Marine Science Honors: Final Exam Review

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Wave frequency is the number of waves that pass a fixed point per second.


There are no true marine amphibians, mainly because

their skin is too permeable to water

Three evolutionary advances for arthropods include:

Striated muscle, an exoskeleton, and articulation.

Organisms that strain plankton and tiny organic food particles from surrounding water while sessile are called

Suspension feeders

A fish's "6th sense" is based on

The ability to detect small changes in the electric field surround their body.

The class Holothuroidea includes the sea cucumbers.


When carbon dioxide dissolves in water, the water becomes slightly more

Acidic, its pH is lower

A collective term for autotrophs possessing chlorophyll and capable of photosynthesis but lacking vessels to conduct sap are called


By using the word "commonality" to describe one of the basic attributes of life, we mean:

All life shares certain basic underlying mechanisms within each individual.

A capsule from which a coiled thread with a toxin filled barb may be forcefully ejected, triggered mechanically or chemically is called


Upwelling water is usually

Cold and nutrient-laden

San Francisco's characteristic cold and foggy weather is caused by a:

Cold eastern boundary current

The most dense water in ocean currents is the

Coldest and saltiest

When respiration equals photosynthesis in the ocean, this is called

Compensation depth

When things run down due to lack of sufficient energy is a condition explained with


This assumes that the seafloor does not influence the tides and that the ocean conforms instantly to the forces that affect the position of its surface.

Equilibrium theory of tides

An endoskeleton limits growth and must be shed or "molted" at regular intervals.


Bivalves have a siphon tube for bringing in water containing food and dissolved carbon dioxide, needed to sustain the bivalve's life.


Concerned over the damage to Galveston by a tidal wave in 1900, Congress past legislation to establish the first Tsunami Warning System in the United States.


Jellyfish are an advanced form of suspension feeder.


Maine lobsters have enlarged antennae used for defense, since the have now claws.


Most advanced surfers agree that spilling waves give the best ride.


Spray from the breaking waves on the beach is generated by the excess heat generated by the changing wave energy.


Storm surge's wavelength is usually less than 10 meters during a tropical cyclone.


Surface water upwelling and downwelling occurring down to 20 meters is called wind-induced vertical circulation


The body of the typical seaweed is called the stipe.


These tides form when the moon, Earth, and sun form a right angle. During these tides the high and low tide levels are not as pronounced.

Neap tides

Plankton productivity is the highest

Near the continents

This is a coiled thread tipped with a barb containing a neurotoxin with two triggers, one chemical the other physical


The open ocean environment, over the continental shelves


These structures detect pressure in water along the lateral line of sharks and fish


The main inorganic nutrients necessary for the success of marine autotrophs are:

Nitrates and phosphates.

This element is a major component of biology that helps to build proteins and nucleic acids.


"Success" in biology means:

Number of living offspring

The open ocean realm, away from land


The most abundant sea turtle is considered

Olive ridley turtle

A wave in which particles of the water move in close circles as the wave passes is called a(n)

Orbital wave

Fresh water fish gain water by


Bony fish (like tuna or anchovies) are members of this group:


The open ocean environment, in general


This is the Earth's closest distance to the sun.


A group of animals that shares similar architecture, level of complexity, and evolutionary history is known as this


This body symmetry resembles the spokes on a wheel.


Marine animal survival strategies are developed to solve the common problems of

Reproducing, feeding, and safety.

The classical definition of speeches depends ultimately on:

Reproductive isolation from other species

Marine crocodiles have the ability to

Resist infection from most bacteria

The dominant force that returns the water surface to flatness after a wave has formed in it is considered the

Restoring force

Marine animals remove excess salt from their bodies using

Salt glands

Which is considered the top consumer

Short fin mako shark

Saltwater crocodile hides are valued according to

Size and shape of the belly scales

This occurs when there are no currents during a change in tidal direction.

Slack water

Sensory abilities of most sharks:

Smell small amounts of blood, detect vibrations of injured fish, and are able to detect small electric fields

During spring, the alignment of the sun and moon produce these larger than normal tides.

Spring tides

An abrupt bulge of water driven ashore by a tropical cyclone or frontal storm is called a

Storm surge

What is a rogue wave?

