Marketing Cloud Developer

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This function returns a date with the specified number interval added to the specified part of the date.

DateAdd Example: DateAdd(1,2,3) set @plusOneYear = DateAdd(@today, 1, "Y") plusOneYear: 04/22/2021 6:30:00 AM

UPDATDE(), INSERTDE(), and UPSERTDE()are Executed at what time?

Send Time of an email

What is 401 Unauthorized

Similar to 403 Forbidden, but specifically for use when authentication is required and has failed or has not yet been provided. The response must include a WWW-Authenticate header field containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource.

67-ABC Corp wants to exclude subscribers with a competitor email address from an email send. A Boolean attribute called IsCompetitor is stored in the sendable Data Extension. Which of the following is a valid exclusion script for this scenario? Choose 3. A. %%IsCompetitor%% B.[IsCompetitor] C. AttributeValue("IsCompetitor') D. @IsCompetitor

A. %%IsCompetitor%% B.[IsCompetitor] C. AttributeValue("IsCompetitor')

76-What is the order of operation for the Contact Delete Framework in Marketing Cloud? A. Deletion process initiated > Suppression period > Final deletion B. Deletion process initiated > Final deletion C. Suppression period > Cancel Suppression > Final deletion D. Contacts are immediately deleted

A. Deletion process initiated > Suppression period > Final deletion

49-ABC Corp created a journey and event definition in Marketing Cloud. Which of the following resources are relevant to inject into the Journey using the Rest API? Choose 2. A. GET /eventDefinitions/key/:{key} B. POST /eventDefinitions/key:{key} or /eventDefinitions/{id} C. POST /interaction/v1/events D. POST /interaction/v1/interactions/contactentry

A. GET /eventDefinitions/key/:{key} C. POST /interaction/v1/events

61-ABC corp wants to include the loyalty member status of Subscribers in a large email send. Which of the following is the most efficient way to retrieve this value from a Data Extension using AMPScript? A. Lookup("loyaltyMembers","Status","SubscriberKey",_Subscriberkey)

A. Lookup("loyaltyMembers","Status","SubscriberKey",_Subscriberkey)

64-ABC Corp wants to validate AMPScript code in an email message. Which Content Builder tools can be used for this? Choose 2. A. Markup Validation B. Send Preview C. Code Validation D. SpellCheck

A. Markup Validation B. Send Preview

44-What is the difference between Server-to-Server, Web App, and Public App integrations? Choose 2. A. Only Server-to-Server make API requests in context of an integration user B. Only Server-to-Server integrations are issued a client secret C. Server-to-Server and Public App Integrations make API requests in context of an Integration user D. Only Server-to-Server integration use grant type Client Credentials

A. Only Server-to-Server make API requests in context of an integration user D. Only Server-to-Server integration use grant type Client Credentials

10-What can be created in Attribute Groups within Contact Builder? Choose 2. A. Relationships B. Data Extensions C. Populations D. Attribute Groups

A. Relationships B. Data Extensions

30-ABC corp wants to import an encrypted CSV file from Marketing Cloud Enhanced FTP Server. Which File Transfer activity is needed to achieve this? Choose 1. A. To decrypt the Import file on the Safehouse B. To move the import file from the Safehouse to Marketing Cloud C. To decrypt the import file on the Enhanced FTP Server D. To move the import file from the Enhabced FTP servier to the Safehouse

A. To decrypt the Import file on the Safehouse

1-ABC Corp Wants to Encrypt Data Stored in Marketing cloud. It is fine if unencrypted fields are visible to Marketing Cloud and Salesforce users, but the underlying data should be encrypted at rest to prevent physical data theft. Which encryption method should be chosen? A. Transparent Data Encryption B. Asymmetric Encryption C. Tokenized Sending D. Field-Level Encryption

A. Transparent Data Encryption

59-ABC corp wants to update information in a sendable Data Extension at send time using the InsertDE() Function. The Ampscript code returns an error that a duplicate value for the primary key could not be inserted. What is the reason for this error? A. the InsertDE() function comes after the system added the row as part of the email send B. The InsertDE() function is not supported in email sends C. Marketing Cloud makes several AMPscript calls as part of an email send. D. The InsertDE() function should be used with a LookupRows() function to check if duplicate records exist

