Marketing Exam 1 (new set)

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Which of the following is true regarding the technological environment?

companies must keep up with changes in technology or risk being left behind

The most important actors in the​ company's microenvironment are​ __________. A. publics B. customers .C. the company itself D. competitors E. suppliers


After defining the problem and​ objectives, what is the next step in the marketing research​ process? A. Collect the data B. Report the findings. C. Develop the research plan. D. Analyze the data E. Implement the plan.

C. Develop the research plan.

Which of the following correctly lists marketing intermediaries

resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing service agencies, and financial intermediaries

Which of the following correctly lists marketing​ intermediaries? A. ​Resellers, physical distribution​ firms, customer​ markets, and competitors B. ​Resellers, physical distribution​ firms, marketing services​ agencies, and customer markets C. ​Suppliers, competitors,​ resellers, and publics D. ​Resellers, physical distribution​ firms, marketing services​ agencies, and financial intermediaries E. The company​ itself, competitors,​ suppliers, and customer markets

Resellers, physical distribution​ firms, marketing services​ agencies, and financial intermediaries

According to the​ text, what is the single most important demographic trend in the United States​ today? A. The changing age structure of the population .B. Changes in the structure of the American family C. Increasing diversity D. A better educated population E. Geographic population shifts

The changing age structure of the population

When a company divides the market into groups of​ customers, it is engaging in which of the​ following? A.Demand management B.Target marketing C.Market segmentation D.Differentiation E.Societal marketing

C. Market segmentation

Which of the following statements regarding American subcultural groups is​ correct? A. Asian Americans are the most affluent U.S. demographic segment. B. Hispanics are generally not family oriented. C. African American consumers are price​ conscious, so they are less motivated by quality and selection. D. Brands are of little importance to African American consumers. E. Hispanic culture is homogenous and does not have subcultures within it.

A. Asian Americans are the most affluent U.S. demographic segment.

Scott Frost has been coming to​ Adeline's Diner for 20 years and refuses to go anywhere else.​ Ada, the owner of​ Adeline's, loves​ Scott's loyalty but admits he purchases only a cup of cappuccino each visit. Scott would BEST be described as which of the​ following? A.Barnacle B.True friend C.True believer D.Stranger E.Butterfly

A. Barnacle

Which of the following describes the current trend in businesses regarding relationships with​ customers? A.Build the right relationships with the right customers. B.Avoid developing relationships with customers at all. C.Find a few customers and develop strong relationships with them. D.Maintain strong relationships with as many customers as possible. E.Gather as many customers as possible on a surface level.

A. Build the right relationships with the right customers.

Fathers were once ignored or portrayed as dolts in​ advertising, however​ today's advertisers are showing more caring and capable dads. This reflects which demographic​ trend? A. Changing dynamics in the American family B. A better educated population C. An aging population D. Increased ethnic diversity E. Geographic shifts in population

A. Changing dynamics in the American family

How has the Great Recession of 2008dash-2009 affected​ consumers' attitudes? A.Consumers are showing an enthusiasm for frugality. B.Consumers are more willing to indulge in luxuries. C.Consumers are moving from mindful to mindless consumption. D.Consumers are less willing to save their money. E.Consumers' attitudes have not been affected by the recession. Consumers are showing an enthusiasm for frugality.

A. Consumers are showing an enthusiasm for frugality.

People can be classified into adopter categories. Which two categories are the first to adopt a new product​ idea? A. Innovators and early adopters B. Early adopters and the early mainstream C. Innovators and the early mainstream D. Early adopters and lagging adopters E. Early mainstream and the late mainstream

A. Innovators and early adopters

Which of the following statements regarding generational marketing is​ correct? A. Marketers need to form more precise​ age-specific segments within each generational group. B. The most effective way to segment by age is to use birth date as the basis. C. Marketers see Gen Z as one homogenous group. D. Each generation is typically at the same socioeconomic level. E. Marketers see baby boomers as one homogenous group.

