Micro Quizzes

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T/F bacteria and archaea are considered eukaryotes

False -- they are both prokaryotes

T/F viruses are living infectious cells that can survive in a living cell?

False -- they are non-living because they do not grow, they replciate instead of reproduce, they use the metabolism of host cells

Staphylococcus and streptococcus pyogenes are types of

GP bacteria

Virulent strains of Staphylococcus aureus can resist penicillin because they produce


How do lysozymes target peptidogycan?

break covalent bonds linking NAG and NAM

What are the two components of glycocalyces of bacterial cells?

capsule, slime layer

Roles of cytoskeleton in prokaryotes

cell division cell shape segregate DNA molecules

Structures that can act as a virulence factor

cell wall glycocalyx fimbriae flagella pili exotoxin (GP) endotoxin (GN)

cells of the genus mycoplasma lack what two things?

cell wall, peptidoglycan

What plays a role in mitosis, cytokinesis, and formation of flagella and cillia?


Where in the cytoplasm are centrioles found?


Shingles, or herpes zoster, is a reactivation of the virus that causes


peptidoglycan is a

complex polysaccharide

When cells are placed in a hypertonic solution, they lose water and shrivel. This process is called


phospholipid bilayer is another name for a

cytoplasmic membrane

"Ringworm" is caused by

dermatophytes growing in the upper dead tissue layers of the skin.

What are endospores?

dormant form of bacteria

Genus Bacillus and Clostridium are genera of ____


Which of the following is a complication that may result from a Streptococcus pyogenes skin infection? a carbuncle erysipelas shingles a sty scalded skin syndrome


A reddening of the skin of the face that intensifies when exposed to the sun is characteristic of

erythema infectiosum.

Algae, protozoa, fungi are all considered


Do eukaryotes or prokaryotes have membrane bound organelles?


movement of molecules through the lipid bilayer with the help of a protein

facilitated diffusion

What processes require carrier proteins?

facilitated diffusion, active transport

T/F cristae is present in eukaryotic cells


T/F prokaryotes are unable to produce energy because of their lack of mitochondria

false -- they don't have mitochondria but can produce energy from membrane

T/F Endospores are reproductive

false -- transformative

T/F centrioles are found in all eukaryotic cells

false: they are not in ALL

What are the three components of flagella?

filament, hook, basal body

Pili is a type of


pilli are longer than ___ but shorter than ____

fimbriae, flagella

outermost to innermost, what are the layers of a bacterial cytoplasmic membrane?

glycocalyx, cell wall, cytoplasmic membrane

Which of the following bacterial cell structures plays an important role in the creation of biofilms?

glycocalyx, fimbriae

substance is chemically modified during transport

group translocation

What is the function of slime layer in bacterial cell

help prokaryotes attach to surfaces and prevent drying out

Whats the function of capsules in bacterial cells?

hide antigen and attachment/protection

in a phospholipid bilayer, the heads are ____ and the tails are ____

hydrophilic, hydrophobic

Some strains of Papillomavirus are oncogenic due to their ability to

integrate into the host cell DNA.

T/F ATP is used in group translocation


T/F all eukaryotic cells have cytoplasmic membranes


T/F e. coli, salmonella, and vibrio cholerae are gram negative bacteria


globular proteins called ___ arranged in 9+2 microtubules make up flagella and cillia


How big are prokaryotes?

typically 1.0 µm in diameter or smaller

What are the active cells in bacteria?

vegitative cells

Which of the following forms of leishmaniasis is typically fatal? mucocutaneous visceral cutaneous Both cutaneous and mucocutaneous are frequently fatal. Visceral, mucocutaneous, and cutaneous are all potentially fatal.


How many endospores can be produced by one bacterium?


how many pilli per cell


How many layers of peptidoglycan in Gram Positive?


biofilms cause ____% of human diseases


Prokaryotic ribosome measurements

70S -- 30S&50S

Eukaryotic ribosome measurements

80S --60S&40S

A child complains of intensely itchy "pimples" on the hands and wrists. The lesions are small inflamed streaks, but do not appear to contain pus. The child's condition may be the result of infection with

Sarcoptes scabiei.

Necrotizing fasciitis is caused by

Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus

What are vaccines first tested on?

Chicken eggs

what is the number one microorganism that causes UTIs? Why?

E. coli -- they have peritrichous flagella and can swim upstream against urine

Endotoxin is the cell wall of what type of cell?

Gram Negative

Why are GN cells resistant to penicillin?

LPS acts as a blocker

____ is a type of endotoxin and is a portion of LPS

Lipid A

A petechial rash starting on the hands and feet and spreading to the torso is characteristic of


What is the difference in DNA between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

Prokaryotic DNA is haploid (1 double-stranded DNA molecule), and eukaryotic DNA is diploid (2 chromosomes)

What is the function of pilli?

Providing a means of DNA transfer

A series of nodular lesions on an arm that fill with pus and ulcerate through the skin is characteristic of infection with the fungus

Sporothrix schenckii.

A small puncture wound on a woman's arm has become swollen, hot to the touch, and intensely painful. There is tissue necrosis but it is not "gassy," and under the microscope Gram-positive cocci in chains are present. Which of the following microbes is likely to be responsible? Clostridium perfringens Sporothrix schenckii Streptococcus pyogenes Pseudomonas aeruginosa Staphylococcus aureus

Streptococcus pyogenes

Why are biofilms dangerous?

They are resistant to antibiotics

Why are GP bact sensitive to penicillin and lysozymes?

they target peptidoglycan

Mycolic acid contributes to the unique characteristics of what?

acid-fast bacteria

A specific wavelength of UVA can be used to treat


occurs against a concentration gradient; involves a protein carrier

active transport

single flagella on both poles


glycocalyx of eukaryotic cell

anchor cells to each other strengthen surface hydration function in cell to cell recognition and communication

Endospores are ____ meaning they can only be destroyed by moist heat under pressure


why are endospores resistant?

thick spore coat and dipicolinic acid in the coat

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

lipid synthesis and transport

more than one flagellum on both poles or one pole


GP bacteria are sensitive to penicillin and ____


Single flagella on one pole


Can endospores release endotoxins?

no, they're dormant

Where does DNA reside in prokaryotes


movement of water down a concentration gradient


Common skin warts are the result of infection with


What is the region between outer membrane and cytoplasmic membrane in GN cell wall


Where are peptidoglycans of GN bacteria found?


flagellum that covers the entire body


flagella that cover the surface of a prokaryotic cell are called


What are the two types of endocytosis?

phagocytosis -- solid substances pinocytosis -- liquids

What is the bilayer membrane outside peptidoglycan in GN cells composed of?

phospholipids, proteins, and lipoplysaccharides

GN bacteria stain ___


How does molecule transmission occur in GN cells

porin proteins

How does penicillin work?

prevents cross-linking of glycan chains by tetrapeptides

functions of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton

produce shape anchor organelles

Inclusions are used as storage for nutrients in what type of cells?


Ribosoes are the site for

protein synthesis

round endoplasmic reticulum

protein synthesis and transport

Gram positive appear ___ when stained


How do prokaryotes perform protein synthesis?


what is most common solute on planet?


free movement of molecules directly through the lipid bilayer

simple diffusion

Which of the following is becoming rarer as a result of childhood vaccinations?

subacute sclerosing panencephalitis

What gives peptidoglcan it's negative charge?

teichoic acid

glycan chains are held together by 4 amino acids making it a ---- chain


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