A. the InsertDE() function comes after the system added the row as part of the email send

66-ABC corp created an email with dynamic content using AMPscript. Which AMPScript function can be used to track the performance of the dynamic content? Choose 1. A. ContentBlockByName B. BeginImpressionRegion C. ContentAreaByName D. ContentAreaByKey

B. BeginImpressionRegion

4-What are best practices related to Marketing Cloud API integrations? Choose 2. A. Refresh access token with every API Call B. Only provide necessary API Scope permissions C. Securely store client ID, client secret, and access token D. Store client ID and client in javaScript

B. Only provide necessary API Scope permissions C. Securely store client ID, client secret, and access token

39-ABC Corp wants to create Contacts in Marketing Cloud via API Calls, Which API should be used for this? Choose 2 A. Contact Object B. POST /contacts/v1/contacts route C. SOAP API D. REST API

B. POST /contacts/v1/contacts route D. REST API

40-ABC Corp wants to implement a custom profile center using SOAP API. Which SOAP API methods are relevant to achieve this? Choose 2 A. Extract B. Update C. Describe D. Configure

B. Update C. Describe

19-Which of the following SQL Statements is the most efficient one? Choose 1. A. WHERE NOT age > 18 AND age< 18 B. WHERE age = 18 C. WHERE age = '18' D. WHERE age LIKE 18

B. WHERE age = 18

45-What is true regarding OAuth authentication using Server-to-Server integrations? Choose 2. A. Uses username and password B. Users access token C. Uses client ID and client secret D. Uses authorization code

B. Users access token C. Uses client ID and client secret

51-ABC Corp has requested an OAuth access token using the REST API. How should the token be included in subsequent API calls? Choose 1 A. Token: ACCESS_TOKEN B. Authorization: Token ACCESS_TOKEN C. Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN D. Bearer: Access_TOKEN

C. Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN

7-What is required to make a Data Extension sendable? Choose 1. A. A Send Relationship between the Contact Key and a Data Extension primary Key B. A Root Relationship between a Data Extension field and the Contact Key C. A Send Relationship between the Subscriber and a Data Extension field. D. A Root relationship between the Data Extension and the All Subscribers list

C. A Send Relationship between the Subscriber and a Data Extension field.

16-ABC Corp wants to delete two million Contact records from Marketing Cloud using the REST API. Which of the following statements are correct? Choose 1. A. No more than two million Contacts can be included per batch B. Contacts can be reintroduced during the suppression period C. Contact-level suppression status information can only be retrieved after entire batch processed D. The Contact delete process supersedes other automation processes.

C. Contact-level suppression status information can only be retrieved after entire batch processed

46-What does a HTTP 401 response from the REST API mean? Choose 1. A. Route not found B. Invalid Request C. Empty Response D. Access token invalid or expired

D. Access token invalid or expired

68-Which SSJS Library can be used in Landing Pages? Choose 1. A. Platform B. Core C. None D. Both

D. Both

74-I have previously requested the deletion of a list of 100,000 contacts from my Marketing Cloud, whihc is set at the default suppression period. A month later, the contacts have complained that they are still receiving emails from you. Which one of these could NOT be a valid reason? A. The contacts have not been properly deleted B. The contacts have been added again to Marketing Cloud C. The contacts are using another primary identifier D. The deletion process is still in the suppression period

D. The deletion process is still in the suppression period

This function returns the number of rows in the specified Data Extension.

DataExtensionRowCount Example: DataExtensionRowCount(1) DataExtensionRowCount("LoyaltyMembers") RowCount: 3

This function returns the remainder after the division of two numbers (also known as a modulo operation).

MOD Example: Mod(1,2) var @modulus, @num1, @num2 set @num1 = 10 set @num2 = 3 set @modulus = mod(@num1, @num2) ]%% %%=v(@num1)=%% % %%=v(@num2)=%% = %%=v(@modulus)=%% 10 % 3 = 1

58-ABC Corp created the following AMPscript Code: %%[ SET @var1 = 10 SET @var2 = 20 SET @var3 = 30 ]%% How can the three variables be summed up to evaluate to 60? SET @total = Add(@var1, Add(@var2, @var3))

SET @total = Add(@var1, Add(@var2, @var3))

What is Cardinality in Marketing Cloud?