The constructive interference of many wavelengths, A wave much larger than theoretical maximum wave sustained by a fully developed sea, A freak, unpredictable wave

The zone of lighted ocean in which marine autotrophs tap more energy than they use to stay alive is called:

The euphotic zone

What is the restoring force of a wave?

The force that returns the wave to a calm state.

An old form of cephalopod that moves slow, has many sticky , residing in a curled shell describes this animal

The nautilus.

What is a wave period?

The time for a wave to move the distance of one wavelength

What is a fetch?

The uninterrupted distance over which wind blows

As the wave is just about to break,

The water is moving faster than the wave.

When waves approach the shore, if the bottom is a steep slope,

The waves will plunge

What is an example of a true tidal wave?

Tidal bore

The only marine energy source being successfully exploited on a large scale is:

Tidal currents

The water level from which the heights of the tides are measure is referred to as the

Tidal datum

These track the high and low tides of a location based on the gravitational interaction of the moon.

Tide charts

What is the net force of inertia and gravitational attraction combined?

Tractive forces

A disturbing force maintains a forced wave.


Brittle stars can detach and later re-grow an arm.


Chlorophytes live near the surface where red light is available for photosynthesis.


Coral polyps mainly feed at night for protection.


Diatoms are encase in SiO₂, a form of silica.


Eastern and Western boundary currents are linked by transverse currents


HAB stands for Harmful Algal Blooms.


Many species of large seaweeds are leaky, like tea bags, releasing excess organic matter into the ocean.


Of all the seaweeds we studied, only Rhodophyta is the most abundant due to its color.


One sverdrup (sv) equals 1 million m³/second


Part of the balancing within a geostopic gyre includes the pressure gradient.


Plankton can only ride the currents as drifters.


The distribution of phytoplankton corresponds to the distribution of picoplankton.


The oxygen revolution occurred before the Cambrian Explosion


The process of wave separation produces swell


The wave steepness ratio is 1:7


Transitional waves travel through water deeper than 1/20 their original wavelength but shallower than half their original wavelength


Wave trains are sometimes called sets while at the beach


Photosynthesis occurs

Very little below 100 meters and not below 268 meters in the ocean.

Some fish secrete mucus on their scales to help reduce the effects of water's


Britain's weather is _______ than would be expected at that latitude because of the influence of surface currents

Warmer and wetter

The highest part of the wave above average water level is called

Wave crest

What occurs when waves hit an obstacle straight on?

Wave reflection

The progressing groups of swell with the same origin and wavelength re called

Wave trains

The horizontal distance between two successive wave crests is called


The only ocean current that continues in an uninterrupted circle around the circumference of the Earth without encountering land is the:

West Wind Drift

Generally the fastest and deepest ocean currents are:

Western Boundary currents

Tidal currents can result in a rotary direction of water flow called

Whirlpools or maelstroms

Wind wave development is influenced by

Wind strength, Wind duration, Fetch

Methods used by a sea turtle to navigate:

Wind wave direction, solar angle, and smell

The ULTIMATE source of most of the energy for ocean currents is:

the sun

A notochord is

A tubular dorsal nervous system

Most bivalve shells are made up of this chemical compound,

Calcium carbonate

Primary producer


A possible ending point of diatom reproduction is the formation of an angiosperm.


All forms of plankton are very small to microscopic in size.


Gastropod means "muscle foot".


Capillary waves reach a maximum height of

1.73 cm

Most biologists and geologists now think life began on Earth about:

3.5-4.2 billion years ago

As wind moves over the surface of the ocean, the water's direction is

90⁰ degrees to the right

Which of these is generally not an El Nino effect

A decline in the exotic species of dish and other forms of marine life at Australia.

Sea urchins and sand dollars have

A five sided symmetry

During an El Nino event

A strong equatorial counter current develops in the Pacific.

The sharks, skates, and rays are members of this group:


Light absorbing compounds that enhance photosynthesis by absorbing specific ranges of dim light and transferring this energy to the chlorophyll molecules are called

Accessory pigments

All of the following are circuits in the world's oceans, except, the

Arctic Ocean gyre

The Latin word for "self nourishment" used to describe how an organism feeds is


Primary consumers

Benthic invertebrates, Krill, Copepods

A body shape where the left and right sides mirror each other is called

Bilateral symmetry

Living organisms are supported and sustained by huge nonliving chemical reserves, and there is a large scale transport of elements between the reserves and organisms. This statement describes

Biogeochemical cycles


Brittle star embryos, Lobster larvae, Ctenophores

What is PRODUCED in primary productivity?


