NX Product Design Fundamentals

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When using the Pattern feature, which one of these pattern method options is not available? - Unlimited - Simple - Variational - Single

- Unlimited

If you select 4 features to mirror in a single Mirror Feature operation, how many features will be created? -1 -2 -3 -4


When using the Trim Body command, what types of objects can you trim the target bodies with? -A face or a datum plane -A section view or a camera view -An edge or a vector -A curve or a series of points

-A face or a datum plane

If you use the Shell command on a solid body and do not select at least one face to pierce which of the following will the result be? -A sheet body -An error message is generated -There is no change -A hollow solid body

-A hollow solid body

A characteristic of a model that is required for a molded or cast model typically includes -A model with drafted sides -a model with vertical sides -a model that is hollow -a model that has undercuts

-A model with drafted sides

When you mirror multiple features, what is the output result on the part navigator? -Multiple mirror feature -No feature is created -A single mirror feature -An expandable instance feature node with individual features are sub-nodes

-A single mirror feature

Which one of the following is not an Offset option in the Extrude command? -Single-Sided -Two-Sided -Symmetric -Asymmetric


Which one of the following feature types can you browse in the Browser? -Expressions -Components -Body-based features -history-free models

-Body-based features

Which of these statements are true when using Edit Parameters vs. Edit with Rollback commands? -Edit Parameters has simpler edit dialog than Edit with Rollback -Edit wit Rollback has simpler edit dialog than Edit Parameters -Both commands generally use the same dialog box used to create the feature -Both commands cannot be used when editing features

-Both commands generally use the same dialog box used to create the feature

Which one of these are not an Alert message type? -Info -Caution -Warning -Error


To create a pattern of holes which method should you use if you want to be able to change the size of each hole instance? -You must create a separate hole feature at each location -Create a hole feature then use Pattern Feature -Create one hole feature from a sketch containing points -Create a hole feature then use Pattern Face

-Create a hole feature then use Pattern Feature

A Mirror Body must use what as the mirror reference? -planer face -Datum Plane -linear edge -Datum Axis

-Datum Plane

________ are more reliable as mirror planes than faces. -Datum planes -Feature -Basic Planes -Fixed Datum Planes

-Datum planes

The modeling strategy, the organization of the model, and the creation of expressions, are tasks you typically do to establish what modeling concept? -Design Fool proofing -Design Simplification -Design Intent -Design Flexibility

-Design Intent

Which one of the following statements about Design Intent is false? -Design intent can be added to a model during the initial construction -Design intent cannot be added to a model after the initial construction -Design intent can be added to a model after the initial construction -Design intent can be changed as the design evolves

-Design intent cannot be added to a model after the initial construction

With the Shell command the Alternate Thickness option allows you to create which of the following? -Material thickness to the inside or outside -Tapered wall thicknesses -Different thicknesses in different areas -A family of parts with alternate thickness values

-Different thicknesses in different areas

How can you easily edit a feature of a model? -middle click the feature in the part navigator -Double click the feature in the part navigator -left click the feature in the part navigator -double click in the background of the graphics window

-Double click the feature in the part navigator

What edit command allows you to edit a specific feature while the entire model history remains active? -Edit with Rollback -Edit Object Display -Edit Section -Edit Parameters

-Edit Parameters

What type of expressions can be deleted using the Expression dialog box? -Any expression -feature expressions -Expressions that are not used -Locked expressions

-Expressions that are not used

Which one of the following statements about the Lock Formula option in the Expressions dialog box is false? -Expressions with locked formulas when created cannot be unlocked -Expressions with locked formulas are particularly useful for protecting important expressions from being modified -Expressions with locked formulas are grayed out in the Expressions dialog box -Expressions with locked formulas display a lock icon

-Expressions with locked formulas when created cannot be unlocked

What command will allow you to quickly create the other half of a symmetric part model? -Extract Geometry - Body -Mirror Feature -Mirror Part -Extract Geometry - Mirror Body

-Extract Geometry - Mirror Body

What pattern method allows you to pick from and to points? -Linear -General -Circular -Along


A conditional expression is created using what kind of statement? -Do-Until -If-Else -Do-While -Else-If


Which of the following statements about the Lock Formula option in the Expressions dialog box are true? -A locked expression cannot be unlocked -has no indicator that it is locked -Is particularly useful for protecting important expressions from being modified -you can only lock five expressions

