Micro 270- Ch 1 and Ch 2 Concepts

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Which describes a good hypothesis?

It must be able to be supported or rejected by experimentation.

A(n) __________ bond is the result of two atoms sharing electrons to complete their outer orbitals.


Molecular oxygen is formed when two oxygen atoms share four electrons and form a double ______________ bond.


The chemical symbol for carbon is _______________.


A "backbone of carbon bound to two or more hydroxyl groups" describes the basic structure of which of the following?


Which class of biochemicals resembles combinations of carbon and water?


Which macromolecules consist primarily of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio?


Which of the following types of macromolecules is involved in energy storage, nutrient storage, structural support, and protection?


The four main families of biochemicals are __________ , _________ , _________ , and nucleic acids.

Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins

Organic compounds must contain which of the following elements?

Carbon and hydrogen

Which of the following are not biological molecules?

Carbon dioxide & Oxygen

A(n) ________________ is substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction.


Which of the following is a substance that alters the rate of a reaction without being consumed or permanently changed by the reaction?


A positively charged ion is called a(n) ________________.


Reactions between molecules that involve the making and breaking of bonds and the rearrangement of atoms are called ________________ reactions.


In the chemical equation: 2Na + Cl2 → 2 NaCl, identify the reactant(s).

Chlorine Sodium

Humans belong the the Phylum ________________ and ________________ Class.


In the chemical reaction, 2Na + Cl2 → 2NaCl, the "2" in front of Na is called the ________________.


Which term identifies the amount of a solute dissolved in a certain amount of solvent?


Various combinations of which of the following account for the nearly infinite variety of proteins?

amino acids

A negatively charged ion is called a(n) ________________.


_____________________ are complex glycoproteins with specific attachments for bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms.


The formation of a glycosidic bond is a form of _____________ synthesis water because water is lost in the reaction.


The formation of a glycosidic bond is a form of _________________ synthesis water because water is lost in the reaction.


When the native state of a protein is disrupted by heat or alcohol, the protein is said to be __________________ , losing its ability to perform its function.


A nitrogenous base is covalently bonded to the sugar ___________________ in DNA


The statement "the two strands of DNA coil together, with the sugar-phosphate backbone on the outside and the nitrogen bases embedded between them" best describes the ____________ helix.


DNA is a ______________ -stranded molecule, while RNA is a _______________ -stranded molecule

double single

When two hydrogen atoms share a pair of electrons, which type of bond is formed between the hydrogens?


When two atoms with similar electronegativity share electrons, they form which of the following?

Covalent bonds in which the electrons are shared equally.

Disulfide bonds in a protein's three-dimentiontional structure are formed between the sulfur atoms of which amino acid?


Disulfide bonds in a protein's three-dimentiontional structure are formed between the sulfur atoms of which amino acid? Multiple choice question.


The programming code in all cells and many viruses is in the form of which of the following?


_____________________ is the molecule that carries the special code for an organism's heredity.


The bonds on a single reactant molecule are permanently broken to release 2 or more product molecules in which type of chemical reaction?


The reaction (AB yields products A + B) is an example of a(n) _________________ reaction.


____________ is another name for glucose.


A(n) _____________ is a molecule that is a combination of two monosaccharides held together by a covalent bond.


If a chemical reaction is reversible it is denoted by the presence of which of the following?

Double Arrow

DNA is found in a 3-dimensional structure resembling a spiral staircase, in which the two antiparallel strands of DNA coil together, with the sugar-phosphate backbone on the outside and the nitrogen bases embedded between them; this is known as which of the following?

Double helix

An example of the rule of solubility is water, a polar molecule, that readily dissolves an ionic solute such as NaCl. This can be paraphrased as which of the following?

Like dissolves like

A polysaccharide is a polymer composed of five or more monosaccharides bound in _________________ or branched chain patterns.


The formal system of organizing, classifying, and naming living things was started by which of the following scientists?


Which of the following macromolecules is not formed by polymerization?


The cell wall of gram negative bacteria contains which of the following?


Who first promoted the use of disinfecting agents in surgical operating rooms?