Which chemical element is usually in great supply for sustaining life in the ocean


Part of the carbon cycle

Carbonate rocks, Dissolved organic carbon, Shells and ooze

The inventor of the system of biological nomenclature we use today was:

Carolus Linnaeus

This fin feature increases the area and provides additional thrust for forward movement.


The production of usable energy directly from inorganic molecules available in the environment is called


A tough, nitrogen rich carbohydrate which may be strengthened by calcium carbonate that covers most arthropods is called


La Nina is a

Cooling of the ocean water after El Nino

The Earth's rotation influences currents by an acceleration known as:

Coriolis effect

A marine fish must _______ seawater, and _______ salt from special glands in the gills.

Drink... export

These sometimes use a small droplet of oil for flotation.


Some species are brightly bio-luminescent.


A tide pattern of on high and one low each day describes a

Diurnal tide

In order to survive, every organism must have a continuous external source of:


A fall in sea level flowing out of a bay or harbor is called an

Ebb current

Hedgehog skin describes this phylum,


Fish maintain a body temperature at or near the temperature of the water they are in, and are called


ENSO stands for

El Nino/ Southern Oscillation

A good "working definition" for life might be: "A highly organized system that can capture, store, and transmit__________."


The movement of water due to the Ekman spiral causes intense whirlpools to form suddenly


The sea wasp jellyfish is mainly found in the ocean off java.


Whip-like projections on plankton used for limited locomotion are called


Any wave that is never free of the forces that cause them are known as

Forced waves

Water moving in the opposite direction from the surface current is called

Friction depth

Brown algae or kelp gets its color from the accessory pigment called


Gill membranes are attached to

Gill arches.

The orbit of the moon is stable due to these opposite forces

Gravity and interia

The largest of all the hard shelled sea turtles is the

Green turtle

Species of marine turtles :

Green, Kemp's ridley, Hawksbill

The half-speed advance of the wave train is called

Group velocity

Benjamin Franklin was the first person to recognize the extent of the _______ and to publish a navigational chart of it.

Gulf stream

Marine turtles:

Have flattened front limbs, are in some danger of extinction, and have a strong homing instinct

The side of the Earth facing the moon will experience a high tide, while the opposite side of Earth will have a

High tide also

When the sun and the moon are in a line with Earth, the

Highest high and lowest low tides will occur

El Nino results due to an interruption of flow of the ___________ current (s) in the Pacific

Humboldt and Equatorial

In the gill of a fish, water and blood circulate_______, which_______ transfer efficiency

In opposite directions... Increases

Soft bodies animals that lack a rigid skeletal structure for the attachment of muscles is called a(n)


These are generally soft-bodied animals that lack a rigid internal skeleton for the attachment of muscles, but may possess some sort of hard outer covering.


Marine turtles that inhabit the coasts of the United States

Kemp's Ridley, Olive Ridley, Hawksbill

The smallest marine turtle is considered the

Kemp's ridley turtle

A dominant and most prolific consumer, is the


These tides are caused by tractive forces and complete their cycle every 24 hours 50 minutes

Lunar tides

This form of plankton is easily mistaken for larger invertebrates seemingly related to squid.


Sir Issac Newton defines gravity in 1687 in his book titled

Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosphy

Part of the organism's life cycle is spent as a member of the plankton community.


Which body has the most profound influence on ocean tides?


A population of fish in an enclosed lagoon was threatened with overpopulation and a stressed food supply until a number of predators discovered the population. After a time, there were fewer fish, but the average swimming speed of the population of the fish increased. This is a good illustration of:

Natural selection

Coral polyps contain a symbiotic dinoflagellate called




A system of four currents completing a flow circuit around the periphery of an ocean basin is collectively called:

a gyre

Nutrients that change in concentration with biological activity are considered

non-conservative nutirents

Sharks use dorsal fins to reduce the amount of


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