North Korean Final Terms

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gangsong daeguk

phrase for North Koreans since 1998 when they had difficulties. Represents NK's national goal since 1998 to have strong government militarily and economically

National Defense Committee

what Kim Jong Il used to promote himself

State Affairs Commission

what Kim Jong Un used to promote himself


what they call Kim Il Sung, the eternal leader

tongyo kyechung

wavering class

military based politics

what Kim Jong Il advocated

Refugee sur place

"who were not refugees when they left their countries of origin but who become refugees at a later date." When North Koreans go back to their country, they automatically become political prisoners. So, can apply the concept of refugee sur place


-money owner -the word North Koreans use to describe the new class of traders and businessmen that has emerged

North Korean Strategy (3 components)

1) Using military threat 2) getting foreign aid (hard currency) 3) persuading domestic audiences ideological not material paradise

North Korean Preconditions for Unification (2)

1) withdrawal of US forces on the Korean Peninsula 2)End of the Armistice Treaty

9.19 Pyongyang Declaration (5 points)

1)Cessation of military hostility. 2) measures to further advance exchanges and cooperation 3) humanitarian cooperation to fundamentally resolve the issue of separated families 4) spirit of the Korean nation 5) land of peace free from nuclear weapons and threats (ultimate goal withdrawal of US forces because US represents nuclear possibility)

4 control systems in North Korea

1)Thought control->political study sessions 2)Information Control->no foreign news or broadcasts 3)Confucian Tradition->focus on hierarchy and order 4)Communist influence->Juche Ideology

Why is the year 2012 important?

100 years after the birth of Kim Il Sung. Propaganda made it seem like by this year North Korea would be a glorious state. wasn't actualized and caused a lot of people to distrust the state.

1951 Refugee Convention

1951 Refugee Convention - The legal document created by a cooperative effort of 145 countries that details what it means to be a refugee and what countries are obligated to do regarding them.. Difficult to be found a refugee: "a well-founded fear of persecution". Proving status difficult. North Koreans in China can't submit documents to prove they are refugees, since they are automatically labeled as economic migrants

Transnational Advocacy Network (TAN)

A network of activists—often, a coalition of NGOs—distinguishable largely by the centrality of principled ideas or values in motivating its formation. Persuades states to follow policies in a more effective way (scientists who try to influence politics or activists who have clear motives or values motive formation). Keck and Sikkink in 1998. States NGOs play an important role

Article 67

Allows for the Freedom of press, publication assembly, demonstration and association. Not actualized. All presses under government control. press role is to "dye society one color, the color of the revolutionary color of the great leader." Press preserving leader rather than helping people

Kaesong Industrial Complex

An industrial park north of the Demilitarized Zone. It is administered by South Korean businesses and employs over 50,000 North Korean workers. Shut down in 2016

Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 6 and 7

Article 6: All people have a right to be recognized as human beings Article 7: all people are equal before the law and have the right to be protected by the law without any type of discrimination

3-8-6 Generation

Born in 60's, college in 80's, politics in the 2003's. All grew up in dictatorship but then grew up in the Sunshine Era. Difficult getting diversity in opinions (homogeneous ideologies). Rho Moo-Hyung and Moon Jae-In. Bring back Sunshine Policies

Central Military Committee

Both Kim Jong Un and Kim Jong Il were head of this before becoming leader of North Korea. who gets promoted to this position is indicative

Civic vs Ethnic Nationalism

Civic Nationalism: having responsibility as a citizen of a country (state building) Ethnic nationalism: nationalism that stems from bloodlines and race rather than loyalty to a country Moon Jae-In and Kim Jong Un focus on ethnic nationalism and history and culture but do not look at how North and South Korea now have different civic nationalism Limitation to current state building is that leaders don't look at integrating civic nationalism

Kim Dae Jung

Former president of South Korea (1998-2003) Received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2000 (only Korean recipient of a Nobel Prize) for his efforts to restore democracy in South Korea and to improve relations with North Korea. Referred to as the 'Nelson Mandela' of South Korea Sunshine Policy Founder

Arduous March (1994-1998)

How the regime described the famines that occurred and killed hundreds of thousands of people. likened the famine to a military struggle

Currency Reform 2009

Initiated by Kim Jong Un. 100:1 with old currency; Gave everyone the same amount of money despite what they had saved. Caused people to distrust the government-->differences in consciousness before and after 2009. Now many people use US $ instead of North Korean money in jamadang.


Introduced in 1955 to give legitimacy to the regime. emphasized North Korea's independence from other countries. Used after the collapse of other communist countries to show that they are different from those countries. Communism in their own style. North Korean self reliance doctrine. Effort to develop a North Korean self image. Emphasizes importance of socio-political life and people as the masters of society.

2 pillars of domestic policy

Introduced in Gansong Daeguk in 1998 during the Arduous March. 1) Development of Nuclear Weapons Program 2) Economic development

Kang Ban Seok

Kim Il Sung's mother

Kim Yo Jong

Kim Jong Un's younger sister. Very influential. Vice Director of the Propaganda and Agitation Department.