A. Marketers need to form more precise​ age-specific segments within each generational group.

A local theatre group wants to increase the membership and attendance at its performances. To do​ so, it hosts free​ shows, offers standup comedy​ nights, and sends volunteers to the local high school. In what is the theatre group​ engaging? A.Market research B.Societal marketing C.Product placement D.Advertising E.Market exchange

A. Marketing Exchange

How do market demands relate to needs and​ wants? A.Needs are satisfied by​ wants, and buying power converts wants into demand. B.Needs and wants outweigh demands in the​ customer's mind. C.Wants and demands are​ equivalent, and both satisfy needs at the same rate. D.Demands result in customers needing and wanting a particular product. E.Needs, wants, and demands all describe the same state in the customer.

A. Needs are satisfied by​ wants, and buying power converts wants into demand.

What are the two main research instruments used by marketing researchers in primary data​ collection? A. Questionnaires and mechanical devices B. Questionnaires and surveys C. The telephone and the Internet D. Questionnaires and the Internet E. Questionnaires and panels

A. Questionnaires and mechanical devices

June and Beatrice have started a new​ company, Junbee​ Inc., and are having trouble deciding which marketing path to take to drive sales. June believes they should follow a​ make-and-sell philosophy that focuses on improving their​ product, whereas Beatrice believes they should be more​ customer-oriented and find the right products for their customers. Which of the following BEST describes this​ situation? A.Should Junbee Inc. follow a product or marketing​ concept? B.Should Junbee Inc. follow a product or selling​ concept? C.Should Junbee Inc. follow a societal marketing or production​ concept? D.Should Junbee Inc. follow a production or selling​ concept? E.Should Junbee Inc. follow a marketing concept or a societal marketing​ concept?

A. Should Junbee Inc. follow a product or marketing​ concept?

P&G launched their​ "Tide Loads of​ Hope" program, which provides mobile laundromats to families in​ disaster-stricken areas.​ P&G washes,​ dries, and folds clothes for these families free of charge. This is an example of​ __________. A. ​cause-related marketing B. putting profits ahead of social responsibility C. being socially irresponsible D. adhering to government regulation E. environmental sustainability

A. cause-related marketing

A(n) __________ is defined as any contact between a customer and a company. A. touch point B. sales call C. service call D. purchase E. satisfaction surve

A. touch point

What is the correct order of the five stages of the new product adoption​ process? A. ​Awareness, interest,​ evaluation, trial, adoption B. ​Awareness, evaluation,​ interest, trial, adoption C. ​Interest, awareness,​ evaluation, trial, adoption D. ​Awareness, interest,​ trial, adoption, evaluation E. ​Awareness, interest,​ trial, evaluation, adoption

A. ​Awareness, interest,​ evaluation, trial, adoption

The​ __________ consists of larger societal forces that affect how a company engages and serves its customers. A. macroenvironment B customer environment C. microenvironment D. competitive environment E. business environment


Which of the following statements is correct regarding the influence of personal factors on buyer​ behavior? A. The PRIZM segmentation system primarily classifies households based on their interest in social networks. B. Consumers tend to buy brands whose personality matches their own. C. The concept of lifestyle is too complex to be of use to marketers. D. A​ person's occupation does not affect the goods they purchase. E. Marketers have found that it is not useful to define target markets in terms of​ life-cycle stage.

B. Consumers tend to buy brands whose personality matches their own.

What are the four general characteristics that influence consumer​ purchases? A. Technological​ characteristics, social​ characteristics, personal​ characteristics, and the buyer decision process B. Cultural​ characteristics, social​ characteristics, personal​ characteristics, and psychological characteristics C. Economic​ characteristics, technological​ characteristics, demographic​ characteristics, and political characteristics D. Cultural​ characteristics, social​ characteristics, demographic​ characteristics, and the buyer decision process E. Cultural​ characteristics, technological​ characteristics, social​ characteristics, and personal characteristics

B. Cultural​ characteristics, social​ characteristics, personal​ characteristics, and psychological characteristics

Bob's Bicycle Sales and Repair is a brand new company. From a marketing​ standpoint, what is the FIRST thing​ Bob's Bicycle Sales and Repair needs to​ do? A.Develop the best bicycle selection to sell. B.Determine who in the community wants or needs a bicycle or repair service. C.Advertise the company as a location in which to purchase bicycles or repair services. D.Develop a plan to sell as many bicycles as possible. E.Develop relationships with the customers who come to purchase bicycles or repair services.

