MGT 309 Chapters 3-6

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Behavioral ethics research stresses the importance of​ _______ to ethical decision making. A. training B. culture C. rules D. laws E. education

B. culture

Research indicates that​ _______ influences the way we rate ourselves. A. job skills B. culture C. conscientiousness D. experience E. education

B. culture

Choices made from among two or more alternatives are​ ________. A. a satisfactory state of affairs B. decisions C. statements D. considerations E. problems

B. decisions

​_______ is the sum total of ways in which an individual both interacts with and reacts to others. A. Heredity B. Extraversion C. Conscientiousness D. Personality E. Cognitive dissonance

D. Personality

Research has shown that​ ____________ is lowest in the morning and tends to increase over the course of the day and evening. A. negative affect B. affect intensity C. illusory correlation D. positivity offset E. positive affect

A. negative affect

Job satisfaction is moderately correlated with​ ___________. A. organizational citizenship behavior B. customer service skills C. economic level D. cognitive dissonance E. cultural identity

A. organizational citizenship behavior

It's common knowledge that the largest determinant of the size of any given​ year's budget is last​ year's budget. This example shows that decisions are based on​ __________. A. historical precedents B. ​system-imposed time constraints C. performance evaluation systems D. reward systems E. formal regulations

A. historical precedents

The cultural background of a decision maker influences all of the following EXCEPT the​ ____________, A. job analysis B. selection of problems C. use of groups for decision making D. importance placed on logic E. depth of analysis

A. job analysis

There is a high correlation between job satisfaction and​ ___________. A. job performance B. counterproductive workplace behavior C. neglect D. turnover E. absenteeism

A. job performance

Ahmed has been doing well at work and is ready to move up. Ahmed believes that his abilities at work will be enough to earn him a promotion and therefore exhibits little political or people skills. Ahmed is exhibiting​ ______________. A. low​ self-monitoring B. emotional dysfunction C. emotional cognition D. cognitive dissonance E. ​self-evaluation

A. low​ self-monitoring

​_________ means believing in​ one's inner worth and basic competence. A. Core​ self-evaluation B. Job involvement C. Organizational commitment D. Employee engagement E. Personality

A. Core​ self-evaluation

​________ refers to whether an individual displays different behaviors in different situations. A. Distinctiveness B. External causation C. Consistency D. Internal causation E. Consensus

A. Distinctiveness

Anger, contempt,​ enthusiasm, envy,​ fear, joy, and love are all examples of which of the​ following? A. Emotions B. Emotional intelligence C. Cognitive dissonance D. Emotional labor E. Moods

A. Emotions

Which of the following describes factors determined at​ conception, such as biological make​ up? A. Heredity B. Instrumental values C. Terminal values D. Personality E. Attribution

A. Heredity

​________ is a positive feeling about​ one's job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. A. Job satisfaction B. Job analysis C. Job knowledge D. Job involvement E. Job characteristics

A. Job satisfaction

Which of the following responses to dissatisfaction is expressed by passively waiting for conditions to​ improve? A. Loyalty B. Exit C. Neglect D. Voice E. Passivity

A. Loyalty

Which of the following is included in the GLOBE framework but not in the Hofstede​ dimensions? A. Performance orientation B. Femininity C. Masculinity D. ​Short-term orientation E. Uncertainty avoidance

A. Performance orientation

​________ means when nothing in particular is going​ on, most individuals experience a mildly positive mood. A. Positivity offset B. Positive affect C. Affect intensity D. Negativity offset E. Negative affect

A. Positivity offset

Which of the following steps are included in creative​ behavior? A. Problem formulation and idea generation B. Problem formulation and the development of alternatives C. Development of alternatives and hypothesis testing D. Idea generation and hypothesis testing E. Idea evaluation and the development of alternatives

A. Problem formulation and idea generation

​___________ is an ethical perspective in which decisions are made to provide the greatest good for all. A. Utilitarianism B. ​Whistle-blowing C. Fairness D. Lying E. Historical precedent

A. Utilitarianism

Job satisfaction is best measured through​ ___________. A. a mixture of the single global rating and the summation of job facets method B. a mixture of the job facets method and the least unfavorable choice method C. the single global rating method D. the least unfavorable choice method E. the summation of job facets method

A. a mixture of the single global rating and the summation of job facets method

Which of the following is most likely to reduce cognitive​ dissonance? A. a pay raise B. telecommuting C. a change in values D. additional training E. team participation

