Micro Exam 3 (Chapters 10-13)

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A business will charge a(n) ____ price to the group with the relatively more elastic demand and a(n) ____ price to the group with the relatively more inelastic demand.

lower; higher

A company currently producing 10 air conditioners each day has daily total costs of $1,500. Producing an additional air conditioner will increases costs by $250 daily. What are the total daily costs for the firm if they produce the 11th air conditioner?


Suppose Carl's Candies sells 100 boxes of candy for $5 each. The total fixed cost of the 100 boxes is $100, and the average variable cost of the 100 boxes is $1.50 per box. Carl's makes a profit per unit of:


Suppose a snowboard manufacturer increases it output by 1 snowboard per day. As a result, the total cost of producing snowboards each day rises from $120 to $145. The marginal cost of producing an extra snowboard is


In a perfectly competitive market, assume the market price is $10 per unit, and the profit-maximizing quantity is 45 units. If the ATC at 45 units is $8, the profit/loss amount at the profit-maximizing quantity is


In a perfectly competitive market, assume the market price is $5 per unit and the profit-maximizing quantity is 70 units. If the ATC at 70 units is $8, what is the profit/loss amount at the profit-maximizing quantity?


Which of the following describes collusion?

A situation in which decision makers coordinate their actions to achieve a desired outcome.

In order for a monopolistically competitive firm to produce at a point that is both productively and allocatively efficient, which of the following has to be true about the profit-maximizing quantity?

Demand = Marginal Cost = ATC

Which of the following is true of economic costs?

Economic costs are defined as the sum of explicit and implicit costs.

The profit-maximization rules states that a firm should produce a level of output where:


What is true about firms in monopolistic competition in the short-run?

Monopolistically competitive firms can generate an economic profit, a normal profit, or an economic loss.

Total revenue equals

Price x Quantity

Which of the following is not a characteristic of an oligopoly?

Producers who are price takers

A firm is reducing their output from 2,000 units to 1,000 units. This decision results in a reduction in the long run average cost from $300 to $200. What can be said about this firm?

The firm is experiencing diseconomies of scale.

A firm is planning to increase output in the long run from 100 units to 200 units. The long run average total cost falls from $25 to $20. What can be said about this level of output?

The firm is experiencing economies of scale.

Which of the following measures the percentage of sales by the four largest firms in a particular industry?

The four-firm concentration ratio (CR4)

Which of the following aspects of oligopolistic firms does game theory help us study?

Their strategic behavior

Profit maximization implies that monopolistically competitive firms should expand production up to the point where the marginal revenue equals the marginal cost. (True or False)


A situation in which a particular strategy yields the highest payoff, regardless of the other player's strategy, is:

a dominant strategy

An outcome in which, unless the players can collude, neither player has an incentive to change his or her strategy is:

a nash equilibrium

Marginal product is the:

additional output produced as a result of utilizing one more unit of a variable resource.

Marginal revenue is the:

additional revenue associated with the sale of an additional unit of output.

Monopolies do not achieve ____ efficiency because they do not produce in such a way that their price equals their marginal cost.


When the marginal benefit of the last unit equals the marginal cost of the last unit, production is ____ efficient


Producing the goods and services that consumers most want in such a way that the marginal benefit equals the marginal cost is:

allocative efficiency

Average revenue is the:

amount of revenue per unit of a product sold.

Laws designed to prevent firms from engaging in behaviors that would lessen competition in a market are called ____ laws


Laws designed to prevent firms from engaging in behaviors that would lessen competition in a market are called:


The short run is a period of time in which:

at least one input of production is fixed.

A curve showing the ____ total cost for different levels of output when at least one input of production is fixed typically plant capacity is the short-run average cost curve.


Because the marginal revenue faced by the firm is equal to price, ____ revenue is also equal to price.


Total product divided by the number of units of a resource employed gives the ____ product of the resource.