B. Determine who in the community wants or needs a bicycle or repair service.

Which generational age group is now forming brand relationships and represent​ tomorrow's markets? A. Gen X B. Gen Z C. Seniors D. Millennials E. Baby boomers

B. Gen Z

Which of the following statements regarding habitual buying behavior is​ correct? A. In these types of purchases buyers search extensively for information. B. In these types of purchases marketers often use price and sales promotion as incentives for purchase C. In these types of purchases buyers are highly committed to one brand. D. In these types

B. In these types of purchases marketers often use price and sales promotion as incentives for purchase

What is the correct order of the five stages in the buyer decision​ process? A. Information search​, evaluation of alternatives​, need​ recognition, the purchase decision​, and postpurchase behavior B. Need recognition​, information search​, evaluation of alternatives​, the purchase decision​, and postpurchase behavior C. Need recognition​, the purchase​ decision, information search​, evaluation of alternatives​, and postpurchase behavior D. Evaluation of​ alternatives, information​ search, need​ recognition, the purchase​ decision, and postpurchase behavior E. Information​ search, need recognition​, evaluation of alternatives​, the purchase decision​, and postpurchase behavior

B. Need recognition​, information search​, evaluation of alternatives​, the purchase decision​, and postpurchase behavior

Which of the following statements about big data is​ correct? A. Big data actually refers to very small data sets. B. One result of big data is that marketing managers are often overloaded with information. C. Analyzing big data is a very easy task. D. Big data is very important because marketers today need more information to make good decisions. E. Analyzing big data will always lead to useful customer insights.

B. One result of big data is that marketing managers are often overloaded with information.

Which of the following best describes a marketing information system​ (MIS)? A. Data obtained from the Internet that is used to gain customer insights B. People and procedures that are used to manage information to generate and validate actionable customer and market insights C. The marketing team that makes decisions based on customer insights D. The​ hardware, software, and networks that are used in collecting and analyzing data E. The company databases which store information

B. People and procedures that are used to manage information to generate and validate actionable customer and market insights

A sizable and growing market of consumers are seeking products such as​ natural, organic, and nutritional​ foods, fuel-efficient​ cars, and alternative medicines. This trend is attributed to which cultural​ value? A. ​People's views of organizations B. ​People's views toward nature C. ​People's views of themselves D. ​People's views toward society E. ​People's views of others

B. People's views toward nature

Which marketing philosophy holds that consumers will not buy enough of the​ firm's products unless it undertakes a​ large-scale selling and promotion​ effort? A.Product concept B.Selling concept C.Marketing concept D.Societal marketing concept E.Production concept

B. Selling concept

How has the Internet MOST affected companies and​ customers? A.The Internet has lowered prices. B.The Internet has allowed consumers to take marketing content and share it. C.The Internet has made advertising easier. D.The Internet has made creating an image more important. E.The Internet has increased the potential customer base.

B. The Internet has allowed consumers to take marketing content and share it.

Which of the following statements regarding the current demographic environment is​ correct? A. There are few differences between different generational groups. B. The U.S. population is rapidly getting older. C. The ethnic diversity of the U.S. population should remain stable in the years to come. D. The LGBT community is not an attractive target for marketers. E. The combined size of the Millennials and Gen Z has resulted in the U.S. population getting younger

B. The U.S. population is rapidly getting older.

Which of the following statement regarding competitive marketing intelligence is​ correct? A. Marketing intelligence information is not available from the U.S. government. B. The goal of competitive marketing intelligence is to improve strategic decision making. C. Marketing intermediaries are not a good source of competitive markterm-35eting intelligence D. Companies should not be concerned about​ competitor's accessing publicly available information about them. E. Monitoring a​ competitor's website is unethical.

