Management and Organizational Behavior Midterm #1

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What are some of Hofstede's cultural values?

-Countries differ on key values -Managers should take into account how cultural values might differ in an international setting - Power Distance: the degree to which people accept hierarchy and unequal distribution of power

What are some examples of when people judge others in organizations?

-Employment Interview -Performance Expectations -Performance Evaluations -Employment Effort

Why are personalities important to organizations?

-Selecting employees for specific jobs -good to have different personalities working together, more ideas to solve issues

What are 5 reasons that values are important?

1) Adopt values by being in a particular culture 2) Provides understanding of the attitudes motivation and behaviors of individuals and cultures 3) Influence our perception of the world around us 4) Represent interpretations of right and wrong 5) Imply that some behaviors or outcomes are preferred over others

How does personality relate to being an effective worker? (3)

1) Conscientiousness effects: Performance and org citizenship 2) Extroversion effects: Performance for managers and sales 3) openness to experience effects: Training proficiency

What are the 3 personality determinants?

1) Heredity 2) Environment 3) Situation

Most emotionless societies

1) Singapore 2) Russia 3) India

How is job satisfaction?

1) Single Global Rating: Response to "How satisfied are you with your job?" 1-5 2) summation of job facets - identifies key elements in a job: type of jobs, skills needed, supervisions, pay, promotion opportunities, culture, relationship with workers Both of these approaches work well

When are individuals more motivated to reduce dissonance?

1) When attitudes are important 2) When they believe the dissonance is something they can control

Ch.4 Describe the 5 main facts about moods

1) cause is often unclear 2)lasts longer than emotions 3) More general - pos or neg 4) no distinct expressions 5) cognitive in nature

What are employees four responses to job dissatisfaction?

1) exit 2)neglect 3)loyalty 4)voice

What are the 4 main causes of job satisfaction?

1) job conditions 2) personality 3) pay 4) corporate responsibility

Why does job satisfaction lead to organizational citizenship behavior?

1) one reason is TRUST. Managers reciprocate OCB with trusting behaviors of their own. 2) if employees feel support from their coworkers they are more likely to be helpful 3) personality matters too- an employee with agreeableness and conscientiousness are more satisfied with their job and in turn engage in more OCB

What are the 3 most emotional countries?

1) phillippines 2) USA 3) UK

Ch.4 Describe the 5 main facts about emotions

1) short in duration 2) from a specific event 3) specific and numerous in nature 4) facial expressions 5) action oriented

What 4 main job conditions are related to job satisfaction? along with the other 4 important ones

1) training 2) variety 3)independence 4) control 5) interdependence 6)feedback 7)social support 8)interaction with coworkers

What are a couple examples of mitigating CWB?

1) you can poll your employees to identify what needs improvement 2) tailoring tasks to an employees abilities and values 3)create strong teams

What are the 4 outcomes of job satisfaction?

1)Higher productivity rates 2) better organizational citizenship behavior - people talking positively about job, helping others going beyond expectations 3) higher customer satisfaction 4) high life satisfaction

What is an example of heredity and environments effect on personality?

2 twins separated at birth, grew up in different environments, they both had similar personalities because of heredity, they also had similar levels of job satisfaction

What is perception? What is it important/example?

A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment Importance /example: You as the manager believe that your employees will talk to you, your employees behavior may be different. What can I do as a manager to have them perceive my real intention

What type of relationship does absenteeism and job satisfaction have?

A strong relationship

Describe the voice response to employee dissatisfaction?

Actively trying to improve conditions by suggesting improvements, discussing problems, getting involved with union.

CH.4 What are the defs of affect, emotions and moods

Affect: generic term that carries a broad range of feelings including feelings and emotions- it encompasses emotions and moods emotions: intense feelings towards someone or something moods: less intense feeling without a specific event occurring

Attribution theory def and example

Attribution Theory: Tries to explain the ways we judge people differently, depending on the meaning we attribute to the behavior Example: You may arrive to an interview a few minutes late, when the interviewer meets you, they have already formed a judgement on you -Are they considerate of my time? Internal -Was there an accident? External

Why cant an emotions be neutral?

Being neutral is nonemotional

What type of mood helps employees be most creative?

Both positive and negative have a positive effect on creativity Positive: more flexible and open minded negative: people who worry more may come up with more ideas Activating moods lead to more creativity deactivating moods lead to less

What countries embrace positive emotions?