The atomic __________________ of an element is the average mass numbers of all isotopic forms.


The organization of __________________ begins with individual building blocks called atoms.


Which of the following is anything that has mass and occupies space?


Which of the following are examples of inorganic compounds? Multiple select question. CH3OH Mg3(PO4)2 CH4 CO2 C6H12O6 KCl H2O2

Mg3(PO4)2 CO2 KCl H2O2

_____________________ is a specialized area of biology that deals with living things ordinarily too small to be seen without magnification.


The unit of measurement for most bacterial cells is _____________ and most viruses is _____________.

Micrometers Nanometers

The concentration of a solution can be figured by percentage or


C6H12O6 is the ________________ formula for glucose.


The sum of all of the atomic masses of the atoms of a molecule is known as which of the following?

Molecular Weight

Which of the following is the simple building block for carbohydrates?


Which of the following are major branches of study in microbiology? Zoology, Mycology, Bacteriology, Virology

Mycology, Bacteriology, Virology

Which is the unit used to measure the diameter of atoms?

Nanometer (nm)

What is the normal three-dimensional form of a protein called?

Native state

Which of the following bacteria is spread by water and food contaminated with cattle feces?

Escherichia Coli 0157:57

What type of bond forms between glycerol and the fatty acids in a triglyceride?

Ester bond

Which cell type is generally larger in size? Prokaryotic cells, Eukaryotic cells, Archaeal cells

Eukaryotic cells

The theory of ________________ states that living things change gradually over time through natural selection.


AB + CD ⇌ AD + CB represents a(n) _________________ type of chemical reaction.


During what type of reactions do the reactants trade portions between each other and release products that are combinations of the two?


True or false: A hydrogen bond forms between 2 hydrogen molecules when they share their electrons and form H2. True false question.


True or false: According to evolutionary theory, the environment changes the genes of an individual organism to help it adapt.


True or false: All chemical bonds are formed due to the sharing of electrons between atoms.


True or false: Because oxygen has six electrons in its second shell, it is chemically inert.


True or false: Proteins play a significant role in determining the inheritance of characteristics from one generation to the next.


True or false: Protons found in a hydrogen atom are different in structure from protons found in an oxygen atom.


True or false: RNA contains a special coded genetic program responsible for each organism's heredity.


True or false: The mass number of an element is based on the total number of electrons and protons found in each atom.


Triglycerides and phospholipids both contain which of the following?

Fatty acid chains Glycerol

Chlamydia infections has been linked to which of the following conditions?

Female Infertility

Which scientist discovered heat-resistant endospores?

Ferdinand Cohn

Another name for the molecular weight of a molecule is the ___________ ___________.

Formula Mass

Fruit is a major source of which monosaccharide?


Which of the following groups are accessory molecules that help define the chemical class of organic molecules?


Ergosterol is found in the cell membranes of which group of microbes?


______________________ are heterotrophic unicellular or multicellular eukaryotic organisms including yeasts, molds, and mushrooms.


Which were some of the first organisms genetically engineered? Fungi, Helminths, Viruses, Bacteria

Fungi Bacteria

Microbiology involves the study of microscopic organisms or agents, including which of the following?

Fungi, Viruses, Fleas, Bacteria, Protozoa, Helminths

Which of the following are the base pairing rules that are followed during DNA replication?

G - C A - T

"Greenhouse ________________" such as carbon dioxide and ___________________ are produced by microbes.

Gases Methane

What technology involves the deliberate modification of the genetic structure of an organism to create novel products?

Genetic Engineering

For the microbe, Escherichia coli, Escherichia represents the ______________ level of classification.


________________ and _________________ are the last two, the most specific, levels of classification.

Genus & Species

Work by Robert Koch and other scientists to show that human diseases could arise from infection led to the _______________ theory of disease.


Which is the most important hexose?


Which monosaccharide below is assembled into the larger polysaccharides of starch, cellulose, and glycogen?


Triglycerides are composed of a single molecule _________ of bound to three _________ ____________.

Glycerol Fatty Acids

The subunits of carbohydrate polymers are held together by which type of bond?

