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What is guardianship?

A legally enforceable arrangement under which one person, the guardian, has the legal right and duty to care for another, the ward.

Define Law

A system of rules that defines socially acceptable behavior and sets punishments for violations

DNR order (do not resuscitate)

A written order from a physician (sometimes initiated by a patient's advance directive or by a health care proxy's request) that no attempt should be made to revive a patient if he or she suffers cardiac or respiratory arrest.

risk related to cognitive changes?

inability to understand and comply with directions, such as unable to read labels and directions.

Is a Guardianship permanent?

it is temporary

Stage 2 NREM sleep

last about 10 to 20 minutes and body functions continue to slow( relaxation progress

What is the hippocampus?

learning and memory

aging changes include

less water in cells, less elasticity , less subcutaneus fat , less hair,

Stage 1 (REM)of sleep cycle

light level of sleep, last few minutes, person feels that a daydream has occurred when awake with noised


localized hardening of soft tissue

Oral route temperature

most common route use

stage 2 pressure ulcer

partial thickness skin loss involving epidermis, red small crater, painful there is blister

Types of restraints

physical and chemical

what are some technique to improve safety and compliance?

pill organizer, good lighting, no clutter, read and confirm labels, glasses on, daily alarm.

Grannulation tissue

pink, red, moist composed of new blood vessels

Five mechanisms of risk getting a pressure ulcer

pressure, shearing, moisture, nutrition

As the night progresses, what happens to the REM stage of sleep?

rapid eye movement increases and non rapid eye movement period decrease in length


recurring problems in falling or staying asleep, treatment such as sleep hygiene, relaxation therapies

RACE stands for what?

rescue, alarm, contain, evacuate


scab- black brown devitalized tissue

risk related to inadequate knowledge?

sharing med, use of alcohol, over the counter meds.

stage 1 pressure ulcer

skin intact, red, no blanching,

what does steadi stand for

stopping, elderly, accident, death, injuries


tapping on a surface to determine the difference in the density of the underlying structure

If sleep is interrupted at any time what happens?

the individual goes back to stage one of non rapid eye movement and begins a new cycle.

how does bride den scale work?

the lower the number the higher the risk, the higher the number the lower the risk.

rectal route temp

the most accurate route and the result is as close to core temperature as possible without using more invasive measures.

Define abuse

the physical, mental, emotional, or sexual mistreatment of one person by another

What is geropharmacology?

the study of how older adults respond to medication


tissue damage from pressure

risk related to sensory changes?

vision changes, unable to read med label, difficulty identifying sizes, shape and color of med


yellow white necrotic tissue

Stage 4 NREM sleep

• Deepest stage of sleep. When muscles are completely relaxed and movement is minimal.last for 15-30min - it i difficult to wake up the person. sleepwalking, sleep talking and night terrors occur.

the largest organ of the body is the

epidermis and dermis

Can a guardian make all decisions for the ward?

extraordinary decisions must be made by a court

What is noncompliance?

failure to act in accordance with a wish or command.

stage 3 pressure ulcer

full thickness tissue loss, potential necrotic tissue, unusual colors, foul smelling, drainage, less painful

Who can be appointed a Guardian or Conservator?

-reasonable person -competent and over 18

stage 4 pressure ulcer

Full-thickness tissue loss with exposed bone, muscle, or tendon, less painful if bone infection is present because dermis layer is damage including nerves

internal risk factors

Internal variables that increase a person's vulnerability to injury.


Involves behaviors committed by the older adult that endanger his or health, safety, and overall well-being.


Listening with a stethoscope to sounds within the body

what is pressure ulcer?

Localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear

Intergumentary system

Major organs: skin, hair, sweat glands, nails and sebaceous glands

PASS stands for what?

Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep

REM sleep

Rapid eye movement sleep, a recurring sleep stage during which vivid dreams commonly occur. Also known as paradoxical sleep, because the muscles are relaxed (except for minor twitches) but other body systems are active.

Define ethics

Set of standards of conduct that guide decisions and actions based on duties derived from core values.

Inspection is:

The process by which ongoing and completed work is examined

Stage 3 NREM sleep

The start of the deepest periods of sleep, and lasts for about 15-30 minutes. vital signs decline but remain regular, muscle are completely relax

What is presleep?

a stage of increased relaxation and drowsiness that typically lasts 10-30 min

What is apnea?

absence of breathing


an examination technique in which the examiner's hands are used to feel the texture, size, consistency, and location of certain body parts

drugs contributing to sleep disorders?

caffeine, alcohol, diuretics, antidepressants, hormones, antihypertensive

risk factors to sleep problem

chronic respiration, cardiovascular problems, pain, frequent elimination, anxiety, depression

What is non-REM (NREM) sleep?

consist of four to six complete cycles lasting between 1-2 hrs each, each cycle considst of non rapid eye movement and one rapid eye movement

necrotic tissue

dead tissue

Signs of hypothermia

decreased body temperature and respirations, pale and cool skin, hypotension (decreased blood pressure) decreased muscle coordination and urinary output, disorientation, and drowsiness progressing to coma.

external risk factors

environmental hazards people vehicles home environment

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