B. The goal of competitive marketing intelligence is to improve strategic decision making.

When consumers engage in​ __________ buying behavior they go through a learning​ process, so it is most important that marketers understand information gathering and evaluation behavior. A. habitual B. complex C. low involvement D. ​variety-seeking E. ​dissonance-reducing

B. complex

Sending observers to watch and interact with consumers in their​ "natural environment" is known as​ __________. A. survey research B. ethnographic research C. a focus group D. ​on-site research E. experimental research

B. ethnographic research

You and seven other people are talking with a trained moderator about your feelings and thoughts about a potential new product. For doing this you receive a small payment. You are participating in​ a(n) __________. A. individual interview B. focus group interview C. ethnographic study D. experiment E. immersion group

B. focus group interview

Much of​ Pinterest's success is due to how they used marketing information to​ __________. A. send targeted email to key customers B. identify a unique customer insight C. understand that their site was not useful to businesses D. change the name of their website E. increase their profits

B. identify a unique customer insight

A firm can be proactive by​ __________. A. reacting to changes in the environment as they occur B. pressing lawsuits to keep competitors in line C. accepting existing legislation D. waiting for other firms to respond to changes in the environment E. monitoring social media

B. pressing lawsuits to keep competitors in line

A purse​ company's ads feature the cast of a popular reality show. Product sales increase significantly among the fans. From the​ fans' viewpoint, the cast is​ a(n) __________. A. subculture B. reference group C. social network D. membership group E. opinion leader

B. reference group

They are trying to decide whether to conduct telephone interviews or live, face to face interviews with potential flavored milk buyers. Which statement best clinches the case for telephone interviews? A. Telephone interviews are more personal than face-to-face interviews B. telephone interviews are less expensive to conduct than face-to-face interviews C. a single telephone interviews produces more data than a face-to-face interviews D. people are likely to be more truthful in a telephone interview E. data for telephone interview is more reliable than data for face-to-face interviews

B. telephone interviews are less expensive to conduct than face-to-face interviews

Companies who passively accept the marketing environment​ __________. A. assume that their strategic options are not bound by the current environment B. view it as uncontrollable and do not attempt to change it C. develop strategies to change the environment D. use lobbying to influence legislation E. form contractual agreements to control their distribution channels

B. view it as uncontrollable and do not attempt to change it

What are the three types of research​ objectives? A. ​Causal, experimental, and hypothetical B. ​Exploratory, descriptive, and causal C. ​Exploratory, descriptive, and definitive D. ​Exploratory, causal, and experimental E. ​Exploratory, formal, and casual

B. ​Exploratory, descriptive, and causal

Which of the following statements regarding the buyer decision process is​ correct? A. Consumers go through all stages of the buyer decision process for every purchase situation. B. The nature of the product has no effect on the buyer decision process. C. Consumers​ may, in some​ situations, skip steps in the buyer decision process. D. The buyer decision process consists of four stages. E. Consumers tend to take the same amount of time going through the stages of the buyer decision process.

C. Consumers​ may, in some​ situations, skip steps in the buyer decision process.

You can practice sustainable marketing by adhering to general practices. Which of the following would allow a company to profit by serving immediate needs and​ long-term interests but not necessarily be a practice of sustainable​ marketing? A.Practice caring capitalism by being civic minded and responsible. B.Seek ways to profit by serving the​ long-run interests of customers and communities. C.Delay responding to environmental legislation as it is instituted. D.Deliver value in a socially and environmentally responsible way. E.Help protect the natural environment.

