Mrs. Brock west europe test review

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The Alps are a a. highland region separating Spain and France. b. range of mountains bordering northern Italy. c. series of high plains crossing western France. d. group of ocean currents carrying warm winds to Scotland and Ireland.


The river that forms part of the border between France and Germany is the a. Rhône. b. Rhine. c. Ruhr. d. Elbe.


What allowed an inland city like London to become a great shipping port? a. Scotland lies to the north, and Wales lies to the west. b. The Thames River is an estuary. c. The finance, insurance, and tourism industries are on the rise. d. The surrounding coastal plain drains directly into a fjord.


Who was the leader of Germany during its invasion of Poland in 1939? a. Hugh Capet b. Adolf Hitler c. Napoleon Bonaparte d. Louis-Napoleon


Why was coal a key resource for countries during the Industrial Revolution? a. Mining coal proved to be a dirty and dangerous task. b. Coal fueled the steam engines that powered factories. c. Countries used coal to create new, sophisticated weapons. d. Countries relied on coal as the main paving material for their road systems.


What is a fjord? a. a mountain that drops abruptly into the sea b. a long summer day with sun for more than 20 hours c. a flooded valley with steep sides d. a warm ocean current that keeps the climate mild


What type of energy accounts for the large share of power used for heat and electricity in Iceland? a. gasohol b. oil c. geothermal d. nuclear


Where do most people in Scotland live? a. the Central Lowlands b. the Southern Uplands c. the Highlands d. near the North Sea


An island is inhabitable if it has a. a secluded bay for protecting ships. b. a volcanic mountain at its center. c. support permanent residents. d. a complex system of roads.


An improved wooden plow developed in Italy in 200 B.C.might have appeared in Denmark 20 years later thanks to a. the Industrial Revolution. b. cultural diffusion. c. Renaissance technology. d. the prevailing westerlies.


How did reparations affect Germany after World War I? a. Germany's economy grew rapidly. b. Germany suffered economically. c. New home construction increased dramatically. d. East and West Germany were reunited.


How does Austria's economy differ from that of Switzerland? a. Austria lacks mineral resources. b. Austria has some mineral resources. c. Austria is perceived as a center of international banking. d. Austria is better known for its watches.


In Ireland, conflict between Catholics and Protestants led to a. the Potato Famine. b. cultural divergence. c. Viking raids. d. the Reformation.


Northern Ireland includes a. the Republic of Ireland. b. six counties that are part of the United Kingdom. c. six counties that are part of the Republic of Ireland. d. the independent part of Ireland.


What area is part of the United Kingdom but not part of Great Britain? a. Wales b. Northern Ireland c. the Republic of Ireland d. Scotland


What is a moor? a. a swamp b. a treeless plain dotted with bogs c. a kind of moss used for fuel d. fertile farmland in an upland region


What is a polder? a. land that was lost to the sea b. land that was reclaimed from the sea c. walls of earth built to hold back the sea d. a type of canal common in the Netherlands


What is the main use for peat? a. food b. fertilizer for crops c. fuel d. keeping the land green


What region of France is the main manufacturing center? a. the Paris Basin b. the southwest c. the Rhône Valley d. the area around Bordeaux


Which city links Europe and the rest of the world because of its location along the region's largest inland waterway? a. Rotterdam b. Amsterdam c. Hamburg d. Vienna


Which Western European nations contain humid subtropical climates? a. Italy and Austria b. Spain and Portugal c. Italy and France d. the United Kingdom and Ireland


Which area was under the rule of Muslim Moors for more than 700 years? a. Castile b. the Po Valley c. the Mezzogiorno d. Sterea Hellas


As coal deposits were used up, Britain turned to a. oil and gas. b. peat. c. hydroelectricity d. wood.


How are the Basques different from other people in Spain? a. They speak a language that is not related to other languages of Europe. b. They speak only Spanish. c. They want stronger ties with the Spanish government. d. They have better farmland than other people in Spain.


How did decentralizing the Belgian government help resolve a conflict among its cultures? a. Each cultural region could now make more of its own decisions about rights. b. The various cultures would now be overseen by a single central government. c. All businesses within a cultural region could now be run by the regional government. d. Each culture group would now have its own independent armed forces.


How do the climates of Spain and Portugal differ? a. Portugal is wetter. b. Spain is colder. c. Portugal has several small subarctic regions. d. Spain has an area of tundra in the southeast.