A. a pay raise

Job conditions do NOT include​ _________. A. absenteeism B. supervision C. the work itself D. workplace safety E. social interactions

A. absenteeism

Emotions and moods can affect all of the following EXCEPT​ ___________. A. bonus structure B. decision making C. customer service D. negotiation E. deviant workplace behavior

A. bonus structure

Organizations practice CSR in all the following ways EXCEPT​ _________. A. conducting research B. nonprofit work C. environmental sustainability initiatives D. charitable giving E. volunteering

A. conducting research

One technique of emotion regulation is​ _________. A. emotional suppression B. emotional stability C. EI testing D. emotional intelligence E. cognitive dissonance

A. emotional suppression

Awareness that a problem exists and that a decision might or might not be needed is​ a(n) _______. A. perceptual issue B. ​self-serving bias C. ​self-fulfilling prophesy D. selective perception E. stereotype

A. perceptual issue

Emotional intelligence includes the ability to​ ___________. A. regulate​ one's emotions B. modify our feelings based on display rules C. suppress negative emotions D. engage in less withdrawal and counterproductive workplace behaviors E. know what others are thinking

A. regulate​ one's emotions

A decision to protect an employee who turned in a supervisor for stealing is founded in the ethical principle of​ __________. A. rights B. justice C. utilitarianism D. beneficence E. deontologism

A. rights

Research showed that​ ____________ was LESS important to success than other traits. A. teamwork B. efficiency C. conscientiousness D. Machiavellianism E. internal locus of control

A. teamwork

An employee​ didn't get a​ promotion, which he thought he​ merited, and his attitude toward his manager is one of resentment. He files a complaint. This scenario shows that​ _________. A. the components of an attitude are interrelated B. the components of an attitude are not interrelated C. the employee is unclear about the promotion policies D. employee attitudes change E. attitudes are formed during childhood

A. the components of an attitude are interrelated

A personality test that taps four characteristics and classifies people into one of 16 personality types is called​ ________. A. the​ Myers-Briggs Type Indicator​ (MBTI) B. ​Holland's Typology of Personality and Congruent Occupations C. the Dark Triad D. the Big Five Model E. the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory​ (MMPI)

A. the​ Myers-Briggs Type Indicator​ (MBTI)

A pattern of lowered job satisfaction is the best predictor of​ ___________. A. turnover B. stress C. increased productivity D. tardiness E. aggressiveness

A. turnover

​_________ is a theory that people are attracted to and selected by organizations that match their​ values, and leave when there is no compatibility. A. ​Person-organization fit B. ​Personality-job fit theory C. ​Person-supervisor fit D. ​Person-group fit E. Situation strength theory

A. ​Person-organization fit

Job satisfaction rates tend to vary in​ _______ according to research. A. different social classes B. different cultures C. different climates D. different educational levels E. different age groups

B. different cultures

According to​ research, some of the lowest levels of job satisfaction exist in​ _________. A. Denmark B. France C. Mexico D. United States E. Norway

B. France

According to a study of​ day-of-week mood effects across four​ cultures, on which day of the week is positive affect​ highest? A. Thursdays B. Sundays C. Saturdays D. Mondays E. Fridays

B. Sundays

​__________ refers to the tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behavior of others. A. Consistency B. The fundamental attribution error C. Selective perception D. The​ self-serving bias E. Attribution theory

B. The fundamental attribution error

​________ is a national culture attribute that describes the extent to which a society feels threatened by ambiguous situations and tries to avoid them. A. Power distance B. Uncertainty avoidance C. ​Short-term orientation D. Femininity E. Collectivism

B. Uncertainty avoidance

The_________ component of an attitude is an intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something. A. affective B. behavioral C. strategic D. cognitive E. dynamic

B. behavioral

Research into unemployed job seekers has found that​ ________________ were predictive of network​ intensity, job​ search, interviews, and job offers. A. ​self-esteem and​ self-efficacy B. conscientiousness and extraversion C. openness to experience and conscientiousness D. introversion and conscientiousness E. agreeableness and extroversion

B. conscientiousness and extraversion

Many factors shape and sometimes distort perception as seen in Exhibit​ 6-1. You may not notice someone dressed up at a club on Saturday night. Yet if you were to notice that person dressed the same way for your Monday morning management​ class, he or she would likely catch your attention. This example shows the importance of​ __________. A. attitudes B. context C. motives D. experience E. interests

