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which type of fiber cleans and protects the colon from diverticulosis and cancer?

insoluble fiber

why does the food industry use it in high quantities

it is cheap and easy to make and is also very sweet

what does the glycemic index measure

it measures how fast a carb appears in the blood as glucose


it's a carbohydrate but the body cannot break the bonds in the fibers therefore the intestine cannot absorb them

what causes ketoacids to build up in cells

lack of oxygen leads to acid buildup. the benefit of oxaloacetate coming from glucose is that it contains oxygen aiding in waste secretion

which type of carb, high or low GI is healthier

low glycemic index carbs are a better choice

how is high fructose corn syrup made

made by mixing cornstarch (maltose) with acid and enzymes

7 factors that influence glycemic index

particle size, soluble or viscous fiber, fibrous covering, acidity, the ratio of different sugars, the ease of digestibility of the starch in a food, and fat content

mechanisms that high fructose corn syrup contributes to obesity

slowly converted to glucose thus slowly satiating--only slowly stimulates you to feel full so you'll eat a lot more of it than you should.

which type of fiber can be fermented by bacteria?

soluble fiber

which type of fiber is your best source of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals

soluble fiber

what is a polysaccharide

stored sugars that are complex carbohydrates in plants and animals (starch and glycogen)

ranking of simple sugars from low to high on the glycemic index scale

sucrose, lactose, maltose, fructose, galactose, glucose

The AI for fiber

25 grams/day for women, 38 grams/day for men; nutritional goal is 14 grams/1000kcal


complex carbohydrates/polysaccharides; plant forms of starch are amylose and amylopectin; animal storage is glycogen

the body functions of carbs

1. an important fuel source for body cells: 100% fuel for brain, red blood cells, kidney and is required in the TCA cycle to metabolize fat 2. used to build important cell components such as DNA, RNA, and membrane glycocaylax 3. major source of vitamins, minterals, phytochemicals, fiber 4. important for colon health, lowering blood cholesterol, and weight control

benefits of fiber: diabetes

1. both soluble and insoluble fiber slow carb digestion, aiding blood glucose control 2. both soluble and insoluble fiber decrease insulin release 3. fiber adds no calories to the diet and helps with satiety

negatives associated with consuming too much fiber

1. constipation 2. may decrease availability of some minerals such as zinc

two differences between soluble and insoluble fiber

1. insoluble fiber cannot be fermented by bacteria in the intestine while soluble fiber can. 2. soluble fiber decreases body cholesterol levels

2 examples of functional fiber

1. oat fiber 2. seaweed fiber

benefits of fiber: heart disease and atherosclerosis

1. soluble fiber lowers blood cholesterol by increasing bile excretion and thus liver cholesterol usage 2. bacterial by-products of fiber fermentation: decrease liver cholesterol production 3. also reduces the risk of gallstones

benefits of fiber: colon cancer

1. soluble fiber softens stools and holds fat for the colon to use as energy 2. insoluble fiber promotes bowel movements, cleans and protects the colon 3. antioxidant vitamins and phytochemicals protect against all cancers

what is a ketoacid

acid that is also called ketones;

of the plant starches, which is the most digestible and has the highest glycemic load

amylopectin; more glucose?

plant form of polysaccharide

amylose and amylopectin

why experts believe complex carbs are healthier than simple carbs

because complex carbs contain fiber

goals of glycolysis

break glucose, harvest hydrogen and send it to the ETC, make a few ATP

carbohydrate recommended foods one should add to their diet

eating fat, fiber, green leafy veggies, nuts, oils--whole, fiber filled carb sources

what is a functional fiber

fiber with proven health benefits that have been added to food

in which foods is fructose found

found in fruit, honey, high fructose corn syrup

in which foods is galactose found

found in milk products

benefits of fiber: diverticulosis

gives the large intestine something to squeeze, preventing muscular contractions causing blood blisters forming in the intestinal wall.

the simple sugar mainly used by your body cells


simple sugars

glucose, galactose, and fructose, and disaccharides which are two simple sugars combined, always with glucose (sucrose, lactose, maltose)

nutrients that are required to make glycolysis run best

glucose, niacin, phosphorous

animal form of polysaccharide


what metabolic cycle begins metabolizing glucose?


If you needed to carbohydrate load before a marathon, which groups of foods would you choose?

grains, fruits, and milk products

Recommended daily amount of carbs

grains: 6 servings, 3 of them whole veggies: 3 servings, 1 green and leafy fruits: 2 servings **130 grams/day for adults (45-65% of total cals) **10% or less should come from processed items

the difference between glycemic index and glycemic load

the glycemic load considers the fiber content and portion size--some foods considered high glycemic index are low because of their fibrous content. the glycemic load is better to use when selecting a food

the internal organ converting carbohydrates to glucose and storing glucose as glycogen

the liver

which tissues store glycogen for themselves only

the muscles

if a complex carb is refined and its fiber is removed, what leaves the food with the fiber

vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals

how are vitamins, minerals, etc liberated from soluble fiber

when it is fermented in the intestine

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