MGMT 473 Exam 1 - Budden

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True or False, Stereotyping is an extension of social identity theory and a product of our natural process of organizing information through categorical thinking.


True or False, The MARS model identifies the four main factors that influence individual behavior: motivation, ability, role perceptions, and situational factors.


True or False, Three challenges organizations are facing include globalization, increasing workforce diversity, and emerging employment relationships.


True or False, Values are stable, evaluative beliefs about what is important in a variety of situations.



an event that decreases the behavior that it follows


- "New deal" employment relationships - Continuously learning new skills

What are the types of stress?

- Functional Stress (eustress) - Dysfunctional Stress (distress)

True or False, The ideal situation in organizations is to have employees whose values are perfectly congruent with the organization's values.



Increase in the workforce and leadership roles - Ethnic groups - Women - Generations

True or False, Attitudes represent a cluster of beliefs, motivation and feelings about an attitude object.


True or False, Beliefs are established perceptions about the attitude object.


True or False, Confirmation bias causes us to screen out information that is contrary to our values and assumptions.


True or False, Emotions generate a core affect that something is good or bad, helpful or harmful, to be approached or avoided.


True or False, In terms of cross-cultural values, people in the United States tend to have relatively high individualism, middle to high achievement orientation, and medium to low power distance.


True or False, Organizational behavior encompasses the study of how organizations interact with their external environments.


True or False, Our emotions influence what we recognize or screen out.


True or False, People who believe that their successful completion of a project is due to their skill and hard work are making an internal attribution.


________ is the process of filtering information received by our senses.

Selective Attention

What is goal setting theory?

Setting goals that are acceptable, specific, and challenging yet achievable - Goal Specificity - Participative decision-making - Explicit Time Period - Performance Feedback

Define Values

Stable, long-lasting, evaluative beliefs

The process of assigning traits to people based on their membership in an identifiable social category is called:


Relationship Management

The ability to manage other people's emotions by consoling them, emotionally inspiring them, getting strangers to feel comfortable working with you, and dissipating coworker stress and other dysfunctional emotions they experience

Social Awareness

The ability to perceive and understand the emotions and situations of other people


The ability to perceive and understand the meaning of our own emotions.

Dysfunctional Stress (distress)

The degree of physiological, psychological, and behavioral deviation from healthy fuctioning

Define Motivation

The forces or needs that affect your voluntary behavior

What is emotional intelligence?

The non-cognitive ability to identify, understand, and manage emotions of self and others - Self-awareness - Self-management - Social awareness - Relationship management

Distributive Justice

The perception that appropriate decision criteria (rules) have been applied to calculate how various benefits and burdens are distributed.

Procedural Justice

The perception that appropriate procedural rules have been applied throughout the decision process.


The perceptual process of assigning traits to people based on their membership in a social category

What is attribution theory?

The perceptual process of deciding whether an observed behavior or event is caused largely by internal or external factors.

Define Perception

The process by which individuals give meaning (reality) to their environment by organizing and interpreting their sensory impressions

Selective Attention (Confirmation Bias)

The process of attending to some information received by our senses and ignoring other information

What is Organizational Behavior?

The study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations - encompasses the study of how organizations interact with their external environment

Define Ethics

The values that judge actions and outcomes

Why do we study organizational behavior?

To understand, predict, and influence organizational behavior

Halo Effect

a perceptual error whereby our general impression of a person, usually based on one prominent characteristic, colors our perception of other characteristics of that person


ability to manage your own emotions by keeping your disruptive impulses in check by generating and suppressing emotions

Performance Feedback

information about the quality or quantity of past performance that indicates whether progress is being made toward the accomplishment of a goal

What is the MARS model?

motivation, ability, role perceptions, situational factors

Employment Relationships

1. Employability 2. Contingent Work 3. Work/Life Balance

List three challenges organizations are now facing in the workplace

1. Globalization 2. Increased workforce diversity 3. Emerging employment relationships

What is an organization?

A group of people working together in a structured and coordinated fashion to achieve a set of goals

Functional Stress (eustress)

A necessary part of life because it activates and motivates people to achieve goals, change their environments, and succeed in life's challenges

Recency Effect

A perceptual error in which the most recent information dominates our perception of others

Primacy Effect

A perceptual error in which we quickly form an opinion of people based on the first information we receive about them

Define Personality

A relatively stable pattern and consistent internal states that explains a persons behavioral tendencies

What is cognitive dissonance?

