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Which exponential smoothing factor would produce the most smoothing?


An order winner is

A superior factor

Which one of these is not a determinant of effective capacity, or are they all determinants?

All are Factors

Which one of the following will always lead to an increase in productivity?

Increase outputs and hold inputs constant.

Which term is most closely associated with a tracking signal?


Which term is most closely associated with simple exponential smoothing?

Moving Average

What is the MSE for this set of data? 1 +3 0 2 +3

None of These

A mission is designed to support:

None of the Above

Which one of these is not one of the four perspectives of the balanced scorecard approach?


Which approach to forecasting uses a series of questionnaires?


Which one of the following is a qualitative forecasting technique?


Which one of these is not necessarily an important factor in planning service capacity?

Demand Forecasts

Which one of these is the primary input in capacity planning?

Demand Forecasts

A mission should support the goals of an organization. T or F


Capacity planners must keep a narrow focus in order to stay on track. T or F


Early freezing of a product design can be an advantage of standardization. T or F


End-of-life (EOL) programs provide a caring alternative for patients who are near the end of their lives. T or F


Error measures such as MAD and MSE should not be used with a naïve forecast. T or F


Forecast accuracy generally increases as the forecast horizon increases because shorter time horizons tend to be more influenced by random variations. T or F


Forecasts based on consumer surveys are classified as quantitative because they use numerical data. T or F


If capacity increases require a long time, a following strategy may be the best option. T or F


If the sum of forecast errors for a series of forecasts is zero, that implies excellent forecasting. T or F


Increased emphasis on pollution control and the environment has caused companies to adopt environmental scanning. T or F


Increasing the capacity of a bottleneck operation by 10% will always increase the capacity of the system by 10% T or F


Increasing the capacity of operations that follow a bottleneck operation will improve productivity because it will help those operation to overcome the bottleneck effect. T or F


Intermittent processing systems generally tend to have special purpose equipment. T or F


It is usually a good idea to keep capacity planning separate from product and service design so that the issues in each area don't become intertwined. T or F


Manufacturability is not a key consideration in product design. T or F


Naïve forecasts can be classified as subjective forecasts. T or F


One cause of delayed differentiation is equipment breakdown. T or F


Productivity is computed as the ratio of input to output. T or F


Products usually have life cycles, but services usually do not. T or F


Quantitative forecasting techniques are generally superior to qualitative forecasting techniques. T or F


Recycling and remanufacturing are basically the same. T or F


Service blueprints are very useful when constructing a service facility. T or F


Standardization and modular design are at the opposite ends of the product design spectrum. T or F


The SA method for computing seasonal relatives should not be used if seasonal variations are large relative the slope of the data. T or F


The balanced scorecard approach is helpful for transforming goals into strategies for success. T or F


The breakeven point occurs at an output where total cost and total profit are equal. T or F


The point at which a decision maker is indifferent between two alternatives means both alternatives are optimal. T or F


Utilization can be defined as the ratio of design capacity to actual output. T or F


When sales in a particular time period are above average for the year, a seasonal relative that is less than 1.00 is used to bring that period's sales into line. T or F


The term associated with incorporating customer ideas in product design is:

Quality function deployment

which term most closely relates to remanufacturing?


The process of dismantling and examining a competitor's product to get design ideas would be regarded as

Reverse Engineering

The external elements of an SWOT analysis are

T and O

Which name is most closely associated with robust design?


Which one of these specifies that a product must be suitable for its intended use?

The uniform commercial code

"Creeping featurism" can be both a source of competitive advantage and a source of production difficulty. T or F


A Balanced Scorecard helps focus manager attention on strategic issues and strategy implementation. T or F


A capacity cushion is the difference between capacity and expected demand. T or F


A low price strategy often requires a high volume of standardized goods. T or F


A mission statement should answer the question: What business are we in? T or F


A strategy to offer a wide variety of products or services makes matching supply to demand more difficult. T or F


A tracking signal can be useful in detecting bias in forecast errors. T or F


Concepts such as cash flow and present value are important financial measures for analyzing capacity alternatives. T or F


Design capacity is the maximum output rate or service rate an operation is designed for. T or F


Due to randomness, forecasts cannot be expected to be completely accurate.T or F


Effective capacity is always less than design capacity. T or F


Effective management of a supply chain can be a competitive advantage. T or F


Efficiency can be defined as the ratio of actual output to effective capacity. T or F


Forecasts for groups of items tend to be more accurate than forecasts for individual items. T or F


Increasing quality will cause an increase in productivity, and hence, and increase in capacity. T or F


It is necessary to monitor forecast errors to check for nonrandom patterns in forecast errors. T or F


It is reasonable to expect that about half of the errors of a good forecast will be positive, and half negative. T or F


MAD is used in computing values of a tracking signal. T or F


Modular design can be useful for mass customization. T or F


Process layouts tend to have lower equipment utilization than product layouts. T or F


Product layouts usually require less-skilled workers than process layouts. T or F


Productivity gains curb inflation. T or F


Productivity is not the same as efficiency. T or F


Productivity is particularly important for organizations that use a strategy of low cost, because the higher the productivity, the lower the cost of the output. T or F


Serviceability is the capability of an organization to provide a service at an acceptable cost or profit. T or F


Some products do not seem to go through life cycles. T or F


The Kano model illustrates that "wow" features can become "expected" features over time. T or F


The goal in process selection is to match processing capability with expected demand. T or F


The goal of life cycle assessment is to choose products and services that have the least environmental impact while still taking into account economic considerations. T or F


The supply chain strategy of a company should be aligned with its business strategy. T or F


The term economies of scale is used to describe the phenomenon whereby increases in the output rate result in a decrease in unit costs. T or F


There are three basic business strategies: low cost, responsiveness, and differentiation. T or F


When measuring productivity, it is important to only include the output that is acceptable. T or F


Which is not a typical approach for improving forecasts?

building flexibility into the system

Which system has the least flexibility?


If an analyst wants to make a moving average more responsive to change, the analyst should

decrease the number of data points in the average

Which one of these statements about modular design is false?

decreases product variety

Which technique is associated with mass customization?

delayed differentiation

Order qualifiers refers to

minimal standards

Which phrase or term does not relate to the Delphi method of forecasting?

moving average

A DVD player would most likely be repaired in this type of layout:


Product or service profiling links key product or service requirements to

process capabilities

The term "voice of the customer" is associated with:

quality function deployment

Averaging techniques are useful for:

smoothing out fluctuations in time series

What is the MAD for this set of data? 1 +3 0 2 +3


Which one of these is not a reason for diseconomies of scale?

Fixed costs are spread over more units

Which would not generally be considered as a feature common to all forecasts?

Historical data are available on which to base the forecast.

Service design often differs from product design for which one of these considerations?

It's life cycle

What are an organization's goals based on?

Its Mission

Delayed differentiation can be useful for

Mass Customization

Which one of these does not enhance developing capacity alternatives?

Staying focused on quantitive factors

Which one would be considered a reason for using a salesforce composite forecast?

They are often aware of customer's future plans

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