Glycosidic bond

Glycosidic bonds form when one carbon gives up an OH group and the other carbon gives up which of the following?

A hydrogen to form water

What is a helminth?

A parasitic worm

Which of the following genera of microbes has been associated with gastric ulcers?


The term ________________ refers to a parasitic invertebrate such as a worm.


Which group of microorganisms includes the parasitic worms?


Humans and apes belong to the Family ________________.

Hominoidea or Hominidae

Which term defines the organism in/on which smaller organisms (or viruses) live, feed, and reproduce?


A solution is basic when one of its components releases excess _________________ ions.


When NaCl crystals are added to water, the Na+ and Cl- are released into solution. Each ion becomes __________________ , which means that it is surrounded by a sphere of water molecules.


The polarity of the water molecule causes it to form _______________ bonds with other water molecules.


Which type of bond holds the two strands of the DNA double helix together?


Water can dissociate into positively charged ________________ ions and negatively charged ________________ ions.

Hydrogen Hydroxide

Which of the following is a weak electrostatic force that forms between a hydrogen covalently bonded to one molecule and an oxygen or nitrogen atom on the same or different molecule?

Hydrogen bond

What is the term for molecules, such as salt or sugar, that attract water to their surface?


Molecules that repel water are considered to be _________________.


Which term identifies nonpolar molecules, such as benzene?


A(n) _________________ is a tentative explanation of an observation.


Before a(n) __________________ may be tested using the deductive approach of the scientific method, events that will happen must be predicted by the scientist.


In the deductive process, the statement "If the ______________ is valid, then certain specific ______________ can be expected to occur."

Hypothesis Events

With ________________ reasoning, one applies specific observations to develop a general explanation.


It is observed that several family members have a blood condition called hemophilia. This may lead to the general idea that this condition is inheritable. This is an example of which of the following?

Inductive Reasoning

____________________ diseases, caused by microorganisms, are among the most common causes of death in much of the world's population.


NaCl is formed by the creation of a(n) __________ bond between sodium and chlorine.


Which of the following is the aqueous dissociation of an electrolyte into ions, or the breaking of ionic bonds between two atoms?


Which describes an electrolyte?

It conducts an electrical current. It ionizes in solution.

Carbon is an ideal building block for organic molecules for which reason?

It has four electrons in its outer shell.

Glucose is called an aldehyde and fructose is referred to as a(n) ________________ due to the positioning of the hydroxide groups in the molecule.


All members of a family belong to which of the following levels of classification? Species, Genus, Kingdom


In the levels of classification, the __________________is the level just below domain.


In the Whittaker system, organisms were divided into one of five ______.


_________________ is the salt form of lactic acid and _________________ is the salt form of succinic acid.

Lactate Succinate

Identify the main sugar found in milk.


Glycosidic bonds would be present in which of the following sugars?

Lactose Sucrose Maltose

When NaCl dissociates in water, the chloride ions have which charge?


In phospholipids, the hydrophilic head carries which type of charge?

Net negative

A(n) __________________ is a subatomic particle that resides in the nucleus and has no charge.


Isotopes are variant forms of the same element that differ in the number of which of the following?


In addition to carbon and hydrogen, many organic compounds also contain which of the following elements?

Nitrogen Phosphorus Oxygen

Which describes the relatively long or complex hydrocarbon chains in lipids?

Nonpolar and hydrophobic

Which of the following are information molecules that direct cell metabolism and reproduction?

Nucleic acids

Hydrogen bonding adds to the stability of which of the following macromolecules?

Nucleic acids, Proteins

Which is the monomer (subunit) from which all nucleic acids are built?


Which of the following is the central core of an atom?


Which of the following structures differ in hydrogen and oxygen atoms?

Number of subatomic particles

Cholesterol is a steroid that has which additional functional group?


An electron ________________ is a specific volume of 3-dimensional space in which an electron is likely to be found.


An element's reactivity is based on the number of electrons in its outermost ___________ as compared with the total number of electrons possible.

Orbital or Shell or Electron Shell

Electrons can be found in pathways surrounding the center of the atom; these pathways are known as which of the following?


