Nutrition- Chapter 1 test

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How long does the average family spend preparing a meal, including clean up?

30 minutes

What percentage of water is the healthy human body? Is it required on a daily basis?

60% and yes, we'd die without it.

What foods provide a good source of carbohydrates (think of the food groups with carbohydrates and then the foods in those food groups)?

Carbohydrates are found in most foods. Breads, cereals, legumes, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products are all rich in carbohydrates. The only foods that do not provide significant amounts of carbohydrates are animal products other than dairy, such as eggs, meat, poultry, and fish. Meat does not have carbohydrates; fat does not have carbohydrates.

What is the body's primary energy source?

Carbohydrates are the primary energy source.

What nutrients are organic and which are inorganic?

Carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids, and vitamins are the most complex of the six classes of nutrients . These nutrients are organic because their chemical structure contain carbon Minerals are the least complex of the nutrients and are inorganic because their chemical structure does not include carbon. Water is inorganic.

What are the six classifications of essential nutrients?

Carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins, minerals, water

How much energy (calories) do carbohydrates, proteins, fat, and alcohol provide per gram?

Each energy-yielding nutrient provides a set number of kilocalories per gram. Carbohydrates and proteins provide 4 kilocalories per gram. Fats yield 9 kilocalories per gram, more than twice the number of kilocalories in either carbohydrates and proteins. Alcohol contains 7 kilocalories per gram.

What is energy?

Energy is defined as the capacity to do work and provides a source of heat

What happens to energy (calories) not used as fuel by the body?

Energy is not used to fuel the body will be stored, predominantly as fat, for later use. If you regularly consume more kilocalories than you expend, you will accumulate stored fat in adipose tissue and gain weight. The opposite is also true; eating fewer kilocalories than the body needs will result in the breakdown of stored energy and weight loss.

What foods with naturally occurring photochemical may possess health benefits?

Functional foods - foods that may provide additional health benefits beyond the basic nutrient value Phytochemical - nonnutritive plant compounds, found in fruits and vegetables, that may play a role in fighting chronic diseases Zoochemical - nonnutritive animal compounds that play a role in fighting chronic disease Zoochemical are naturally occurring chemicals found in foods that have health-enhancing properties such as strong antioxidants benefits Examples: Lure in found in egg yolks, which may protect against macular degeneration or the formation of cataracts. Omegle 3 fatty acids from fish, added to butter substitutions and eggs, may improve heart health and reduce inflammation, protecting us against heart diseases, cancel, and a decline in cognitive function.

What is the leading cause of death that is affected by nutrition/diet?

Heart diseases #1, followed by cancer, stroke, diabetes in the top 10 leading causes of death that are nutrition related.

What accounts for the majority of added sugar in the American diet?

High sugar sodas

How could one describe the current status of the American diet?

In general, Americans eat too much added sugar, sodium, and saturated fat, and too little fiber and some vitamins and minerals. While dietary intakes are below recommended levels, added sugars account for almost 16 percent of America's daily kilocalories. This is largely due to americans' love of soft drinks (#1 contributor of sugar), other sugary beverages, and sweets and treats.

What is a kilocalorie?

Kilocalories - the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius

What is malabsorption?

Malabsorption - a problem associated with the lack of absorption of nutrients through the intestinal tract

What is the "secret" to good health? What is the best way to maintain nutritional health, as recommended by nutrition experts? The best source of sound nutrition advice will provide information based on _____________________?

Meeting your nutritional need with a well-balanced diet

What element is found in all proteins and some vitamins?


How would you describe the fiber intake of the American diet? What is missing in the American diet that would increase fiber intake?

Our low fiber intake is partly due to inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables and overconsumption of refined grains. We are missing fruits, vegetables, and whole grains....

What percentage of the American population is obese?

Over 35% of American adults are obese regardless of their gender, age, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, education level, or geographical region. These rates are too high, and reducing them is a top priority.

What is taken into consideration when calculation your energy requirements? Who requires more energy, males or females and why?

People's energy needs vary according to their age, gender, and activity level (also included in some BMR include height, weight). Males generally need more energy because they weigh more and have more muscle mass ( which requires kilocalories to function) and less body fat.

