Medical Terminology- Disease and Disorder Abbreviations & Patient Status

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chief complaint (CC)

Chief complaint indicates the reason the patient is seeking medical attention.

treatment (Tx)

Treatment is the current method of treating the patient's symptoms.


URI stands for upper respiratory tract infection, an infection in the upper part of the respiratory system, which is the system in the body that supports breathing.


UTI stands for urinary tract infection, an infection in any part of the urinary system, which is the system of the body that collects and excretes liquid waste.

ultrasound (US)

Ultrasound is an imaging technique that uses sound waves to create images of structures inside the body.


AD stands for Alzheimer's disease, a degenerative disease that affects the functions of the brain and nervous system, leading to memory loss, forgetfulness, and irrational behavior.


ADD and ADHD stand for attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, respectively, a class of disorders that affect a person's ability to concentrate on specific tasks.


AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, a disease in which the body is unable to fight to stay healthy.


AMI stands for acute myocardial infarction, which is formal medical terminology to describe a heart attack, a type of heart failure.

ad lib

Ad lib means as desired, indicating that something is not restricted and may be done as the patient wishes.

advanced cardiac life support (ACLS)

Advanced cardiac life support is a series of life-sustaining procedures administered in response to major heart traumas.

advanced life support (ALS)

Advanced life support is a series of procedures administered to a patient to sustain vital life processes, such as breathing and heartbeat.


Afebrile indicates no fever and denotes a patient with a normal body temperature of approximately 98.6°F.


FAS stands for fetal alcohol syndrome, a group of mental or physical defects that can develop in an unborn baby from the mother's alcohol consumption during pregnancy.


FBOA stands for foreign-body obstructed airway, an airway that has been obstructed by a foreign object, usually because the object has been swallowed.


FUO stands for fever of unknown origin, a diagnosis noted when a patient has a temperature of 101ºF or more several times over the course of three weeks and doctors cannot determine the cause.

fasting blood work (FBW)

Fasting blood work is blood work taken after several hours of fasting, or not eating.


Fx stands for fracture, a specific way that a bone has been broken.

emergency procedures

Emergency procedures are actions performed in a hospital or at the scene of an emergency when someone requires immediate medical care.

alert, awake, and oriented (AAO)

Alert, awake, and oriented patients are awake, know who and where they are, recognize those around them, and know the date and time.

as needed (PRN)

As needed indicates that a medication should be dispensed as needed by the patient.

as tolerated (as tol)

As tolerated indicates that an activity can be done as long as it does not cause the patient discomfort.


BA stands for bronchial asthma, a condition in which the lungs become irritated, making it hard for an individual to breathe.

bathroom privileges (BRP)

Bathroom privileges indicate that a patient has permission to use bathroom facilities unsupervised and at his or her own discretion.

bed rest (BR)

Bed rest is an order requiring consistent rest time in bed.

blood pressure (B/P)

Blood pressure describes the pressure of the blood against the tubes that it travels through.

blood sugar (BS)

Blood sugar refers to the amount of glucose in a patient's blood.


CA stands for cancer, a condition that describes the uncontrolled growth of cells in the body.


CAD or CHD stands for coronary artery/heart disease, a condition caused by the obstruction of blood flow in the body.


CF stands for cystic fibrosis, an inheritable disease that causes a build-up of mucus in the body, leading to organ damage.


CHF stands for congestive heart failure, a condition in which the heart can no longer sufficiently pump blood throughout the body and oxygen-rich blood can no longer be supplied to the heart.


COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a chronic condition that results in difficulty breathing because the passages in the lungs that transfer air become clogged and misshapen.

cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is an emergency procedure administered to a patient whose heart has stopped beating.

complete bed rest (CBR)

Complete bed rest is an order requiring that a patient remain in bed at all times.

computer axial tomography (CAT)

Computer axial tomography is an imaging technique that uses invisible energy waves to obtain cross-sectional images of the body.


