Nutrition Chapter 27

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Which of the following will catalyze the breakdown of starches? A) protease B) amylase C) lipase D) sucrase

B Amylase is named for its action on amylose which is a molecule found in starch.

What process starts with glucose and ends with 2 lactic acid molecules? A) citric acid cycle B) anaerobic glycolysis C) glycogenolysis D) aerobic respiration

B Anaerobic glycolysis starts with glucose and ends with lactic acid.

Which vitamin and its deficiency is NOT correctly matched? A) rickets (--) vitamin D (cholecalciferol) B) beriberi (--) vitamin B3 (niacin) C) pernicious anemia (--) vitamin B12 (cobalamin) D) scurvy (--) vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

B Beriberi is a deficiency of vitamin B1 (thiamine).

Which process is NOT correctly matched to its description? A) ketogenesis (--) formation of ketone bodies B) beta-oxidation (--) conversion of fatty acids into pyruvic acid C) deaminization (--) conversion of amino acids into energy D) transamination (--) conversion of keto acids into essential amino acids

B Beta-oxidation is the conversion of fatty acids into acetyl-CoA.

The following are true of NAD and FAD except which statement? A) are vitamin derivatives B) contain nucleotides C) transport hydrogen D) are in the Kreb cycle


Which of the following is NOT a use of nutrients by the body A )building blocks for other molecules B) function in chemical reactions C) producing energy D) All of the choices are correct.


Which of the following is the carrier molecule in glycolysis with two high-energy electrons that can be used to produce ATP in electron transport? A) ATP B) CO2 C) FAD D) NADH


Which of the following minerals is NOT correctly matched with its use in the body? A) calcium (--) bone and teeth formation B) cobalt (--) component of vitamin B12 and red blood cell production C) iron (--) component of hemoglobin D) iodine (--) muscle and nerve function


Which of the following results in the greatest amount of ATP? A) glycolysis B) citric acid cycle C) electron transport D) acetyl coenzyme A synthesis


Of the following, the molecule with the greatest amount of usable cell energy is _____. A) ADP B) glucose C) GTP D) ATP

D ATP is the most common source of practical cell energy and ADP is its precursor; there are other less common energy forms such as GTP and glucose represents the most common form of potential energy for all reactions.

In the cytochrome oxidase system, the final acceptor of a pair of electrons is _____. A) cytochrome B) water C) ATP D) oxygen

D At the last step, oxygen combines with two electrons and two hydrogen (H+) atoms to result in the formation of water and ATP; this is one of the main purposes for oxygen in living cells.

Catabolism is a process that A) releases energy. B) breaks down large molecules into smaller ones. C) requires energy while forming larger molecules. D) releases energy while breaking down larger molecules into smaller ones.

D Catabolism is a process that releases energy while breaking down larger molecules into smaller ones.

The genetic code is transferred from DNA to _____. A) mRNA B) tRNA C) rRNA D) proteins

A Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a single stranded chain derived from DNA which contains a sequence of nucleotides and their genetic codes (codons).

Nutrition is the process by which the body obtains and uses certain components of food. A) True B) False

A Nutrition is the process by which the body obtains and uses certain components of food.

Before entering the Kreb cycle, pyruvic acid must be converted to a/an _____ molecule. A) glucose B) citric acid C) lactic acid D) acetyl coenzyme A


Which of these is the last to be produced in glycolysis? A) phosphoenolpyruvic acid B) glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate C) 1,3-diphosphoglyceric acid D) 3-phosphoglyceric acid

A The first conversion of glucose results in the formation of two molecules of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate; at the end, phosphoenolpyruvic acid becomes pyruvic acid.