A(n) __________________ is any small, membrane-bound component found inside of an eukaryotic cell.

Organelle or Organelles

Small, membrane-bound components found inside of a eukaryotic cell, such as mitochondria and lysosomes, are referred to as which of the following? Systems, Nuclei, Organelles, Organs


Molecules that contain a basic framework of the elements carbon and hydrogen are called _____________ compounds.


A reaction in which electrons are transferred from one atom or molecule to another is known as a(n) _______________-_________________ reaction.

Oxidation Reduction

The transfer of electrons between molecules for the management of energy within the cell occurs during which of the following? Oxidation-reduction reactions, Dehydration reactions, Hydrolysis reactions, Synthesis reactions

Oxidation-reduction reactions

During the formation of sodium chloride, chlorine gains an electron and is, therefore, the ________________ agent.


A microbial pathogen is considered a(n) ________________ because it derives benefits from its host and harms its host in the process.


Which of the following derives benefits from its host and harms its host in the process.


Microbiology has many branches of study, including _______________________ which is the study of pathogenic protozoa, helminth worms, and certain insects.


In a water molecule, the larger oxygen atom pulls the electrons to its side, thus displaying a partial positive charge and the hydrogens then take on which of the following charges?

Partial positive

A(n) _______________ is the term used for any infectious agent that causes disease, such as parasites, bacteria, and viruses.


In general, disease-causing organisms are referred to as which of the following?


Identify the covalent bond between amino acids that form polypeptides.


Concentration can be expressed as either a ________________ of the solute dissolved in the solvent, or as the ________________ of the solution, which is based on the molecular weight of the solute.

Percentage Molarity

Joseph Lister typically used the disinfectant, _______________ , prior to performing surgery.

Phenol or Carbolic Acid

Which component of a phospholipid molecule is charged?

Phosphate group

Microorganisms account for about 50% of the earth's ___________________, which is the process that converts light energy from the sun into organic molecules for food.


Which process uses the sun's energy to produce organic compounds accompanied by the formation of oxygen?


Which of the following human diseases has almost been eradicated?


Macromolecules with repeating subunits, such as DNA, polysaccharides, and proteins, can be defined as which of the following?


The general term used for a macromolecule made up of a chain of repeating subunits is ____________.


When NaCl dissociates in water, the sodium ions have which charge?


When water dissociates, what charge does the hydrogen ion have?


Koch's _______________ are a series of proofs that establish whether is pathogenic and which disease it causes.


Which structure in a polypeptide gives rise to the unlimited diversity in protein form and function?


The substances that result from the reaction of chemicals together are known as which of the following?


Which type of cell does not contain organelles, such as mitochondria or a nucleus?


Which type of microorganism lacks a membrane-bound nucleus and most membrane-bound organelles? Prokaryotic, Eukaryotic


The predominant organic macromolecules in cells which are responsible for their structure, behavior, and unique qualities are __________.


Structural polysaccharides can be conjugated to which four of the following?

Proteins Amino acids Lipids Nitrogen bases

___________ and ___________ are the macromolecules that make up antibodies.

Proteins Carbohydrates

Which of the following are organic macromolecules? Proteins, Sugars, Fats, Water, Carbon dioxide

Proteins, Sugars, Fats

The mass of a neutron is similar to which of the following?


The atomic number of an element represents the number of which subatomic particles in the nucleus?


The mass number of an element is the sum of the number of which two of the following? Electrons, Neutrons, Protons, Orbitals

Protons, Neutrons

_________________ are the group of single-celled eukaryotic organisms that lack a cell wall.

Protozoa, Protists, or Protozoans

The major types of microorganisms or agents include which of the following? Animals, Protozoa, Plants, Viruses, Algae, Fungi, Bacteria

Protozoa, Viruses, Algae, Fungi, Bacteria

______________________ is the study of protozoa.


When a protein is composed of more than one polypeptide chain it has reached this level of organization.


Which of the following programming codes can be found in viruses?

RNA alone DNA alone

In a chemical reaction, the ________________ are used to start the reaction and will be changed by the reaction.