Brazil and MExico

Counterproductive work behavior follow what?

CWB follow longstanding attitudes- people are unhappy with their work, they become frustrated, lowering their performance, making them more likely to commit CWB

What attitude components are in the following statement? Imagine you realize someone is treating you unfairly

Cognitive and affective components are intertwines in this example. You have the realization while having feelings about it at the same time

Cases of attitudes following behavior illustrate the effect of WHAT

Cognitive dissonance: Contradictions people may perceive between their attitudes and behavior

Consensus def/example

Consensus def: Does the person react the same way as others in the same situation? -This means its external, such a stressful situation that anyone would yell

Consistency def/example

Consistency def: Is the person likely to respond the same way over time? -This suggests its more externally caused

Of the four responses to employee dissatisfaction, which ones are constructive and which one ares deconstructive?

Constructive: Voice, Loyalty Deconstructive: Exit, Neglect

Decision making in organizations include what:

Decision making in organizations include: 1) Bounded rationality: reducing complexity to something people can take in Example: If there are 300 applications for an employee to go through, finding a way to simplify this process 2) Intuition: gut feeling based on real life experiences patterns

What is positive offset? and what do people typically experience at positive offset?

Def: when nothing is going on - people typically experience relatively positive moods

Distinctiveness Def/Example

Distinctiveness Def: Does the person show different behaviors in different situations? Example: Imagine interviewing with the boss, they are very nice during interview. On your first day, the boss is yelling at their employees, are they just moody (internal) or are they upset at a situation (external)

When do levels of negative affect peak?

Does not fluctuate as much as positive- but it generally increases throughout the day- lowest in morning, highest in evening

How is EI measured?

EI is not easy to measure, its typically measure by self reported inventories

CH.4 What is more likely to lead to action, emotions or moods?

Emotions may be more action orientated

What is moral disgust?Example?

Feeling disgusted in a different way because it offends your sense of right and wrong Example: watching a video of a police making a sexist or racial slur

Felt emotions def and displayed emotions def? Examples

Felt emotions: are our actual emotions Displayed emotions: the org requires workers to show appropriate emotions Example of displayed emotions: Effective managers have learned to look serious when they give an employee an negative evaluation

Does organizational citizenship behavior effect customer satisfaction?

For employees that have regular contact with customers yes- it also increases customer loyalty

Why are emotions critical to the workplace?

For example, happier employees have higher performance, organizational citizenship behavior, fewer CWB, less turnover, **particularly when they feel supported

In the US, what day do people experience the best moods? worst?

Friday and the weekend - best Monday - Worst

When do levels of positive affect tend to peak?

From 10 to noon and then remains at same level until 7

How do you get rid of CWB in an organization?

Get to the source of the problem: dissatisfaction and solve it instead of controlling the problem.

Where is POS low? Where is POS high?

High POS- USA, employees like to feel supported Low POS- China, pos perceptions aren't based on fairness, support etc

What is an example of a country that expresses emotions differently than in the US?

Himba participants don't agree with western participants that crying means sadness or a growl meant anger

Whats an ex of expressing your attitude about work?

I like my job

Where is POS important?

In countries with power distance- the degree that people accept power is distributed unequally is lower

Individuals with higher job satisfaction tend to perform WHAT and the organization tends to be WHAT

Individuals withe higher job satisfaction tend to perform better and the organizations tend to be more effective

If you are hiring for a sales job, would you want to hire someone with internal or external locus of control? High or low mach? example of mach

Internal- if youre in sales you need to try to convince people and take control of the situation Mach- if you have a high level you can be a good manipulator ex: if you believe that the product you're selling will be good for your career family and company, so you may tell more white lies because the end game is whats important

How does our understanding of emotions and moods affect aspects of OB?

It can effect the following: selection process, decision making, creativity, motivation, leadership, negotiation, customer service, job attitudes, deviant workplace behavior, and safety

What does the desire to decrease dissonance depend on?

It depends on three things, 1) the importance of the elements creating dissonance 2) the DEGREE of influence we believe we have over the situation 3) the REWARDS of dissonance Example of Rewards: dissonance is less distressing if it comes with something good like higher pay raise than expected

How much does pay effect job satisfaction?

It does effect job satisfaction but only to a certain extent after reaching a certain level. Money does motivate but what motivates doesn't equate to job satisfaction

What does increased regular sleep do?

