Nutrition Exam 3

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triglycerides in adipocytes.

If someone goes to a seafood buffet and eats large portions of shrimp, crab, and baked fish, being careful to avoid fried seafood and high-fat sauces, the extra protein consumed will be stored as

individual habits and preferences

The most important factor in setting behavioral goals is

long-term use of megadose supplements

The most likely cause of vitamin toxicity is

fortified table salt

The most reliable source of iodine in the United States is


The most significant source of riboflavin in the United States is

85-year-old man living independently

An example of someone who has a relatively high risk for vitamin deficiencies is a(n)

eating a piece of fruit with breakfast every day

An example of the lifestyle habit of "chaining" i


An eye disorder associated with vitamin A deficiency is

increasing intake of calcium and potassium

Apart from lowering dietary sodium intake, a dietary change that is most likely to help decrease high blood pressure levels is

increasing intake of calcium and magnesium

Apart from lowering dietary sodium intake, dietary changes that may help decrease high blood pressure include


Athletes who exercise regularly are able to exercise for longer, partly because their body is able to use more energy from

calcium and magnesium

Hard water contains high levels of minerals such as

a man who drinks 5 or more alcoholic beverages every night

Hemosiderosis, storage of too much iron in the body, is most likely to occur in

High protein intake

High urinary urea excretion may be caused by

mental illness

Historically, deficiency of niacin was sometimes misdiagnosed as

keep a journal of perceived emotions

If a client wants to relearn to pay attention to hunger and satiety cues, he or she may find it helpful to

food will have a shorter shelf life

If a food that is usually made with hydrogenated oil is made with vegetable oil instead, one potential concern is that the

she menstruates regularly

If a health practitioner wants to assess whether an underweight woman's body fat is too low, he or she may ask her whether


If a patient complained of muscle weakness, confusion, decreased appetite, and irregular heartbeat, it would be important to check blood levels of

his or her stomach does not produce intrinsic factor.

If a patient needs regular injections of vitamin B12, the most likely explanation is that

glycogen via anaerobic glycolysis

If a person hears a friend calling for help and goes running to find out what the friend needs, the person would be getting his or her energy from


If a woman who drinks a cup of decaffeinated coffee in the morning, a cup of fruit juice with lunch, 6 cups of water throughout the day and a cup of tea at bedtime, her fluid intake would be considered

associated with a high

If a woman's waist measurement is 34 inches and her hip measurement is 40 inches, her waist-to-hip ratio would be considered to be _____ risk for chronic disease.


If an athlete weighed 150 lbs at the beginning of an athletic event and weighed 146 lb at the end of the event because of water lost in sweat, their athletic performance toward the end of the event would be


If an elderly client who lives alone and has a limited income has edema, it would be important to evaluate his or her dietary intake of sodium and


If people want to maximize their absorption of calcium, they should avoid drinking

fatty acids

If someone goes on a long hike, after 4 hours most of his or her energy will be obtained from

use of egg yolk to make mayonnaise.

An example of emulsification is

peanut butter and jelly sandwich

An example of a meal high in biotin is a

stir-fried beef with broccoli

An example of a meal with high levels of vitamin K is


An example of an athlete who is most likely to benefit from a multivitamin or mineral supplement that provides 100% of the Daily Recommended Intake (DRI) is a


A client feels constantly tired even though she is getting 8 hours of sleep each night, and she is gaining about 2 lbs a month even though she has not changed her eating habits. You discover that she eats only organic and natural foods and avoids anything that is fortified. She may have a deficiency of

If he/she has eaten the food Olestra

A client who is trying to follow a low-fat eating pattern tells you that he or she has experienced diarrhea. You may want to find out whether he or she has


A client who wishes to avoid blood clots may benefit from regular intake of

spina bifida

A disorder in infants that is associated with inadequate intake of folate during pregnancy is

run the tap water for 2-minutes before using it

A family with three young children has limited income, relies on public transportation, and has just moved into a very old apartment complex with old plumbing and lead pipes. The best recommendation to minimize lead exposure would be to


A good dietary source of chromium is

living in an apartment complex where it is unsafe for children to play outside unsupervised

A good example of living in an obesogenic environment is

grilled salmon sandwich

A good lunch choice for someone who wants to increase intake of omega-3 fatty acids would be

a bean burrito

A good source of calcium for someone who follows a strict vegetarian (vegan) diet would be

eat cereal with skim milk for breakfast instead of toast and juice.