The _____ will decompose hydrogen peroxide. A) enzyme catalase B) presence of any enzyme C) enzyme hydrolase D) mitochondria


What is the main use of glucose in the body? A) make ATP B) make vitamins C) make proteins D) make fat


if a reactant loses an electron during a chemical reaction, the reactant is oxidized during the process. A) True B) False


Which of the following produces 2 pyruvic acid, 2 ATP, and 2 NADH molecules? A) glycolysis B) citric acid cycle C) aerobic respiration D) electron transport chain

A Glycolysis produces 2 pyruvic acid, 2 ATP, and 2 NADH molecules from glucose.

the substrate for lipase would be _____. A) fats B) sucrose C) a protein D) maltose

A Lipase is a general term for enzymes that act on lipids or fats.

Amino acids are used in the body to synthesize new proteins like hormones and enzymes. A) True B) False


During the absorptive state nutrients are stored in adipose tissue, liver, and muscle. A) True B) False


Essential nutrients are nutrients that need to be ingested as food because the body cannot synthesize them from other nutrients. A) True B) False


How many ATP molecules are produced in anaerobic glycolysis? A) 2 ATP B) 4 ATP C) 36 ATP D) 38 ATP


Metabolism is the total of all chemical reactions that occur in the body. A) True B) False


MyPyramid is a guide to what you should eat to be healthy. A) True B) False


Ketones are molecules that result from _____ metabolism. A) fat B) protein C) carbohydrate D) nucleic acid

A lipids can become fragments called ketones which cannot be used for energy in that form; any excessive or abnormal fat metabolism, such as in diabetes or dieting can produce ketones.

Which of the following percentages of total kilocalories is the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range for proteins in adults? A) 10 - 35% B) 20 - 35% C) 45 - 65% D) None of the choices are correct.

A the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range for proteins in adults is 10 - 35%.

Which of the following is a significant source of saturated fats? A) meats B) vegetable oils C) corn oil D) All of these are sources.


Which of the following is the energy-storage polysaccharide in animals? A) glycogen B) starch C) cellulose D) fructose

A) Glycogen is the polysaccharide that is stored in animals; starch is the energy storage molecule in plants; cellulose is nondigestible fiber; fructose is a monosaccharide

A genetic code is a sequence of _____. A) three bases B) three amino acids C) six bases D) tRNA

A) Three bases in sequence are read by the cell as one code for a single amino acid.

Synthesis is a term that could be used synonymously with _____.

Anabolism includes all of the reactions that produce or synthesize new molecules; catabolism refers to a breakdown of molecules into other forms

A female has a higher basal metabolic rate than a male. A) True B) False


Before entering the citric acid cycle, pyruvic acid is converted into which of the following molecules? A) lactic acid B) acetyl-CoA C) oxaloacetic acid D) fumaric acid


Glycolysis occurs in the mitochondria. A) True B) False


The average normal body temperature is 27 degrees C. A) True B) False


The body cannot use protein as a source of energy. A) True B) False


The chemical process of _____ is involved in the digestion of a compound such as a disaccharide. A) dehydration B) hydrolysis C) synthesis D) anabolism


The metabolically most active organ in the body probably is the _____. A) brain B) liver C) skeletal muscle D) heart


Vitamins are organic molecules that are found in small amounts in food and are not essential to normal metabolism. A) True B) FalseB


What are the most common coenzyme molecules used to activate an enzyme? A) minerals B) vitamins C) hormones D) proteins


What is the maximum recommended amount of cholesterol for adult healthy diets? A) 100 mg B) 300 mg C) 500 mg D) 800 mg


Which of the following is NOT a nutrient? A) protein B) plant fiber C) vitamins D) minerals


the citric acid cycle turns once for each glucose molecule. A) True B) False


What is the most common lipid in the human diet? A) lipoprotein B) triglycerides C) phospholipids D) cholesterol

B 95% of lipids in the diet are triglycerides

A calorie is the amount of energy that is needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water ten degrees Celsius. A) True B) False

B A calorie is the amount of energy that is needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius.

How many net ATP molecules result from glycolysis? A) 1 B) 2 C) 6 D) 38

B Although more than two ATP's are produced during the steps of glycolysis, some are also consumed by some of the reactions, yielding a net of 2 ATP's.