B. context

An​ organization's self-regulated actions to benefit society or the environment beyond what is required by law is called​ __________. A. job satisfaction B. corporate social responsibility C. employee engagement D. organizational commitment E. job involvement

B. corporate social responsibility

Employees can learn to regulate emotions through all of the following EXCEPT​ __________. A. deep acting B. eliminating initial responses C. suppressing initial responses D. surface acting E. cognitive reappraisal

B. eliminating initial responses

An​ individual's ability to identify and then modify his or her emotions is an example of​ __________. A. emotional identification B. emotional regulation C. emotional intelligence D. employee satisfaction E. cognitive dissonance

B. emotional regulation

Benefits of job satisfaction do not​ include__________. A. increased life satisfaction B. increased workplace stress C. increased job satisfaction D. increased customer satisfaction E. improved organizational citizenship behavior

B. increased workplace stress

Affective events theory has implications for all EXCEPT​ __________. A. job satisfaction B. job analysis C. emotional reactions D. work events E. job performance

B. job analysis

Research has shown that emotional intelligence​ (EI) is an important factor in​ ________________. A. job rotation B. job performance C. job enlargement D. ​decision-making E. business success

B. job performance

Research on unemployed university students suggests that​ _____________ is important in getting​ interviews, job​ offers, and becoming employed. A. openness to experience B. positive affectivity C. introversion D. ​self-monitoring E. emotional stability

B. positive affectivity

One concern about the use of EI testing in the selection process is​ ________. A. job performance B. reliability C. effectiveness D. cultural variation E. job satisfaction

B. reliability

When a student blames the professor for a poor grade on an assignment but credits him or herself when a good grade is​ earned, is an example of​ ______________. A. contrast effect B. ​self-serving bias C. judging bias D. attribution bias E. halo effect

B. self-serving bias

Ethical decisions which are based on decision outcomes are grounded in​ __________. A. beneficence B. utilitarianism C. rights theory D. justice theory E. proponentism

B. utilitarianism

When examining the​ person-job fit of someone who is high in​ extroversion, we might expect that people high in extroversion would fit well with an organizational culture that is​ ___________. A. supportive B. ​team-based C. lacking in goals D. ​non-aggressive E. ​easy-going

B. ​team-based

​_________ are emotions that are organizationally required and considered appropriate in a given job. A. Moral emotions B. Felt emotions C. Displayed emotions D. Attitudes E. Feelings

C Displayed emotions

Individual differences in the strength with which people experience emotions are known as which of the​ following? A. Illusionary correlation B. Positivity offset C. Affect intensity D. Negative affect E. Positive affect

C. Affect intensity

Which of the following suggests that when we observe an​ individual's behavior we attempt to determine whether it was internally or externally​ caused? A. Judging error B. Conscientiousness C. Attribution theory D. Bounded rationality E. Contrast effect

C. Attribution theory

​_____ is a process of making decisions by constructing simplified models that extract the essential features from problems without capturing all their complexity. A. Rational decision making B. Intuitive decision making C. Bounded rationality D. Satisficing E. Ethical decision making

C. Bounded rationality

​________ refers to actions that actively damage the​ organization, including​ stealing, behaving aggressively toward​ coworkers, or being late or absent. A. Life satisfaction B. Organizational commitment C. Counterproductive work behavior​ (CWB) D. Customer satisfaction E. Corporate social responsibility​ (CSR)

C. Counterproductive work behavior​ (CWB)

​__________ is trying to modify our true feelings based on display rules. A. Surface acting B. Felt emotions C. Deep acting D. Emotional dissonance E. Emotional labor

C. Deep acting

​_______ is a perspective in which ethical decisions are made because you​ "ought to" in order to be consistent with moral​ norms, principles,​ standards, rules, or laws. A. Business ethics B. Corporate social responsibility C. Deonance D. Social justice E. ​Whistle-blowing

C. Deonance

​________ is the ability to detect and to manage emotional cues and information. A. Surface acting B. Emotional dissonance C. Emotional intelligence D. Emotional labor E. Affective events theory

C. Emotional intelligence

Which of the following factors influence perception in the​ perceiver? A. Novelty B. Motion C. Expectations D. Social setting E. Time

C. Expectations

According to​ research, some of the highest levels of job satisfaction exist in​ _______. A. Columbia B. South Korea C. Mexico D. North Korea E. Guatemala

