Macro test 3

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When Mexico decreases the quantity of​ money, Mexico's aggregate demand​ ______.

decreases and its AD curve shifts leftward

Japan's current exchange rate policy is​ ______.


A government budget surplus​ _______ the real interest​ rate, decreases​ ______.

​lowers; private​ saving, and increases investment

Some events that could have changed aggregate demand from AD0 to AD1 are​

..increase ..increase

Why are​ checks, debit​ cards, and credit cards not​ money?

Checks and debit cards are not money. They are instructions to the bank to transfer money from one account to another. A credit card is not money. It is an ID card that allows you to take out a loan.

explain the flows of funds that finance business investment.

Funds from household​ saving, the government budget​ surplus, and the rest of the world flow through financial markets and institutions to firms who borrow the funds for investment.

What makes an exchange rate hard to​ predict?

Influences of expectations and the constant arrival of news about the influences on supply and​ demand, make​ day-to-day and​ week-to-week changes in the exchange rate difficult to predict.

Based on this news​ clip, Paul Krugman most likely follows the​ ______ school of thought and Ben Bernanke most likely follows the​ ______ school of thought.

Keynesian or new​ Keynesian; Keynesian or new Keynesian

Based on this news​ clip, Barack Obama most likely follows the​ ______ school of thought and John McCain most likely follows the​ ______ school of thought.

Keynesian or new​ Keynesian; classical or new classical

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner most likely follows the​ _______.

Keynesian school of thought if he is recommending an active policy of tax cuts to combat the recession

Choose the correct statements. 1. Gum does not serve as money because it is not a good store of value. 2. Most people know the price of gum comma so it could serve as money because it is a unit of account. 3. Because most people buy gum comma it can be used as money because it is a useful tool in barter. 4. Gum does not serve as money because it is not generally accepted in exchange for goods and services.

Statements 1 and 4 are correct.

Choose the correct statement about interest rate parity.

adjusted for risk...

Mexican goods might become more expensive to U.S. consumers because​ ______.

an appreciation of the Mexican peso against the U.S. dollar means that the U.S. dollar depreciates against the Mexican peso

The effect of​ China's choice of exchange rate regime is​ _______.

an increase in U.S. dollar reserves when​ China's target rate is above the equilibrium exchange rate and a decrease in U.S. dollar reserves when​ China's target rate is below the equilibrium exchange rate

The politician wants a​ ______ in the short run. This policy would have no effect on the exchange rate in the long run because in the long run​ ______.

crawling​ peg; the price level and the nominal exchange rate are determined together

The functions of depository institutions include​ _______.

creating liquidity

The main components of money in the United States today are​ ______.

currency and deposits at banks and other depository institutions

The​ ______ account records receipts from exports of goods and services sold​ abroad, payments for imports of goods and services from​ abroad, and​ ______.

current; net interest income paid abroad and net transfers

First​ Call, Inc., a smartphone​ company, plans to build a factorylong dashone that costs ​$8 million if the real interest rate is 6 percent a​ year; a larger factory that costs ​$10 million if the real interest rate is 5 percent a​ year; or a smaller one that costs ​$6 million if the real interest rate is 7 percent a year.

decreases, a leftward shift of

Aggregate demand​ _______ when an increase in interest rates occurs. Aggregate demand​ _______ when an increase in expected profits occurs.

decreases; increases

A rise in wages in China​ _______ .

decreases​ China's short-run aggregate supply and the quantity of real GDP supplied does not change This is the correct answer.B.

The​ "average overall increase across the​ board" wage increase​ _______.

decreases​ short-run aggregate supply because it increases​ firms' costs

In the long​ run, the real exchange rate is determined by​ ______ and the nominal exchange rate is determined by​ ______.

demand and supply in the markets for goods and​ services; the quantities of money in two countries

In the long​ run, an increase in the quantity of money​ _______ the interest rate.

does not change

If the price level and the money wage rate rise by the same​ percentage, the quantity of real GDP supplied​ ______ and there is a movement up along the​ ______ aggregate supply curve.

does not​ change; long-run

interest rate parity is​ __________. When this condition does not hold​ _______.

equal rates of return across​ currencies; traders take actions within seconds that drive the exchange rate back to its interest rate parity level

Purchasing power parity is​ _______.

equal value of money

The bank manager is wrong because​ ______.

every new loan creates a new​ deposit, and a new deposit is new money

The Fed is the lender of last​ resort, which means​ _______.

f depository institutions are short of​ reserves, they can borrow from the Fed

If the interest rate is less than 4 percent a​ year, the price of a bond​ ______, and the interest rate​ ______.

falls, rises

The price of a bond​ ______ and the interest rate in the short run​ ______.

falls, rises

The loanable funds market is the aggregate of all the individual​ _____ markets.