It enhances creativity, performance and career success

What countries embrace negative emotions?

Japan and Russia

Someone who defends their company in the face of external criticism most likely has what type of employee dissatisfaction response?

Loyalty response

What is representative bias?

Making a decision based on the average stereotype of something Example: The best student in my introductory MBA class this past semester writes poetry and is rather shy and small in stature. What was the student's undergraduate major: Chinese studies or psychology? prob chinese studies

What are decision making heuristics

Making decisions based on sterotypes- using shortcuts Example: Which co is worth more? Costco or mkesson? Many would think costco - availability bias

Who plays a big role in job satisfaction?


What countries have the highest job satisfaction? lowest?

Mexico and Switzerland South Korea

When does Japan experience the most positive affect?

Monday !

Mounting levels of BLANK can worsen our moods

Mounting levels of stress can worsen our moods

Negative emotions can lead to what? why?

Negative emotions can lead to negative moods. Possibly because people think about events that create negative thoughts 5 times longer than positive ones

Does cognition always cause affect that then causes behavior?

No not always, they are not always together and they are hard to separate

Are moral emotions universal? Why or why not?

No, they are not universal like innate emotions because morality differs from culture to culture

Older people experience less what ?

Older people experience less negative emotions. Younger people experience it longer

What is Perceived Organizational support (POS) and an example

One of the 5 attitudes OB focuses on DEF: how much employees think that their employee values them and cares about them Example: An employee is diagnosed with cancer and the CEO and coworkers raised money to pay for treatment

of the four responses to employee dissatisfaction, which ones are passive and which one are active?

Passive :loyalty, neglect Active: Voice, Exit

How does personality effect job satisfaction?

People who have positive core self evaluations- who believe in their inner worth and self competence are more satisfied with their job

What are peoples behavior based on?

Peoples behaviors are based on their perception of that reality is , not reality itself

What is personality job fit theory?

Personality job fit theory is satisfaction and intent to stay in ones job depend on match between personality and job

What types of moods and emotions help people make good decisions?

Positive emotions and moods help people make sound decisions, but negative emotions also are involved in sound decision making

What is power distance? What do you believe if you live in a country with high power distance?

Power distance is the degree people accept hierarchy and unequal distribution of power If you live in a country with high power distance you believe as a cultural value to have people with different levels of power

What are instrumental values?Examples:

Preferable values: How will you achieve your terminal values ( your end goals) Examples: Broad minded, ambitious, cheerful, clean, loving

What are shortcuts used in judging others? Def/Example

Selective perception and the Halo Effect are shortcuts used in judging others. Selective Perception def: People see what they want to see through the lens of their own self interests, background, and experience Example: Two teams, each team blames things on the opposing team -We often select what we want to see Halo effect: A general impression of a person based on a single characteristic Example: You just meet a guy that dresses very well, so you assume he is very professional -You don't have full info on a person you just meet, but you base your impression of them based on one thing about them

Explain how self fulfilling prophecy is connected with performance evaluations

Self fulfilling prophecy is the lower or higher expectations of employees reflects the leaders expectations of the employees capabilities Example: If your boss thinks you will not do well on a task, you are more likely not to do well on the task - IF you aced your interview, you boss has high expectations of you

For a job that demands interfacing with many different stake holders, consider mach or self monitoring?

Self monitoring because your used to looking at situations and seeing what a situation demands and becoming that - you change your behavior accordingly - like a chameleon

What does sleep quality affect?

Sleep quality affects moods and decision making, increased fatigue puts workers at risk of disease, injury and depression

Why are facial expressions difficult to interpret?

Some emotions are too complex to be easily represented on our faces

How can corporate social responsibility lower job satisfaction?

Some people may not care about the cause and be expected to volunteer and get burned out

What is internal locus control?

Someone who has internal locus control believes that they have control over what happens to them - Things that you do matter!

What is external locus control?

Someone who has this believes there are external forces that control what happen to you - whatever happens happens

Why is it sometimes good to have external locus of control?

Sometimes internal takes on too much when sometimes its better to accept the situation

What are the main 5 attitudes focused on in OB?

TOP 3 1) Job satisfaction 2) Job involvement 3) Organizational commitment Other 2 4) employee engagement 5) perceived organizational support

What are terminal values? Examples:

Terminal goals: end goals Example: a comfortable life, an exciting life, a sense of accomplishment, a world at peace, mature love, close companionship

LEON Festinger argued what about attitude? What is an example of this?