The cardinality refers how the data extensions relate to each other based on the attribute links between the two data extensions. When you create the relationships between data extensions, you can specify the cardinality for the relationship

What is 403 Forbidden

The request contained valid data and was understood by the server, but the server is refusing action.

What is 406 Not Acceptable

The requested resource is capable of generating only content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request.

What is tokenized sending?

Tokenized sending allows you to use contact data you deem too sensitive to store in your Marketing Cloud account database due to laws, regulations, or security policies in your messaging activity. This process allows you to take information from your own data systems and transmit it to the Marketing Cloud only at time of send via an API call.

How would you format NOW() to retrieve Month, Date, Year? April 22, 2020

%%=Format(Now(), "MMMM d, yyyy")=%% or %%=FormatDate(Now(), "MMMM d, yyyy")=%%

Example Email Studio Personalization Strings %%xtmonth%% %%emailname_%% %%jobid%% %%emailaddr%% %%profile_center_url%% %%view_email_url%%

%%xtmonth%% Full name of the month in which the email is sent %%emailname_%% Internal name of the email %%jobid%% Email send ID (the unique identifier associated with this send of the email, for tracking data purposes) %%emailaddr%% Subscriber's email address %%profile_center_url%% If you're creating an email based on a standard template, this link is included by default in the email footer. %%view_email_url%% If you're creating an email based on a standard template, this link is included by default in the email header.

73-Which Key Management types are available to manage encryption and decryption options in Marketing Cloud (Choose 3)? A. Asymmetric B. SFTP C. Salt D. Symmetric E. HEM

A. Asymmetric C. Salt D. Symmetric

What is a Process Loop?

A process loop enables code or content within a block to be repeated until an ending index expression is reached. There are seven required parts in a process loop: 1-an opening for statement 2-a loop counter, defined as a variable 3-a starting index expression 4-a direction keyword; either to (to increase) or downto (to decrease) 5-an ending index expression 6-a do keyword 7-a next keyword

69-Certification Aid created following AMPScript code: %%[ SET @points = "Green" SET @value = 5 IF Length(@points) > 1 THEN SET @value = 1 ELSEIF Length(@points) > 2 THEN SET @value = 2 ELSEIF Length(@points) > 3 THEN SET @value = 3 ELSEIF Length(@points) > 4 THEN SET @value = 4 ENDIF]%% To which value will the variable @value evaluate? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5

A. 1

56-How can subscriber, system, and sendable data extension attributes be referenced for content personalization using SSJS. Choose 1 A. <ctrl:field name ="attributeName" /> B. <ctrl:var name ="attributeName" /> C. <ctrl:attribute name ="attributeName" /> D. <ctrl:name ="attributeName" />

A. <ctrl:field name ="attributeName" />

13-Which of the following statements are correct concerning Contacts and Subscribers? Choose 2. A. A Contact is subscribed to any channel B. Each Subscriber is also a Contact C. A Contact is subscribed to a specific channel D. Each Contact is also a subscriber

A. A Contact is subscribed to any channel B. Each Subscriber is also a Contact

55-What are advantages of SSJS compared to AMPscript? Choose 2. A. Advanced exception handling B. Shorter learning for new developers C. Loops D. Arrays

A. Advanced exception handling D. Arrays

26-ABC Corp wants to create a file drop automation with a filename pattern. An import file is placed daily on the Marketing Cloud Enhanced FTP Server and the file name always starts with the current month and day (eg. OCT26). How should the filename pattern be defined? Choose 2. A. Begins with operator B. %%MMDD%% C. %%Month%%%%Day%% D. Ends with operator

A. Begins with operator C. %%Month%%%%Day%%

33-ABC Corp noticed that birth dates stored in the Data Extension field with data type Text have different date formats. Which SQL functions can be used to copy those values to a field with data type in a target Data Extension? Choose 2. A. CASE and CONVERT B. IF and REPLACE C. CASE and CAST D. CASE and REPLACE


8-ABC Corp urgently wants to delete two million Contact records from Marketing Cloud. What could help to speed up the deletion process? Choose 2. A. Change the suppression period to 0 days. B. Delete unnecessary sendable Data Extensions C. Add data retention policies on relevant Data Extensions D. Use the REST API and to delete all records at once