What are zoochemical and photochemical? Give an example of each

Phytochemical - nonnutritive plant compounds, found in fruits and vegetables, that may play a role in fighting chronic diseases Zoochemical - nonnutritive animal compounds that play a role in fighting chronic disease Zoochemical are naturally occurring chemicals found in foods that have health-enhancing properties such as strong antioxidants benefits Examples: Lure in found in egg yolks, which may protect against macular degeneration or the formation of cataracts. Omegle 3 fatty acids from fish, added to butter substitutions and eggs, may improve heart health and reduce inflammation, protecting us against heart diseases, cancel, and a decline in cognitive function.

What foods provide and excellent source of protein?

Protein is found in a variety of foods, including meats, dairy products, and legumes such as soy, nuts, and seeds. Meats and dairy products are excellent sources of protein. Plant products, such as nuts, seeds, and legumes, also provide protein to the diet

What is the primary use for protein (amino acids) by the body?

Protein provide the building blocks of tissue synthesis Proteins contribute the basic building blocks, known as amino acids, to synthesize, grow, and maintain tissues in the body. The tissues in muscles, bones, and skin are primarily made up of protein.

Who is the most credible nutrition expert?

Registered dietitian (RD) also Called registered dietitians nutritionalist (RDN)

When does preference for textures and flavors begin?

Researchers have suggested that these preferences for sweetness, high fat, and specific textures begin early in life and this makes them resistant to change

What do people consider the most important factor (or consideration) that influences food choice?


What is BMI and what does it measure?

The BMI is a measure of weight relative to height Overweight- for adults, having BMI greater that 24.9 Obesity - for adults, having BMI greater than 29.9

Where can we find triglycerides (lipids,fats)? Where does the body store energy as triglycerides?

The term lipids refers to a diverse group of organic compounds including fats (also called triglycerides), oils, phospholipids, and sterols that are insoluble in water. The difference is that lipids are much more concentrated than carbohydrates and contain less oxygen and water. Triglycerides make up the majority of the lipids we eat and are found in margarine, butter, oils, and animal products. Triglycerides are an important energy source for the body, especially during rest and sleep. The body stores excess energy as triglycerides in the adipose tissue beneath the skin, which insulates the body and cushions the organs.

What is the difference between major minerals and trace minerals? Give 2 examples of each

There are 13 known vitamins, and each has a unique chemical structure. They are grouped into two classifications according to their solubility, which affects how they are absorbed, stored, and excreted. Water-soluble vitamins, which include vitamins C and the eight B- complex vitamins, are easily absorbed and excreted by the body and need to be consumed daily.

What is the best way to maintain nutritional health, a recommended by nutrition experts? The best course of sound nutritional advice will provide information based on ________________?

There are not quick files to a healthy life.... avoid all the "red flags", and gimmicks that say you do not have to eat "healthy" or exercise To avoid falling for one of their shady schemes, there are certain "red flags" that should alert and warn you to be leery of infomercials, magazine ads, mail-order catalogs, and websites that try to convince you that: There is a quick fix for what ails you Their product is all natural and miraculously cures One product does it all You can lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time and without dieting or exercising The product contains a secret ingredient The product shrinks tumors There is no risk, as there is a money-back guarantee. (Good luck getting your money back!) Sounds nutrition advice is based on years of research using the scientific method

What are some "red flags" to avoid when it comes to advertisements and recommendations for diets and supplements?

There is a quick fix for what ails you Their product is all natural and miraculously cures One product does it all You can lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time and without dieting or exercising The product contains a secret ingredient The product shrinks tumors There is no risk, as there is a money-back guarantee. (Good luck getting your money back!)

What functions do vitamins and minerals serve in the body?

Vitamins and minerals do not provide energy, but they are involved in numerous key function in the body. They are essential to help regulate metabolism, for example, and without them we would be unable to use carbohydrates, fats, and proteins for energy or to sustain numerous chemical reactions.

What are some recommendations by the health people 2020?

We should consume adequate amounts of fruits and vegetable, this has been shown to be beneficial to managing one's weight. American should increase their intake of both of these food sources to help them improve their nutrition and weight status.

What factors influence food choices?

taste, environment, culture and tradition, family, finances, convenience, the media, age, health issues

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