That attitude follows behavior Example: Your friend always argued that her apartment complex is better than yours, until another friend in your complex asked her to move in with him. Once she moved to your apartment complex, her attitude towards her old complex became more critical. this is an example of attitude following behavior

What is an example of a country with lower power distance? How does it work taking low power distance approach to a high power distance country?

The US is an example of a low power distance country If you use a low power distance approach to a hgh power distance country like mexico, it will not work! "They are the managers they shouldn't be asking us for our opinion!"

What is the boss effect?

The boss effect suggests that the amount of power and status one has over another will dictate who will smile Bosses don't smile as much as employees

What is the rational decision making model?

The rational decision making model is a decision making model that describes how people should behave in order to maximize a certain outcome 1) Problem clarity 2) Known Options 3) Clear Preferences 4) Constant Preferences 5) No time or cost constraints

What are the three components of creativity

The three components of creativity: 1) expertise 2) creative thinking skills 3) Intrinsic task motivation

What type of relationship does absenteeism and satisfaction have?

They have a negative relationship

For a job that requires creativity, type A or B?

Type A - more structured and organized Type B - tends to be more laid back and playful, has a strong relationship with creativity, trying things in different ways

What do we divide emotions into?

We divide emotions into felt or displayed emotions

What is weathers effect on people?

Weather has little effect on people

What do we tend to underestimate when we judge others behavior?

When judging others behaviors, we tend to underestimate external factors, and overestimate internal factors -Giving too much blame on the person!

Attribution Theory: When people observe behavior it is:

When people observe behavior, it is: Internally caused: The person's fault ( Is it coming from them?) Externally caused: Due to a situation ( not their fault)

When should managers consider a potential employee's EI?

When they have high customer interaction

How do moral emotions differ from other emotions?

When we feel moral anger we are more likely to confront the situation

When do emotions become mood states?why?

When we group them into pos and neg groups because we are looking at them more generally instead of isolating on particular emotion

Determining whether you judge behavior as internal or external, depends on:

Whether you judge behavior as internal or external depends on: -distinctiveness -Consensus -Consistency Distinctiveness def: Does the person show different behaviors in different situations? Consensus def: Is the persons response the same as others in the same situation? Consistency def: Does the person respond they same way over time?

Is this representative or availability bias?

Which of the following causes more deaths in the United States each year: Stomach cancer or car accidents? Availability bias

Imagine judging your own behavior, do you underestimate the role of internal factors? Example

YES! Its a self serving bias.we do underestimate the role of internal factors, and we like to blame it on things other than ourselves. Example: Got a ticket. Why would they put signs on a road im going 60+ on??

Are individuals experience of emotions culturally shaped?


What is an example of dissonance ?

You know its bad texting while driving but you do it anyway and hope nothing bad happens OR giving someone advice that you have hard time doing yourself

Whats an example of a company that experiences increased customer satisfaction from employee job satisfaction?

Zappos has 75% repeat customers

cognitive component DEF and example

a description or a belief of the way things are Example: My pay is low

What is Employee Engagement?

a person's involvement, satisfaction,and enthusiasm with their job

What is emotional intelligence? Example

a persons ability to perceive emotions in the self and others, understand the meaning of emotions, regulate their emotions Example: someone who knows their emotions and get emotional ques :knowing why they are angry and how to handle themselves

What is organizational commitment? Employees who have organizational commitment are less likely to engage in what?

an employee who has this identifies with a co and wishes to remain apart of it Less likely to engage in withdrawal because they are loyal

What is emotional labor?

an employees expression of organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions during work

in many countries men experience what emotion more than women


CH.4 Examples of emotions

anger, enthusiasm, fear, love, pride,

behavioral DEF and example

behaving a certain way towards someone or something Example: I'm going to look for another job that pays better

What is the definition of personality traits?

characteristics that describe a persons behavior

When are moral emotions typically learned ?