The fixed cost per unit is equal to:

average fixed cost

Total fixed cost divided by the amount of output produced is equal to:

average fixed cost

The amount of output produced per unit of a resource employed is the

average product

The amount of revenue produced per unit of an output sold is the:

average revenue

Total cost divided by the amount of output produced is equal to

average total cost

The demand, the ____ revenue, and the ____ revenue curves for a perfectly competitive firm are the same horizontal line at the market price.

average; marginal

Second-degree price discrimination is also known as

block pricing

Second-degree price discrimination is also known as:

block pricing

The practice of charging different prices per unit for different quantities, or blocks, of a good or service is called:

block pricing and second-degree price discrimination

A group of competing companies that aim to maximize joint profits by coordinating their policies to fix prices, manipulate output, or restrict competition is called a(n) ____


A group of competing companies that aim to maximize joint profits by coordinating their policies to fix prices, manipulate output, or restrict competition is called a(n):


A situation in which decision makers coordinate their actions to achieve a desired outcome is called ____


A market structure characterized by a relatively large number of sellers producing a differentiated product - for which they have some control over the price they charge - in a market with relatively easy market entry and exit is known as monopolistic ____


Perfect ____ is a market structure characterized by the interaction of large numbers of buyers and sellers in which the sellers produce a standardized or homogeneous product.


A ____ cost industry is an industry in which the firms' cost structures do not vary with changes in production.


____ returns to scale occurs when long-run average total cost does not change as output increases.


A condition in which the long-run average total cost of production remains constant as production increases is called:

constant returns to scale

In a perfectly competitive market, we assume the product is identical in the minds of ____


The value of the economic surplus that is forgone when a market is not allowed to adjust to its competitive equilibrium is called:

deadweight loss

The average fixed cost curve:

decreases for all levels of output.

For quantities occurring before the marginal cost curve and average total cost curve intersect, the average total cost curve will be:


____ marginal returns are a characteristic of production whereby the marginal product of the next unit of a variable resource utilized is less than that of the previous variable resource.


A monopoly will charge consumers the price that they are willing and able to pay for the amount of output available which is shown along the ____ curve.


Because the products of monopolistically competitive firms are ____ from other companies in their industry, these firms are able to have some control over the ____ of their products

differentiated, prices

Explicit costs are also known as

direct costs

____ of scale is a condition in which the long-run average total cost of production increases as production increases.


The total revenue minus the implicit and explicit costs of production is ____ profit


Total revenue minus the explicit and implicit costs of production is ____ profit.


Total revenue minus the implicit and explicit costs of production is ____ profit.


Total revenue minus the implicit costs and explicit costs of production is ____ profit.


Zero ____ profit is when the firm's revenue equals its economic costs without a loss.


____ profit creates an incentive for other monopolistically competitive firms to enter the market.


____ profit creates an incentive for other perfectly competitive firms to enter the market.


When monopolistically competitive firms follow the marginal revenue and the marginal cost rule, the result can be ____ profits, ____ profits, or even losses, depending on market conditions.

economic, normal

____ of scale is a condition in which the long-run average total cost of production decreases as production increases.


A condition in which the long-run average total cost of production decreases as production increases is called:

economies of scale

A business will charge a lower price to the group with the relatively more ____ demand and a higher price to the group with the relatively more ____ demand.

elastic; inelastic

Economic profit creates an incentive for other perfectly competitive firms to ____ the market.


The level of profit that occurs when the total revenue is ____ to the total cost is known as normal profit.


The level of profit that occurs when total revenue is ____ to total cost is known as normal profit.


Profit maximization implies that perfectly competitive firms should expand production up to the point where marginal revenue ____ marginal cost.


Total revenue minus the total _____ costs of production is accounting profit.


Monetary payments made by individuals, firms ,and governments for the use of others' land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurial ability are

explicit costs

The marginal cost is the:

extra or additional cost associated with the production of an additional unit of output.

The marginal revenue is the

extra or additional revenue associated with the production of an additional unit of output.

By charging consumers the highest price they are willing and able to pay, the pure monopoly:

extracts all surplus from consumers.

The perfect monopoly extracts all surplus from consumers, yielding higher profits than any other pricing method when it employs which of the following?

first-degree price discrimination, personal pricing and perfect price discrimination

A concentration ratio that measures the percentage of sales by the four largest firms in a particular industry is called the:

four-firm concentration ratio.

____ theory helps us study the strategic behavior of oligopolistic firms.


The average total cost curve is

greater than the average variable cost curve for all levels of output

The average total cost curve is:

greater than the average variable cost curve for all levels of output.