Most reactions that produce energy in a cell utilize _____ as the main reaction type. A) catalysis B) oxidation C) reduction D) hydrolysis

B Although oxidation and reduction occur simultaneously, most energy is derived during the oxidation steps; hydrolysis is usually extracellular.

A gene instructs an organism to produce a/an _____. A) observable trait B) protein C) DNA sequence D) dividing cell population

B DNA segments called genes instruct cells to produce specific polypeptides or proteins which then account eventually for their expression as traits such as blue eyes.

What is oxidized during oxidative phosphorylation? A) carbon dioxide B) hydrogen C) glucose D) citric acid

B During oxidative phosphorylation hydrogen atoms lose an electron to become H+ and are therefore oxidized; oxidation can be defined as the addition of oxygen or loss of electrons.

xcess glucose or its end products can be stored as _____ if they are not completely oxidized. A) citrate B) glycogen C) triglycerides D) pyruvate

B Glycogen is a polymer of glucose that is formed in skeletal muscle and liver whenever glucose is not completely burned; it represents a storage form of energy.

Which of the following is an example of catabolism? A) hydration B) hydrolysis C) protein synthesis D) peptide synthesis

B Hydrolysis is the breaking of a chemical bond by the addition of water to the atoms and is catabolic by nature; peptides are proteins made by anabolism.

Which part of ATP contains the most energy? A) ADP B) ribose C) adenine base D) phosphate

B Hydrolysis is the chemical process of breaking bonds by adding water across them and is the main reaction occurring during extracellular digestion.

A _____ bond is formed when an amino group of one amino acid joins the acid group of another. A) carbohydrate B) peptide C) hydrated D) fat

B Peptide bonds are the fundamental linkages between amino acids which are the basic units in all proteins.

Which of the following percentages of total kilocalories is the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range for fats in adults? A) 10 - 35% B) 20 - 35% C) 45 - 65% D) None of the choices are correct.

B The Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range for fats in adults is 20 - 35%.

Minerals are inorganic molecules that are found in large amounts in food and are essential for normal metabolic functions. A) True B) False

B minerals are found in small amounts in food

What is the most common monosaccharide that carbohydrates are broken down or converted to? A) starch B) glucose C) galactose D) sucrose

B the most common monosaccharide that carbohydrates are broken down or converted to is glucose.

If glucose were oxidized completely, the reactions would yield a total of _____ ATP molecules. A) 2 B) 36 C) 38 D) 6

B Most researchers agree that a total of 36 molecules of adenosine triphosphate could be produced from the complete metabolism of one glucose.

The double helix structure is part of the _____ molecule. A) ribonucleic acid B) DNA C) protein D) glycogen

B) DNA is described as a double stranded chain of nucleotides or a double helix because it is shaped like a twisted ladder.

What is a complimentary mRNA sequence for DNA A,T,C,C,G? A) TAGGC B) UAGGC C) CGUUA D) TACCG

B) Adenine pairs with thymine in DNA but uracil in RNA; cytosine pairs with guanine.

The amino acids are transported to the place where they will be assembled into proteins by _____. A) mRNA B) tRNA C) rRNA D) proteins

B) Transfer RNA or tRNA was named because it carries or transfers an amino acid to the ribosome.

The potentially harmful chemicals resulting from lipid metabolism are the _____. A) fatty acids B) cholesterol derivatives C) ketones D) acetyl coenzyme A fragments


The presence of _____ is an indication that glucose has been completely oxidized. A) water B) ATP C) carbon dioxide D) glycogen polymers


Which of these is an enzyme name? A) amylose B) sucrose C) lipase D) protein


Which vitamin is essential to the formation of acetyl coenzyme A? A) B12 B) B6 C) pantothenic acid D) niacin


What is the collective term for all of the chemical processes occurring within a cell? A) anabolism B) catabolism C) metabolism D) syntheses

C Metabolism refers to all the biochemical reactions in a cell; synthesis refers to the putting together of molecules.