C. Mexico

​___________ are enduring characteristics that describe an​ individual's behavior. A. Feelings B. Emotions C. Personality traits D. Morals E. Attitudes

C. Personality traits

​Holland's Typology of Personality and Congruent Occupations would be most applicable in determining which of the​ following? A. ​Person-group fit B. ​Person-organization fit C. Personality-job fit D. Trait activation theory E. ​Person-supervisor fit

C. Personality-job fit

​________ refers to an​ employees' belief in the degree to which they affect their work​ environment, their​ competence, the meaningfulness of their​ job, and their autonomy in their work. A. Job satisfaction B. Job involvement C. Psychological empowerment D. Cognitive dissonance E. Job recognition

C. Psychological empowerment

What is the relationship between job satisfaction and job​ performance? A. Negative correlation B. Slightly positive correlation C. Strong positive correlation D. Moderately negative correlation E. There does not appear to be a relationship between job satisfaction and job performance

C. Strong positive correlation

Which of the following statements best describes people who experience positive moods or​ emotions? A. They require less supervision. B. They are more creative. C. They are both more creative and more open in their thinking. D. They are more open in their thinking. E. They are less creative but more open in their thinking.

C. They are both more creative and more open in their thinking.

Which of the following responses to dissatisfaction in a job involves actively trying to improve the​ situation? A. Passivity B. Exit C. Voice D. Loyalty E. Neglect

C. Voice

Kyle was excited when he received a raise at work.​ Afterward, he told friends and family that he was really enjoying both the job and the working conditions overall. This is an example of​ ___________. A. behavioral processing B. emotional dissonance C. affective events theory D. cognitive awareness E. surface acting

C. affective events theory

High​ self-monitoring managers are likely to do all of the following EXCEPT​ _______. A. occupy central positions in organizations B. receive more internal promotions C. be less mobile in their careers D. be more mobile in their careers E. obtain more​ cross-organizational promotions

C. be less mobile in their careers

Some research in Germany suggests that your personality​ _______ change after unemployment. A. cannot B. will not C. can D. must E. will

C. can

The process by which​ peoples' emotions are caused by the emotions of others is called​ _________. A. emotional intelligence B. cognitive reappraisal C. emotional contagion D. social sharing E. moral emotions

C. emotional contagion

According to the Big Five Personality​ Model, ____________ is a personality dimension that characterizes someone as​ calm, self-confident, and secure​ (positive) versus​ nervous, depressed, and insecure​ (negative). A. openness to experience B. conscientiousness C. emotional stability D. agreeableness E. extroversion

C. emotional stability

The employees at the XYZ company have a passion for their work and feel a deep connection to their company. This is an example of​ _________. A. power distance B. psychological empowerment C. employee engagement D. job dissatisfaction E. perceived organizational support

C. employee engagement

Positive customer outcomes are related to​ __________. A. pricing strategies B. opinion polls C. employee satisfaction D. cognitive dissonance E. employee turnover

C. employee satisfaction

Employees who are committed to an organization are less likely to​ ____________. A. make sacrifices B. question a performance evaluation C. engage in work withdrawal D. raise issues E. pursue advancement opportunities

C. engage in work withdrawal

Individuals with​ _____________________ personality traits are more satisfied with their work. A. agreeableness and introversion B. introversion and conscientiousness C. extraversion and conscientiousness D. agreeableness and emotional stability E. conscientiousness and introversion

C. extraversion and conscientiousness

Research on​ person-organization fit indicates that working to match individual values with an​ organization's culture​ __________. A. decreases satisfaction B. reduces productivity C. increases satisfaction D. increases turnover E. increases stress

C. increases satisfaction

When managers decide whether to use EI tests in the selection​ process, they face all of the following ethical considerations EXCEPT​ ________. A. EI tests may not be predictive of performance for all types of jobs B. applicants may react negatively to taking an EI test in general or to parts of it C. it remains very clear what EI tests are actually measuring D. there is no commonly accepted test E. there is not enough research on how emotional intelligence​ affects, for​ instance, counterproductive work behavior​ (CWB)

C. it remains very clear what EI tests are actually measuring

Affective events theory does NOT suggest that workplace​ ________. A. behaviors are affected by workplace events B. events affect job satisfaction C. job descriptions can affect employee emotional reactions D. events cause emotional reactions in employees E. events affect employee attitudes