In a perfectly competitive market, we assume the product is _____ in the minds of consumers.


The opportunity costs of using owned resources are

implicit costs

Economic costs can be defined as the sum of _____ and _____ costs

implicit; explicit

Total revenue minus the ____ costs and ____ costs of production is economic profit.

implicit; explicit

Total revenue minus the total _____ and total _____ costs of production is economic profit.

implicit; explicit

Third-degree price discrimination charges different prices to different consumers in order to:

increase profits

As the market price of a good ____, all else held constant, a profit-maximizing firm that produces the good can afford to expand its production.


____ marginal returns is a characteristic of production whereby the marginal product of the next unit of a variable resource utilized is greater than that of the previous variable resource.


In ____-cost industries, the cost of production ____ with expanded output and the long-run market supply curve slopes upward.

increasing; increases

What is the name of the model where firms operating in an oligopolistic market match only price decreases of other firms in the industry?

kinked demand model

When a firm has a loss, the total revenue is ____ then the total cost.


When the total revenue is ____ then the total cost, the level of profit that occurs is a loss.


Monopolies produce ____ output then competitive markets and are likely to hire ____ labor.

less; less

A curve showing the lowest average total cost possible for any given level of output when all inputs of production are variable is the ____ - run average cost curve


A period of time in which all inputs of production are variable is the

long run

Constant returns to scale occur when:

long-run average total cost does not change as output increases.

The market condition in which firms do not face incentives to enter or exit the market and firms earn a normal profit is known as:

long-run equilibrium

The long-run relationship between the price and the quantity supplied is given by the:

long-run supply curve

If the market price is below the average variable cost, the firm is:

losing money in the short run and should shut down.

The level of profit that occurs when the total revenue is less than the total cost is called an economic ____


Minimum-efficiency scale refers to the:

lowest level of output at which the long-run average total cost is minimized.

Price discrimination is only possible when a firm is a price ____

maker or setter

In game theory, a repeated game is played

many, sometimes an infinite number, times.

Because the ____ revenue faced by the firm is equal to price, average revenue is also constant and equal to price.


Decreasing ____ returns are a characteristic of production whereby the marginal product of the next unit of a variable resource utilized is less than that of the previous variable resource.


Increasing ____ returns is a characteristic of production whereby the marginal product of the next unit of a variable resource utilized is greater than that of the previous variable resource.


The extra or additional revenue associated with the production of an additional unit of output is the ____ revenue.


The short-run supply curve starts at the minimum average ____ cost.


The cost associated with an additional unit of output is called

marginal cost

The extra or additional cost associated with the production of an additional unit of output is the:

marginal cost

The marginal cost curve shows the relationship between

marginal cost and output

The marginal cost curve shows the relationship between:

marginal cost and output

When examining the cost curves for a firm, the minimum average variable cost occurs at the output level where:

marginal cost equals average variable cost.

The additional output produced as a result of utilizing one more unit of a variable resource is the

marginal product

Extra or additional revenue associated with the production of an additional unit of output is the:

marginal revenue

A perfectly competitive firm should produce output until the point where:

marginal revenue equals marginal cost.

In a perfectly competitive market, a single firm is a price taker and therefore can only charge the ______ price.


The percentage of total market sales accruing to one specific firm is called the ____ share


The demand for a perfectly competitive firm's product is a horizontal line originating at the:

market price

A payoff ____ is a table showing the potential outcomes arising from the choices made by decision makers.


Monopolistically competitive firms are unable to produce enough output to reach the ____ average total cost because of the presence of other monopolistically competitive firms in the industry.


The lowest level of output at which the long-run average total cost is minimized is called:

minimum-efficiency scale

A ____ produces less output than a competitive firm and therefore is likely to hire less labor.


A market structure characterized by a single seller is a ____.


A person who invents the ability to time travel will likely operate as a ____ because there would be no substitutes and entering that market would be difficult for anyone else.


A pure ____ has the overall demand to itself because it is the only seller in a market.


A pure ____ is a price maker engaging in non-price competition.


A pure ____ is the only seller in a market.


The _____ costs of using owned resources are implicit costs.


Costs that do not change with the amount of _____ produced are fixed costs.


