What are the visibility and cloud clearance requirements at an airport in Class G airspace when conducting takeoffs and landings at night?
1 SM visibility and clear of clouds if remaining within 1/2 mile of the airport.
What must a pilot do or be aware of when transitioning an Alert Area?
Be aware that the area may contain unusual aeronautical activity or high volume of pilot training.
What procedure could a pilot use to navigate under VFR from one point to another when ground references are not visible?
Dead reckoning
When converting from magnetic course to true course, a pilot should
add easterly variation regardless of heading.
When converting from true course to magnetic heading, a pilot should
add westerly variation and subtract left wind correction angle.
When planning a distance flight, true course measurements on a Sectional Aeronautical Chart should be made at a meridian near the midpoint of the course because the
angles formed by lines of longitude and the course line vary from point to point.
Effective navigation by means of GPS includes
determining the current status of all databases
The line from point C to point B of the wind triangle represents
groundspeed and true course.
When converting from true heading to true course, a pilot should
subtract right wind correction angle.
The line from point A to point B of the wind triangle represents
true heading and airspeed.
The line from point C to point A of the wind triangle represents
wind direction and velocity.