In the 1400s, Portugal explored new sea routes to a. East Asia. b. Scandinavia. c. Africa. d. Greece.


Italy's most productive farmland is a. in the Po River valley. b. on the islands of Sardinia and Sicily. c. around the city of Naples. d. in the southern Appenines.


Many people from southern Italy have moved to Naples and northern Italy because they hope to a. find economic opportunity. b. avoid earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. c. become more involved in commercial fishing. d. study the disappearance of Minoan culture.


Most of the original forests of Western Europe a. have been cut down. b. produce large amounts of wood products. c. are found only along the coasts. d. are so thick that farming is impossible.


The average literacy rate in Western Europe is most likely a. over 90 percent. b. close to 75 percent. c. just over 50 percent. d. less than 50 percent.


What economic activity do the Scottish Highlands and Southern Uplands have in common? a. sheep herding b. auto manufacturing c. shipbuilding d. oil drilling


What is a confederation? a. a loose union of states b. states united with a strong central government c. a country with no states d. a country ruled by a stronger country


What mountains separate the Iberian Peninsula from the rest of Europe? a. the Pyrenees b. the Alps c. the Apennines d. the Pindus Mountains


What problem did many factories in Wales have by the mid-1900s? a. They lacked modern technology. b. There was no coal to power them. c. Tourism forced them to close. d. The Welsh people did not need manufactured goods.


What should a tourist expect to find in most large European cities? a. a cathedral b. a baseball stadium c. a capitol building d. an animal preserve


What ties the Nordic nations together as a region within Europe? a. They share climate, location, and history. b. They are all centers of Nordic skiing. c. All of their people speak a language based on Finnish. d. All of their people belong to the Roman Catholic Church.


Which Western European nations are unlikely to have large commercial fishing industries? a. Switzerland and Austria b. Germany and Denmark c. Belgium and France d. Spain and Portugal


Which of the following countries has the densest population? a. the Netherlands b. Finland c. Spain d. Norway


Why has Marseille become a center of trade? a. It is centrally located on the Mediterranean Sea, close to North Africa and Southwest Asia. b. It is located on the Rh�ne River, in the middle of a productive wine region. c. It is located on the North Sea, with easy access to the Atlantic Ocean trade and inland European markets. d. It is located on the Atlantic Ocean, on a major trade route from the United States.


What is one major effect of Western Europe's economic success? a. Other countries have created special taxes on imports from the region. b. People from all over the world have migrated to the region looking for work. c. Everyone in the region is guaranteed a minimum income. d. Contagious diseases have devastated entire herds of cattle and sheep throughout the region.


What was the Renaissance? a. the period when the Roman Empire dominated the Mediterranean region b. a time of great art and learning c. the period between the world wars d. the age when most factories were built


What was the leading industrial country in Western Europe in 1999? a. France b. Germany c. Switzerland d. Luxembourg


Where education is compulsory, children a. all receive scholarships to attend a regional college or university. b. must attend school for a certain number of years. c. can be physically punished by a teacher or principal for misbehaving. d. are required to take an examination to pass from one grade to the next.


Where is the North European Plain located? a. in Spain, Italy, and other countries along the Mediterranean Sea b. in France, Germany, and other countries to the east c. on the northern coasts of Norway, Sweden, and Finland d. in the United Kingdom and Ireland


Where would you most expect to experience seismic activity? a. in the Peseta b. in the Apennines c. in the Po River valley d. in the southwestern corner of the Iberian Peninsula


Which capital city is home to the Acropolis? a. Rome b. Athens c. Madrid d. Lisbon


How did Rotterdam's location at the mouth of the Rhine River give it an advantage as a trading port? a. Sediments from the river built up a delta of fertile farmland. b. The river prevented invaders from disrupting Rotterdam's economy. c. Merchants used the river to transport goods. d. Rotterdam did not have to expend funds for irrigation.


How long has Austria had its present borders? a. since the early 1800s b. since it was the Austro-Hungarian Empire c. since the end of World War I d. since the end of World War II


In Sweden you would expect the government to a. encourage the establishment of private day-care centers. b. prevent socialist parties from participating in politics. c. provide compensation to the unemployed. d. play a "hands-off" role in the economy.


In economic terms, the opposite of nationalize is a. publicize. b. personalize. c. privatize. d. decentralize.


Portugal once had colonies in a. North America and Antarctica. b. North America and South America. c. South America and Africa. d. Africa and northern Asia.


