Management Exam 2 (Q4,5,6)

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Controlling is the management function that establishes the platform for further managerial efforts.


Decision making is a six-step process that begins with generating alternative solutions and ends with implementing the solution.


Ethnic or national subcultures consist of different racial groups that work well together.


From the perspective of Porter's five forces model, an attractive industry is one in which intense rivalry already exists among competitors, there are substantial threats in terms of new competitors and substitute products, and suppliers and buyers are very powerful in bargaining over prices and quality.


Operational plans form the foundation for strategic plans, whereas strategic plans specify the activities and resources that are needed to carry out the operational plans.


The use of participatory planning can increase conflict over scarce resources and consequently decrease acceptance of chosen alternatives.


Typical strategic plans in a business would include dealing with the methods and technology needed by people in their work and dealing with money required to support various operations. Typical operational plans in a business would include dealing with requirements of selling and distributing goods or services and dealing with recruitment, selection, and placement of people into jobs.


Valuing diversity, managing diversity, and affirmative action are three leadership approaches to diversity. Of these three approaches, affirmative action is the one that offers the most value with respect to establishing competitive advantage.


Decision making is a __________ process that begins with __________ and ends with __________.

Five-step ... identifying and defining the problem ... evaluating results.

The economic value of people with job-relevant abilities, knowledge, experience, ideas, energies, and commitments is known as __________.

Human Capital

Which of the following is not something to look for when trying to understand the observable culture?

Interaction between people

The BCG portfolio planning model uses an analysis of __________ and __________ to analyze business opportunities.

Market growth rate ... market share.

What criteria make up a good test of the value-based management of any organization or team?

Relevance, integrity, pervasiveness, strength

A(n) ____________ involves an assessment of organizational strengths and weaknesses as well as environmental opportunities and threats.

SWOT analysis

____________________ provides learning opportunities to acquire and improve job-related skills.


A flexible benefits program allows employees to choose a set of benefits within a certain dollar amount.


A management information system is designed to use information technology to meet the specific information needs of managers as they make a variety of decisions on a day-to-day basis.


A person who approaches problems in a rational, step-by-step, and analytical fashion is engaging in systematic thinking.


A tolerance for ambiguity deals with an individual's ability to deal with unknown and unpredictable situations.


A vision clarifies the purpose of the organization and expresses what it hopes to be in the future.


An important risk associated with the use of staff planners is the communication gap that can develop between staff planners and line managers.


An organization with a competitive advantage is operating with an attribute or combination of attributes that allows it to outperform its competitors.


At the organization's boundaries, information in the external environment is accessed and managers use this intelligence information to deal effectively with competitors and key stakeholders.


Benchmarking is used to gain perspective on current organizational performance through the use of external comparisons.


Budgets are single-use plans that commit resources to activities, projects, or programs.


Cognitive styles are the various ways individuals deal with information while making decisions.


Contingency planning focuses on early identification of possible shifts in future events.


Data are raw facts and observations.


Employment-at-will means that employees can be terminated at anytime for any reason.


Equal employment opportunity guarantees people the right to employment and advancement without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, or mental or physical ability.


Examples of functional plans include production plans, financial plans, logistics plans, and HR plans.


Good planning improves focus and flexibility, provides an action orientation, helps to improve coordination, and facilitates better control and time management.


Good planning improves focus and flexibility.


Good symbolic leaders highlight the observable culture by repeatedly telling key stories and frequently using rites and rituals to glorify the performance of the organization and its members.


Good time management involves prioritizing your work, screening calls and emails, and saying "no" to distracting requests.


Human capital is the economic value of people with job-relevant abilities, knowledge, ideas, energies, and commitments.


In order to make effective goals, they should be specific, timely, measurable, challenging, and attainable.


In the means-ends chain, higher-level objectives are ends that are directly tied to lower-level objectives as the means for their accomplishment.


