Nutrition Exam 4

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Check My Work Most dieters can lose weight safely on an eating pattern providing approximately _____ calories per day for women and _____ calories per day for men while still meeting nutrient needs.

1,200 to 1,500; 1,500 to 1,800

The thermic effect of food can contribute up to __________% of the calories you use each day.


A healthy athlete's diet is likely to consist of what macronutrient composition?

15 percent protein, 20 percent fat, and 65 percent carbs

Despite the indisputable benefits of physical fitness, only __________% of the U.S. population meets all the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.


What does the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet recommend regarding fat consumption?

27 percent of calories as fat, including fat in or added to foods

On a 2,000-calorie diet, how many servings of high fiber, whole grain per day does the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet recommend?

6 to 8

Which individual is at an increased risk of dying in a famine, losing life to a wasting disease, and experiencing a poor outcome from surgery due to inadequate nutrient stores?

A person who is underweight

The blood test that indicates how well blood glucose has been controlled over the past few months is called a(n) _________ test


The use of body mass index (BMI) to predict body fatness is of most value in what population?

Adults between the ages of 19 and 50

Why is a consistent, disciplined program of physical activity so important? a. Minimal changes in physical appearance and body composition. b. It builds the muscle tissues and metabolic equipment needed for the activities that are repeatedly called upon to perform. c. It allows a person to eat more foods that are high in calories. d. Increases the risk of physical damage when injuries occur; slows recovery.

b. It builds the muscle tissues and metabolic equipment needed for the activities that are repeatedly called upon to perform.

Choose the statement about diabetes that is correct. a. People with diabetes need to eat a lot of special diabetic cookies, crackers, and other products. b. Sugar is not a known cause of diabetes. c. People who are overweight or obese will eventually develop diabetes. d. Eating too much sugar causes diabetes.

b. Sugar is not a known cause of diabetes.

T or F: Aerobic systems are used during bouts of high-intensity exercise, such as sprinting, and produce the byproduct, lactate.


T or F: Bacteria and viruses contribute to the development of chronic diseases; risk factors, such as diet, physical activity, and smoking habits, contribute to infectious diseases.


T or F: The primary cause of type 2 diabetes is an inadequate production of the hormone insulin, which lowers blood glucose levels in the body.


T or F: The timing of eating carbohydrates is not important for effective performance.


Achieving successful weight loss and maintaining the weight loss involves ____________________________________________, adopting a healthy eating pattern, and practicing a regular habit of physical activity.

Following positive behavior modification techniques

________________ produced in the stomach, is the hunger-stimulating hormone.


What evidence suggests that a highly palatable, fat-rich, and sugar-rich food supply could be contributing to excessive overeating and weight gain?

Highly palatable food causes lasting changes in the brain's reward system

____________ is the process of building muscle because of use and strength training


Your friend, who is an athlete, wants to take a supplement to improve his performance. What could you say to your friend regarding the use of supplements for improving athletic performance? a. Supplements will improve athletic performance even if the person isn't deficient in those nutrients. b. Supplements may be useful, especially in an athlete who eats too little or makes poor food choices, limiting their vitamin and mineral intake. c. Supplements are especially useful when taken right before an event. d. Supplements are useful because vitamins and minerals are burned for energy to fuel the body during physical activity. e. Supplements are useful because they will enhance performance even in a well-nourished athlete.

b. Supplements may be useful, especially in an athlete who eats too little or makes poor food choices, limiting their vitamin and mineral intake.

T or F: The built environment, limited physical activity, lack of access to fresh foods, and the overabundance of cheap, highly processed food contribute to obesity.


Which form of diabetes begins in childhood or adolescence, accounts for 5-10% of all cases of diabetes, and the pancreas does not produce insulin?

Type 1 Diabetes

What is a beneficial role of physical activity in weight loss?