A depository institution is a​ _______.

financial firm that takes deposits from households and firms

In the 1950s and​ 1960s, the United States operated a​ ______. Now the United States operates a​ ______.

fixed exchange​ rate; flexible exchange rate

A crawling peg exchange rate policy is one that​ _______. A crawling peg exchange rate is achieved​ _______.

follows a path determined by a decision of the government or the central​ bank; by central bank intervention in the foreign exchange market

The official settlements account records the change in U.S. official​ reserves, which are the​ government's holdings of​ ______.

foreign​ currency; negative

The​ _______, the greater is the amount that a household decides to save.

greater a​ household's disposable income and the smaller a​ household's expected future income

The loanable funds market is​ ______.

he aggregate of all the individual financial markets

The interest rate moves inversely to price because​ _______.

if the price of a Treasury bond​ rises, other things remaining the​ same, the interest rate falls because the interest payment is a smaller percentage of the Treasury bond price

When Canada sets new environmental standards that require power utilities to upgrade their production​ facilities, Canada's aggregate demand​ _______.


In the short​ run, aggregate demand​ _______.

increases because interest rates fall and it is it easier to get a loan to buy homes and large consumer goods

Starting from a​ full-employment equilibrium, an increase in aggregate demand​ ______, and creates​ ______ gap.

increases real GDP above potential​ GDP; an inflationary This is the correct answer.

A government budget deficit​ _______ loanable funds.

increases the demand for

A government budget surplus​ _______ loanable funds.

increases the supply of

Lowering the required reserve ratio​ ______, which​ ______ the quantity of loans that​ China's banks can make and the quantity of money created. A. decreases the currency drain​ ratio; increases

increases unplanned​ reserves; increases

The increase in investment​ ______ aggregate demand. The decrease in government spending​ _______ aggregate demand.

increases; decreases

A rise in labor productivity​ _______.

increases​ long-run aggregate supply and​ short-run aggregate supply.

The​ Fed's three policy tools are​ _______

open market​ operations, last resort​ loans, and the required reserve ratio

The U.S. dollar exchange rate fluctuates in part because a change in the U.S. interest rate differential changes the demand for U.S. dollars and the supply of U.S. dollars in​ ______ and a change in the expected future exchange rate changes the demand for U.S. dollars and the supply of U.S. dollars in​ ______.

opposite​ directions; opposite directions

Examples of physical capital are​ ______. Examples of financial capital are​ ______.

ovens used by Pizza Hut and lawn mowers used by​ Larry's Mowing; bonds issued by​ Wal-Mart and stocks issued by Boeing

The​ "capital" that is referred to in the news clip is​ _________.

owners' investment in the bank

Starting from a​ short-run equilibrium, when the Fed decreases the quantity of​ money, _______

people enter the loanable funds market and sell bonds

Monetarist macroeconomists recommend​ ______.

policies that keep taxes low to avoid disincentive effects that decrease potential GDP

Classical macroeconomists recommend​ ______.

policies that minimize the disincentive effects of taxes on​ employment, investment, and technological change

A recessionary gap eventually emerges even if aggregate demand remains constant because over time​ ______.

potential GDP increases

Net present value is the​ _______.

present value of all the future flows of money that arise from a financial decision minus the initial cost of the decision

The Fed​ "counters disorderly conditions in exchange​ markets" by​ _______.

purchasing foreign​ reserves, which lowers the U.S. exchange rate when the demand for dollars dramatically increases

If a shortage of U.S. dollars occurs in the foreign exchange​ market, the​ _______ and the exchange rate​ _______.

quantity of U.S. dollars demanded decreases and the quantity of U.S. dollars supplied​ increases; rises

If a surplus of U.S. dollars occurs in the foreign exchange​ market, the​ _______ and the exchange rate​ _______.

quantity of U.S. dollars demanded increases and the quantity of U.S. dollars supplied​ decreases; falls

What happened to the price of a bond between 2005 and​ 2009? How do you​ know? The price of a bond ​ _____ between 2005 and 2009 because the​ _____.

remained​ unchanged; nominal interest rate remained unchanged This is the correct answer.

