Map Questions- WWI
What nine new nations were created by the treaty of Versailles?
Austria, Yugoslavia, Lithuania, Latvia, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, and Finland. (Ottoman Empire changed its name to Turkey. Russia changed its name to Soviet Union).
Which prewar countires gained territory from the Treaty?
France and Italy.
Which countries and empires shown on the prewar map do not appear on the post war map?
Ottoman Empire, Serbia, Montenegro, Austria-Hungary, and Russia.
What may have been rthe reason that Germany was divided into two seperate parts along the Baltic Sea coast after WWI?
Poland got access to trade.
To what new and already existing coountires did Russia lose land?
Roamania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland.
Detail what became of the empire of Austria-Hungary after WWI?
Seperate nations were established.
Out of what nations lands was Yugoslavia created?
Serbia, Montenegro, and Austria-Hungary.