Working out builds muscle, and lean muscle tissue burns more calories per pound than fat does

Exercising more than 250 minutes per week, when combined with ______________________ promotes weight loss and may prevent regain after loss.

a lower calorie intake

What are the components of fitness? a. flexibility, bone strength, cardiorespiratory endurance, and cardiopulmonary respiration b. endurance, VO2max, cardiac output, and max heart rate c. flexibility, muscle strength, muscle endurance, and cardiorespiratory endurance d. flexibility, balance, endurance, and speed e. bone strength, muscle strength, and balance

c. flexibility, muscle strength, muscle endurance, and cardiorespiratory endurance

All of these are components of fitness EXCEPT ________. a. flexibility b. cardiorespiratory endurance c. grip strength d. muscular strength e. None; All of these are components of fitness.

c. grip strength

All of these are risk factors for cardiovascular disease EXCEPT ________. a. high LDL b. diabetes c. high HDL d. obesity e. hypertension

c. high HDL

All of the following are associated with an increase in cancer risk EXCEPT: a. diets high in red and processed meats. b. alcohol and tobacco use. c. underweight. d. lack of physical activity.

c. underweight.

What is the second leading cause of death to Americans?


Which nutrient is essential for people who exercise regularly?


Cancer begins when a cell's genetic material sustains damage from a _________________ such as radiation, a free radical, or another cancer-causing chemical.


What are the three minerals lost through profuse sweating from physical exertion?

chloride, potassium, and sodium

Fried food, cooking meats at high temperatures, and red/processed meat have been linked to increased risk of __________ cancer


The majority of evidence supports a role for fiber-rich diets as protective against what type of cancer?


How can you minimize your risks of heart attack and stroke?

consume fewer grams of trans fat and saturated fat

Arugula, bok choy, broccoli, broccoli sprouts, Brussels sprouts, cabbages (all sorts), cauliflower, greens (collard, mustard, turnip), kale, kohlrabi, rutabaga, and turnip root belong to the cabbage family and are called ___________________ vegetables


What is the purpose of sweating? a. In hot, humid weather, sweat evaporates into the air to cool the surrounding environment. b. Body fluid is a heat source and as the body's temperature rises, liquid losses remove sources of heat. c. Fluid is diverted to the skin to absorb heat from the surrounding environment. d. As sweat evaporates, it cools the skin's surface and the blood flowing beneath it. e. Core body temperature is maintained when vapors on the body surface become liquid.

d. As sweat evaporates, it cools the skin's surface and the blood flowing beneath it.

Which statement about caffeine as an ergogenic aid is true? a. Caffeine enhances alertness and concentration, but quickly results in the perception of fatigue. b. College sports authorities prohibit the use of caffeine in amounts greater than 100 milligrams. c. Even in low doses, caffeine causes stomach upset, nervousness, irritability, headaches, dehydration, and diarrhea. d. It reportedly provides a physical boost during sports. e. In safe doses of 700 mg/kg of body weight, it improves performance.

d. It reportedly provides a physical boost during sports.

Why is carbohydrate so essential? a. Minimizes lactic acid production that inhibits muscle performance. b. It has the highest energy density of any of the food groups. c. Carbohydrate provides rapid energy production. d. Restores the body's glycogen stores which deliver the energy needed for top performance.

d. Restores the body's glycogen stores which deliver the energy needed for top performance.

Type 2 diabetes is ________. a. caused by a viral infection b. an autoimmune disorder c. also known as juvenile-onset diabetes d. characterized by insulin resistance e. characterized by little to no insulin secretion by the body

d. characterized by insulin resistance

Because body mass index (BMI) does not distinguish how much of a person's weight is fat and the distribution of that fat, BMI may not be accurate for all of these groups EXCEPT which one? a. adults older than 65 years b. athletes c. pregnant and lactating women d. children e. All these groups are correct.