The terms grabens and subsidence both relate to the a. Renaissance period. b. industrialization of a formerly agricultural economy. c. sinking or dropping down of land. d. action of wind and waves on the shoreline.


What German city was divided into two after World War II? a. Munich b. Heidelberg c. Berlin d. Frankfurt


What economic activity is common in the northernmost parts of Western Europe? a. manufacturing and trade b. commercial farming c. nomadic herding d. bauxite mining


What happened to Germany immediately after World War II? a. It was reunited as one country. b. Many of its people lost their jobs as the result of a worldwide depression. c. It was divided into East Germany and West Germany. d. The Berlin Wall came down.


Where are most Italian factories located? a. in southern Italy b. in central Italy c. in northern Italy d. in Sardinia and Sicily


Where did the Industrial Revolution begin? a. Norway b. Germany c. England d. Ireland


Where would you be most likely to meet someone who speaks fluent Welsh? a. the Southern Uplands b. the Highlands c. the mountains of northern Wales d. southern Wales


Which country is a center of banking because of its neutrality? a. the Netherlands b. Belgium c. Switzerland d. Luxembourg


Which nation has the lowest percentage of students in secondary school? a. Finland b. France c. Italy d. United Kingdom


Which of the following has Greece always depended on for trade? a. airports b. the European Union c. the sea d. highways


Would you expect to find many English words appear in French dictionaries? Explain. a. Yes—Britain and the United States have long been allies of France. b. Yes—The French must know English to compete in the global economy. c. No—The French are determined to preserve the purity of their language. d. No—In France it is illegal to write in any language other than French.


A tunnel through the Alps connects France and a. Germany. b. the Netherlands. c. Austria. d. Italy.


Farmers in Spain's Meseta region must use dry farming methods because a. the soil on the plateau is too wet for traditional planting. b. cold winds from the east sweep across the plateau. c. most of the rivers that cross the plateau are not navigable. d. the plateau lies in a rain shadow.


How do ocean currents and winds affect the climate of Europe? a. They stop the rains that come from the mountains. b. They make its climate very cold. c. They encourage the spread of deserts. d. They make its climate mild.


Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Greece all have a. a mountain range that covers most of the country. b. a history of being conquered by the Moors. c. the same official language. d. a Mediterranean climate.


The European Union was formed by a group of Western European a. companies that wanted to increase trade with the rest of the world. b. laborers who worked long hours in factories for low pay. c. farmers concerned about losing agricultural land to expanding cities. d. countries in order to improve their economies.


The Nordic nations all have a. summer all year. b. moors. c. winter all year. d. mixed economies.


The rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman knowledge sparked a period of rebirth known as the a. Protestant Reformation. b. Industrial Revolution c. Cold War. d. Renaissance.


Western Europe is one of the world's a. least densly populated regions. b. most densely forested regions. c. largest regions in area. d. most heavily industrialized regions.


Western Europe's rivers provided travelers and merchants with access to interior lands. This access encouraged a. a change in climate. b. the harnessing of oil and natural gas. c. the development of hydroelectricity. d. cultural diffusion.


What are the two main languages of Belgium? a. French and German b. German and Dutch c. Dutch and Flemish d. Flemish and French


What area is home to the high-tech area known as the Silicon Glen? a. Wales b. Finland c. England d. Scotland


What fact would help you conclude that the Swiss have developed a productive and efficient economic system? a. They have concentrated most of their heavy industries near coal deposits. b. Their main cities are located on rivers. c. They have less crime than many countries with different economic systems. d. They have a high standard of living, in spite of a lack of natural resources.


What is a sirocco? a. a form of money used in Italy b. the main kind of climate found on the Iberian Peninsula c. a warm current of water in the Mediterranean Sea d. a hot wind from northern Africa


What was the key to Italy's industrial boom after the 1950s? a. developing manufacturing in the rural south b. signing a trade agreement with Spain c. discovering oil off the western coast of Sicily d. joining the European Union


Which of the following industries is important in Greece? a. auto manufacturing b. airplane manufacturing c. road building d. shipbuilding


Which of these events happened most recently? a. King Henry II of England declared himself King of Ireland. b. Celtic tribes from Europe settled in Ireland. c. The Reformation split Irish Catholics from English Protestants. d. The Potato Famine hit Ireland.


Why do Nordic countries receive more than 20 hours of sun in midsummer but fewer than 4 hours in midwinter? a. the North Atlantic Drift b. the revolution of the earth around the sun c. the rotation of the earth d. the tilt of the earth on its axis


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