During the formation of sodium chloride, sodium is oxidized and is thereby the ________________ agent.


________________ is a chemical reaction in which electrons are gained by one reactant.


Molecular formulas do not show which of the following?

Relationships of the atoms

Structural formulas provide information about about which of the following?

Relationships of the atoms Number of bonds Types of bonds

Chemical Reactions

Result in rearrangement of atoms within a molecule Include the making and breaking of bonds Involve reactants and result in products

RNA is the acronym for _____________ acid.


A simple sugar is also known as which of the following?


A fatty acid in which all of the carbons in the chain are bonded to each other with single bonds is known as which of the following?


Solid fats are more ______________ than liquid oils.


Which of the following is true regarding scientific names?

Scientific names are italicized in printed documents

Charles Darwin labeled the process of evolution as natural _________________ .


The structure of the phospholipid phase (nothing else) of the cell membrane imparts which properties?

Selective permeability

A polar covalent bond is formed when atoms do which of the following?

Share electrons unevenly

Electrons occupy energy ____________ which proceed from the lower-energy electrons nearest the nucleus to the higher-energy electrons.

Shells or Levels

Which is the major energy transfer molecule in cells?


A solution is considered _____________________ when one of its components releases excess hydrogen ions.


Which nitrogenous base is part of the structure of ATP?


Which polysaccharide is a natural component of certain seaweeds?


When people travel disease can spread. Which is the current mode of travel that is likely to be a big factor in the next pandemic?


Which of the following is not a component of a nucleotide?

Amino acid

Which term describes the phospholipids found in cell membranes?


_________________ molecules, such as phospholipids, have both hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties.


In a reaction that forms an ionic bond, one atom must have an unfilled outer shell that can accept electrons, while the other atom must have which of the following?

An unfilled outer shell that can donate electrons

A negatively charged ion is called a(n)


Who developed the first single-lens microscope?

Antoine Van Leeuwenhoek

Which of the following solutions are acidic?

Anything less than a pH of 7

Which of the following is the smallest division of matter that retains its original physical and chemical properties?


_______________ and ________________ are microbes that live in complex associations with plants to assist them in obtaining water and nutrients.

Bacteria Fungi

The study of small, single-celled prokaryotic organisms is called _________________.


Which of the following substances are termed electrolytes when they are dissolved in water?

Bases, Acids, Salts

In the ________________ system of nomenclature, organisms are assigned and identified by a two-word name representing the genus and species names.


Organic compounds produced by or that are components of living things are called which of the following?


A ________________ is a complex network of microbes and their secretions that form in most natural environments.


How are macromolecules made?

By assembling smaller molecules into larger structures

ATP and GTP give off energy when the bond is broken between which of the following?

The second and third phosphate groups

Which of the following is true of tRNA?

The tRNA molecule is a carrier that delivers the correct amino acids during protein synthesis.

A scientific ________________ is a collection of statements, propositions, or concepts developed through experimentation that explain or account for a natural event.


Which of the following is an explanation of the natural world that has been repeatedly tested and verified using the scientific method?


If two positively charged sodium ions are present in solution, how will the ions interact?

They will attract each other.

If two positively charged sodium ions are present in solution, how will the ions interact?

They will repel each other.

Which is true regarding evolutionary theory? The environment contributes to a change in the DNA and specific traits of an individual or Those traits that favor survival are passed on.

Those traits that favor survival are passed on.

The structure of ATP includes which of the following?

Three phosphate groups Ribose Adenine

_________________ is the nitrogen base unique to DNA whereas __________________ is unique to RNA.

Thymine or T Uracil or U

Functional groups can play a role in which of the following types of reactions?

Transfer Synthesis Decomposition

What substances serve as storage lipids in the form of oils and fats?


Microbes can be found in the Antarctic.


True or false: If two microbes are in the same genus, they must be in the same class.


True or false: Organic chemicals in cells can also contain nitrogen, phosphorus, and oxygen.


True or false: The uneven distribution of electrons within molecules leads to short-term "sticky spots" that are positively and negatively charged.