C. job descriptions can affect employee emotional reactions

According to​ Holland's typology, a person whose type is realistic and whose personality characteristics are​ shy, persistent, and practical would excel in the occupation of​ a(n) __________. A. lawyer B. social worker C. mechanic D. bank teller E. musician

C. mechanic

Emotions that have implications about right and wrong are called​ ___________ because of our instant judgment of the situation that evokes them. A. attitudes B. feelings C. moral emotions D. sympathy E. moral disgust

C. moral emotions

When we narrow our decision choices to those that we can reasonably select from or that we can reasonably make sense of in terms of​ solutions, this is an example of​ ___________. A. rational decision making B. behavioral processing C. satisficing D. high​ self-monitoring E. emotional dissonance

C. satisficing

The desire to reduce cognitive dissonance depends on all of the following factors EXCEPT​ _________. A. the significance of elements creating dissonance B. the degree of influence we have over the elements C. setting goals D. the rewards of dissonance E. the importance of the elements creating influence

C. setting goals

One study of 130 leaders and their followers found that leaders who are charismatic​ _______. A. have a high degree of mindfulness B. have a high degree of emotional intelligence C. transfer their positive emotions to their followers D. transfer their negative emotions to their followers E. use training to develop followers

C. transfer their positive emotions to their followers

​__________ is the foundation for all creative work and thus is the single most important predictor of creative potential. A. Personality B. Intelligence C. Ethics D. Expertise E. Leadership

D. Expertise

Which of the following MBTI dimensions describes people who are​ social, outgoing, and generally​ assertive? A. Thinking B. Introverted C. Judging D. Extraverted E. Feeling

D. Extraverted

​________ means characterized by making​ consistent, value-maximizing choices within specified constraints. A. Bounded rationality B. The​ self-serving bias C. Intuition D. Rational decision making E. Subjective decision making

D. Rational decision making

​_______ are basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct or​ end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or​ end-state of existence. A. Feelings B. Attitudes C. Traits D. Values E. Personality traits

D. Values

A broad range of feelings that people experience is called​ ________. A. moods B. attitude C. emotions D. affect E. frustration

D. affect

Evidence from a study of participants from 37 different countries found that men consistently reported higher levels of powerful emotions like​ ________. A. fear B. sadness C. happiness D. anger E. sorrow

D. anger

An incompatibility between an attitude and a behavior is known as​ ___________. A. a moderating variable B. an affect C. a cognitive component D. cognitive dissonance E. affective disorder

D. cognitive dissonance

Situational strength within an organization is measured by all of the following EXCEPT​ ________. A. consequences B. clarity C. constraints D. communication E. consistency

D. communication

Organizational constraints on decision making include all of the following EXCEPT​ ______________. A. regulations B. reward systems C. performance evaluation systems D. communication methods E. system constraints

D. communication methods

Research indicates that moods affect all of following EXCEPT​ _______. A. ​decision-making B. creativity C. motivation D. compensation E. leadership

D. compensation

​Sue, an airline flight​ attendant, was being harassed by a​ passenger, which caused her to be upset. Rather than portraying her​ emotion, Sue maintained a cheery exterior. This is an example of​ __________________. A. emotional cognition B. disassociation theory C. cognitive dissonance D. emotional dissonance E. disassociation intelligence

D. emotional dissonance

Dawn's job as an airline ticket agent requires her to remain​ cheerful, upbeat, and calm regardless of the circumstances or interactions with​ impatient, angry passengers. This best describes​ _____________. A. job involvement B. psychological empowerment C. personality affect D. emotional labor E. negative affect

D. emotional labor

Amber has begun a new fitness regimen to improve her health and has started monitoring her food intake and visiting the gym regularly. Her new regimen is​ a(n) ________________ value. A. short term B. ​long-term C. ​goal-oriented D. instrumental E. process

D. instrumental

Rosa has been working the same job for 10 years and has not yet received a promotion. Although she is not feeling appreciated by the​ organization, Rosa is focused on providing for her family and has stayed with the organization because upon reaching her 10th anniversary at the​ company, she will receive a significant bonus.​ Rosa's behavior in remaining with the organization in order to receive her bonus reflects​ a(n) ___________ value. A. process B. ​goal-oriented C. ​short-term D. instrumental E. ​long-term

D. instrumental

​​Hofstede's five value dimensions include all of the following EXCEPT​ ___________. A. individualism B. power distance C. masculinity D. personality E. uncertainty avoidance

D. personality

Discrepancies between the current situation and a desired situation are known as​ a(n) _________. A. reaction B. choice C. consequence D. problem E. issue

