MGMT 343 Ch 4 Study Guide

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Which stage in a work-unit activity analysis focuses on the product produced or service provided? A. Raw inputs B. Equipment C. Output D. Activity E. Human resource input


Divisional structures tend to be more flexible and innovative because of A. their work-flow focus. B. the preference employees have for centralized decision-making. C. their proximity to a heterogeneous customer base. D. the high level of centralization in the structure. E. the tendency to ignore opportunities.


The _____ section in a Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) focuses on planning and information-processing activities. A. mental processes B. information input C. work output D. job context E. relationship analysis


The most common source of error in the job analysis process results from job descriptions being _____. A. outdated B. narrow C. untested D. vague E. elaborate


When it comes to examining and understanding skill levels for a particular job, _____ may be the best source. A. external job analysts B. supervisors C. job incumbents D. in-house quality analysts E. internal efficiency experts


Who among the following is likely to be the best source for the most accurate information about the time spent on various tasks for job analysis? A. Supervisors B. Incumbents C. Customers D. Subordinates E. Quality analysts


If an organization decides to compete on costs, and hires low-cost labor, it needs to have a decentralized structure to enable autonomy in decision-making by the workers.


Job evaluation is the process of getting information about how well each employee is performing in order to reward those who are effective and improve the performance of those who are ineffective.


The Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) covers only the work context, leaving out the inputs, outputs, and processes involved in the job.


Unlike the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT), the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) relies on fixed job titles and narrow task descriptions.


Scientific management first sought to identify the "one best way" to perform the job.


Teams have to be given the autonomy to make their own decisions in order to maximize the flexible use of their skill and time.


The final stage in work-flow analysis is to identify the inputs used in the development of a work unit's product.


The use of software in the workplace can make employees less effective at their jobs under certain conditions.


Which of the following includes a list of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities that a job entails? A. Job specification B. Job description C. Job standardization D. Job satisfaction E. Job evaluation


The factual or procedural information that is necessary for successfully performing a task is called _____. A. aptitude B. ability C. skill D. persistence E. knowledge


Centralization is the degree to which work units are grouped based on functional similarity or similarity of workflow.


Work-flow design is the process of analyzing the tasks necessary for the production of a product or service, and it is performed after allocating and assigning these tasks to a particular job category or person.


Although there are numerous sources for error in the job analysis process, most inaccuracy is likely to result from job descriptions simply being outdated.


Knowledge is an individual's level of proficiency at performing a particular task.


Which of the following approaches to job design has its roots in organizational psychology and management literature? A. Motivational approach B. Mechanistic approach C. Biological approach D. Perceptual-motor approach E. Cognitive task analysis approach


Which of the following includes the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that an individual must have to perform a job? A. Job specification B. Job description C. Job standardization D. Job satisfaction E. Job evaluation


Which of the following sources is most appropriate for providing accurate information regarding the importance of job duties? A. Supervisors B. Incumbents C. Customers D. Subordinates E. External job analysts


Which of the following is true of teams? A. Teams provide organizations with a limited set of skills to utilize. B. Team members can share work when any member becomes overloaded. C. Rewards are focused on individual pay raises rather than team bonuses. D. By limiting a team's autonomy, organizations can improve its efficiency. E. The collective nature of the team removes the need for individual accountability.


How does lean production differ from "batch work" methods? A. It stresses the need for using the maximum number of people for production. B. It has fewer employees who are well trained. C. It has more opportunity to cut costs by laying off employees. D. It emphasizes the use of maximum materials. E. It employs a large number of low-skilled workers.