Bacteria that cause ___________________ and ____________ produce a wax that contributes to their pathogenicity.

Tuberculosis Leprosy

Liquid fats are usually which of the following types of fats?


DNA and RNA both have adenine, guanine, and cytosine, but DNA has thymine while RNA has the base ______________________.


Which of the following nucleotides is found in RNA but not in DNA?


The __________ of a molecule is an indicator of its capacity for making bonds


The reactivity of an element is based on which of the following?

Valence electrons

The capacity for making bonds, called __________ , is determined by the number of __________ that an atom has to lose or share with other atoms during bond formation.

Valence, Electrons

Which of the following occur when short-term oppositely charged regions on molecules interact and pull the molecules together?

Van der Waals forces

__________________________ is the study of viruses.


What microbe is not cellular (acellular) and is composed of nucleic acid surrounded by a protein coat?


The common cold and AIDS are caused by which type of microorganism? Protozoa, Fungi, Bacteria, Viruses


Which are the most common microbes on earth? Bacteria, Algae, Viruses, Fungi


Which of the following is not able to replicate on its own? Protozoa, Archaea, Helminths, Viruses


Identify the most common solvent in natural systems.


When hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium hydroxide what two products are formed?

Water (H20) Sodium chloride (NaCl)

Which of the following is an ester that forms between a long-chain alcohol and a saturated fatty acid?


Lipids encompass which four of the following groups of compounds?

Waxes Phospholipids Triglycerides Steroids

Cells operate best at which pH levels?

Weakly acidic or basic Neutral

Atomic _______________ is the measurement of the gravitational pull on the mass of a particle, atom, or object.

Weight or Mass

Cells store and release energy through the transfer of ________________ from one molecule to another.


The number of __________ in the outer shell of an atom dictates the number of chemical bonds an atom can make.


The number of _______________ in the outer shell of an atom dictates the number of chemical bonds an atom can make.


The basis for the structural and biochemical differences among starch, cellulose, and glycogen is due to the way the _______________ molecules are bonded together.


The outer surface of cells, a polysaccharide-rich structure called the ___________, functions in attachment to other cells or as a site for receptors.


__________________ is the stored carbohydrate for animals.


sugar phosphate backbone complementary base pairs

handrails steps

The secondary structure of polypeptides is the result of the formation of many bonds of which type?


Three ___________________ bonds form between guanine and cytosine in the DNA helix


Another term for digestion of starch is ____________ because a water molecule is needed to break the bond between glucose monomers.


With respect to measuring pH, as the H+ concentration decreases in a solution, the OH- concentration does which of the following?


Chemicals that do not contain both carbon and hydrogen are classified __________________ as chemicals.


________________ is the dissociation of a compound into separate charged particles called ions.


A(n) _______________ is a type of molecule that is not soluble in polar solvents, such as water, but will dissolve in nonpolar solvents.


Gram-negative bacteria contain a cell wall component composed of lipids and polysaccharide called __________ , that is responsible for symptoms such as fever and shock.


A(n) _________________ is a distinct chemical substance that results from the combination of two or more atoms.


A(n) ______________ is a simple molecule that can be linked by chemical bonds to form larger molecules called polymers.


A(n) _________________ is a simple molecule that can be linked by chemical bonds to form larger molecules called polymers.


In a water molecule, oxygen carries a partial __________ charge.


In a water molecule, oxygen carries a partial ________________ charge.


polar heads

orientated outward facing the aqueous environment

fatty acid tails

oriented inward minimizing contact with the aqueous environment

The __________ scale is used to measure the acid and base concentrations of solutions.


Most cells work best at which of the following pH values? pH 6.8, pH 7.2, pH 9.2, pH4.8, pH 7.0

pH 6.8-pH 7.2-pH 7.0

Acid and base concentrations of solutions are measured using with of the following?

pH Scale

A polypeptide is a fairly large chain of amino acids that are joined by a specific type of covalent bond referred to as a(n) ____________________ bond.


A(n) ________________ bond joins amino acids in the formation of proteins.