D. problem

The most common means of measuring personality is through​ __________ in which individuals evaluate themselves on a series of factors. A. skills tests B. job applications C. interviews D. ​self-report surveys E. personality tests

D. self-report surveys

Individuals who rank high in​ self-esteem use​ ____________ to maintain it. A. narcissism B. cultural differentiation C. escalation of commitment D. ​self-serving bias E. Machiavellianism

D. self-serving bias

Situational strength theory suggests that the link between personality and behavior is dependent upon​ ___________. A. behavioral processing B. emotional dissonance C. cognitive awareness D. the situation E. high​ self-monitoring

D. the situation

​A(n) _______ is a hierarchy based on a ranking of an​ individual's values in terms of their intensity. A. value B. terminal value C. personality trait D. value system E. instrumental value

D. value system

When Paul received a raise at​ work, he believed the raise was less than what he should have received. This belief is an example of the​ ________ component of an attitude. A. stereotype B. affective C. behavioral D. preferential E. cognitive

E. cognitive

​_______ is the degree to which cues about work duties and responsibilities are available and clear. A. Constraints B. Consistency C. Contingencies D. Consequences E. Clarity

E. Clarity

​_______ is a national culture attribute that describes a tight social framework in which people expect others in groups of which they are a part to look after them and protect them. A. ​Long-term orientation B. Individualism C. Masculinity D. Power distance E. Collectivism

E. Collectivism

​_______ is the ability to produce novel and useful ideas. A. Reflection B. Aptitude C. Intuition D. Cognition E. Creativity

E. Creativity

Which of the following MBTI dimensions describes people who rely on emotions and personal​ values? A. Judging B. Sensing C. Extroversion D. Thinking E. Feeling

E. Feeling

​______________ is the process of creative behavior in which we develop possible solutions to a problem from relevant information and knowledge. A. Problem definition B. Evaluation C. Information gathering D. Implementation E. Idea generation

E. Idea generation

Which of the Big Five personality traits correlates with higher levels of​ creativity? A. Introversion B. Extraversion C. Conscientiousness D. Neuroticism E. Openness to experience

E. Openness to experience

Which of the following terms describes the process by which people organize and interpret impressions to make sense of their​ environment? A. Creativity B. Intuition C. Anchoring D. Information gathering E. Perception

E. Perception

​________ is a mood dimension consisting of positive emotions such as​ excitement, alertness, and elation. A. Emotional intelligence B. Negative affect C. Emotional labor D. Emotional dissonance E. Positive affect

E. Positive affect

​________ can reduce anger reactions when people can talk about the facts of a bad​ situation, their feelings about the​ situation, or any positive aspects of the situation. A. Surface acting B. Emotional intelligence C. Cognitive reappraisal D. Mindfulness E. Social sharing

E. Social sharing

​________ is a theory that predicts that some​ situations, events, or interventions trigger a trait more than others. A. Core​ self-evaluation (CSE) B. ​Self-monitoring C. Situation strength theory D. Proactive personality theory E. Trait activation

E. Trait activation

An individual with​ _____________ generally feel positive about their​ capabilities, competencies and worth as a person. A. narcissism B. Machiavellian traits C. instrumental values D. a proactive personality E. a positive core​ self-evaluation (CSE)

E. a positive core​ self-evaluation (CSE)

mber could not help but be angry over the amount of her raise after so many of her fellow workers received better raises than she did.​ Amber's anger represents the​ _________ component of an attitude. A. behavioral B. cognitive C. preferential D. stereotype E. affective

E. affective

Research indicates that the attitudes of employees who had emotionally challenging work events improved​ _________. A. when they had a mentor within the organization B. when they did not discuss their experiences with coworkers C. after they had​ conflict-resolution training D. after they received additional job training E. after they talked about their experiences with coworkers

E. after they talked about their experiences with coworkers

When men make​ decisions, they are more likely to​ __________. A. rehash a decision once it is made B. become more empathetic in stressful situations C. overanalyze problems D. spend more time analyzing the​ past, present and future E. become more egocentric in stressful situations and make risky decisions

E. become more egocentric in stressful situations and make risky decisions

Reframing our outlook on an emotional situation is known as​ _________. A. emotional awareness B. emotional intelligence C. cognitive dissonance D. moral emotions E. cognitive reappraisal