A table showing the potential outcomes arising from the choices made by decision makers is:

payoff matrix

A market structure characterized by the interaction of large numbers of buyers and sellers in which the sellers produce a standardized or homogeneous product is known as:

perfect competition

The practice of charging each and every consumer the price she is willing and able to pay for a good or service describes:

perfect price discrimination, personal pricing and first-degree price discrimination

Firms that take or accept the market price and have no ability to influence that price are ____ takers.


In the long run, a monopolistically competitive firm will charge a(n) ____ equal to the average total cost per unit produced.


The practice of selling the same good or service to different consumers at different prices is called:

price discrimination

The practice of selling the same good or service to different consumers at different prices is known as:

price discrimination

Compared to an unregulated natural monopoly, what is true about the price charged and quantity produced when a natural monopoly is regulated?

price is lower and quantity is higher

Used in noncollusive oligopolistic markets, the practice of a dominant firm to signal upcoming price changes to other firms in the industry is known as

price leadership.

Total revenue equals:

price times quantity.

Pure monopolies do not achieve allocative efficiency meaning that they do not produce the amount of output that maximizes the sum of ____ and ____ surplus.

producer; consumer

The strategy of distinguishing one firm's product from the competing products of other firms is called ____ differentiation


The total amount of output produced with a given amount of resources is known as the total ____


Producing output at the lowest possible total cost per unit of production is:

productive efficiency

All firms maximize ____ by producing the quantity of output at which the marginal revenue is equal to the marginal cost.


The difference between total revenue and total cost is:


In the short run, as the price rises,:

quantity supplied rises

Governments usually ____ monopolies when the fixed costs associated with the production of a(n) ____ good or service are relatively high and it may not make sense to have multiple firms duplicating these fixed costs.

regulate; essential

A situation in which a game is played a number of times, sometimes infinitely, is known as a

repeated game.

For the profit-maximizing level of output, the price charged by a monopoly is not just different but greater than marginal ____


The profit maximization rule states that a firm should produce a level of output where the marginal ____ equals the marginal cost.


Total ________ equals price times quantity


A monopolistically competitive firm should produce output until the marginal ____ equals the marginal ____

revenue, cost

A monopoly should produce output until the marginal ____ equals the marginal ____

revenue; cost

All firms maximize profits by producing the quantity of output at which the marginal ____ is equal to the marginal ____.

revenue; cost

In the ____ run, when at least one input is fixed, as the price rises so does the level of output supplied.


A period of time in which at least one input of production is fixed is known as the

short run

Game theory is the study of the ____ behavior of decision makers


A dominant ____ is a situation in which a particular strategy yields the highest payoff, regardless of the other player's strategy.


The long-run relationship between the price and the quantity supplied is given by the long-run ____ curve.


In a perfectly competitive market, the price the firm should charge is the market price because the firm is a price ____


A concentration index that measures the sum of the squared percentage of sales from all firms in a particular industry is called:

the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI).

When a pure monopoly practices first-degree price discrimination,:

the demand curve becomes the marginal revenue curve.

When the total revenue earned by a firm is less than the total cost of production,:

the firm faces a loss.

A constant-cost industry is an industry in which:

the firms' cost structures do not vary with changes in production.

In decreasing-cost industries, the cost of production falls with expanded output and:

the long-run market supply curve slopes downward.

The percentage of total market sales accruing to one specific firm is called:

the market share.

Price discrimination is best described as:

the practice of selling the same good or service to different consumers at different prices.

Price leadership refers to

the practice of the dominant firm signaling price changes.

Total product is:

the total amount of output produced with a given amount of resources.

A curve showing the lowest average total cost possible for any given level of output when all inputs of production are ____ is the long-run average cost curve.


____ cost equals total fixed cost plus total variable cost.


Total cost equals:

total fixed cost + total variable cost

The price of a good times the number of units sold gives us:

total revenue

The price of a good times the quantity sold equals:

total revenue

Profit equals ____ revenue minus ____ cost.

total; total

Natural monopolies are rare and tend to be regulated by the government.


In increasing-cost industries, the cost of production rises with expanded output and the long-run market supply curve slopes


In increasing-cost industries, the cost of production rises with expanded output and the long-run market supply curve slopes ____


The firm's short-run supply curve is an __-sloping curve that begins at __ average variable cost.

upward; minimum

Costs that change with the amount of output produced are _____ costs.