A. Change the suppression period to 0 days. B. Delete unnecessary sendable Data Extensions

25-ABC Corp uses a send log for millions for email sends per day. Which Strategies allow to efficiently query the Send Log Data? Choose 1. A. Copy Send Log data to an intermediary Data Extension and use this Data Extension in the SQL Query Activity B. Add a retention policy to the send log. C. Add more than 10 field to the send log D. Copy Send Log data to an intermediary Data Extension and use the Send log in the SQL Query Activity

A. Copy Send Log data to an intermediary Data Extension and use this Data Extension in the SQL Query Activity

20-ABC Corp created a Send Log without retention policy and noticed that the storage volume increased a lot over time. How can a row based retention policy be introduced retroactively? Choose 1. A. Create a new Send Log and set the retention policy upon creation B. Use the REST API to change add a retention policy. C. Edit the Send Log Data Extension in Email Studio to add a retention policy D. Edit the Send Log Data Extension in Contact Builder to add a retention policy

A. Create a new Send Log and set the retention policy upon creation

43-What is true regarding an OAuth 2.0 access token for the Marketing Cloud APIs? Choose 2. A. Expires after 20 minutes B. Can be requested from POST/ v2/requestToken C. Can be requested with Client ID and client secret D. Expires after 60 Minutes

A. Expires after 20 minutes C. Can be requested with Client ID and client secret

32-ABC Corp wants to automate the import of zipped files into a Data Extension. The Zip files are placed on the Marketing Cloud FTP server every night. Which Activity is needed before those files can be imported? Choose 1 A. File Transfer Activity B. Data Extension Import Activity C. File Import Activity D. Data Extract Activity

A. File Transfer Activity

29-ABC Corp created a complex SQL Query activity which is timing out in Automation Studio. Which best practices should be followed to avoid timeouts? Choose 1. A. Intermediate tables cab be implemented to reduce complexity B. SELECT * should be combined with JOINS C. Multiple query activities should be used per automation step D. Query Activities time out after 60 minutes

A. Intermediate tables cab be implemented to reduce complexity

54-Which statements are true regarding the Marketing Cloud REST API? Choose 2. A. Most REST calls are synchronous B. Uses JSON in request and response body C. Uses XML in request and response body D. Requests timeout after 600 seconds

A. Most REST calls are synchronous B. Uses JSON in request and response body

63-What is true regarding exclusion scripts? Choose 2. A. Must evaluate to True or False B. if the script evaluates to false, the Subscriber is excluded from the Send C. Subscriber attributes cannot be used D. if the script evaluates to true, the Subscriber is excluded from the Send

A. Must evaluate to True or False D. if the script evaluates to true, the Subscriber is excluded from the Send

41-What is the difference between a Web App and a Public App? Choose 1. A. Only Web Apps are issued a client Secret B. Only Public Apps are issued a client secret C. Only Public Apps make API requests in context of a Marketing Cloud User D. Only Web Apps make API requests in context of a Marketing Cloud User

A. Only Web Apps are issued a client Secret

28-ABC Corp wants to import data from a csv file into a Data Extension. The csv file contains all relevant data. New records should be added to the DE and records which are not in the file should be removed from the DE. Which import operation should be chosen for this? Choose 1. A. Overwrite B. Add and update C. Update Only D. Add Only

A. Overwrite

31-ABC Corp wants to randomly query 20% of all records in the sendable Data Extension for A/B Testing. Which SQL Query should be used for this? Choose 1. A. SELECT TOP 20 PERCENT SubscriberKey, Email FROM CustomerDE ORDER BY NEWID() B. SELECT TOP 20 PERCENT SubscriberKey, Email FROM CustomerDE ORDER BY RANDOM C. SELECT RANDOM 20 PERCENT subscriberkey, EMail FROM CustomerDE

A. SELECT TOP 20 PERCENT SubscriberKey, Email FROM CustomerDE ORDER BY NEWID()

27-ABC Corp has just added a new field to a Data Extension. Which SELECT Statement should be used in a SQL Query Activity, to select all fields of this Data Extension? Choose 1. A. SELECT field1, field2, field3, FROM DataExtension B. SELECT Field* FROM DataExtension C. SELECT field1, field* FROM DataExtension D. SELECT * FROM DataExtension

A. SELECT field1, field2, field3, FROM DataExtension

57-How can attributes be referenced in AMPscript Code? Choose 2. A. SET @firstName = Attribute("First Name") B. SET @firstName = [First Name] C. SET @firstName = Attribute("First Name") D. SET @firstName = AttributeValue[First Name]

A. SET @firstName = Attribute("First Name") B. SET @firstName = [First Name]

38-ABC Corp wants to trigger an email send in Marketing Cloud when a purchase is made on their website. Which API should be used for this? Choose 2. A. SOAP API B. Subscriber API C. REST API D. Email API


21-Which of the following statements are correct regarding Send Logs? Choose 2. A. Send logs allow tracking of additional data at send time. B. Custom fields can be added to Send Logs C. Send Logs must be programmatically Populated at send time D. Standard Fields in Send Logs can be changed.