d. children

Which demographic will likely experience the most significant epigenetic changes? a. adults b. adults who eat broccoli c. adolescents d. embryos e. elderly

d. embryos

What are risk factors? a. nutrition or behavioral factors that cause disease b. factors known to cause cancer c. factors that occur together with infectious diseases d. factors known to be correlated with diseases, but not proven to be causal e. lab values that are always higher than normal values in disease states

d. factors known to be correlated with diseases, but not proven to be causal

All the following are risk factors for cardiovascular disease that can be modified EXCEPT: a. low HDL levels. b. physical inactivity. c. hypertension. d. family heredity

d. family heredity

Which of the leading causes of death listed below are diet-related? a. pneumonia and influenza b. chronic lung disease c. accidents d. heart disease e. kidney diseases

d. heart disease

Which of the following is LEAST likely to occur as a symptom of anorexia? a. weakened heart b. growth failure c. kidney failure d. high body temperature e. decreased basal metabolic rate

d. high body temperature

What are the essential benefits of fitness? a. enhanced physical appearance and skin condition b. greater flexibility and mobility c. enables the enjoyment of any food or beverage desired d. improved energy levels and lower chronic disease risk

d. improved energy levels and lower chronic disease risk

What physical activity performance is enhanced by nutrient supplements? a. contact sports where injuries frequently occur and rapid recovery is necessary b. high-intensity anaerobic exercise such as competitive weightlifting c. endurance sports such as cycling and marathon runners where food intake is limited d. none; A proper diet that is followed diligently provides sufficient nutrients for the body

d. none; A proper diet that is followed diligently provides sufficient nutrients for the body

Which characteristic is NOT considered to be a benefit of physical activity? a. lower incidence and reduced severity of mental anxiety and depression b. enhanced resistance to colds and other infectious diseases c. improved body composition and adipose tissue distribution d. reduction in gastric capacity and motility e. lower risks of some types of cancers

d. reduction in gastric capacity and motility

What does the "energy in" side of the energy balance equation include?

food and beverage intake

Check My Work High-intensity work lasting more than a few seconds requires muscles to rely upon which fuel metabolized through which energy system?

glucose broken down via the anaerobic energy system

What sources of fuel does the aerobic energy system use?

glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, and lactate

What is an outcome of uncontrolled type 2 diabetes?

high blood glucose and insulin levels

To maintain energy balance, an individual's energy intake should be equal to what?

his or her total energy output

What is the most likely primary source of fuel for the central nervous system after a person refrains from eating for 10 days (a prolonged fast)?

ketone bodies

Muscles performing high-intensity work for more than a few seconds rely on the _____________________ to make ATP

lactic acid system

BK is a varsity athlete. If he is hungry 45 minutes before an intense competitive event, which would be the most sensible meal or snack choice for BK?

large banana providing 30 grams of carbohydrate

What is the major risk factor for the majority of cancers?


Gradual weight loss is preferred to rapid weight loss because it spares:

muscle mass

A disease of the arteries that carry blood to the organs of the body, other than the heart, is called ____________________ disease

peripheral artery

What is the most likely source of glucose fuel for the central nervous system after a person has refrained from eating for one whole day (a short fast)?

protein from lean tissue

Successful weight loss occurs when people believe they have ___________________ the ability to control their weight gain.


Counteracting efforts to lose weight by dieting, which theory states that the body's regulatory controls tend to maintain a particular body weight over time?


The ________________ theory states that the body's internal control system maintains a certain body weight for people over a certain period.


What theory suggests that after weight gains or losses, the body adjusts its metabolism somewhat in the direction of restoring the original weight?

set-point theory

The risk of dying from extreme obesity is equal to the risk of dying from what?


What physiological factors determine VO2max?

the volume of blood and the number of red blood cells

What is the "female athlete triad"?

three associated medical problems: low energy availability, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis

A ____________ is a stationary clot in a blood vessel.