A(n) ____________________ usually refers to a molecule composed of short chains of amino acids, e.g., 2, 3, or 4 amino acids.


________________ is a network of polysaccharide chains cross-linked by short peptides that forms the structural support of bacterial cell walls.


Energy is released when the bond breaks between two __________ groups in ATP.


Energy is released when the bond breaks between two ______________ groups in ATP.


Which of the following structural components is not found in both triglycerides and phospholipids?

phosphate group

_________ covalent bonds are formed when there is unequal distribution of the shared electrons.


The specific sequence of amino acids that makes up the polypeptide chain constitutes a protein's _________________________ structure.


_____________ are fatty acid derivatives that function in inflammatory and allergic reactions, blood clotting, and smooth muscle contractions.


The embedded _______________ in a cell membrane function in receiving molecular signs and as enzymes.


A protein's _____________________ structure is the most complex protein structure and is characterized as the overall three-dimensional shape of a large protein composed of multiple polypeptide chains.


A nitrogenous base is covalently bonded to ___________ in RNA.


Solid fats are more ____________ than liquid oils.

saturated or hydrogenated

The formation of hydrogen bonds that result in the formation of α-helices or β-sheets comprises a protein's ____________________ structure.


The disaccharide, ___________ , is common table sugar.


The _______________________ structure of a protein is created by additional bonds between functional groups creating a three-dimensional protein


Chemical reactions

the making and breaking of chemical bonds, leading to changes in the composition of matter

In double stranded DNA, adenine would be hydrogen bonded to ____________.


In DNA, adenine always base pairs with ________ , and cytosine always base pairs with _____________.

thymine guanine

True or false: ADP can be converted back to ATP by restoring the third phosphate.


Fatty acids having at least one carbon-carbon double bond are considered .


Ionic bonds form between atoms with complementary ___________.


Structural formulas do not provide information about which of the following?

Electron configurations of the atoms

___________ is a measure of an element's ability to attract (pull on) electrons.


A covalent bond is a chemical attraction that involves the sharing of which of the following particles between two atoms?


An energy shell is where which of the following occurs?

Electrons are found in pairs

Two atoms of similar electronegativity that form a covalent bond share their _______________ evenly, forming an electrically neutral molecule that is termed as _______________.

Electrons, Nonpolar

Which of the following is a pure substance that has a characteristic atomic structure and predictable chemical behavior?


The _______________ number or the number of protons in the nucleus of hydrogen is one.


_________________ diseases are those which are newly identified and becoming more prominent.


A(n) _______________ disease, such as SARS or viral encephalitis, is a newly identified infectious disease that is becoming more prominent.

Emerging or Emerging Infectious

Microbes are involved in the flow of which of the following?


Microbes are involved in the flow of which of the following? Toxins, Water, Sunlight, Energy


The metabolic work of cells revolves around which of the following?

Energy exchanges and transfers

What are cellular proteins that catalyze biochemical reactions?


Which of the following are characteristics of a fatty acid?

-Long-chain unbranched hydrocarbon molecules -Carboxyl group (COOH) at one end that is free to bind to glycerol

If 58 g of NaCl dissolved in 1 L of water is equal to a 1 M solution, what is the molarity of a solution with 5.8 g of NaCl in 1 L of water?

0.1 M

How many double bonds form between two oxygen atoms?


Hydrogen can bind with how many other atoms?


________________ are variant forms of the same element that differ in the number of neutrons and thus have different mass numbers.


When atoms of different electronegativity form covalent bonds, which of the following is true?

The electrons will be pulled toward the more electronegative atom.

Which of the following is true of mRNA?

The mRNA molecule serves as a copy of a gene from DNA that provides instructions for the order of amino acids of a protein.

Which makes up the larger mass of the atom?

The nucleus

An element's chemical properties and reactivity are based on which of the following?

The number of electrons in the outermost orbital

In a double layer of phospholipids in water, the inner portion consists of the ________________ tails and the outer portion consists of the _______________ heads.

-Hydrophobic or nonpolar -Hydrophilic or polar

Which describes an electrolyte? -It is not soluble in water -It conducts an electrical current -It ionizes in solution.