C. Delay responding to environmental legislation as it is instituted.

Which adopter category consists of opinion leaders who adopt new ideas early but​ carefully? A. Lagging adopters B. Late mainstream C. Early adopters D. Early mainstream E. Innovators

C. Early adopters

What is the main problem that sellers suffering from marketing myopia​ face? A.They focus more on brand image than the quality. B.They focus on customer wants instead of demands. C.They focus more on products than the​ customer's underlying need. D.They focus more on profit than the​ customer's benefit. E.They focus more on the​ customer's experience than the product itself.

C. They focus more on products than the​ customer's underlying need.

Which of the following scenarios BEST describes the societal marketing​ concept? A.Richard's Rotors does everything possible to improve production and lower the cost of its rotors in order to gain customers. B.Tom's Tires constantly tries to improve the tires it sells by placing all its efforts into new design research. C.Ethel's Earthware attempts to make its pottery in a way that satisfies customers but is also environmentally friendly and sustainable over the long term. D.Wendy's Wedding Wear frequently promotes itself to customers through​ commercials, fliers, and other forms of advertising. E.Alice's Apple Cart regularly asks its customers what kind of apples they want to buy.

C. Ethel's Earthware attempts to make its pottery in a way that satisfies customers but is also environmentally friendly and sustainable over the long term.

Dissonance-reducing buying behavior would result from which of the following​ conditions? A. Low involvement and few differences between brands B. Low involvement and significant differences between brands C. High involvement and few differences between brands D. Any buying situation with significant differences between brands E. High involvement and significant differences between brands

C. High involvement and few differences between brands

Which of the following statements is true regarding public policy and government​ regulation? A. Government regulation has no impact on international marketing. B. When public policy is​ developed, the government does not consider what is good for​ society; it focuses only on business. C. Legislation affecting business around the world has increased steadily over the years. D. Government regulation does not get involved in how companies compete with one another. E. Marketers can safely ignore government laws and regulation because they are rarely enforced

C. Legislation affecting business around the world has increased steadily over the years.

Vince's Video has suffered in the current economy because fewer people have the money for videos and because people utilize available​ technology, including online streaming sites like YouTube and Hulu. The videos​ Vince's Video does sell are often out priced by versions coming from China or​ Taiwan, or they are accused of damaging the environment. Which of the following marketing impacts has not likely affected​ Vince's Video? A.Rapid globalization B.The digital age C.Not-for-profit marketing D.Sustainable marketability E.The changing economic environment

C. Not-for-profit marketing

In the United​ States, patriotism has been increasing for the past 20 years. Marketers have responded with increased use of the​ "Made in​ America" appeal and patriotic themes. This reflects which aspect of​ culture? A. ​People's views of others B. ​People's views of organizations C. ​People's views toward society D. ​People's views of themselves E. ​People's views of nature

C. People's views toward society

What is the ultimate aim of customer relationship​ management? A.Maintain high customer loyalty. B.Increase share of customer. C.Produce high customer equity. D.Produce high customer profitability. E.Establish brand equity.

C. Produce high customer equity.

Which of the following is NOT one of the four Ps of the marketing​ mix? A.Product B.Place C.Profit D.Price E.Promotion

C. Profit

How does the new concept of marketing differ from the old concept of​ marketing? A.The new concept requires less work from marketing executives. B.The new concept focuses on having a​ well-developed product. C.The new concept focuses on the needs of the customer. D.The new concept is more cost efficient. E.The new concept focuses on making money.

C. The new concept focuses on the needs of the customer.

What determines if a buyer is satisfied or dissatisfied with a​ purchase? A. The amount of information gathered in the decision process B. Whether or not they experience cognitive dissonance C. The relationship between consumer expectations and perceived product performance D. How others feel about the purchase E. The number of alternatives considered in the purchase decision

C. The relationship between consumer expectations and perceived product performance

Which one of the following statements about marketing research in small businesses and nonprofit organizations is​ correct? A. Small companies and nonprofits do not need marketing information. B. Surveys are the only research approach that can be effectively used by small businesses and nonprofits. C. The research methods of small businesses and nonprofits are less complex and less​ costly, but they still must be conducted carefully. D. Only large companies can afford to conduct marketing research. E. Good research requires large sample sizes which are not feasible for small businesses and nonprofits.

