MIC 205 learnsmart: respiratory diseases

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who is most likely affected by scarlet fever


condition where fluid remains in the middle ear for indefinite periods of time

chronic otitis media

the _______ of the respiratory epithelium are inhibited by mycoplasma


influenza viruses bind to which cell type to initiate infection

ciliated cells of respiratory tract

pneumonia infections that are acquired by persons in the general population

community-acquired pneumonias

pertussis is still a concern even though a vaccine exists because

concern about the safety of the vaccine has led to lower vaccination rates

the solidification of exudates, cells, and bacteria in the air spaces of the lungs


recovery period from a disease when the numbers of the causative agent are decreasing and the symptoms have disappeared

convalescent period

a blue discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes due to decreased oxygen in the blood often seen in Pneumocytitis pneumonia


influenza viruses are named according to

differing H and N spikes

therapy used to assure that TB patients take all of the prescribed antibiotics

directly observed therapy

best prevention for group A streptococci infection

hand washing

the best way to prevent rhinitis is through frequent _____ _______ along with covering sneezes or coughs to prevent airborne transmission

hand washing

viruses that cause pneumonia as their primary disease today are _______, adenovirus 14 and SARS-associated coronavirus


individuals with untreated tuberculosis

have a normal lifespan

immunofluorescence microscopy using _________ antibodies against Pneumocystis jiroveci has a higher sensitivity in detecting the organism compared to conventional microscopy


causative agent for tuberculosis

mycobacterium tuberculosis

inflammation of the kidney


bacterial sinusitis is most often caused by

normal biota of the respiratory tract

in the Ziehl-Neelsen acid-fast staining procedure, acid-fast organisms will appear what color


virus that causes colds in most people, but can cause a potentially devastating infection in children and neonates

respiratory syncytial

which agent usually causes minor colds in most patients, but can lead to a serious respiratory infection in young children

respiratory syncytial virus

most common portal of entry for pathogens

respiratory tract

acute otitis media is a common sequelae of


inflammation of the nose, which often occurs with the common cold


which type of viruses are the most common causative agent for rhinitis


diphtheria is easily prevented by

routine vaccination

which of the following is the most noticeable symptom seen in the catarrhal stage of pertussis

runny nose

inflammation of any of the 4 pairs of air cavities in the cranial bones is also known as


causes the greatest number of lethal cases of pneumonia compared to any other microorganism

streptococcus pneumoniae

highest number of lethal cases of pneumonia are due to infection with

streptococcus pneumoniae

most common causative agent for community-acquired pneumonia

streptococcus pneumoniae

S. pyogenes produces _______ whose action is to lyse red blood cells to release hemoglobin


bacterial toxins that are potent stimuli for T cells causing an excessively strong reaction


source of symptoms of rhinitis are generally due to

the body's immune response to the virus

current treatment for uncomplicated acute otitis media

wait for resolution

milder form of bacterial pneumonia

walking pneumonia

fungus that causes pneumonia in some people

Histoplasma capsulatum

bacterial sinusitis is transmitted via

a patient's microbiota

pneumonia caused by _______ organisms is often more serious that pneumonia caused by ________

bacterial; viruses

an A-B toxin is an exotoxin composed of a _____ component and a ________ component

binding; active

pertussis is caused by the bacterium

bordetella pertussis

usual treatment of bacterial sinusitis when allergic and fungal sinusitis are ruled out

broad-spectrum antibiotics

the secretion of mucus or fluids and is used to describe the first stage of pertussis


which can be used to detect possible Group A streptococci in the pharynx (3)

1. measuring sensitivity to bacitracin 2. antibody reaction tests to Group A carbohydrates in cell wall 3. culture of pharyngeal swab on blood agar

RSV can be prevented with

good handwashing and hygiene practices

incubation period for influenza

1-4 days

infectious diseases of both the upper and lower respiratory tract (3)

1. RSV 2. pertussis 3. influenza

sinusitis can be caused by which of the following (3)

1. allergies 2. microbial infection 3. structural problems with nose

second/third line defenses for the respiratory system (2)

1. alveolar macrophages 2. specific antibodies in mucus

pertussis is usually treated with (2)

