


Lysistrata is an Athenian woman who is sick and tired of war and the treatment of women in Athens. Lysistrata gathers the women of Sparta and Athens together to solve these social ills and finds success and power in her quest. Lysistrata is the least feminine of the women from either Athens or Sparta, and her masculinity helps her gain respect among the men.

Four Policemen

These Policemen are humiliated again and again by the women. The women, brandishing nothing but lamps, chamber pots and other various household utensils, scare these policemen away.

Why did Athens go to war?

They wanted to show off

Korinthian Girl

This lady accompanies Ismenia and Lampito to Lysistrata's meeting and is known for her vast posterior bodily feature.

Climax of Lysistrata

Unsuccessful seduction scene-Commissioner argues with Lysistrata

Is Lysistrata's plan successful?

Yes, men agree to a peace treaty and end the war

Fantastic scheme

Hero wins over chorus and an authority figure.

Portrayal of Spartans in Lysistrata

Hillbillies, run down, smelly, etc


If rank were imposed, Myrrhine would be the second strongest woman in Lysistrata. Myrrhine is able to seduce her husband, Kinesias, but she refuses sex with him just at the last minute.

What happens in the prologue?

Introduction/ introducing characters


Ismenia is a Boitian girl who has a nice body, keeps herself well tended, and is quite possibly mute.

Three unities applied to play (A)

Action Place Time

What happens in the episode?


______ us Nicias's rival convinced Athens to attach Greek city-states at Sicily and bring them to Athenian Empire




Two elements of Greek comedy plot

Aristophanic hero and fantastic scheme

What happens in the exodus?

Chroal exist/Finale

What happens in the agon?

Contest; a debate between protagonist and chorus


prologue, parados, antistrophe, 5 scenes, strophe, exodos

____ years later Athens sign a __ year peace treaty thanks to ____

10; 50; Nicias

When was lysistrata written in. . .

412 BC

Peloponnesian War

431-404 BC (Sparta vs. Athens)


448-385 BC

Developed under Athenian democracy

5th century BC

What happens in the parabasis?

"turning aside" the chorus directly addresses the audience, represents poets views

Purpose of Greek Comedy

-To entertain -To criticize society

What does Kalonike mean?

Dried Weed

Falling action of Lysistrata

Everything between Climax and Resolution


Lysistrata's handmaid. Peace is the unclothed beauty of a woman whom Lysistrata displays and uses during her final plea for peace between Athens and Sparta. Terribly aroused and uncomfortable, the men quickly discuss the terms of a truce, all the while staring at Peace's body

Aristophanic hero

Main character people can laugh at (has a rough life)

Rising action of Lysistrata

Meeting-Ladies take over the Acropolyis


Myrrhine's husband

What happens in the parodos?

Parade out of the chorus

How play shows desexing of characters (gender role reversal)

Part with the veil (37). Women think that their men are getting desperate and drunk and that they're making everything more complicated then it needs to be (yarn thing). Women raised all them men and shouldn't have to watch their children go off to war to die and the younger woman having to age without husbands They think it's dumb that they're fighting each other when they should be preparing to fighting others.

Resolution of Lysistrata

Peace treaty is made

_______ dies in year 2 and a _____ devastates Athens

Pericles; plague



Why did Sparta go to war?

Spartans were suspicious of wealth, power, they weren't satisfied with the 30 year peace treaty

Chorus of Old Men

The Chorus of Old Men live up to their title; the chorus is made up of twelve old men who teeter around Athens attempting to keep the women in line. Although, unsuccessful in their civic duties, the Chorus of Old Men strike up some fantastical misogynistic melodies and are a generally comedic element of the play.

Chorus of Old Women

The Chorus of Old Women seizes and then protects the Akropolis from the Chorus of Old Men. The Chorus of Old Women, although frail, fights to the last with the men and finds victory in the end.

Commissioner of Public Safety

The Commissioner of Public Safety is apparently the head of security and law in Athens, but is completely overwhelmed by the women and ends up being dressed as a woman himself. Lysistrata has a lengthy conversation with the Commissioner about the future of Athens and peace in the region, but the Commissioner is very slow to understand her logic.

What promoted Lysistrata's rebellion?

The Peloponnesian War


The Policewoman kindly offers her shield up for the women to make a sacrifice upon. Koryphaios of Men - The Koryphaios of Men, a stubaround Athens.


The needy, desperate clown that Myrrhine calls her husband. Kinesias is the first man to be affected by the sex strike and comes to the Akropolis, fully enflamed.

Who is Reconciliation (Peace)? Review that scene and its significance

The statue that encourages the men to make a peace treaty


athens, 5 BC, akropolis

What does Lysistrata mean?

disbander of armies

The helmet was a symbol to. . .

fake pregnancy

What does Lampito mean?

fire/torch or to gulp booze

Sparta wanted ____ war because they outnumbered sparta 2-1, Athens wanted ____ war because they didn't have enough money for a land battle

land; sea

The lady statue (Reconciliation) represents a. . .


The union of the choruses represents a. . .


What does Kinesias mean?

movement- sexual to make love

What does Myrrhine mean?

myrtle (female genitalia)

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