If the market price is below the average variable cost, the business is not bringing in enough revenue to compensate for the ____ costs.


Costs that increase as production increases and decrease as production decreases are

variable costs

Total _____ costs change with output whereas total _____ costs do not.

variable; fixed

A company can break even and meet operating costs without a loss when it earns ____ economic profit.


Normal profit is also known as ____ economic profit.


A firm sustains a loss if:


Total revenue minus the explicit cost of production is

accounting profit

Perfect price discrimination generates the best outcome for which of the following market structures?


A market structure characterized by a single seller is a(n) ____


For the profit-maximizing level of output, the price charged by a ____ is not just different but greater than marginal revenue.


A(n) ____ equilibrium is an outcome in which, unless the players can collude, neither player has an incentive to change his or her strategy.


The kinked demand model occurs when:

noncollusive oligopolistic firms ignore other firms' price increases, but match their price decreases.

The profit maximization rule states that a firm should produce a level of output where the marginal revenue ____ the marginal cost.


The marginal cost curve is:

decreasing for low levels of output, then begins increasing.

Suppose a snowboard manufacturer increases its output by 1 snowboard per day. As a result, the total cost of producing snowboards each day rises from $100 to $110. The marginal cost of producing an extra snowboard is


____ profit is also known as zero economic profit


When there is production efficiency,:

-output is produced using the fewest resources possible to produce a good or a service -output is produced at the lowest possible total cost per unit of production

Price ____ is the practice of selling the same good or service to different consumers at different prices.


The practice of selling the same good or service to different consumers at different prices is called price ____


If a ____ wants to sell more units it must lower the price for every unit it sells.


A pure monopoly is a price maker engaging in ____ competition.


The level of profit that occurs when the total revenue is equal to the total cost is known as ____ profit.


The level of profit that occurs when total revenue is equal to total cost is known as ____ profit


The level of profit that occurs when total revenue is equal to total cost is known as ____ profit.


Government regulation of natural monopolies can take several forms such as imposing a(n) ____ profit price or a(n) ____ price.

normal; competitive

The ____ _____ price occurs when the price is equal to the average total cost

normal; profit

As in a monopoly, in a(n) ____ , the industry has extensive entry barriers.


In a ____ market, there are relatively few firms and the product is either standardized or differentiated.


In a ____, producers are price makers and behave strategically when making decisions related to the features, prices, and advertising of their products.


When there are diminishing marginal returns:

the marginal product of the next unit of a variable resource utilized is less than that of the previous variable resource.

Monopolistically competitive firms are able to have some control over the ____ of their products


The practice of charging each and every consumer the price that she is willing and able to pay for a good or service describes first-degree ____ discrimination.


The strategy of distinguishing one firm's product from the competing products of other firms is called product ____


In a monopolistically competitive market - each firm produces a differentiated and unique product - so firms face ____ - sloping demand curves


In decreasing-cost industries, the cost of production falls with expanded output and the long-run market supply curve slopes ____


When the marginal benefit of the last unit equals the marginal cost of the last unit, production is ____ efficient.


The demand for a perfectly competitive firm's product is a horizontal line originating at the market ____

price or value

Firms that take or accept the market price and have no ability to influence that price are known as:

price takers

Diseconomies of scale is a condition in which the long-run average total cost of production ____ as production increases


The long-run equilibrium in a monopolistically competitive market results in firms realizing ____ profits, which removes all incentives for firms to enter or exit the industry.


The market condition in which firms do not face incentives to enter or exit the market and firms earn a(n) ____ profit is known as long-run equilibrium.


Total cost per unit is equal to

average total cost

Total cost per unit is equal to:

average total cost

Total variable cost divided by the amount of output produced is equal to:

average variable cost

Variable cost per unit of output produced is

average variable cost

Indicate the two most common numerical indicators of market concentration.

The four-firm concentration ratio (CR4), The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI)

In addition to total cost, it is useful to calculate ____ cost because it can be compared directly to the price.


In addition to total cost, it is useful to calculate ____ cost because it is more useful for managing.


Total cost divided by the amount of output produced is equal to:

average total cost

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