1. antibiotic therapy 2. supportive care

which of the following contributes to the high level of variability in influenza virus (2)

1. antigenic shift 2. antigenic drift

treatments for rhinitis (2)

1. antihistamines 2. decongestants

the later signs/symptoms of RSV infections result in a condition are often referred to as (2)

1. bronchiolitis 2. croup

signs/symptoms of otitis media in younger children (4)

1. build up of fluid in middle ear 2. hearing difficulties 3. ear pain 4. irritability/fussiness

infection with the TB bacterium leads to which type of hypersensitivity to tuberculoproteins (2)

1. delayed 2. cell-mediated

diseases prevented by the DTaP vaccine

1. diphtheria 2. tetanus 3. pertussis

because of its constant contact with the external environment, the upper respiratory tract harbors a ______ population of commensal biota (2)

1. diverse 2. large

pneumocystis pneumonia usually occurs in which population groups (3)

1. elderly adults 2. premature infants 3. immunocompromised

3 types of tuberculosis

1. extrapulmonary 2. reactivation 3. primary

initial symptoms of RSV are (4)

1. fever 2. rhinitis 3. otitis 4. pharyngitis

viruses causing rhinitis are transmitted by (3)

1. fomites 2. droplet contact 3. inhalation of aerosols

primary TB may present with which of the following signs

1. formation of tubercules 2. mild fever

chest X rays are used in the diagnosis of TB when (2)

1. further verification of a positive test is required 2. other tests give unclear results

initial signs/symptoms of pneumonia (4)

1. headache 2. fever 3. runny nose 4. congestion

fungal agents that are known to cause cases of pneumonia (2)

1. histoplasma capsulatum 2. pneumocystis jiroveci

used to diagnose Histoplasma capsulatum infection (3)

1. immunodiffusion 2. complement fixation 3. fluorescent antibodies

transmission of the viruses that cause rhinitis occur in which of the following ways (3)

1. indirect fomite transmission 2. droplet contact 3. aerosol transmission

most common modes of transmission for streptococcal pharyngitis (2)

1. inhalation of respiratory droplets 2. contact with mucus

over-the-counter medications are effective for which of the following cases of rhinitis (3)

1. minimizing symptoms 2. blocking the inflammation process 3. decreasing the transmission to other persons

first line defenses for the respiratory system (5)

1. mucus production 2. sneezing 3. nasal hair 4. ciliated epithelium 5. coughing

upper respiratory tract is composed of: (5)

1. nasal cavity 2. oral cavity 3. larynx 4. epiglottis 5. pharynx

signs/symptoms of sinusitis (4)

1. nasal discharge 2. headache 3. nasal or facial pressure 4. nasal congestion

infectious diseases of only the lower respiratory tract (2)

1. pneumonia 2. tuberculosis

streptococcus pyogenes is a gram-_____ coccus that grows in chains and forms capsules and _____ layers

1. positive 2. slime

signs and symptoms of pharyngitis (3)

1. reddened mucosa in throat 2. swollen tonsils 3. pain and swelling of throat

signs/symptoms of Pneumocystis pneumonia in immunodeficient patients

1. respiratory difficulty 2. fever 3. cyanosis 4. cough

serious cases of RSV infection progress to lower parts of the respiratory tract resulting in (4)

1. respiratory distress 2. dyspnea 3. coughing 4. rales

signs/symptoms of scarlet fever (2)

1. sandpaper-like skin rash 2. high fever

symptoms of rhinitis (3)

1. sneezing 2. scratchy throat 3. runny nose

signs/symptoms of influenza (7)

1. sore throat 2. dry cough 3. fatigue 4. headache 5. stuffy nose 6. fever 7. body aches

manifestations of histoplasmosis include (3)

1. systemic infection 2. pulmonary infection 3. cutaneous lesions

a negative tuberculin skin test may indicate (3)

1. that an individual is immunocompromised and can't mount a reaction 2. that an individual has not yet had any contact with tuberculosis 3. that a person has been infected but has not yet reacted

important reasons to study influenza (3)

1. there is a seasonal pattern of influenza infection in the US 2. the influenza virus is a model for understanding the behavior of other viruses 3. the term "flu" is often used incorrectly to describe other disease condition

children are more susceptible to rhinitis because (3)