The main functions of the Federal Open Market Committee are to​ _______.

review the state of the economy and determine the monetary policy actions to be taken by the N.Y. Fed

It is expected that in the future the exchange rate will​ ______. The interest rate differential is​ ______.

rise, negitive

If the interest rate is greater than 4 percent a​ year, the price of a bond​ ______, and the interest rate​ ______.

rises, falls

To preserve purchasing power​ parity, the exchange rate​ ______. If investment from foreigners increases due to the rapid economic​ growth, the current account balance is becoming more​ ______.

rises, negitive

The demand for loanable funds increases and the supply of loanable funds decreases. As a​ result, the equilibrium real interest rate​ ______ and the equilibrium quantity of loanable funds​ ______.

rises; increases,​ decreases, or remains the same

The supply of loanable funds is determined by the​ _________. The supply of loanable funds changes when​ _______.

saving decisions of​ households, which are influenced by the real interest​ rate, disposable​ income, expected future​ income, wealth, and default​ risk; disposable​ income, expected future​ income, wealth, or default risk change

According to the​ Ricardo-Barro effect, when a government budget deficit occurs​ today, ______.

saving​ increases, the supply of loanable funds​ increases, and the real interest rate does not change

When fuel prices rise ​_______. When the price level in India increases​ _______.

short-run aggregate supply​ decreases; the quantity of real GDP supplied increases

The​ long-run historical evidence and international evidence show us that the relationship between money growth and the inflation rate​ ______.

supports the quantity​ theory, but the correlation is not perfect

State the financial decision​ rule: If the net present value is positive​ _______ and if the net present value is negative​ _______.

take the​ action; do not take the action

if a U.K. bank deposit earns 4 percent a year and a U.S. bank deposit earns 5 percent a​ year, then people expect that​ ______.

the U.S. dollar will depreciate by 1 percent a year

A lower required reserve ratio increases bank profits because​ ______.

the banks hold fewer reserves

A currency can experience​ short-run fluctuations because​ ______. The Fed counters the​ short-run fluctuations by​ _________.

the currency can fluctuate based on beliefs about the future exchange​ rate; buying and selling U.S. dollars and foreign exchange

In the short​ run, the nominal exchange rate is determined by​ ______. And in the short run​ ______.

the demand for U.S. dollars and the supply of U.S. dollars in the foreign exchange​ market; a change in the nominal exchange rate brings an equivalent change in the real exchange rate.

Aggregate demand will increase if​ ______.

the effect of the tax rebates and the change in the foreign exchange rate outweigh the effect of the​ housing, credit, and financial crises

The main influences on the supply of U.S. dollars in the foreign exchange market include​ ______.

the exchange​ rate, U.S. demand for​ imports, interest rates in the United States and other​ countries, and the expected future exchange rate

The main influences on the demand for U.S. dollars in the foreign exchange market include​ ______.

the exchange​ rate, world demand for U.S.​ exports, interest rates in the United States and other​ countries, and the expected future exchange rate

The velocity of circulation is the average number of times a dollar of money is used annually to buy​ ______. The formula used to measure the velocity of​ circulation, V​, is​ ______, where P is the price​ level, Y is real​ GDP, and M is the quantity of money.

the goods and services that make up​ GDP; V​ = ​(P times Y​) divided by M

Arbitrage in the foreign exchange market achieves​ _______.

the law of one​ price, no​ round-trip profit, interest rate​ parity, and purchasing power parity

The quantity of money that the banking system can create is limited by​ _______.

the monetary​ base, desired​ reserves, and desired currency holdings

Arbitrage is​ _______.

the practice of seeking to profit by buying in one market and selling for a higher price in another related market

The aggregate demand curve shows the relationship between the quantity of real GDP demanded and​ ______ when everything else remains the same.

the price level

A movement along the aggregate demand curve occurs if​ _______.