C. The research methods of small businesses and nonprofits are less complex and less​ costly, but they still must be conducted carefully.

What is MOST likely to cause a variation in​ customer-perceived value? A.The cost of advertising to the target market B.The​ customer's satisfaction with a product C.The​ customer's opinion of what constitutes value D.The popularity of a product to the customer E.The cost to produce a product

C. The​ customer's opinion of what constitutes value

What do we call the collection of businesses and products that make up the company? A. investment diversity B. needs inventory C. business portfolio D. departments

C. business portfolio

Being proactive toward the marketing environment means that a​ __________. A. company watches the environment and reacts to changes B. company passively accepts the way things are C. company develops strategies to change the environment D. company avoids threats E. company watches the environment and follows what competitors do

C. company develops strategies to change the environment

Companies setup​ __________ which allow key customers and​ value-network members to access​ product, account, and other data anytime they need to. A. websites B. intranets C. extranets D. wireless networks E. data warehouses

C. extranets

Which of the following statements is correct regarding consumer buying​ decisions? A. Marketers are interested in what and where consumers​ buy, but not how much they buy. B. The easiest part of studying buying decisions is determining the whys behind consumer buying behavior. C. Consumers are often unaware of what influences their purchases. D. The consumer buying decision process is of little interest to marketers. E. A​ buyer's characteristics such as age and income have little influence on buying decisions

Consumers are often unaware of what influences their purchases.

Which of the five characteristics identified in the text has an inverse relationship with an​ innovation's rate of​ adoption? As this characteristic​ increases, the rate of adoption is slower. A. Relative advantage B. Divisibility C. Communicability D. Complexity E. Compatibility

D. Complexity

Craig's Craft Beer structures its company in such a way to encourage its most profitable older customers to remain loyal while also targeting a new generation of customers. What is​ Craig's Craft Beer attempting to​ build? A.Customer loyalty B. Customer lifetime value C.Share of customer D.Customer equity E.Partner relationships

D. Customer equity

Which of the following correctly defines the consumer​ market? A. Consumers and the businesses that sell to them B. Consumers who spend more than​ $5000.00 yearly on goods and services C. Consumers and the resellers who consumers buy their products from D. Individuals and households that buy goods and services for personal consumption E. Manufacturers, resellers, and consumers

D. Individuals and households that buy goods and services for personal consumption

What tends to be the most effective source of information when consumers make a buying​ decision? A. Mass media B. The Internet C. Advertisements D. Personal sources E. Salespeople

D. Personal sources

C. The research methods of small businesses and nonprofits are less complex and less​ costly, but they still must be conducted carefully. Which of the following statements regarding conducting marketing research in a foreign country is​ correct? A. Good secondary data is easy to find in most foreign markets. B. Globalization has slowed​ down, so international research is no longer necessary. C. Language translation will be easy. D. Reaching respondents in other parts of the world is more difficult than it is in the United States. E. Consumers in foreign markets generally enjoy participating in marketing research.

D. Reaching respondents in other parts of the world is more difficult than it is in the United States.

Which of the following statements regarding the use of marketing​ information, customer relationship management​ (CRM), and analytics is​ correct? A. Marketing information is of great value even if it is not used for decision making. B. Social media information cannot be analyzed using marketing analytics. C. Marketing analytics is not used in customer relationship management. D. There are risks involved in using big data analytics and CRM. E. Technology alone can build profitable customer relationships.

D. There are risks involved in using big data analytics and CRM.

Which of the following is an advantage to using internal databases for​ information? A. Internal information is in a form that is useful for making marketing decisions. B. The information stored in internal databases is always current. C. Internal information is accurate and complete. D. They can be accessed quickly and cheaply. E. Internal information sources are easy to manage.