DM stands for diabetes mellitus, a disease in which the body has difficulty managing and regulating levels of sugar in the bloodstream.

discharge against medical advice (DAMA)

Discharge against medical advice is used on a discharge order to indicate that the patient requested to leave a medical facility although the medical supervisor advised against it.

do not resuscitate

Do not resuscitate is a signed legal order that states that a patient is not to be administered life-saving procedures if the heart or breathing stops.

electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG)

Electrocardiogram is a measurement of the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time.

electroencephalogram (EEG)

Electroencephalogram is a measurement of the brain's spontaneous electrical activity over a period of time.


HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus, the harmful agent that causes people to get AIDS.


HPV stands for human papillomavirus, the virus that can cause warts, which are growths on the skin.

heart rate (HR or BP)

Heart rate is a measure of how many times the heart beats in a minute.

history (Hx)

History refers to a patient's medical history.


IBD stands for inflammatory bowel disease, a group of inflammatory conditions in the intestines.


IBS stands for irritable bowel syndrome, a disorder of the digestive system characterized by chronic bloating, discomfort, abdominal pain, and altered bowel habits.

keep vein open (KVO)

Keep vein open indicates that a catheter inserted into a blood vein should be kept at a constant drip rate.


LD stands for learning disability, any number of diagnosable disabilities that affect a person's ability to learn specific skills, such as reading, writing, speaking, or math.

loss of consciousness (LOC)

Loss of consciousness indicates that the patient at some point lost awareness and could not respond to cues.


MD stands for muscular dystrophy, a group of muscle diseases that weaken and interfere with movement.


MS stands for multiple sclerosis, a condition in which the body cannot properly send electrical messages to various parts, thereby limiting functionality.

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Magnetic resonance imaging is an imaging technique that uses magnets to obtain structural or functional images of the body.

medical orders

Medical orders are instructions to medical staff.

medical procedures

Medical procedures are actions performed on a patient, which can include tests using sophisticated medical technology.

no added salt (NAS)

No added salt indicates that a patient should not be given additional salt at meals.

no known allergies (NKA)

No known allergies describes a patient who has no recorded or known allergies.

nothing by mouth (NPO)

Nothing by mouth is a medical order instructing medical staff to not allow the patient to ingest any substances orally.


OA stands for osteoarthritis, a disorder that results in the degeneration of joints, which are the locations where bones connect in the body.


OCD stands for obsessive-compulsive disorder, a mental health disorder characterized by obsessive behaviors meant to ease anxieties.

out of bed (OOB)

Out of bed indicates that a patient should get out of bed for a particular activity, or just for the exercise of getting out of bed.


PD stands for Parkinson's disease, a degenerative condition of the central nervous system that causes a loss of muscle control.


PE stands for pulmonary embolism, the blockage of one of the main parts of the lungs, which are the parts of the body that support breathing.

positron emission tomography (PET)

Positron emission tomography is an imaging technique that produces a three-dimensional image of a functional process in the body.

prescription (Rx)

Prescription indicates the drugs a patient is currently taking or has formerly been ordered to take.

prognosis (Px)

Prognosis is an indication of the probable course or outcome of a patient's disease or condition.

range of motion (ROM)

Range of motion is a description of the ability of a patient to move his or her joints.


SIDS stands for sudden infant death syndrome, the sudden death of an infant that has no known medical history or cause.


STI stands for sexually transmitted infection, any number of diseases that are transmitted through human sexual behaviors.


Stat means immediately, indicating that an order should be executed with no delay.


TB stands for tuberculosis, an infectious and sometimes fatal disease that affects the lungs.


The abbreviation b.i.d. means twice a day, indicating that a prescription should be taken twice a day.


The abbreviation t.i.d. means three times a day, indicating that a prescription should be taken three times a day.

while awake (WA)

While awake indicates that an action must take place while the patient is awake.

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