A state of anxiety occurs when an individual's beliefs, feelings, attitudes, and behaviors are inconsistent with each other

What is the expectancy theory?

An individuals actions depend upon: - The expectation that the individual can preform the act - The expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome - The valence

What is corporate social responsibility?

An organizations moral obligation to its stakeholders, customers, suppliers, government, etc. Triple bottom line philosophy - Economic, social, and environmental

What is behavior modification?

Attempting to "mold" individuals - Modification Methods: -- Positive Reinforcement -- Negative Reinforcement -- Punishment -- Extinction

External Attribution

Behavior is attributed to situational factors

Some investors in the stock market become overconfident and ignore evidence that their strategies will lose money. This can be attributed to _____.

Confirmation Bias

Discuss Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Developed by psychologist Abraham Maslow in the 1940s. Maslow condensed and organized the dozens of previously studied needs into five basic categories organized in a hierarchy from lowest to highest: 1. Psychological 2. Safety 3. Belongingness 4. Esteem 5. Self-actualization

Contingent Work

- "Contract" or "Temp" workers - No contract for long-term employment


Anticipated satisfaction from the outcome


Are groups of people who work independently toward a purpose

Internal Attribution

Behavior is attributed to personal factors

Explicit Time Period

a deadline for achieving the goal is set

List and discuss the shortcuts for judging others

- Assumed Similarity - Stereotyping - Halo Effect - Mental Models - Self-fulfilling Prophecy - Selective Attention (Confirmation Bias) - Primacy Effect - Recency Effect


- Work Overload - Low Task Control - Harassment - Incivility


Economic, social, and cultural connectivity (and interdependence) with people in other parts of the world Effects: - New organizational structures - More diverse work force - More competition and mergers - Global mindset - the capacity to empathize and effectively across cultures

Customer service representatives (CSRs) often conceal their frustration when serving an irritating customer. This behavior from the CSRs is an example of:

Emotional labor

The effort, planning ad control needed to express organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions.

Emotional labor

True or False, A global mindset excludes the capacity to empathize and act effectively across cultures.


True or False, Competencies refer to the complete set of motivations, abilities, role perceptions, and situational factors that contribute to job performance.


True or False, Emotions represent the cluster of beliefs, assessed feelings, and behavioral intentions towards something or someone guided by conscious logical reasoning.


True or False, In order for something to be called an organization, it must have certain assets such as buildings and equipment.


True or False, Moods are less intense emotional states that are directed toward something or somebody in particular.


True or False, Motivation is an external force on the person that causes him/her to engage in specific behaviors.


True or False, OB can be used to fulfill the need to understand and predict the behavior of others in the organization. However, it is not helpful in influencing others to getting things done in organizations.


True or False, The perceptual process begins by attributing behavior to internal or external causes.


Which of the following terms best represents the positive or negative evaluations of the attitude object?


What is equity theory?

If the perception of inequity exists, seek justice - If the ratios are perceived as equal, equity exists - If the ratios are perceived as unequal, inequity exists

Define Emotion

Intense feelings that are directed at specific objects

Mental Models

Knowledge structures that develop to describe, explain, and predict the world around us

What refers to the process of receiving information about and making sense of the world around us?


Define Stress

Physical and psychological tension felt when confronted with extraordinary demands, constraints, or opportunities.

Work/Life Balance

Priority for new workforce when looking for new jobs

The uncomfortable tension felt when our behavior and attitudes are inconsistent with each other is called:

cognitive dissonance

Participative Decision Making

decision making in which individuals who are affected by decisions influence the making of those decisions

Anger, fear, joy, and sadness represent the:

different types of emotions

Positive Reinforcement

increasing behaviors by presenting positive reinforcers. A positive reinforcer is any stimulus that, when presented after a response, strengthens the response.

Assumed Similarity

the assumption that others are like oneself


the diminishing of a conditioned response

What is emotional labor?

the effort, planning, and control needed to express organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions

Goal Specificity

the extent to which goals are detailed, exact, and unambiguous

What is organizational justice?

the perceptions of people in an organization regarding fairness - Distributive Justice - Procedural Justice

Self-fulfilling Prophecy

the perceptual process in which our expectations about another person cause that person to act more consistently with those expectations

Negative Reinforcement

the reinforcement of a response by the removal, escape from, or avoidance of an unpleasant stimulus

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