In which of the following circumstances will a functional structure be more appropriate for an organization? A. When the environment is unstable B. When demand for the resources can be well anticipated C. When the organization competes on differentiation D. When coordination requirements keep changing E. When innovation is the primary focus of the organization


Self-cannibalization is most likely to happen in _____ structures. A. functional B. divisional C. centralized D. bureaucratic E. mechanistic


Which of the following approaches pursues efficiency primarily by making a job so simple that anyone can be trained quickly and easily to perform it? A. The motivational approach B. The mechanistic approach C. The biological approach D. The perceptual-motor approach E. The ergonomic approach


Which of the following approaches to job design entails performing time-and-motion studies? A. Motivational approach B. Scientific management approach C. Biological approach D. Perceptual-motor approach E. Cognitive task analysis approach


Which of the following is concerned with examining the interface between individuals' physiological characteristics and the physical work environment? A. Task identity B. Ergonomics C. Job analysis D. Task significance E. Performance appraisal


According to the "Job Characteristics Model," _____ is the extent to which a person receives clear information about performance effectiveness from the work itself. A. task identity B. autonomy C. feedback D. skill variety E. task significance


How does the mechanistic approach differ from the motivation approach? A. The mechanistic approach seeks to empower individual workers. B. The motivational approach designs jobs that are repetitive and mundane. C. Workers in organizations that follow the mechanistic approach can be easily replaced. D. Workers in organizations that follow the motivational approach have less autonomy. E. Organizations that follow the mechanistic approach are highly dependent on individual workers.


When compared to divisional structures, managers in functional and centralized structures A. need to be more experienced. B. are more sensitive to individual differences between workers. C. tend to think of fairness in terms of rules and procedures. D. need to be high in cognitive ability. E. equate outcomes with fairness.


Which of the following was replaced by the Occupational Information Network (O*NET)? A. Position Analysis Questionnaire B. General Aptitude Test Battery C. Dictionary of Occupational Titles D. Workforce Learning Link E. Work Profiling System


Work-flow design is the process of A. allocating resources required for completing a task. B. assigning the task to a particular job category or person. C. analyzing the tasks necessary for the production of a product. D. evaluating the resource input and the actual output of a task. E. comparing the results of a task with its objectives.


Adding more decision-making authority to a job to increase its motivational potential is known as _____. A. job enlargement B. job rotation C. job involvement D. job enrichment E. job engagement


The final stage in work-flow analysis is to identify the work _____ in the development of the work unit's product. A. results B. relationships C. processes D. inputs E. ethics


The tasks performed as a part of job analysis A. are mutually exclusive of those of job design. B. focus primarily on creating new jobs. C. focus primarily on revamping existing jobs. D. have a passive, information-gathering orientation. E. have a proactive orientation toward changing the job.


What term refers to the reduced attentive state that one might experience when simultaneously interacting with multiple media? A. Multitasking presence B. Task presence C. Selective presence D. Absence presence E. Alternative presence


Which of the following approaches to job design has roots in human-factors literature? A. Motivational approach B. Mechanistic approach C. Biological approach D. Perceptual-motor approach E. Scientific management approach


Which of the following is the process of defining the way work will be performed and the tasks that will be required in a given job? A. Job specification B. Job evaluation C. Job performance D. Job design E. Job satisfaction


Which of the following is true of the perceptual-motor approach to job design? A. The perceptual-motor approach increases the information-processing requirements of incumbents. B. The perceptual-motor approach designs jobs based on the most capable worker. C. The perceptual-motor approach has its roots in ergonomics. D. The perceptual-motor approach has its roots in human-factors literature. E. The perceptual-motor approach challenges employees to go beyond their mental abilities.


Which of the following approaches views job satisfaction as one of the most important outcomes of job design? A. Administrative approach B. Mechanistic approach C. Biological approach D. Perceptual-motor approach E. Motivational approach


_____ entails matching an individual's skills and aspirations with opportunities that are or may become available in the organization. A. Human resource planning B. Work-flow analysis C. Performance evaluation D. Training E. Career planning


Ergonomics is concerned with examining the interface between individuals' psychological characteristics and the physical work environment.


Functional structures help support organizations that compete on differentiation or innovation, because flexible responsiveness is central to making this strategy work.


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