D. They can be accessed quickly and cheaply

One new technology marketers are adopting is radio frequency identification​ (RFID). What does this technology​ do? A. Identifies spam email before it is received B. Scans barcodes at point of purchase C. Weighs products at the point of purchase D. Tracks products and customers at various points in the distribution channel .E. Allows SmartPhones to send and receive text

D. Tracks products and customers at various points in the distribution channel

Survey research is the approach best suited for gathering​ __________. A. experimental research B. exploratory research C. causal research D. descriptive research E. ethnographic research

D. descriptive research

Defining the problem and research objectives is the​ __________ step in the marketing research process. A. second B. fourth C. fifth D. first E. third

D. first

Some retailers use mannequins with cameras hidden in one eye to record customer demographics and shopping behavior in order to serve them better. This raises ethical concerns in terms of​ __________. A. improper sampling procedures B. deceptive advertising C. customer harassment D. intrusions on consumer privacy E. the misuse of research findings

D. intrusions on consumer privacy

To learn more about the relationships and patterns contained in the vast amounts of data they​ collect, marketers use​ __________. A. customer relationship management B. big insights C. big data analytics D. marketing analytics E. touch points

D. marketing analytics

A complete market research program will include both primary and secondary sources. Which of the following is a secondary source? A. interviews with adults who normally drink soft drinks B. questionnaires for milk-drinkers of all ages C. observations of customers sampling Tristate products at a mall D. published accounts of demographics for all types of beverages E. response to a twitter query about flavored milk drinking

D. published accounts of demographics for all types of beverages

What are the three cultural factors that influence consumer buyer​ behavior? A. ​Culture, subculture, and lifestyle B. ​Culture, subculture, and family C. ​Culture, social​ class, and lifestyle D. ​Culture, subculture, and social class E. ​Culture, family, and lifestyle

D. ​Culture, subculture, and social class

Which of the following is an important trend in the natural environment that marketers should be aware​ of? A. Lack of consumer concern for the environment B. Decreased pollution C. The increase in availability of raw materials D. Cost decreases for nonrenewable resources E. Products that require scarce resources will face large cost increases

E. Products that require scarce resources will face large cost increases

Which of the following statements about marketing information systems​ (MIS) is​ correct? A. A good MIS gives managers all the information they ask for. B. An MIS is focused on internal data and ignores the marketing environment. C. Marketing information systems provide information only to a​ company's internal users. D. An MIS begins and ends with information collectors. E. A good MIS must balance what users would like to have against what they really need and what is feasible to offer.

E. A good MIS must balance what users would like to have against what they really need and what is feasible to offer.

​__________ is the first stage in the new product adoption process. A. Adoption B. Trial C. Interest D. Evaluation E. Awareness

E. Awareness

According to the​ text, what is the most basic cause of a​ person's wants and​ behaviors? A. Personality B. Income C. Lifestyle D. Occupation E. Culture

E. Culture

When is the selling concept typically used by​ marketers? A.When the company seeks the​ long-term welfare of society B.When the product is of high quality C.When the company focuses on customer needs D.For seasonal items E.For the purchase of unsought goods

E. For the purchase of unsought goods

Advantage Airlines has instituted a loyalty rewards program that rewards customers with free​ Wi-Fi, seat​ upgrades, and free miles for their continued patronage. What relationship tool is Advantage Airlines​ using? A.Consumer-generated marketing B.Customer-perceived value C.Mass-media marketing D.Club marketing program E.Frequency marketing program

E. Frequency marketing program

Which of the following statements about information and customer insights is​ correct? A. To gain useful customer​ insights, more​ data is better data. B. Customer insights are useful but do not give companies a competitive advantage. C. Customer insights have little impact on building customer relationships. D. Customer insights are relatively easy to obtain. E. Information to gain customer insights comes from a wide variety of sources

E. Information to gain customer insights comes from a wide variety of sources.

Which of the following is a personal factor that influences a​ consumer's buying​ behavior? A. Learning B. Family C. Motivation D. Social class E. Occupation

E. Occupation

Which of the following statements about online research is​ correct? A. Experiments cannot be conducted online. B. Online research is only feasible for large companies. C. It is more expensive to conduct online research than using​ mail, phone, or personal interviews. D. The Internet is especially well suited to qualitative research. E. Online surveys generally have higher response rates than those conducted by mail or phone.