Which of the following processes directly produces the largest number of ATP molecules from a single glucose molecule? A) glycolysis B) citric acid cycle C) electron transport chain

C 2 ATP are produced in glycolysis; 2 ATP are produced in the citric acid cycle; 32 or 34 ATP are produced from NADH and FADH2 that pass through the electron transport chain.

Which of the following is the percentage of the total energy released by catabolism that is lost as heat? A) 12% B) 43% C) 57% D) 87%

C 57% of the catabolic energy produced is lost as heat; 43% is used for ATP and biological work.

Glycerol can enter the Kreb cycle if it is converted to _____. A) water B) glucose C) acetyl coenzyme A D) a fatty acid form

C Acetyl coenzyme A is the only molecule which can enter the citric acid mitochondrial system (Kreb cycle) but many compounds such as the lipids or proteins can become acetyl coenzyme A.

The following are DNA bases except which one? A) adenine B) thymine C) uracil D) guanine

C Adenine is compatible with thymine and cytosine bonds with guanine.

Which energy percentage is correctly matched with the body's use? A) 10% (--) muscular activity B) 30% (--) thermic effect of food C) 60% (--) basal metabolism D) All of the choices are correct.

C Basal metabolism uses 60% of the body's energy; the thermal effect of food is 10%; muscular activity is 30%.

The following are end products of the Kreb cycle except which one? A) ATP B) water C) citric acid D) carbon dioxide

C Citric acid is not an end product but is a molecule that stays within the mitochondrion to be formed and broken down in a cyclic manner.

Which molecule contains the genetic code? A) RNA B) proteins C) DNA D) adenine bases

C Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the part of the chromosomes that has the gene segments.

Energy metabolism is an expression that can be used to mean the same as _____. A) oxidation B) anabolism C) cellular respiration D) cellular metabolism

C During the exchange of gases, energy is produced, therefore respiration and energy production can be assumed to refer to the same general processes

The molecule that is acted upon by an enzyme is a__________. A) reactant B) product C) substrate D) catalyst

C Enzymes act on substrates making them change until they become the products.

Which of the following has the highest amount of energy per gram? A) carbohydrates B) proteins C) fats D) vitamins

C Fats have the highest amount of energy per gram (9 kcal/g); carbohydrates and protein have 4 kcal/g; vitamins don't provide energy.

Which of the following is NOT correct about the postabsorptive state? A) Amino acids are converted into glucose for energy. B) Fats are converted into energy. C) Glucose is converted into fats and stored in adipose tissue. D) Glycogen is broken down into glucose for energy.

C Glucose is not converted to fats and stored in adipose tissue in the postabsorptive state; energy storage molecules are used, not made, during this time.

What is the one limiting factor that prevents humans from using lipids for energy rather than carbohydrates? A) fats are too large B) insufficient vitamins available C) not enough oxygen available D) lipids form ketones

C If one inspects the reactions needed to burn lipids for energy, it becomes obvious that tremendous amount of oxygen are needed and humans do not have the necessary lung capacity for this.

he most significant function of proteins is to produce _____. A) amino acids B) energy C) cell structures D) DNA molecules

C Most energy is derived from the utilization of carbohydrates; proteins are used for energy but most amino acids are needed for cell structure growth and repair and enzymes.

A protein with many amino acids is called a _____. A) peptide B) dipeptide C) polypeptide D) polymer

C Poly means many and peptide refers to the bond between amino acids; a dipeptide would contain two amino acids.

Which of the following processes begins with NADH and FADH2 and forms water and ATP? A) glycolysis B) citric acid cycle C) electron transport chain D) All of the choices are correct.

C The electron transport chain begins with NADH and FADH2 and forms water and ATP.

The following terms belong together except which one? A) enzyme B) vitamin C) glucose D) mineral

C Vitamins and minerals are cofactors required for normal enzyme functioning; glucose is a substrate.

