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What is the recommended tool to use when checking in a customer during the Service Reception and Write-Up step of the Service Process?

A Service tablet

When should you respond to Follow-Up customer feedback?


How is a Hot Alert triggered during the Service process?

By negative feedback on the Quick Pulse Survey [TBD]

What should you do if additional Service work is needed?

Communicate that information clearly to your customer using the WOW method (What it is, How it Operates, Why Today)

Which of these are Key Actions in the Write-Up process?

Listen to your customer's needs, rephrase them, and document concerns on the Repair Order Pay special attention to customers who have a repeat or complicated repair

What steps should you take with a non-appointment customer?

Offer Express Service if appropriate View available shop capacity and parts availability

What is an important part of the Service Reception and Write-Up process?

Offer a professional interaction in the least amount of time

During Service Reception and Write Up, how can you set-up a waiting customer for a positive service experience?

Show the location of refreshments and restrooms Accompany them to the Service lounge Provide the Wi-Fi password if necessary Let them know when you will be providing the first update

What is the best contact method to follow up with customers?

Their preferred communication method

What can the customer expect during the Follow-Up step of the Service Process?

To have an opportunity to provide feedback To obtain continued and personalized communication from the Dealership To be kept informed of their vehicle needs

Which actions are part of the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) process?

Adjust results as necessary until you achieve the changes you want Identify existing issues and create a plan to address them Set the plan in motion and evaluate results

What is a best practice for Service staff to employ during Service Reception?

Confirm customer details and preferred method of contact for the day Greet appointment customers by name Reconfirm the customer's requested service

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