the price level changes and all other factors remain unchanged

The equilibrium exchange rate is the exchange rate at which​ _______.

the quantity of dollars demanded equals the quantity of dollars supplied

The demand for loanable funds is the relationship between​ _____ demanded and the​ _____ when all other influences on borrowing plans remain the same.

the quantity of loanable​ funds; real interest rate

The supply of loanable funds is the relationship between​ _____ supplied and the​ _____ when all other influences on lending plans remain the same.

the quantity of loanable​ funds; real interest rate

When the price level in Mexico falls​, ​_______.

the quantity of real GDP demanded in Mexico increases

The real interest rate is the opportunity cost of loanable funds because​ ______.

the real interest paid on borrowed funds is the opportunity cost of borrowing and the real interest rate forgone is the opportunity cost of not saving or not lending those funds

The demand for loanable funds is determined by​ ______. The demand for loanable funds changes when​ ______ changes.

the real interest rate and expected​ profit; expected profit

Requirements to hold more capital make banks safer because​ _______.

the requirement to hold more capital makes the possibility of failure less likely

Gross investment is​ ______. Net investment is​ ______.

the total amount spent on new​ capital; the change in the value of capital

Depository institutions minimize the cost of monitoring borrowers by​ ______.

using specialized resources that have a much lower cost than what households would incur if they had to undertake the activity individually

When the U.S. economy goes into a recession​, ​______.

​Mexico's exports to the United States decrease​, ​Mexico's aggregate demand decreases​, and​ Mexico's AD curve shifts leftward

Suppose that purchasing power parity does not hold. If all​ (or most) prices have increased in the United States and not increased in​ Japan, then people will generally expect that the foreign exchange value of the dollar will​ ______. The demand for dollars​ ______.

​fall; decreases and the supply of dollars increases

Between 1997 and​ 2005, China operated a​ _______ exchange rate. Since​ 2005, China has operated a​ _________ exchange rate.

​fixed; crawling peg

The news clip states that huge trade deficits​ "seem like a pretty good indication that the dollar was overvalued in global currency markets and needed to come​ down". Is this statement​ accurate? Explain.

​inaccurate; the current account balance is determined by the private sector balance and the government sector balance

The fall in the average weekly wage rate​ ______ short-run aggregate supply and​ ______ long-run aggregate supply.

​increases; does not change

The fall in the minimum wage​ ______ short-run aggregate supply and​ ______ long-run aggregate supply.

​increases; increases

The increase in the personal consumption expenditures​ ______ aggregate demand. The increase in exports​ ______ aggregate demand.

​increases; increases

When the government of Canada cuts income​ taxes, Canada's aggregate demand​ _______. When the United States experiences strong economic​ growth, Canada's aggregate demand​ _______.

​increases; increases

If the price level rises and the money wage rate remains​ constant, the quantity of real GDP supplied​ ______ and there is a movement up along the​ ______ aggregate supply curve.

​increases; short-run

If potential GDP​ increases, what happens to aggregate​ supply? When potential GDP​ increases, ______.

​long-run aggregate supply and​ short-run aggregate supply increase. The LAS and the SAS curve shift rightward

A government budget deficit​ _______ the real interest​ rate, increases​ ______.

​raises; private​ saving, and decreases investment

A government budget deficit​ ______ the real interest rate because​ ______.

​raises; the demand for loanable funds increases

The demand for loanable funds increases and the supply of loanable funds increases. As a​ result, the equilibrium real interest rate​ ______ and the equilibrium quantity of loanable funds​ ______.

​rises, falls, or remains the​ same; increases

In the long​ run, the money wage rate​ ______, short-run aggregate supply​ ______, and the economy returns to a​ full-employment equilibrium.

​rises; decreases

The defining feature of the classical view of macroeconomics is that the economy is​ ______.

​self-regulating and always at full employment

The defining feature of the monetarist view of macroeconomics is that the economy​ is______.

. ​self-regulating and that it will normally operate at full​ employment, provided that monetary policy is not erratic and that the pace of money growth is kept steady

Choose the statement that is correct.

A classical macroeconomist and a monetarist recommend that taxes be kept low to avoid disincentive effects for all of the events and a Keynesian recommends active fiscal policy and monetary policy to offset all events.

