OBGYN Board Exam "Wrong Questions"

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The nuchal fold measurement is typically obtained between _______ and ________ weeks

15 and 21

The cervix should measure at least ______ in length

3 cm

Normal Diploid cells have ________ Chromosomes


An asymptomatic 65 year old presents with pelvic pain but no bleeding, endo thickness should not exceed _________

8 mm

All of the following are associated with omphalocele except: A. normal cord insertion B. Multiple chromosomal abnormalities C. Elevated MSAFP D. Periumbilical mass


Causes of postmenopausal bleeding include all of the following except: A. Asherman syndrome B. Endometrial atrophy C. Endometrial hyperplasia D. Intracavitary fibroids


The ovarian tumor associated with an elevated serum lactate dehydrogenase is the: A) Dysgerminoma B) Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor C) Androblastoma D) Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma


The right ovarian artery branches off of the: A. Aorta B. Right renal artery C. Uterine artery D. Internal iliac artery


The artifact seen posterior to solid structures such as fetal bone is referred to as what?

Acoustic shadowing

Which of the following best describes hypospadias?

An abnormal ventral curvature of the penis

Which of the following is considered to be the most common type of colonic atresia?

Anorectal atresia

the fourth ventricle is located _________ to the cerebellar __________

Anterior Vermis

Which of the following is a genetic disorder that includes craniosynostosis, midline facial hypoplasia, and syndactyly?

Apert Syndrome

What abnormality results in limitation of the fetal limbs as a result of joint contractures?


The form of inheritance in which at least one parent has to be a carrier of an abnormal gene for it to be passed on to the fetus is known as:

Autosomal dominant

A patient presents to the sonography department with a fever, chills, and vaginal discharge. Sonographically, what findings would you most likely not encounter? A. cul de Sac fluid B. uterine adhesions C. Dilated uterine tubes D. Ill defined uterine border


All of the following are sonographic features of pentalogy of Centrell except: A. omphalocele B. Gastroschisis C. Cleft sternum D. Diaphragmatic hernia


The pelvic ligament that provides support to the ovary and extends from the ovary to the lateral surface of the uterus is the: A) Cardinal ligament B) Ovarian ligament C) Broad ligament D) Suspensory ligament of the ovary


What is the stage of conceptus that implants within the decidualized endometrium?


After the graafian follicle ruptures, the remaining structure is termed the: A) Graafian follicle B) Corpus albicans C) Corpus luteum D) Theca lutein cyst


All of the following are associated with a thin placenta except: A. Preeclampsia B. IUGR C. Fetal Hydrops D. Long standing diabetes


All of the following are characteristic sonographic findings of achondrogenesis except: A. Micromelia B. Absent mineralization of the pelvis C. Multiple dislocated joints D. Polyhydramnios


All of the following are sonographic signs of Ebstein Anomaly except: A. enlarged right atrium B. Fetal hydrops C. Narrowing of the aortic arch D. Malpositioned tricuspid valve


An endometrioma most likely appears as a : a) simple, anechoic mass with through transmission b) complex mass with internal shadowing components c) mostly cystic mass with low level echoes d) solid, hyperechoic shadowing mass


Tamoxifen has been linked with all of the following except: a. Endometrial polyps b. Endometrial hyperplasia c. Endometrial leiomyoma d. Endometrial carcinoma


With what ovarian tumor is Meigs syndrome most likely associated? a) dysgerminoma b) cystic teratoma c) fibroma d) yolk sac tumor


Which of the following will also typically be absent with agenesis of the corpus callosum?


In VACTERL association the letter C stands for what?


All of the following are associated with oligohydramnios except: A. Bilateral renal agenesis B. Infantile PCD C. Premature rupture of membranes D. Duodenal Atresia


All of the following are associated with polyhydramnios except: A. Omphalocele B. Gastroschisis C. Esophageal Atresia D. Bilateral MCDK Disease


All of the following are clinical features of an ectopic pregnancy except: A. Pain B. vaginal bleeding C. Shoulder pain D. Adnexal ring


All of the following are considered high risk factors for PID except: A. IUD B. multiple sexual partners C. Post childbirth D. uterine leiomyoma


All of the following as associated with esophageal atresia except: A. down syndrome B. VACTERL C. Edwards syndrome D. Oligohydramnios


All of the following may be sonographic findings in the presence of an ectopic pregnancy except: A. pseudogestational sac B. Corpus luteum cyst C. Adnexal ring D. Low beta HCG


All of the following may be visualized at the correct level of the HC except: A. 3rd ventricle B. thalamus C. CSP D. falx cerebelli


LH is produced by the: A) Ovary B) Endometrium C) Hypothalamus D) Anterior pituitary gland


Which of the following is not a potential cause of PID: A. Intrauterine contraception use B. postabortion C. Chlamydia D. Pyelonephritis


Which of the following is not associated with endometrial hyperplasia? A. Tamoxifen therapy B. PCOS C. ovarian thecoma D. Asherman syndrome


The condition in which there is no nose and a proboscis separating two close set orbits is known as what?


what hormone of the pituitary gland stimulates follicular development of the ovary?


Sonographically, which of the following would most likely be confused for a pendunculated fibroid tumor because of its solid appearing structure?