Fat located deep in the abdominal area, near organs is called ____________ _____________ and poses more risk for disease than does fat located subcutaneous or just below the skin.

visceral fat

What beverage is the best choice for meeting an athlete's fluid needs?

water, because it will replace the fluid lost from sweating during activity

What do the Physical Activity Guidelines outline? a. A balance of aerobic activity, resistance training and intensity of exercise needed to maintain or improve cardiovascular health b. The specific exercise, duration and frequency to meet the guidelines c. Exercise regimens for specific age groups d. The number of days that physical activity should be performed to maintain recommended cardiovascular health and body weight

a. A balance of aerobic activity, resistance training and intensity of exercise needed to maintain or improve cardiovascular health

What role does the ingestion of protein play in improving fitness? a. Delivers the critical amino acids necessary to build and maintain muscle and other lean tissue b. Provides the necessary energy for high-intensity anaerobic activity. c. Accelerates the metabolism of glycogen to glygagon by the liver d. Is essential for metabolizing fatty-acids in the body.

a. Delivers the critical amino acids necessary to build and maintain muscle and other lean tissue

Which of the following foods has the highest energy density? a. Food A: weighs 38 grams and provides 300 calories b. Food C: weighs 50 grams and provides 100 calories c. Food E: weighs 200 grams and provides 750 calories d. Food B: weighs 40 grams and provides 250 calories e. Food D: weighs 600 grams and provides 1,000 calories

a. Food A: weighs 38 grams and provides 300 calories

All of the following are chronic diseases prominent in the United States EXCEPT: a. HIV/AIDS. b. cardiovascular disease c. type 2 diabetes d. cancer


Which of the following is an appropriate behavior modification for replacing old eating and activity habits with new ones? a. Strengthen cues to appropriate eating and activities. b. Establish positive consequences for inappropriate eating or sedentary behaviors. c. Strengthen the inappropriate eating cues you cannot eliminate. d. Diminish appropriate eating and activity cues. e. Repeat the inappropriate eating and physical activity behaviors.

a. Strengthen cues to appropriate eating and activities.

Why is ordinary cool water the preferred form of hydration? a. Water rapidly leaves the digestive tract to enter the tissues and cools the body from the inside. b. accessibility and cost c. minimal risk of adverse reactions by the body d. totally organic

a. Water rapidly leaves the digestive tract to enter the tissues and cools the body from the inside.

What is the guideline for aerobic activity as defined by the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans? a. a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each week b. 2 miles of brisk walking, or the equivalent, every weekday c. 420 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each week d. simply increased activities of daily living, such as cooking, cleaning, and walking e. 60 minutes of high-intensity activity every day

a. a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each week

Which risk factor is associated with atherosclerosis, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and obesity? a. physical inactivity b. smoking/tobacco use c. diet high in added sugars d. atherogenic diet e. excessive alcohol intake

a. physical inactivity

When muscle cells' energy reservoir diminishes, ______ and ______ break down nutrients to help restore energy.

aerobic; anaerobic

What significance does the vegetable group have within the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan?

an important source of potassium, magnesium, and fiber

Eating French fries at the fair because they smell so good, having a dessert after a large meal, and eating a large holiday meal are examples of _______________ being the primary motivator to eat.


In type 1 diabetes, a person's own immune cells mistakenly attack and destroy the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas, which is called a(n)

autoimmune disorder

Which individual urgently needs to lose weight? a. BMI less than 25 q c. BMI 25 with no risk factors d. A waist circumference of 38 (male)

b. BMI greater than 30

____________ is the process of the reduction in muscle mass due to disuse.


The health risks from obesity are evaluated with the _____, disease risk profile, and waist circumference.


The proportions of muscle, bone, and fat that make up an individual's body weight is their ______ ______.

Body composition

A vegetarian diet should prioritize vitamin _______ to enhance essential iron absorption from foods.


________________ is the leading cause of death in the United States, and hypertension is a major risk factor for the disease.


How does diet impact the risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD)?

Diet-related factors can reduce LDL cholesterol

What is NOT a recommended prevention strategy to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes?

Increase your saturated fat intake

How does iron deficiency affect athletic performance?

Insufficient iron impairs aerobic work capacity, causing the athlete to tire easily.

Why is iron essential to improving the body's fitness?

It must be present to deliver oxygen to the working muscles.

