Module 4 (Operator Overloading, Friends, and References)
A friend function has access only to the private members and member functions of the class (and all objects of that class) of which it is a friend
If a unary operator is overloaded as a stand-alone function, the argument may be any type
One can guarantee left to right evaluation of the arguments to a comma expression overloading
Overloading a binary operator as a member requires to arguments
When overloading an operator, you can create a new operator different from the more usual operators
You can change the behavior of for the int type using operator overloading
An overloaded operator [] must be non-static class member
C++ allows overloading of the function application operator ()
It is impossible to get short-circuit behavior for overloaded operator && or operator ||
I want to have a nonmember function to have access to the private members of a class. The class must declare that function a
friend (if a class declares a function to be a friend, it is granting access to the private members(it already has access to the public members)