Which of the following ovarian tumors would be most likely to cause postmenopausal bleeding?


With what structure does the posterior fossa cyst associated with DWM communicate?

Fourth Ventricle

Evidence of Polyhdramnios should warrant a careful investigation of the fetal __________ system


Endovaginal transducers may be cleaned by submerging in a(n) ____-based solution


The hormone produced by the hypothalamus that controls the release of hormones for mesntruation by the anterior pituitary gland is what?


The sonographic finding of a fluid filled carnium with absence of cerebral tissue is consistent with what?


What ovarian tumor will most likely have a moth eaten appearance?

Kurukenberg tumor

the two hormones are produced by the anterior pituitary gland that impact the menstrual cycle are ________ and ________

LH and FSH

the lack of sulci within the fetal cerebrum is a reliable indicator of


Which of the following is the most likely metastatic location for GTD?


Abnormally heavy and prolonged mesntrual flow between periods is termed?


Which of the following would be best defined as abnormally heavy menstrual flow?


What fetal suture is located within the frontal bone along the mid line of the forehead?

Metopic suture

Which of the following could also be described as intermenstrual bleeding?


Which of the following is intermenstational bleeding?


A female patient presents to the US department with a Hx of Clomid treatment. She is complaining of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal distension. What circumstance is most likely causing her symptoms?


A bell-shaped chest and multiple fetal fractures are indicative of:

Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Upon sonographic interrogation of a 28-week pregnancy, you note that when pressure is applied to the fetal skull, the skull can be easily distorted. This is sonographic evidence of:

Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Which of the following most often leads to an elevation of CA-125

Ovarian carcinoma

Which of the following is said to be a common cause of DUB?


Which of the following is also referred to as trisomy 13?

Patau syndrome

Absent long bones with the hands and feet arising from the shoulders and hips describes:


What hormone is released by the ovary during the second half of the menstrual cycle?


Complex-appearing fluid within the fallopian tubes seen with PID is most likely:


What is another term for the space of retzius?

Retropubic space

What ovarian mass is associated with virilization?

Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor

A cloverleaf skull is related to what?

Thanatophoric Dysplasia

Twins having two placentas and one amniotic sac are referred to as:

This does not occur

A strawberry shaped skull is common with what trisomy?

Trisomy 18

A 22 week fetus with clinodactyly an echogenic intracardiac focus and hyperechoic bowel is noted during a screening US. These findings are associated with what?

Trisomy 21

What chromosomal abnormality is associated with echogenic bowel?

Trisomy 21

All of the following are associated with duodenal atresia except: A. trisomy 21 B. esophageal atresia C. VACTERL association D. Turner syndrome

Turner Syndrome

Which of the following would most likely involve the development of cystic hygroma? A. hydranencephaly B. Turner Syndrome C. Beckwidth Wideman D. Klinefelter

Turner Syndrome

What is an opening within the septum that separates the right and the left ventricles?


Peritoneal spaces located posterior to the broad ligament are referred to as the:


Which statement is true concerning fetal outflow tracts? The normal pulmonary artery should be positioned ___________ to the aorta and should be seen crossing __________ it

anterior over

FSH is produced by the __________________

anterior pituitary gland

For the normal biophysical profile, the amniotic fluid pocket should measure:

at least 1 cm in two perpendicular planes

Placenta Accrete denotes the abnormal ____________ of the placenta to the...

attachment ...myometrium

OEIS complex is also referred to as __________ exstrophy


The band of tissue that allows communication between the right and left cerebral hemispheres is the:

corpus callosum

the temporary endocrine gland that results from the rupture of graafian follicle is the _________ __________

corpus luteum

A 34 year old female: intermenstruational bleeding, on US you see a focal irregularity and enlargement of one area of the endometrium. The most likely diagnosis is _____________ _________

endometrial polyps

Prune belly syndrome is caused by an _________ __________

enlarged bladder

What is the typical US appearance of the endo during the secretory phase?

hyperechoic and thick

In the 3 line sign of the endo, the functional layer of the endometrium typically appears?


the most distal portion of the fallopian tube


The blood returning from the lungs through the pulmonary veins enters into the ___________ ____________

left atrium

Prolpase of the pelvic organs most often invloves the _______________ and ___________ muscles

levator ani Coccygeus

What is the term for a smaller than normal ear?


A 31 year old patient presents for a saline infusion sonohysteogram complaining of bleeding and infertility. On US a mass is demonstrated emanating from the myometrium and distorting the endometrial cavity. What is the most likely diagnosis?

mubmucosal leiomyoma

The anechoic space along the posterior aspect of the fetal neck is the __________ ________________

nuchal translucency

Which of the following artifacts is caused by attenuation of the sound beam?

posterior shadowing

What substance does hysterosalingography utilize for the visualization of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes?

radiographic contrast

Optimal scan plane to visualize micrognathia?


When the ovary is in the luteal phase, the endometrium is in the __________ phase


the pelvic ligament that provides support to the ovary to the pelvic side wall is the...

suspensory ligament of the ovary

the sonographic findings of an endometrial polyp may include: diffuse _____________ of the endometrium


An EIF would most likely be associated with what trisomy?

trisomy 21

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