Respiration yields _____ as a gaseous waste product. A) hydrogen B) water C) carbon dioxide D) oxygen

C Carbon dioxide is released as oxygen enters a cell; excess water is also produced and mainly eliminated through the kidneys.

Penicillin acts to render bacterial cells nonviable because it damages their _____. A) proteins B) DNA C) cell walls D) cell membranes

C Penicillin interferes with the synthesis of cell walls by bacteria and in this way blocks their reproduction.

The fundamental units found in DNA, RNA and ATP are _____. A) proteins B) nucleic acids C) nucleotides D) nitrogenous bases

C) All DNA, RNA, and ATP molecules are comprised of units called nucleotides; the nucleic acids are DNA and RNA.

Which of the following is the amount of energy needed to keep the body functioning at rest? A) total metabolic rate B) relaxed metabolic rate C) basal metabolic rate D) None of the choices are correct

C) The amount of energy needed to keep the body functioning at rest is the basal metabolic rate.

A set of nucleotides called the _____ in RNA recognizes the nucleotide genetic codes of DNA. A) anti-code B) cistron C) codon D) anti-codon

C) The codon is the sequence of three bases on a mRNA that pairs with its complementary DNA code.

Which of the following factors would increase the rate of a reaction the most? A) temperature B) concentration C) type of substrate D) enzymes

D Enzymes can increase the rate of a reaction by as much as 1,000,000 times; at higher temperatures molecules begin to break down.

Which of the following processes is NOT correctly matched to its description? A) glycogenesis (--) glucose converted into glycogen B) glycogenolysis (--) glycogen converted into glucose C) gluconeogenesis (--) amino acids and glycerol converted into glucose D) lipogenesis (--) fatty acids and amino acids converted into triglycerides

D Lipogenesis is the conversion of fatty acids and glycerol into triglycerides.

What happens to most excess glucose that is consumed in the diet? A) It is converted in fat. B) It is converted into starch. C) It is converted into proteins. D) It is converted into glycogen.

D Most excess glucose is converted to glycogen; if glycogen reserves are full, glucose is converted to fat.

What of the following is a product of the citric acid cycle? A) water B) oxygen C) pyruvic acid D) carbon dioxide

D The products of the citric acid cycle are carbon dioxide, NADH, ATP, and FADH2.

One strand of DNA is connected to the other by the _____. A) phosphate groups B) pentose sugars C) carbon chains D) nitrogen bases

D The strands are held together by the hydrogen bonds between the nitrogen bases.

The most common form of a lipid that is used or burned for energy is called a _____. A) cholesterol B) fat C) oil D) triglyceride

D a triglyceride is a combination of glycerol and fatty acids.

What is the theoretical maximum number of ATP produced in aerobic respiration of one glucose molecule? A) 2 ATP B) 4 ATP C) 32 ATP D) 38 ATP

D 38 ATP can be produced in aerobic respiration of one glucose molecule.

The following belong together except which one? A) liver B) kidney C) catalase D) hydrolysis

D Hydrolysis occurs mainly during digestion; the liver and kidneys produce significant amounts of catalase.

The following factors will decrease the function of most enzymes except which one? A) radiation B) 50 degrees C C) pH of 7.9 D) pH of 7.4

D high temperatures tend to inactivate enzymes

What is the anticodon for DNA base sequence ATG? A) TAG B) UAG C) UAC D) AUG

D) The anticodon is part of the tRNA molecule; first DNA forms the mRNA codon UAC which then pairs with the tRNA anticodon AUG.

The following belong together except which one? A) ribose B) adenine C) uracil D) thymine

D) RNA contains the sugar ribose but cannot have the base thymine which is found only in DNA.

In the Kreb cycle, the acetyl coenzyme A combines with _____ to form citric acid. A) glucose B) pyruvic acid C) oxaloacetic acid D) pantothenic acid

The two carbon acetyl fragment combines with the four carbon oxaloacetate to form the six carbon citric acid.

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