_____________ is released from fat cells and helps to create the feeling of satiety and suppresses appetite.


Why does administering leptin fail to reverse the majority of obesity cases?

Obese people are often resistant to the effects of leptin.

____________ factors are known to be correlated with diseases but not proven to be causal.


What is the accepted measure of a person's cardiorespiratory fitness?

The rate at which the tissues consume oxygen

What is Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption, also known as EPOC? a. sensation of euphoria and calm after a workout most commonly referred to as "an endorphin high" b. the phenomenon that following intense periods of exercise the body's metabolism stays high for several minutes or hours, expending extra fuels [calories] even during rest c. deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching the muscle tissues during exercise d. appetite suppressant from exercise that aids body weight control

b. the phenomenon that following intense periods of exercise the body's metabolism stays high for several minutes or hours, expending extra fuels [calories] even during rest

Which lifestyle modification is likely to provide the largest reduction in blood pressure for someone with hypertension? a. sodium restriction b. weight reduction of 5 to 10 percent of current weight c. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan d. physical exercise e. moderate alcohol consumption

b. weight reduction of 5 to 10 percent of current weight

____________ _____________is the largest contributor to the calories you expend each day.

basal metabolism

When do people generally weigh the least?

before breakfast

The two major drawbacks of using ___________________ is that it does not tell us the location of the fat and the composition of an individual's weight.

body mass index

What type of adipose tissue is abundant in hibernating animals and human infants and was recently identified in human adults?

brown adipose tissue

How does a high-carbohydrate diet help to sustain an athlete's endurance?

by ensuring ample glycogen stores

Your friend wants to have her DNA tested because she thinks it will help her identify what foods she should eat. What is your advice to her? a. She should be sure to purchase any special foods or supplements the testing company suggests. b. Links between specific genetic variations and chronic disease are already well defined and useful recommendations are available to consumers. c. Potential interactions between environmental factors and genome variations must be pinned down before effective application of DNA assessments is possible. d. Test quality and validity and the proper use of results are guaranteed by the FDA. e. Her DNA results will be misused if she submits to the test.

c. Potential interactions between environmental factors and genome variations must be pinned down before effective application of DNA assessments is possible.

Which supplement is recommended to prevent cancer? a. beta-carotene b. vitamin C c. There is no supplement known to protect against cancer. d. vitamin E

c. There is no supplement known to protect against cancer.

Which of the following statements regarding behavior modification for weight control is true? a. Many people succeed because their mental dialogue degrades their inappropriate habits. b. Self-acceptance predicts failure, while self-loathing predicts success. c. Thinking habits are just as important as eating habits to achieving a healthy body weight. d. Only a trained psychotherapist should use behavior modification techniques. e. Cognitive skills, such as thinking habits, cannot be altered.

c. Thinking habits are just as important as eating habits to achieving a healthy body weight.

The equation used to calculate a person's Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) includes all of the following EXCEPT: a. gender. b. physical activity. c. actual calorie intake. d. height and weight.

c. actual calorie intake.

Which is NOT a potential benefit of surgical obesity treatment? a. Surgery may help shift the makeup of the intestinal bacteria toward a healthier profile. b. Diabetes, insulin resistance, high blood cholesterol, hypertension, and heart disease immediately improve. c. After surgery, the stomach is smaller, forcing the person to eat smaller portions. d. Depression and anxiety can improve after surgery. e. After surgery, people can return to their previous lifestyle and food choices and not worry about regaining the weight.

e. After surgery, people can return to their previous lifestyle and food choices and not worry about regaining the weight.

What factors affect protein use during physical activity? a. VO2max, cardiac output, and degree of training b. the amount of glycogen, protein, and fat stores c. dietary protein intake, duration but not intensity of the activity, and degree of cardiorespiratory fitness d. dietary fat intake, intensity but not duration of the activity, and degree of cardiorespiratory fitness e. dietary carbohydrate intake, intensity and duration of the activity, and degree of training

e. dietary carbohydrate intake, intensity and duration of the activity, and degree of training

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