A. Send logs allow tracking of additional data at send time. B. Custom fields can be added to Send Logs

12-ABC Corp deleted a Contact in Contact Builder. From which storage locations will the Contact be Removed? Choose 3. A. Sendable Data Extensions B. Mobile Lists C. Non-Sendable Data Extensions D. All Subscribers

A. Sendable Data Extensions B. Mobile Lists D. All Subscribers

18-After which time do SQL Query activities time out in Marketing Cloud? Choose 1. A. 10 Minutes B. 30 Minutes C. 15 Minutes D. 60 Minutes

B. 30 Minutes

37-When do synchronous REST API calls to Marketing Cloud time out? Choose 2. A. 240 seconds for tracking and data retrieve operations B. 300 seconds for tracking and data retrieve operations C. 240 seconds for non-tracking operations D. 120 seconds for non-tracking operations

B. 300 seconds for tracking and data retrieve operations D. 120 seconds for non-tracking operations

60-ABC Corp Uses Marketing Cloud Connect and wants to create a lead capture form on a landing page. When a customer submits the form, a Lead record should be created in Salesforce. Which Scripting language can be used for this? Choose 2. A. SSJS for whole Functionality B. AMPscript for whole functionality C. SSJS to create Salesforce record, AMPScript for form handling D. AMPScript to create Salesforce record, SSJS for form handling

B. AMPscript for whole functionality D. AMPScript to create Salesforce record, SSJS for form handling

6-Which of the following Marketing Cloud application are considered when deleting Contacts in Contact Builder? Choose 3 A. Social Studio B. Email Studio C. MobileConnect and MobilePush D. Journey Builder

B. Email Studio C. MobileConnect and MobilePush D. Journey Builder

3-Which encryption methods are supported in file imports? Choose 2. A. AES B. GPG C. PGP D. SSH


36-ABC Corp wants to add new customers to a cross-channel welcome campaign when they register on the company website. Which API should be used for this? Choose 1? A. Event Notification API B. Journey Builder API C. Transactional Messaging API D. Personalization Builder API

B. Journey Builder API

65-Where can the SSJS Core Library be used? Choose 2. A. Email Messages B. Marketing Cloud Apps C. Landing Pages D. SMS messages

B. Marketing Cloud Apps C. Landing Pages

35-ABC Corp wants to share marketing content from CMS with Marketing Cloud Content Builder. Which API should be used for this? Choose 1. A. JSON API B. REST API C. SOAP API D. XML API


24-ABC Corp wants to create a SQL Query activity to replace all line breaks in the Description field of a Data Extension with spaces. How can this be Achieved? Choose 1. A. SELECT REPLACE("Description",CHAR(13),CHAR(10)," ") B. SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE("Description",CHAR(13)," "),CHAR(10)," ") C. SELECT REPLACE("Description",CHAR(13)." ") D. SELECT REPLACE("Description", CHAR(10)," ")

B. SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE("Description",CHAR(13)," "),CHAR(10)," ")

2-ABC Corp created a package with a Server-to-Server component to integrate an external application with Marketing Cloud. What are secure ways to manage the Client ID and Client Secret? Choose 2. A. Store them as variables in application B. Store them as application environment variables C. Transmit them a HTTPS query parameters D. Store them in a key management system (KMS)

B. Store them as application environment variables D. Store them in a key management system (KMS)

14-Which values does Contact Builder use to identify Subscribers across Email Studio and other channel applications? Choose 2. A. Contact ID B. Subscriber Key C. Contact Key D. Subscriber ID