The central bank of the United States is the​ ______.

Federal Reserve System

The monetary base is the sum of​ _______. The monetary base is equal to​ _______.

Federal Reserve​ notes, coins, and depository institution deposits at the​ Fed; the liabilities of the Fed plus coins issued by the Treasur

Explain the flows of funds that finance business investment.

Funds from household​ saving, the government budget​ surplus, and the rest of the world flow through financial markets and institutions to firms who borrow the funds for investment.

The two main official measures of money in the United States today are​ ______. The two main official measures of money in the United States​ ______ really money.

M1 and​ M2; are

The equation of exchange is​ ______ and it is true​ ______.

MV​ = PY​; by definition

Net exports equals​ ______.

T minus G​) ​+ ​(S minus I​)

Describe the relationship between the price of a treasury bond and its interest rate.

The interest rate is a percentage of the price of the Treasury bond.

Define and distinguish between future value and present value.

The present value of a future dollar is the amount that will grow to be as large as that future value when the interest that it will earn is considered.

The​ ______ account records​ ______ U.S. investment abroad.

capital and​ financial; foreign investment in the United States minus

Depository institutions have made innovations that have resulted in​ _______.

checking deposits at thrift institutions becoming an increasing percentage of M1

Firms make investment decisions by​ _______.

comparing the expected profit with the real interest rate and making the investment if the project has a positive net present value

The debtor nation status of the United States would be a concern if the borrowed funds were used to finance​ ______.


China makes its choice of exchange rate regimes to​ _______.

control its inflation

Households preferred to buy corporate equities rather than bonds because​ ______.

corporate equities deliver capital​ gains, which increases wealth

If the government sector deficit​ increases, with no change in the private sector​ surplus, net exports​ ______.


A fall in the expected future exchange rate​ ______ the demand for U.S. dollars. An increase in the U.S. demand for imports​ _______ the demand for U.S. dollars.

decrease, does not change

A rise in the expected future exchange rate​ ______ the supply of U.S. dollars. An increase in the world demand for U.S. exports​ ______ the supply of U.S. dollars.

decrease, does not change

What makes the supply of U.S. dollars​ change? A decrease in U.S. demand for imports​ ______ the supply of U.S. dollars. A fall in the U.S. interest rate differential​ ______ the supply of U.S. dollars

decrease, increase

a decrease in world demand for U.S. exports​ ______ the demand for U.S. dollars. A rise in the U.S. interest rate differential​ ______ the demand for U.S. dollars

decrease, increase

U.S. household income has grown considerably since 1984. U.S. saving has​ ______ because wealth has​ ______.

decreased; increased due to capital gains

Event 3​ ______.

decreases aggregate demand

Event 1​ ______. Event 2​ ______.

decreases aggregate​ demand; decreases​ short-run aggregate supply

The requirement to hold more capital can make financial institutions safer because by holding more​ capital, a financial institution​ ______.

decreases its risk of insolvency

A rise in the wage rate​ _______.

decreases​ short-run aggregate supply and does not change​ long-run aggregate supply

The central bank of the United States performs many​ functions, one of which is that it​ _______.

is a public authority that regulates a nation's depository institutions

A flexible exchange rate is one that​ _______. It works​ _______.

is determined by demand and supply in the foreign exchange​ market; with no direct intervention by the central bank

A fixed exchange rate is one that​ _______. A fixed exchange rate is achieved​ _______.

is set by the government or the central​ bank; by central bank intervention in the foreign exchange market

During times of​ uncertainty, it might be necessary for a bank to hold large cash reserves and to have a large percentage of its assets purchased by its own capital because​ ______.

its depositors may decide to make large withdrawals

To increase its assets to​ $2.3 trillion in​ 2008, the Fed used​ ______.

last resort loans

The three main types of markets for financial capital are​ _______.

loan​ markets, bond​ markets, and stock markets

The quantity theory of money is that in the​ _______, an increase in the quantity of money brings an equal percentage increase in the​ _______.

long​ run; increase in the price level

The exports effect is the result that the lower the exchange​ rate, other things remaining the​ same, the​ ______.

lower are the prices of​ U.S.-produced goods and services to foreigners and the greater is the volume of U.S. exports

The imports effect is the result that the higher the exchange​ rate, other things remaining the​ same, the​ ______.