Interviews can be potential stumbling blocks in the selection process, particularly if the interviewer asks the wrong things, talks too much, or lets personal biases prevent an applicant's capabilities from being fully considered.


Management with analytics involves systematic gathering and processing of data to make it useful as information.


Multidimensional thinking is the capacity to view many problems at once, in relationship to one another, and across long and short time horizons.


Oprah Winfrey discovered that even the best plans can go wrong when she opened her leadership academy in South Africa.


Organizational culture is the system of shared beliefs and values that develops within an organization and guides the behavior of its members.


Performance threat is a situation in which something is obviously wrong or has the potential to go wrong.


Person-job fit is the extent to which an individual's skills, interests, and personal characteristics are consistent with the requirements of their work.


Policies communicate broad guidelines for making decisions and taking action in specific circumstances.


Prioritizing your activities for the day could include items you: must do, should do, might do and should not do.


Problem solvers are managers who try to solve problems but only when forced to by the situation.


Problem solving and decision making are dependent on quality information being available to the right people at the right time.


Reed Hastings of Netflix is a quiet, hands-off leader who sets the tone, outlines the objectives and lets his employees figure out how to execute them.


Scenario planning helps Royal Dutch/Shell make major adjustments in strategies and operations and to be better prepared than competitors for future shocks.


Self-confidence means being willing to act with the conviction needed to succeed in the situations we face.


Tactical plans tend to be intermediate-term plans that specify step by step means for using the organization's resources to put strategies into action.


The behavioral decision model describes decision making where people are assumed to act only in terms of what they perceive about a given situation.


The essence of strategic management is identifying and analyzing, understanding the environment and the organization, implementing strategies to achieve competitive advantage, and then evaluating results.


The management processes of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling is ultimately driven by information.


Timeliness, quality, completeness, relevance, and understandability are characteristics of useful information.


Uncertainty is the most difficult decision environment for any manager.


Unstructured problems are full of ambiguities and information deficiencies, and require nonprogrammed decisions that craft novel solutions to meet the demands of a unique situation.


Using mathematical and statistical analyses of historical data and surveys to predict future events is called quantitative forecasting.


Using the opinions of individuals who possess special expertise to make predictions about the future is called qualitative forecasting.


Value-based management refers to managers who actively help develop, communicate, and enact shared values within an organization.


Management practices that respect and nurture the full value of human beings are the foundations for:

workplace spirituality

When plans are coordinated among the various systems and components of the organization, there is greater likelihood that multiple accomplishments will add up to the desired results for the organization as a whole.


The three steps in the typical recruitment process are:

Advertising job vacancies, making preliminary contacts, and initial screening.

Until the legal status of employee surveillance through the use of information technology is clarified, the best advice for everyone is __________.

Assume you have no privacy at work

__________ is the ability to understand computers and use them to best advantage.

Computer competency

Which of the following are not included in the five basic steps of the planning process?

Define your current successes

Information that is complete is accurate, reliable, and can be used with confidence.


A good performance objective should be challenging and specific but it need not be measurable or time defined.


A job analysis provides information that can be used to reward pay increases during employee performance reviews.


According to R. Roosevelt Thomas, increased diversity reduces both organizational complexity and uncertainty.


An appropriate guideline for crisis management is to never "fight fire with fire" by creating an alternate crisis for the purpose of gaining attention.


As a result of the growth of management information systems, more managers are needed to coordinate the flow, sharing and processing of information.


luralism, structural integration, informal network integration, absence of prejudice and discrimination, and minimum intergroup conflict are all characteristics of a __________________________ organization.


Occupational, functional, national, and gender subcultures are all types of ____________________ subcultures.


Functional plans include all of the following except:

stress management plans

Personal creativity drivers are composed of a person or team that has a lot of task expertise, is highly motivated, and has strong creativity skills.


The three parts of situational creativity drivers are a solid foundation of team creativity skills, management support, and organizational cultures that are as conducive as possible to creativity in decision making.


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