1. they have no secondary immunity to rhinoviruses 2. their immune systems are immature 3. each virus they encounter is a new virus

lower respiratory tract (4)

1. trachea 2. bronchi 3. alveoli 4. bronchioles

acute otitis media is caused by which general types of microorganisms (2)

1. viruses 2. bacteria

main categories of microorganisms are known to cause pneumonia (3)

1. viruses 2. fungi 3. bacteria

pneumonia is caused by a wide variety of (3)

1. viruses 2. fungi 3. bacteria

prodromal symptoms of hantavirus infection (5)

1. vomiting 2. nausea 3. diarrhea 4. muscle aches 5. fever

only ___% of people who become infected with tuberculosis develop a clinical case


streptococcus pyogenes belong to which group of streptococci


severe pulmonary edema and acute respiratory distress are characteristics of

Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome

general type of staining procedure that is used to diagnose the tuberculosis bacterium based upon its cell wall structure

acid-fast stain

influenza is primarily transmitted through inhalation of _______ and _______ containing virus particles

aerosols; droplets

most commonly, sinusitis is caused by what


the first white blood cells that respond to Mycobacterium tuberculosis

alveolar macrophages

one of the important functions of the normal biota of the upper respiratory system is __________ ________, which reduces the possibility of pathogens establishing themselves there


usual treatment for pneumococcal pneumonia


swapping of genetic material between different viral strains

antigenic shift

who is able to receive the influenza vaccine

anyone over 6 months of age

pneumonias caused by Mycoplasmas usually have symptoms that differ from pneumococcal pneumonia and therefore are often called

atypical pneumonias

pneumonias caused by mycoplasmas usually have symptoms that differ from pneumococcal pneumonia and are often called

atypical pneumonias

prevention of HPS is accomplished through

avoiding contact

presence of viable bacteria in circulating blood


an initial viral infection can predispose a patient to a secondary ______ infection in the upper respiratory tract


annual flu vaccination is recommended due to yearly antigenic _____


mode of transmission for TB


technical term for difficulty breathing seen in later stages of RSV


the severity of pneumonia is based on the

etiologic agent

tuberculosis that spreads to other organs outside the lungs


second most common route for transmission of influenza

fomite contact

in addition to the respiratory route, influenza can also be transmitted via


current rates of TB worldwide are


area of hardened, reddened tissue associated with a tuberculin test


causative agents for the flu

influenza viruses

infection is focused in/completetly fills an entire lobe of a lung

lobar pneumonia

the majority of TB cases remain contained in the


streptococcus pyogenes causes scarlet fever when it has become infected with a

lysogenic bacteriophage

the screening test for tuberculin hypersensitivity or tuberculin reaction

mantoux test

even though scarlet fever had a 95% fatality rate in the early 20th century, cases today are often


second stage of pertussis characterized by uncontrollable coughing with a distinct sound


biggest problems with TB therapy

patient noncompliance

causative agent for pneumocystis pneumonia

pneumocystis jiroveci

which agent causes the most frequent opportunistic infection in AIDS patients

pneumocystis jiroveci

inflammatory condition of the lung in which fluid fills the alveoli is generally referred to as ________ and can be caused by several different types of microbes


technical term for the abnormal breathing sounds heard in the lungs during the later stages of RSV


why isn't there a vaccine for rhinitis

there are more than 200 possible causative agents

why do physicians distinguish between nosocomial and community-acquired pneumonia

they are caused by different types of bacteria

signs and symptoms of pharyngitis include pain and swelling in the _____, reddened ______, swollen _______, and sometimes white packets on the walls of the throat

throat, mucosa, tonsils

substance used in skin test for TB infection


children who have high rates of recurrence of ear infection have _______ surgically placed in the eardrum to aid drainage of fluid


the initial symptoms of pneumonia involve the ________ respiratory tract


best way to prevent pneumococcal pneumonia in the elderly


low incidence of diphtheria in the US due to an effective


in addition to streptococcus pyogenes, pharyngitis can be caused by the same _________ that causes the common cold, mechanical _____ or sinus _____

virus; irritation; drainage

the drier air of which season most effectively facilitates the spread of influenza virus, leading to the highest rates of infection


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