lower are the prices of​ foreign-produced goods and services to Americans and the greater is the volume of U.S. imports

The Federal Open Market Committee is the​ _______.

main​ policy-making organ of the Federal Reserve System

How do banks create​ money?

making loans

Depository institutions pool risk by using funds obtained from​ ______ depositors to make loans to​ ______ borrowers.

many, many

Something is money if it is a commodity or token that is generally acceptable as a​ ______.

means of payment

The required reserve ratio is the ​______

minimum percentage of deposits that depository institutions are required to hold as reserves

The main influences on the quantity of real money that people and businesses plan to hold include the​ _______.

nominal interest​ rate, real​ GDP, and financial innovation but the quantity of real money demanded is independent of the price level

Your loan to pay your college tuition is ​_______. U.S. dollar bills in your wallet are ​_______

not money, money

Your Visa card is ​_______. The check you have just written to pay for your rent is ​_______

not money, not money

The aggregate demand curve slopes downward because​ _______.

of the wealth effect and the substitution effect

The​ Fed's policy tools include​ _______.

open market​ operations, last resort​ loans, and required reserve ratio

Depository institutions balance risk and return by​ _______.

placing some funds into safe low​ interest-earning assets and other funds into​ high-interest risky assets

Following the change in aggregate​ demand, the new equilibrium is at​ ______.

point C This is the correct answer.

Keynesian macroeconomists recommend​ ______.

policies that actively offset changes in aggregate demand that bring recession

The​ crowding-out effect is the tendency for a government budget deficit to​ ______ the real interest rate and decrease​ ______.

raise; investment

The defining feature of the Keynesian view of macroeconomics is that the economy is​ ______

rarely at full employment

In the short​ run, ______ and​ ______ adjusts to achieve equilibrium.

real GDP determines the demand for money curve and the Fed determines the quantity of real money​ supplied; the nominal interest rate

The risk that a​ borrower, also known as a​ creditor, might not​ _____ is called credit risk or default risk.

repay a loan

Physical capital is​ ______. Financial capital is​ ______.

the​ tools, instruments,​ machines, buildings, and other items that have been produced in the past and that are used today to produce goods and​ services; the funds that firms use to buy physical capital

Explain why a current account deficit​ "must be financed by capital​ inflows." Under what circumstances should the debtor nation status of the United States be a​ concern? A current account deficit​ "must be financed by capital​ inflows" because​ _______.

to pay for the U.S. current account​ deficit, the United States must either borrow more from abroad than we lend abroad or use U.S. official reserves

Starting from a​ full-employment equilibrium, a decrease in​ short-run aggregate supply​ ______ the price level and​ ______ potential GDP.

​increases; decreases real GDP below

An open market purchase​ ______ the monetary base. An open market sale​ ______ the monetary base.

​​increases, decreases

Choose the correct statement.

The​ "Mexican peso is gaining on the​ greenback" because currency investors expect the future Mexican exchange rate to rise.

Explain the relationship between asset prices and the interest rate.

When the price of an asset​ rises, the interest rate​ falls, everything else remaining the same.

Using a commodity as money creates problems because​ ______.

a commodity is bulky and its value changes over time

A macroeconomic equilibrium in which real GDP equals potential GDP is​ _____ equilibrium. And one in which real GDP exceeds potential GDP is​ _____ equilibrium.

a full​-employment​; an above full​-employment

Economic growth results from​ ______.

a growing supply of labor and increasing labor​ productivity, which increase​ long-run aggregate supply

A rise in the money wage rate with no change in potential GDP creates​ ______.

a leftward shift of the SAS curve and no change in the LAS curve

Money serves the functions of​ _______.

a medium of​ exchange, a unit of​ account, and a store of value

Inflation results from​ ______.

a persistent increase in aggregate demand at a faster pace than that of the increase in​ long-run aggregate sup

If potential GDP is​ $1 trillion, the economy has moved to​ _______ equilibrium.

an above​ full-employment

The financial institutions that the​ G-20 might require to hold more capital are​ ______. The​ "capital" referred to in the news clip is​ ______.

banks and insurance​ companies; the​ institutions' own funds

A depository institution creates liquidity by​ ______.

borrowing short and lending long

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