E. cognitive reappraisal

Rational decision making includes all of the following steps EXCEPT​ _______. A. allocating weights B. defining the problem C. developing alternatives D. selecting an alternative E. communicating the decision

E. communicating the decision

Core​ self-evaluations are​ _______________________. A. an​ individual's ability to identify opportunities and show initiative rather than react to situations B. negative evaluations of self C. ability to adjust behavior to the situation D. evaluations individuals make about their personality E. conclusions individuals have about their competence and​ self-worth

E. conclusions individuals have about their competence and​ self-worth

The first step in the rational​ decision-making model is to​ _________. A. select the best alternative B. identify the decision criteria C. evaluate the alternatives D. develop the alternatives E. define the problem

E. define the problem

Affective events theory provides all of the following insights EXCEPT​ ________. A. emotions affect employee job satisfaction B. emotions affect job performance C. employees should not ignore emotional workplace events D. employers should not ignore emotions E. emotions affect job characteristics

E. emotions affect job characteristics

All of the following influence job satisfaction EXCEPT​ _________. A. personality B. job conditions C. corporate social responsibility D. pay E. globalization

E. globalization

You interview an applicant for a new job at your company. Upon reviewing his​ application, you notice that he played football for​ Michigan, your alma mater. The football players you knew when you were in college were​ affable, self-confident, and​ assertive, so you make the assumption that this applicant has those same qualities. This is an example of the​ _______. A. contrast effect B. Big Five personality traits C. Pygmalion effect D. horns effect E. halo effect

E. halo effect

A​ person's tendency to associate events that have no real connection is known as​ ___________. A. affect intensity B. emotional dissonance C. positivity offset D. affective disorder E. illusory correlation

E. illusory correlation

Surface acting is associated with​ ______________. A. increased emotional energy at work and at home B. increased mindfulness and job satisfaction C. decreased stress and increased job satisfaction D. decreased absenteeism and decreased insomnia E. increased stress and decreased job satisfaction

E. increased stress and decreased job satisfaction

Research supports the notion that the extent to which​ one's personality is negative or positive is related to all of the following EXCEPT​ ________. A. mistreatment by customers of​ part-time workers B. an​ individual's emotional reactions when experiencing workplace events C. a​ person's emotional reactions when related to workplace attitudes D. a​ person's reactions related to mistreatment of others at work E. individual reactions related to compensation

E. individual reactions related to compensation

The person who processes and organizes impressions is known as the​ ___________. A. encoder B. conscientiousness C. object D. transmitter E. perceiver

E. perceiver

Major job attitudes include all of the following EXCEPT​ ________. A. job involvement B. psychological empowerment C. organizational commitment D. job satisfaction E. performance appraisal systems

E. performance appraisal systems

Strong situations might suppress all of the following EXCEPT​ _______. A. innovation B. creativity C. initiative D. discretion E. proactive behavior

E. proactive behavior

Decision making is a reaction to​ a(n) ______________. A. emotion B. question C. issue D. consequence E. problem

E. problem

According to​ research, the job facet with which people have been LEAST satisfied is​ _________. A. training opportunities B. their coworkers C. the work itself D. their supervisors E. promotion opportunities

E. promotion opportunities

People with positive CSEs perform better than others because they do all of the following EXCEPT​ _______. A. set more ambitious goals B. are more committed to achieving their goals C. see more challenge in their jobs D. persist longer in attempting to reach goals E. set less ambitious goals

E. set less ambitious goals

Both Hofstede and GLOBE show all of following similarities EXCEPT that​ ___________. A. power distance is operated similarly B. ​long-term versus​ short-term orientation is similar C. organizational commitment is lower in individualistic countries D. ​individualism/collectivism dimensions are operated similarly E. the GLOBE framework added dimensions such as humane orientation and performance orientation

E. the GLOBE framework added dimensions such as humane orientation and performance orientation

The most powerful moderators of the attitude-behavior relationship do NOT include​ _______ A. direct experience with the attitude B. the importance of the attitude C. its correspondence to behavior D. the presence of social pressure E. the level of diversity

E. the level of diversity

All of the following are true of values EXCEPT​ _______. A. they can cloud objectivity B. they lay the foundation for understanding attitudes C. they influence our perceptions D. they lay the foundation for understanding motivation E. they do not influence work behaviors

E. they do not influence work behaviors

Factors in the target that influence perception include all EXCEPT​ __________. A. sounds B. proximity C. size D. background E. work setting

E. work setting

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