B. Subscriber Key C. Contact Key

42-ABC Corp wants to update Contact data stored in a Data Extension using the REST API. What is required to achieve this? Choose 1. A. The Data Extension must be sendable B. The Data Extension must be in an Attribute Group C. The Data Extension must be created in Email Studio D. The Data Extension must be in a Population

B. The Data Extension must be in an Attribute Group

22-ABC Corp created the following SQL Query activity to store all email opens from the Last 30 days in a target Data Extension: SELECT o.EventDate, o.EmailAddress, s.SubscriberKey FROM[_Open] o JOIN [_Subscribers] s ON o.SusbcriberID = s.SubscriberID WHERE o.EventDate > DATEADD(d,-30,GETDATE()) What is causing this Query to Fail? Choose 1. A. GETDATE() should be replaced with a specific date. B. The EmailAddress is not stored in the Opens Data View. C. The DateADD() Function is not supported in Marketing Cloud D. JOIN needs to be replaced with RIGH JOIN

B. The EmailAddress is not stored in the Opens Data View.

52-Which statements are true regarding the Marketing Cloud SOAP API? Choose 2. A. Uses JSON in request and response body B. Uses XML in request and response body C. More than 2000 SOAP calls can be preformed per minute D. Most SOAP calls cab be synchronous or asynchronous

B. Uses XML in request and response body D. Most SOAP calls cab be synchronous or asynchronous

This function posts content to a defined, publicly accessible URL.

HTTPPOST Example: HTTPPost(1,2,3,4,5,6,[7a,7b]...) set @request = HTTPPost("","application/json", @payload, @response)

11-How long is the default suppression period for Contact deletions in Marketing Cloud? Choose 1. A. 30 Days B. 21 Days C. 14 Days D. 7 Days

C. 14 Days

72-At the end of this code sample, what is the value of @variable? set @food = 'pizza' set @variable = length(@food) if length(@food) > '4' then set @variable = '4' elseif length(@food) > '3' then set @variable = '3' elseif length(@food) > '2' then set @variable = '2' elseif length(@food) > '1' then set @variable = '1' else set @variable = '0' endif A. 0 B. 5 C. 4 D. 1

C. 4

70-How can SSJS variables be referenced for content personalization? Choose 1. A. <ctrl:eval>variableName</ctrl:eval> B. <ctrl:eval name="variableName"/> C. <ctrl:var name ="variableName"/> D. <ctrl:field name="variableName"/>

C. <ctrl:var name ="variableName"/>

47-What is true regarding an OAuth token for legacy packages? Choose 2. A. Can be requested with username and password B. Expires after 20 minutes C. Can be requested from POST/v1/requestToken D. Expires after 60 minutes

C. Can be requested from POST/v1/requestToken D. Expires after 60 minutes

34-ABC corp uses an Enterprise 2.0 account and wants to delete two million Contact records. How can this be achieved? Choose 2. A. Initiate the Contact deletion on core account B. Create one deletion requests with two million contacts. C. Create two deletion requests with one million Contacts Each D. Initiate the Contact deletion on the top-level account

C. Create two deletion requests with one million Contacts Each D. Initiate the Contact deletion on the top-level account

71-What are advantages of AMPscript compared to SSJS? Choose 2. A. Advanced exception handling B. Shorter learning for experienced developers C. Message content segmentation D. Inline personalization and conditions

C. Message content segmentation D. Inline personalization and conditions

15-Which of the following statements are correct concerning Populations in Contact Builder? Choose 2. A. Population should be used for segmentation B. Populations need to be added to an Attribute Group C. No more than three Populations should be created D. Populations are used to create large subgroups Contacts

C. No more than three Populations should be created D. Populations are used to create large subgroups Contacts

48-ABC Corp uses the Marketing Cloud SOAP API and received following error: Cannot perform 'Post' on objects of type SentEvent. What can be the root cause for this? Choose 1. A. Insufficient permissions have been granted in the integration component B. POST is not supported in SOAP API and the REST API should be used C. Only the Retrieve method cab be used on the SentEvent Object D. The SOAP API access token has expired

C. Only the Retrieve method cab be used on the SentEvent Object

50-What is true regarding authenticating towards the REST API and the SOAP API? Choose 1. A. Only the REST API supports access token B. Only the REST API supports OAuth authentication C. Only the SOAP API support username and password authentication D. Only the SOAP API supports access token