-Is particularly useful for protecting important expressions from being modified

What is a unique property of Pattern Geometry? -It will pattern an imported solid -It creates a single feature result -It allows you to clock an instance of the result -It does not attempt to perform a Boolean of the results

-It does not attempt to perform a Boolean of the results

Swept Volume replicates how a feature might actually be ________. -Parameterized -Machined -Oriented -Visualized


You want to add a symmetry constraint between pairs of curves already created in your sketch. Which command would you use? -Make Symmetric -Mirror Curve -Move curve -Pattern Curve

-Make Symmetric

Which one of these objects from the part navigator cannot be explored using the Browser graph view window? -Model Views -Body-based features -Curve features -Datum Features

-Model Views

Which one of the following statements is generally true for molded part designs? -Molded parts are designed with thick walls to promote thermal cooling in the mold -Molded parts are typically have solid interiors -Molded parts are designed with thin walls to promote thermal cooling in the mold -Molded parts are designed without any ribs to promote rigidity

-Molded parts are designed with thin walls to promote thermal cooling in the mold

When using the Mirror Feature command, which one of the following types of objects cannot be used as a Symmetry Plane? -Planar Face -Non-planar face -Existing Datum Plane -New Datum Plane

-Non-planar face

What are the two types of shell can you create using the Shell command? -Exterior and Interior -Uniform and Non-uniform -Single and Multiple -Open and Closed

-Open and Closed

What command is used to create a pattern in a sketch? -Pattern Curve -Pattern Feature -Pattern Sketch -Edit Curve

-Pattern Curve

Which one of these pattern commands in NX does not create a feature? -Pattern Face -Pattern Feature -Pattern Geometry -Pattern Curve

-Pattern Curve

The Pattern Feature and Pattern Face commands produce similar results in most cases. When you expect the resulting pattern instances to overlap, which command should you use? -Pattern Face -Pattern Feature -Instance array -Cut and Paste

-Pattern Face

The Pattern Feature and Pattern Face commands produce similar results in most cases. When you're interested in efficient file sizes and processing speed, which command should you use? -Pattern Feature -Instance array -Cut and Paste -Pattern Face

-Pattern Face

What pattern would you use to create a pattern on an imported step file? -Pattern Feature -Pattern Face -pattern imported data -pattern model

-Pattern Face

The Pattern Feature and Pattern Face commands produce similar results in most cases. You want to be able to edit pattern instances individually, which command should you use? -Pattern Face -Pattern Feature -Instance array -Cut and Paste

-Pattern Feature

The Pattern Feature and Pattern Face commands produce similar results in most cases. If the faces you select don't bind a region that can be added or subtracted to the solid body, which command should you use? -Pattern Geometry -Pattern Feature -Pattern Curve -Pattern Face

-Pattern Geometry

Which one of these is not a sweeping tool or command in NX? -Sweep Along Guide -Rail -Tube -Variational Sweep


When using Pattern Geometry, which one of these object types can you not select to pattern? -Raster Image -Solid Body -Datum -Point

-Raster Image

How do you move the location of a sketch to a new plane after already creating the sketch? -Reattach the sketch -Move the sketch -Delete the sketch -Reposition the sketch

-Reattach the sketch

Which one of these types is not a pattern layout used by various pattern commands in NX? -Linear -Circular -General -Reflected


What command lets you substitute bodies and datums as well as reapply dependent features? -Reorder Feature -Replace Feature -Copy/Paste -Feature Group

-Replace Feature

What do you call the option in Shell command that allows you to change the direction of the wall thickness? -Change Vector -Reverse Direction -Opposite Thickness -Inside/Outside Wall

-Reverse Direction

When using the Sweep Along Guide command what two sets of curves must be defined? -Major & Minor -Cross & Profile -Section & Guide -Spine & Definition

-Section & Guide

The Mirror Feature command creates a new feature. When you edit this feature which of the following can you do? -Edit the original sketch -Select a different symmetry plane -Change the feature parameters to make the result non-symmetric -Change the number of repeated instances

-Select a different symmetry plane

When using the Sweep Along Guide command, which one of these can you not do? -Specify 1st and 2nd offset -Specify Boolean operation type -Specify Solid of Sheet body output -Select multiple close-looped sections

-Select multiple close-looped sections

What does a warning symbol on a feature in the part navigator mean? -Serious problem - the feature has failed to update -Non-serious issue - information on the feature update is available -Potential problem - feature could build but there may be issues -No problem - the feature is ok