What are the 16 moods included in the structure of mood

clockwise : High Positive Affect: AEEH 1) Alert 2)Excited 3)Elated 4)Happy Low Negative Affect: CSRC 5) Content 6) Serene 7) Relaxed 8)Calm Low Positive Affect: FBDS 9)Fatigued 10) Bored 11) Depressed 12) Sad High Negative Affect : USNT 13) Upset 14) Stressed 15) Nervous 16) Tense

What are the three components of attitudes?

cognitive, affective, behavioral

What is counterproductive work behavior? Example?

deviant behavior in the workplace/ withdrawal Example: substance abuse, stealing at work, gossiping, absenteeism, tardiness

What is emotional labor a key component of?

emotional labor is a key component of effective job performance

affective DEF and example

emotional or feeling part of an attitude reflected in a statement Example: I am angry over how little I am paid

What do emotions do to our thinking? why?

emotions make us more rational. Emotions help provide info about how we understand the world and help guide our behaviors

CH.4 Affect can be experienced in the form of

emotions or moods

moral emotions Example:

emotions that have moral implications because of our instant judgement of of the thing that evokes them Example: sympathy for those suffering, guilt about immoral behavior, anger from injustice, contempt for those who behave unethically

What are attitudes?

evaluative statements about objects people or events

Evidence shows that women are more or less emotional than men?

evidence confirms women experience emotions more intensely, hold onto emotions longer, and display more frequent expression of emotions neg and pos except anger

Affectively intense people experience what

experience both positive and negative emotions more deeply Example: When they are sad they are really sad and vis versa

Higher levels of employee engagement leads to

higher levels of customer satisfaction More productive lower turnover levels

What is an example of a way emotions can make us more rational?

individuals in a bad mood may be able to better discern truthful from accurate info than happy people

Lowered job satisfaction is the best predictor or what

intent to leave or turnover

Describe the exit response to job dissatisfaction?

leaving a position and looking for a new one

What generation really values corporate social responsibility?

millennials: are seeking out employees focusing on the triple bottom line: people, planet, revenue

Employees perform best under what kindof display rules?


Are moral emotions universal

no because they are learned in childhood so they differ from person to person culture to culture

What is an important point about counterproductive work behavior?

often times employees have one or more of these behaviors because of idiosyncratic factors in other words they like to get even in several different ways.

Describe the Neglect response to employee dissatisfaction

passively allows conditions to worsen and includes absenteeism, lateness, reduced effort, an increase in error rate

Describe the Loyalty response to employee dissatisfaction?

passively and optimistically waiting for conditions to improve. they think that management will do the right thing

What moods and emotions lead to higher motivation?

postive mood more motivated - Giving people performance feedback effects motivation leading to better perfromance which leads to better feedback

Positive moods and emotions enhance peoples what?

problem solving skills

Whats a closely related term to job involvement?

psychological empowerment or employees beliefs in how much they influence their work environment, meaningfulness of their job

What is satisficing?

satisficing is seeking the first alternative that solves the problem Example: You cant always look at every applicant or every business opportunity, so you have to pick one that meets main requirements

How does corporate social responsibility effect job satisfaction? DEF and Example

self regulated things to benefit community, society above and beyond Example: nonprofit, charitable work, sustainability If your values match your company's CSR you are more likely to be more satisfied with your job

How do they measure the exit response to employee dissatisfaction?

study terminations and turnover (the loss to an organization of knowledge, skills, abilities, other traits)

What is the more critical part of an attitude?

the affective component

What attitude component is most important in organizations?

the behavioral component-If workers believe that the accountants in executives are in a conspiracy to make employees worker harder for less money, its important to understand: HOW the attitude was formed, the IMPACT on the job, HOW it may be CHANGED

What is job involvement?

the degree to which people identify themselves with their job and their job performance is important to their self worth

What is the most important job condition?

the intrinsic nature of the work itself - supervision and interaction

affect intensity

the same emotions to different degrees of intensities

What helps us understand the complexity of attitudes and the potential relationship between attitudes and behavior?

the three components of attitudes: cognitive, affective, behavioral

How are job satisfaction and life satisfaction related?

they are positively correlated, attitudes in life spill over to your job Example: life satisfaction decreases when someone is unemployment

Why would you want to hire someone with Internal locus control?

they would be more proactive! If something is not going well they will think , hmm how can we improve this?

Affective Events theory definition and example

this theory proposes that employee react emotionally to things that happen to them at work this reaction influences their job performance satification Example: Say you hear your company is downsizing, you are insecure and fearful that you may lose your job. You spend so much time worrying it takes aways from your job and your job satisfaction has decreased

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