-It conducts an electrical current -It ionizes in solution.

Which of the following does not change in an element?

The number of protons

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are about how many infections of all types across the world every year?

10 Billion

If an element has a mass number of 35 and an atomic number of 17, how many neutrons are present in the atom?

18 Neutrons

Helium is chemically inert because it has a filled first shell with how many electrons?


How many electrons does Mg (atomic number 12) have in the third shell?


In the element helium, __________ electrons are in the first shell.


In the element oxygen, __________ electrons are contained in the first shell, while __________ electrons are contained in the second shell.


Magnesium has 12 electrons so __________ electrons are in the first shell, __________ electrons are in the second shell, __________ electrons are in the third shell.


There are _________________ different naturally occurring amino acids from which proteins are constructed.


Prokaryotic organisms have been around for about how long?

3.5 billion years

Because it has _____________ electrons in its outer shell, carbon is an ideal element to form the backbone of organic molecules.


The second shell of an atom can contain up to how many pairs of electrons?


The second shell of an atom contains ____________ orbital(s) and a maximum of ___________ electrons.

4 Orbitals 8 Electrons

The third shell of an atom can contain up to how many pairs of electrons?


The third shell of an atom contains __________ orbital(s) and a maximum of __________ electrons.

9 orbitals, 18 electrons

The third shell of an atom contains __________ orbital(s) and a maximum of ___________ electrons.


Van der Waals forces are weak attraction forces that occur between molecules that demonstrate which of the following?


________________ DNA technology is used to switch genetic material from one organism to another in order to produce desirable proteins.


Which of the following diseases have emerged due to human encroaching into new territory and wild habitats? Cholera, Ebola fever, Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, Influenza, Lyme disease

Ebola Fever Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome Lyme disease

A negatively charged subatomic particle that is distributed around the nucleus of an atom is called a(n) ________________.


Which of the following is a negatively charged subatomic particle that is distributed around the nucleus of an atom?


Viral particles are usually _____________________ (larger/smaller) than prokaryotic cells.


Which of the following human diseases has been eradicated?


In the ionic bond between sodium and chlorine in NaCl which of the following occurs?

Sodium donates an electron to chlorine.

The rule of ________________ can be paraphrased as "like dissolves like."


A substance that is uniformly dispersed in a dissolving medium or solvent is called a(n) ________________.


For a given solution, the ________________ can be gaseous, liquid, or solid, but the _______________ is usually liquid.

Solute Solvent

________________, or substances that are uniformly dispersed in a solution, cannot be separated by filtration or ordinary settling.


________________ or substances that are uniformly dispersed in a solution, cannot be separated by filtration or ordinary settling.

Solutes or Solute

A medium that dissolves a solute to form a solution is called a(n) ________________.


Which is the appropriate binomial abbreviation of Staphylococcus aureus?

Staph Aureus

MRSA is a drug-resistant strain of which of the following bacteria?

Staphylococcus Aureus

A __________________ environment is free of actively growing cells, microorganisms, viruses or endospores.

Sterile or Sterilized

Which of the following are complex ringed compounds commonly found in cell membranes and animal hormones?


Polysaccharides contribute to, or serve, as which of the following?

Structural support Protection Nutrient stores Energy stores

Saccharide comes from the Greek, sakcharon, which means ________________.


Some strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are resistant to so many antibiotics that it has become known as a(n) "_____________".

Superbug or Superbugs

The reaction (A + B yields product AB) is an example of a(n) ____________ reaction.


What type of reaction is represented by this chemical equation: S + O2 → SO2?


________________ is the science of organizing, classifying and naming living things.


Which event helped establish the science of microbiology?

The development of the microscope

If the double helix structure of DNA is compared to a ladder, the sugar-phosphate _________________ is the equivalent of the ladder rails, and the paired _________________ bases are the equivalent of the ladder steps.

backbone nitrogenous

In DNA replication, matching strands are synthesized to complement the ____________ in the original strands by adhering to the base pairing rules of __________________ and C-G.

bases A-T

A(n) __________ is a molecule that contains two or more different elements.


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