North Korean (Kim Jong Un) Dilemma

North Korea needs to open up and trade in a globalized society, but this would allow inflow of outside information which would weaken society. People would notice the lies upon which the state was built, and outside interaction contradicts Juche Ideology. Wouldn't be able to control the flow of information any more


detention houses

Nodong Sinmun

North Korea's main newspaper


North Korean black market

Portrait Business

North Koreans supposed to clean portrait every day

Two Phases of Divorce Plus Reconciliation

Phase One -normalization of US DPRK relation -diplomatic relations -transnational legal separation between the two Koreas -Acceptance of the DPRK as a legitimate state Phase Two -A Peace Treaty between the US and DPRK -resolution of the two koreas as separate countries

2 pillars of state building

Political legitimacy and economic development. Kim Il Sung initially did this well so he was accepted

Life Cycle of a Norm (3 steps)

Process of internalization and diffusion of international norms. Finnemore and Sikink (1998). Three steps are: 1)Norm emergence 2) Norm cascade 3) Norm Internalization Because of norm cascade, people start to care, then internalization would be if China began to accept that some NK people are refugees. Work of NGOs to create these norms. Right now the North Korean Refugee crisis is stuck in norm cascade.


Public Distribution system

The White Paper

Published every year by the Korean Institute for National Unification. Addresses international human rights standards and human rights in North Korea. Shows the reality of civil and political rights

daedong river

Pyongyang's equivalent of the Han

Refugees vs Escapees vs Defectors

Refugees: refers to people who are fleeing a situation that violates international law Escapees: people who just escaped Defectors: Has a political meaning. means abandoned their countries

Rho Moo-Hyung

South Korean president in the early 2000s who also promoted the sunshine policy. Opened Kaesong Industrial Complex

Darusman Report

UN report in 2013 that for the first time categorized human rights abuses

Cabinet based politics

What Kim Jong Un advocates. Now says cabinet more important than military. Says North Korea is becoming a "normative state," so in a ways acknowledging that it wasn't before


Where North Koreans go when they arrive in Korea to receive training on how to live in South Korea

Article 68 of DPRK constitution

allows for freedom of religion. At least pretends to uphold international standards. Refers to construction rather than guarantee to practice. Social order still more important to if religion infringes not allowed

Commission of Inquiry

an independent body of experts created by a government to investigate an issue of great importance. launched an investigation on North Korea for Human rights violations. Fact-Finding Mission (FFM). Clarify whether crimes against humanity are committed in North Korea. Reveal accountability of government institutions and individuals

induk chongchi

benevolent governance (Kim Jong Il)

kwangpok chongchi

broad governance (Kim Il Sung)

Bongsu, Chigol, Jungbaik

churches in North Korea (for appearances and donations only

Songbun, Todae

class system in North Korea

yonjoaje, yongoje

collective punishment

Article 63

collectivist principle, principle of all for one, one for all

haeksim kyechung

core class

Political Study Sessions

criticism based on Juche Ideology and teachings of the Kims. Ordinary citizens once a week, elites 3-4 times a week. Cite at least one item from the 1 principles. Lifestyle Review-->must always belong in a group. When repent sins must recite so must memorize them all.


dear leader, Kim Jong Il

Panmunjom Declaration

declaration where DPRK commits to demilitarization. April 27th 2018.1) Improving inter-Korean relations based on nationalism. Koreans ignore civil vs ethnic nationalism. RoK citizens should have pride in own state. People too emotional. People ok with Kim Jong UN-->Easing military tension on the peninsula

Universal Declaration of human rights article 18

everyone has the right to freedom of thought. conscience and religion: this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practicing, worship and observance

Dual Burden for women

expected to take care of home, husband and family while also working in the market to make money

Ministry of People's Security

functions as a police and public safety organization as well as an intelligence bureau (international investigative body)


gathering facilities for suspects

joktae kyechung

hostile class

Humanitarian versus Human Rights

human rights are civil liberties while humanitarian addresses living conditions: right to health, food, education. North Korea prefers humanitarian discourse. Human rights are more aggressive toward the regime. Humanitarian workers criticize sanctions since they mostly hurt disabled, elderly and children. Want to stop using human rights discourse because that doesn't work

State Security Department

investigates political dissident suspects. manages political prisons. monitors behavior of party officials and researches their background (Internal/domestic investigative body)


long term corrective labor camps


mountain in North Korea used to legitimize the regime

negative vs positive peace

negative=end of war positive=takes human rights into consideration

Sunshine theory

policy towards North Korea that emphasized changing North Korea through interacting with it economically. First started by Kim Dae Jung and then by Rho Moo Hyung. Actualized by the Kaesong Industrial Complex (Rho Moo-Hyung) and encouraged economic cooperation


political concentration camp


prison camps


relying on foreign countries


special tourist zone on the sea of Japan


the first special economic zone in North Korea

10 Principles

thought to be based off the 10 commandments. Things that every North Korean must follow. During political study sessions people must cite at least one principle, so everyone is required to memorize it

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