A good way to increase intake of riboflavin would be to

The patient admits that he struggles with alcoholism

A patient is admitted to the hospital with confusion, memory loss, and ataxia. What other information would lead you to suspect that his symptoms may be caused by secondary thiamin deficiency?

a soft shell taco with hamburger, cheese, tomatoes, and lettuce.

A person who follows a strict kosher diet would not eat

absorption is inadequate or excessive amounts are excreted

A secondary deficiency of a vitamin occurs when


A small child has normal weight, but his arms and legs are thin, whereas his belly and face appear swollen. His mother tells you that the only food they have had in the house for the past 3 weeks is noodles and some bread. The child probably has

below the maximum recommended level

A sodium intake of 2100 mg daily by a healthy adult would be considered


A wife who blames her high blood pressure on her husband's preference for salty foods is an example of


A wife who blames her high blood pressure on her husband's preference for salty foods is an example of

Folic Acid

A young woman recently married tells you that she is excited to have children. She should be especially careful to consume adequate amounts of

folic acid

A young woman recently married tells you that she is excited to have children. She should be especially careful to consume adequate amounts of

experience an overall increase in hunger drive

According to set point theory, if weight or fatness falls below the level perceived to be appropriate by the body, the individual will

women of childbearing age

Adequate intake of folic acid is especially important for

maintains a competitive and healthy weight

An athlete's kilocalorie intake is most likely to be appropriate if he or she


An example of a beverage that may have a demonstrated ergogenic effect is.


An example of a food with high levels of phosphorus is

Black-eyed peas with cornbread

An example of a high-folate meal is

spinach salad with orange segments

An example of a high-folate meal is

bone calcium levels

Daily dietary calcium intake affects

Vitamin C

Deficiencies are likely to develop most rapidly with low intake of vitamin


Deficiencies are likely to develop most rapidly with low intakes of vitamin

lethargy and weight gain

Deficiency of iodine reduces thyroxine production, which causes

muscle weakness, loss of coordination, and tachycardia

Deficiency of thiamine is characterized by


Deficiency of vitamin B12 may cause damage to the

Body temperature regulation

Dehydration is most likely to have a negative effect on

increasing the strength of tooth enamel

Dietary fluoride is important for


During acute bacterial infections, patients need extra protein to manufacture


Edema may be caused by inadequate intake of

Whether he follows a vegan eating pattern or eats some animal food

Eric follows a vegetarian eating pattern, and he wants to know whether he needs to take any vitamin and mineral supplements. What would be most important to find out?

Oranges and Vegetable oils

Foods rich in antioxidant vitamins include

Egg Yolk

Foods that are good sources of preformed vitamin A include


Foods that contain chloride usually also contain


For a man, a total body fat level of 18% is considered

Gina has a gynoid shape, and Frank has an android shape

Frank and Gina are trying to lose weight. They walk 2 miles every evening after dinner, are eating smaller portions, and have stopped eating snacks between meals. Frank has lost twice as much weight as Gina. What is the most likely explanation?

of insensible fluid losses from the skin and lungs.

If someone took a 6-hour car ride in an air-conditioned vehicle without making any bathroom stops, they weigh less at the end of the trip than at the beginning because


In an older adult who is usually very alert, disorientation may be a sign of

making breads from yeast

In countries where the staple food source is unleavened bread made from whole grains, zinc deficiency may be prevented by


In the United States, low intake of selenium may be associated with increased risk of

sleep apnea and osteoarthritis

It would be especially beneficial for someone to avoid becoming obese if they have a family history of


It would be most difficult for the body to maintain homeostasis if over several days someone had an inadequate intake of

smoking cigarettes

Lifestyle behaviors that increase vitamin C requirements include

taking a 30 minute walk most days

Lifestyle changes that may help prevent development of osteoporosis include

taking a 30-minute walk on most days

Lifestyle changes that may help prevent development of osteoporosis include

kill gut bacteria that synthesize vitamin K

Long-term antibiotic use may be associated with vitamin K deficiency because antibiotics

Bone Calcium levels

Long-term dietary calcium intake has the greatest effect on

excessive vomiting and diarrhea.