C. Only the SOAP API support username and password authentication

75-How would you query Marketing Cloud to pull all subscribers who clicked in a previous send? A. SELECT * FROM _click WHERE JobID = '1631558' B. SELECT SubscriberKey FROM _click C. SELECT SubscriberKey FROM _click WHERE JobID = '1631558' D. SELECT * FROM _open WHERE JobID = '1631558'

C. SELECT SubscriberKey FROM _click WHERE JobID = '1631558'

23-ABC Corp wants to combine tracking data from the Opens and Clicks Data Views, and store the output in a Data Extension. Which Automation Studio Activity cab be used for this? Choose 1. A. File Import Activity B. Tracking Extract Activity C. SQL Query Activity D. Data Extract Activity

C. SQL Query Activity

62-How can AMPScript variables be referenced in SSJS Code? A. Variable.Get("@variableName") B. Variable.GetAttributeValue("@variableName"); C. Variable.GetValue("@variableName"); D. AMPScript.GET("@variableName");

C. Variable.GetValue("@variableName");

53-ABC corp wants to add records to a Data Extension using the SOAP API. Which Object can be used for this? Choose 1. A. DataExtension Object B. Attribute Object C. Subscriber Object D. DataExtensionObject Object

D. DataExtensionObject Object

9-ABC Corp wants to create a journey to send emails to updated customer email address. The entry source for the journey is a data extension which contains the Contact Key, and the updated email address from another system. How can be ensured that the journey emails are sent to the updated email addresses in the the data extension, instead of the old address on the Contact records? Choose 1. A. Email address priority in Contact Builder configuration B. Channel Address Order in the Contact builder configuration C. Email Address Priority in Journey Builder Settings D. Default Email address in Journey Builder Settings

D. Default Email address in Journey Builder Settings

5-ABC Corp sends an email to a newly imported list with Subscribers who have no associated Subscriber Key. Which value will become the Contact Key? A. Subscriber ID B. Contact ID C. Unique Random Number D. Email Address

D. Email Address

17-ABC Corp sent an email to a sendable Data Extension and personalized the View Email as Web Page Link. When a subscriber opens the View Email as Web Page link, an error message is displayed. What can be the reason for this? Choose 1 A. The View Email as Web Page has not been generated yet. B. The email used in the send has been deleted or moved to another folder. C. The Subscriber has unsubscribed from the Publication List associated with the email send. D. The Data Extension was cleared, overwritten, or deleted.

D. The Data Extension was cleared, overwritten, or deleted.

This function retrieves, or 'gets' content from a defined publicly accessible URL.

HTTPGET Example: HTTPGet(1,2,3,4) %%[ var @getRequest set @getRequest = TreatAsContent(HTTPGet("")) ]%% %%=v(@getRequest)=%%

What is SQL Query Error: Truncation?

If any of your source data extension columns are larger than the target, then you can adjust the length of the target column or use the left() SQL function to trim the value.

What is SQL Query Error: Non-Nullable Field?

If you have fields in your target Data Extension that are non-nullable, you need to ensure none of the columns in your query return a null value. You can utilize the isnull() SQL function to handle that situation.

What is SQL Query Error : Primary Key Violation?

If your query results in duplicate rows not allowed by the primary key, then you'll need to change your primary key or de-duplicate the rows that result from your query.

This function returns the position of the first occurrence of a specified value in a string. The index numbering starts at 1.

IndexOf Example: IndexOf(1,2)

This function enables the suppression or cancellation of an email send. It is useful for exception handling in your code, if an unexpected result occurs.

RaiseError Example: RaiseError(1,2,3,4,5) RaiseError("No coupons available") If no coupon codes are available, the following message appears when previewing an email and the email send is aborted.

INSERTDATA(), UPDATEDATA(), UPSERTDATA(), and DELETEDATA() are Executed at what time?

Real Time as they appear in the Landing Page Content

This function is required when using the <a> HTML hyperlink tag in emails when the hypertext reference (href) attribute is either an attribute or a variable and the hyperlink is a tracked email link.

RedirectTo Example: RedirectTo(1) %%[ var @link, @store set @store = AttributeValue("store") set @link = concat("", @store) ]%% Sign up <a href="%%=RedirectTo(@link)=%%">here</a> to receive special offers. Output For a Subscriber with a store value of 'Melbourne', the following tracked href hyperlink attribute will be resolved when the email link is clicked.

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