-Serious problem - the feature has failed to update

Extrude Offset options include which one of the following: -Three-Sided -Multi-Sided, Lop-Sided and asymmetric -Single-Sided, Two-Sided and Symmetric -From Start Distance and From Section

-Single-Sided, Two-Sided and Symmetric

How do you create individual thicknesses while using the Shell command? -Double-Click the face you need a different thickness applied to -Specify an Alternate Thickness -There is only one thickness in a shell -Switch the shell type to variable

-Specify an Alternate Thickness

When using the Reattach Sketch command, you can do the following except for? -Specify the new sketch plane -Specify the new sketch orientation -Specify the new sketch origin -Specify the new sketch group

-Specify the new sketch group

Which command could you use to control the display or a specific feature based on the value of an expression? -Suppress by Expression -Hide -Variable Hide -Expression Display

-Suppress by Expression

Which option allows you to create a feature by sweeping a section string along a guide string? -Sweep Along Guide -Tube -Sketch on Path -Sweep Wizard

-Sweep Along Guide

Extrude, Revolve and Sweep Along a Guide are what type of functions? -Drag -Swept -Path -Guide


What command tries to mimic how a feature might actually be machined? -Swept Volume -Sweep -Machine Sweep -Tool Solid

-Swept Volume

What type of expressions cannot be deleted? -Feature Expressions -System Expressions -User Defined Expressions -Unused Expressions

-System Expressions

Which of one of these statements is true about the Browser graphics window? -The Browser graph view window lists the order of creation of the features -The Browser graph view window explores parent-child relations between features and their ancestor and descendant objects -The Browser graph view window shows which features are hidden and which features are visible -The Browser graph view window shows which features cannot be edited

-The Browser graph view window explores parent-child relations between features and their ancestor and descendant objects

How can you tell which side of the model will be trimmed with the Trim Command? -The arrow will point in the direction that will be removed -The arrow will point in the direction that will be kept -Both sides are always kept -The side to be removed will change color

-The arrow will point in the direction that will be removed

Which of the following conditions must be in place before you can reattach a sketch to new geometry? -The geometry must have a timestamp before the sketch -The geometry may not have any features created from it -The geometry must have a timestamp after the sketch -None, you can select any geometry as long as it lies in the sketch plane

-The geometry must have a timestamp before the sketch

Design intent will determine which one of the following tasks. -The modeling strategy -If a drawing is required -The color to make the model -The material density

-The modeling strategy

Why would you use the Pattern Face command instead of Pattern Feature? -To minimize the number of features -Because more pattern layout options are available -So that the result is joined with the solid body -So that you can edit the result of each instance independently

-To minimize the number of features

How do you create offset curves in both directions at the same time? -Toggle on Symmetric Offset -Toggle on Create Dimension -Set the number of copies to 2 -Use Add New Set to add another set of curves and enter a negative value

-Toggle on Symmetric Offset

This command is useful when creating simple piping, wire springs, linkage bars, or grooves -Sketch On Path -Revolve -Pocket -Tube


How do you offset a linear pattern to nest the results together? For example, a honeycomb pattern. -Use a Stagger -Use the Variational Method -Toggle on Symmetric -Use the Honeycomb Pattern

-Use a Stagger

How can you limit the pattern results to a certain area? -Use the simple method -Use the variational method -Use a boundary Definition -Use the pattern settings

-Use a boundary Definition

Which one of these following operations does not automatically create expressions? -When a sketch is dimensionally constrained -When a part is opened -When a feature is created -When a feature is positioned

-When a part is opened

Which of one the following statements is false when using the Shell command? -When creating multiple alternate thicknesses, each are created as separate shell feature -You can enter negative value to the shell thickness -You cannot shell a sheet body -Extend Tangent Face and Extend Shelf Face at Tangent Edge are two options you can use for Tangent Edges setting

-When creating multiple alternate thicknesses, each are created as separate shell feature

When are expressions automatically created? -When features are created -When getting information on an object -When deleting a feature -When selecting an object

-When features are created

You have two user defined expressions: Width=12 and Length=Width*2, what happens if you select Width in the Expressions dialog box and click the Delete key? -Length becomes equal to a constant, 24 -Both expressions are deleted -Length will have a null value -Width cannot be deleted