E. Online surveys generally have higher response rates than those conducted by mail or phone.

Which of the following correctly identifies the social factors that influence consumer buyer​ behavior? A. Small​ groups, social​ networks, social​ class, and subculture B. Small groups​, ​family, social​ class, and lifestyle C. ​Family, social​ networks, social​ class, and subculture D. Small groups​, social​ networks, ​family, and social class E. Small groups​, social​ networks, ​family, and social roles and status

E. Small groups​, social​ networks, ​family, and social roles and status

According to the model of buyer​ behavior, what are the two parts of a​ buyer's black​ box? A. The 4 Ps and social forces. B. Purchase behavior and cultural forces. C. The​ buyer's attitudes and preferences and the​ buyer's purchase behavior D. Cultural forces and marketing stimuli E. The​ buyer's characteristics and the​ buyer's decision process

E. The​ buyer's characteristics and the​ buyer's decision process

Why is good marketing management​ critical? A.To ensure that products are promoted well enough to encourage a large flow of customers B.To ensure that the company has a positive image in the eyes of the community C.To ensure that the company is always on the cutting edge of product development D.To ensure that investments are properly spent in order to maximize profits E.To ensure that the company serves as many customers as it can and as well as it can

E. To ensure that the company serves as many customers as it can and as well as it can

Many companies are going beyond government regulation and are developing strategies and practices that create a world economy that the planet can support indefinitely. This represents​ __________. A. sustained marketing B. environmental marketing C. pollution control D. green marketing E. environmental sustainability

E. environmental sustainability

To develop needed​ information, marketing information systems utilize​ __________. A. marketing​ managers, information​ users, and internal databases B. internal​ databases, big​ data, and market research C. internal​ databases, marketing​ research, and marketing managers D. marketing​ intelligence, marketing​ research, and the marketing environment E. internal​ databases, marketing​ intelligence, and marketing research

E. internal​ databases, marketing​ intelligence, and marketing research

Using marketing information to gain customer insights is of little value unless​ __________. A. it increases company profits B. marketers gather as much information as possible C. it comes exclusively from big data D. it is obtained as cheaply as possible E. it is used to make better marketing decisions

E. it is used to make better marketing decisions

You have to conduct a survey. one of the options you are considering is a survey that is features mail questionnaires. Which of the following correctly identifies a reason why you would choose not to conduct a mail questionnaire? A. mail questionnaires are expensive to conduct B. it is difficult to find survey subjects to participate in mail wuetsinnaires C. the data collected in mail questionnaires is hard to analyze D. the data for mail questionnaires is hard to analyze E. only a small percentage of people respond to mail questionnaires

E. only a small percentage of people respond to mail questionnaires

One important reason that business legislation is enacted is to​ __________. A. ensure that companies make profits B. remove legal regulations from a free market economy C. ensure that competition is unregulated D. provide legal guidelines for businesses and marketers without actually enforcing them E. protect consumers from unfair business practices

E. protect consumers from unfair business practices

Competitive marketing intelligence uses​ __________ data sources. A. internal B. ​competitor's internal C. expensive D. private E. publicly available

E. publicly available

Two things can come between the intention to make a purchase and the actual​ purchase: the first is the attitudes of others and the second is​ __________. A. too many choices B. poor​ decision-making skills C. lack of information D. permission from others E. unexpected situational factors

E. unexpected situational factors

What are the four major psychological factors that influence consumer buyer​ behavior? A. ​Perception, learning, beliefs and​ attitudes, and personality B. ​Perception, learning,​ lifestyle, and social roles C. ​Motivation, perception,​ learning, and personality D. ​Motivation, learning,​ personality, and​ self-concept E. ​Motivation, perception,​ learning, and beliefs and attitudes

E. ​Motivation, perception,​ learning, and beliefs and attitudes

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