Magnesium deficiency may occur in association with

it is easier than making dietary and behavioral modifications.

Many Americans use vitamin supplements on a regular basis because


Niacin can be manufactured by the body from the amino acid

Other amino acids

Nonessential amino acids can be made by the liver from

Corn on the Cob

Of the following, the food choice that contains the least sodium is

man who cycles to work every day and plays on sports teams on the weekend

Of the following, the person who would be expected to have the highest energy expenditure is a

metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and protein

Pantothenic acid is required for


Pyridoxine functions in the body as a coenzyme in metabolism of

a 9-month old breast fed African American baby

Rickets would be most likely to develop in a(n)


Sam eats eggs, milk, beans, grains, vegetables and fruits. His diet is considered


Some choline can be synthesized by the body from

runs for at least 2 hours, 4 days a week.

Sports drinks may be more beneficial than water for an athlete who

high levels of calcium in blood and urine

Symptoms of vitamin D toxicity include

their skin is less efficient in synthesizing vitamin D during sun exposure

The Adequate Intake (AI) for vitamin D increases in older adults because

the amount of energy expended

The amount of thiamine that the body needs is related to

exercising regularly

The behavior change that would do most to help preserve lean body mass is

Permanent but preventable

The best description of blindness caused by vitamin A deficiency in developing countries is that it is

loss of body weight

The best way for someone to measure fluid loss during a workout is

choose whole grains and include at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

The best way to ensure intake of a variety of phytochemicals is to

intensity of the activity

The duration of physical activity needed to maintain physical fitness depends on the

decreased ability of the blood to transport oxygen

The effects of iron deficiency are caused by


The factor that is most effective in increasing muscle mass is

ensure that the diet includes a variety of foods from all of the food groups.

The first step to ensure adequate intake of vitamins is to

ensure that the diet includes a variety of foods from all of the food groups

The first step to ensuring adequate intake of vitamins is to

heme iron

The form of dietary iron that is absorbed most easily is

adenosine triphosphate

The fuel for all body processes that traps energy released from food is


The hormone that causes the body to decrease sodium excretion is called

underwater weighing (densitometry).

The most accurate way to measure body fat levels is to use

a grilled pork chop

The most easily absorbed form of iron is found in

increase the duration and intensity of daily activities.

The most effective way to increase energy expenditure is to

A professional cyclist

The person who would have the highest need for thiamin is


The primary intracellular electrolyte is

using nontransparent containers

The riboflavin in milk is protected by

intrinsic factor

The substance produced by the stomach that is necessary for absorption of cobalamin is

amount of a mineral that can be absorbed by the body from a food.

The term bioavailability means the


The type of anemia associated with folate deficiency is _____ anemia.

Margarine; olive

To decrease intake of saturated fatty acids and increase intake of polyunsaturated fatty acid, one dietary change would be from using _____ to using _____ oil.


To lose a pound of body fat in a week, daily energy expenditure would have to increase by approximately _____ kcal


Vegetables are likely to be highest in vitamin C if they are


Vitamin A may be obtained by the body from precursors called

weakening of connective tissue

Vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy, which is characterized by

polyunsaturated fats

Vitamin E requirements are related to intake of

Vitamins C and E

Vitamins that function as antioxidants in the body include


Wilson's disease is an inherited disorder that causes excessive accumulation of


Wilson's disease is an inherited disorder that causes excessive accumulation of

regulate body temperature

Within the body, water helps to

Absorb amino acids

Without vitamin B6, the body would be unable to

to replace blood losses during menstruation

Young women require more dietary iron than young men

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