-Width cannot be deleted

Can design intent be incorporated after the initial model construction? -No, the design intent is locked in from the start -Only if the part started as an imported model -Only if the model is not used in an assembly -Yes, but may be more difficult

-Yes, but may be more difficult

When designing a molded part that needs to be released from two halves of a mold, what should be designed into the part? -threaded holes -a parting line -vertical walls -undercuts

-a parting line

If you use sweep along a guide and sweep an open profile along a complete 2D loop, what will the resulting body be? -a sheet body -a facet body -a convergent body -a solid body

-a solid body

While creating a shell, you need to remove a face that is adjacent to a blend face. What setting needs to be set to help prevent failures? -extend tangent face -Increase the tolerance -resolve self-intersections using patches -add shelf face at tangent edge

-add shelf face at tangent edge

Swept functions, and the majority of NX functions, are capable of creating what? -Draft -Offsets -both solid bodies and sheet bodies -Primitive bodies

-both solid bodies and sheet bodies

if(Length==5)(150)else if(Length==4)(195)else(25) is an example of what type of expression. -Parameter -conditional -what/then -and/or


Which is the correct format when creating a conditional expression? -if(Length==5)(150)then if(Length==4)(195)then(25) -when(Length==5)(150)and when(Length==4)(195)or(25) -try(Length==5)(150)then try(Length==4)(195)end(25) -if(Length==5)(150)else if(Length==4)(195)else(25)

-if(Length==5)(150)else if(Length==4)(195)else(25)

What does the feature browser do? -in a separate window, explores parent-child relations between features and their ancestor and descendant objects -in a separate window, explores parent-child relations between components and assemblies -in a separate window, explores parent-child relations between WAVE link features -in a separate window, explores parent-child relations between PMI and the features

-in a separate window, explores parent-child relations between features and their ancestor and descendant objects

When creating a shell, ______________ can be assigned to faces. -colors -parameters -child features -individual thicknesses

-individual thicknesses

When creating Offset Curves, for the Distance, Draft and Law Control type of offset curves, the curves to offset.. -must be 3 dimensional -must lie in the same plane -must be a Sketch -must be extracted

-must lie in the same plane

What option will create a body with wall thickness from an extrude feature? -draft -end distance -offset -open profile smart volume


When you use the Shell command, the wall thickness vector points in the _______ . -positive direction of wall thickness -negative direction of wall thickness -opposite direction of wall thickness -direction of the Absolute CSYS

-positive direction of wall thickness

While creating a shell feature, the direction of the arrow means what? -negative wall thickness -Wall to be removed -wall to be kept -positive wall thickness

-positive wall thickness

When using Pattern Curve, the resulting pattern is in the ________. -new sketch -Instance array -same sketch -Orientation

-same sketch

Draftcommand is typically used to apply ______ to faces for use in molded or die cast parts. -color -texture -slope -pressure


To display other solutions for a Linear dimension you may use .. -the other solution command -reverse direction command -the right mouse button and select another solution -the Alternate Solution command or Enter a negative value for the dimension type

-the Alternate Solution command or Enter a negative value for the dimension type

When using Edit with Rollback .. -the Feature is edited in the models current state, once the edit is complete the model is rebuilt to the end -the Feature being edited is made the current feature, all later features are suppressed, once the edit is complete the model is rebuilt to the end -the model rolls back to a previous revision, once the edit is complete the model is rebuilt to the end -the model rewinds to the selected feature, once the edit is complete you can fast forward to the next feature to be edited

-the Feature being edited is made the current feature, all later features are suppressed, once the edit is complete the model is rebuilt to the end

In the Part Navigator a Red X to the left of a feature indicates.. -the feature is a parent feature -the feature is a child feature -the feature has failed, but can be edited to possibly correct the failure -the feature is locked

-the feature has failed, but can be edited to possibly correct the failure

When you use Edit Parameters or Edit with Rollback, you generally access ... -the Edit Parameters dialog box -the Edit with Rollback dialog box -the Feature Editor -the same dialog box used to create the feature

-the same dialog box used to create the feature

When using the Trim Body command, the vector that is displayed points.. -toward the portion of the body that will be removed -away from the portion of the body that will be removed -toward the child features -toward the Absolute CSYS

-toward the portion of the body that will be removed

What feature can be used to create a round swept profile with only a guide string? -tube -sweep along a guide -swept -variational sweep


What term is used for an expression description? -Paragraph -Comment -History -Remarks


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