Oceanography Chapter 12

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Which of the following plankton are the smallest? 70) _____ A) Bacterioplankton B) Virioplankton C) Zooplankton D) Phytoplankton E) Meroplankton


Which of the following agencies defines life as "Life is a self-sustained chemical system capable of undergoing Darwinian evolution?" 35) _____ A) NOAA B) FBI C) NASA D) POTUS E) EPA


Nekton are restricted to particular ocean areas by ________. 5) _____ A) differences in water pressure with depth B) changes in salinity C) temperature variations with latitude and depth D) availability of food E) All of the above conditions may restrict the distribution of nekton.

all of the above conditions may restrict the distributions of nekton

Multicellular, eukaryotic organisms that range in complexity from simple sponges to complex vertebrates belong to the kingdom ________. 1) _____ A) Protista B) Fungi C) Animalia D) Archaebacteria E) Plantae


Which of the following kingdoms also includes humans? 51) _____ A) Animalia B) Archaebacteria C) Eubacteria D) Fungi E) Plantae


Which of the following kingdoms contains species that range in complexity from simple sponges to complex vertebrates? 50) _____ A) Animalia B) Archaebacteria C) Eubacteria D) Fungi E) Plantae


Which of the following kingdoms contains the multicelled animals? 49) _____ A) Animalia B) Archaebacteria C) Eubacteria D) Fungi E) Plantae


Which of the following domains is a group of simple, microscopic, bacteria-like creatures that includes methane producers and sulfur oxidizers that inhabit deep-sea vents and seeps? 41) _____ A) Archaea B) Archaeabacteria C) Bacteria D) Ediacaria E) Eukarya


Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 26) _____ A) Archaea B) Animalia C) Protista D) Fungi E) Plantae


When compared to their warmer water counterparts, cold-water plankton often ________. 10) _____ A) are smaller in size B) are larger in size C) exhibit countershading D) have more spines and ornamentation on the cell wall E) reproduce asexually only

are larger in size

Neritic marine environments would be found ________. 21) _____ A) in subduction zones B) associated with continental shelves C) within a deep-sea trench D) at mid-ocean ridges E) deep in the ocean basin

associated with continental shelves

The superkingdoms of life called Eubacteria is identical to which of the following? 39) _____ A) Archaea B) Archaeabacteria C) Bacteria D) Ediacaria E) Eukarya


Which of the following domains includes simple life-forms with cells that usually lack a nucleus? 40) _____ A) Archaea B) Archaeabacteria C) Bacteria D) Ediacaria E) Eukarya


Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 30) _____ A) Bathypelagic B) Abyssopelagic C) Mesopelagic D) Epipelagic E) Benthopelagic


Organisms with small bodies, extremely large mouths, and sharp teeth are likely to be found in the ________. 24) _____ A) intertidal zone B) photic zone C) bathypelagic zone D) epipelagic zone E) neritic province

bathypelagic zone

The sublittoral (subtidal) zone is the area ________. 25) _____ A) below the intertidal zone on the continental shelf B) between the highest high tide and the lowest low tide C) where demersal and pelagic organisms are found D) above the highest tide E) beyond the continental shelf

below the intertidal zone on the continental shelf

Most marine species are found in the ________. 7) _____ A) mesopelagic environment B) bathypelagic environment C) oceanic environment D) pelagic environment E) benthic environment

benthic environment

Ninety eight percent of marine species belong to which of the following? 79) _____ A) Plankton B) Benthos C) Fungi D) Plantae E) Nekton


Which of the following terms describes organisms living on or in the ocean bottom? 78) _____ A) Fungi B) Plankton C) Benthos D) Nekton E) Plantae


Organisms of the mesopelagic zone are characterized by ________. 23) _____ A) no eyes B) bioluminescence C) large, sensitive eyes D) bioluminescence and large, sensitive eyes E) bioluminescence and no eyes

bioluminescence and large, sensitive eyes

Which of the following is the most specific taxonomic grouping shared by humans and common dolphins? 58) _____ A) Order B) ClassC) Family D) Genus E) Phylum


Which of the following is the most specific taxonomic grouping shared by humans and killer whales? 59) _____ A) Family B) Genus C) Class D) Order E) Phylum


A good working definition of life does not need to incorporate that living things ________. 36) _____ A) contain carbon in their chemical makeup B) are capable of reproduction C) can capture, store, and transmit energy D) can change through time E) can adapt to their environment

contain carbon in their chemical make-up

The color pattern in which marine organisms are light on the bottom and dark on the top of their bodies camouflaging them against the water-air interface is ________. 19) _____ A) countershading B) cryptic coloration C) disruptive coloration D) defensive coloration E) warning coloration


Osmotic pressure increases as the ________. 16) _____ A) difference in salinity decreases B) difference in salinity increases C) difference in temperature increases D) temperature increases E) salinity increases

difference in salinity increases

The movement of a substance in solution from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration across a selectively permeable membrane in a living organism is called ________. 15) _____ A) diffusion B) osmosis C) passive transport D) active transport E) Brownian movement


Which of the following terms describes organisms living on the surface of the sea floor attached to rocks? 80) _____ A) Benthonektos B) Epifauna C) Infauna D) Nektobenthos E) Planktofauna


The euphotic zone is confined to the ________. 22) _____ A) epipelagic zone B) bathypelagic zone C) abyssopelagic zone D) neritic province E) mesopelagic zone

epipelagic zone

Which of the following kingdoms includes single-celled organisms whose cells lack discrete nuclei and the internal organelles? 45) _____ A) Archaebacteria B) Eubacteria C) Fungi D) Plantae E) Protista


Which of the following kingdoms includes the blue-green algae? 46) _____ A) Archaebacteria B) Eubacteria C) Fungi D) Plantae E) Protista


Humans are part of which of the following domains? 44) _____ A) Archaea B) Archaeabacteria C) Bacteria D) Ediacaria E) Eukarya


Which of the following domains has cells that house DNA in a discrete nucleus and contain structures that supply energy to build the cell and maintain its functions? 43) _____ A) Archaea B) Archaeabacteria C) Bacteria D) Ediacaria E) Eukarya


Which of the following domains includes complex organisms: multicellular plants, multicellular animals, fungi, and protoctists? 42) _____ A) Archaea B) Archaeabacteria C) Bacteria D) Ediacaria E) Eukarya


An organism that tolerates a wide range of salinities is referred to as ________. 14) _____ A) isotonic B) hypotonic C) stenohaline D) euryhaline E) hypertonic


Which of the following is the most specific taxonomic grouping shared by common dolphins and killer whales? 60) _____ A) Genus B) ClassC) Order D) Species E) Family


Which of the following kingdoms includes 100,000 species of mold and lichen? 52) _____ A) Archaebacteria B) Protista C) Fungi D) Plantae E) Eubacteria


Which of the following kingdoms includes species that function primarily as decomposers in the marine ecosystem? 54) _____ A) Archaebacteria B) Eubacteria C) Protista D) Fungi E) Animalia


Which of the following kingdoms includes species that live with cyanobacteria or green algae to form lichen? 53) _____ A) Fungi B) Plantae C) Archaebacteria D) Protista E) Eubacteria


Organisms that spend their entire lives as plankton are called which of the following? 71) _____ A) Holoplankton B) Virioplankton C) Zooplankton D) Meroplankton E) Phytoplankton


A small size is advantageous for marine organisms because it ________. 8) _____ A) increases the ability to absorb nutrients B) increases the ability of wastes to diffuse out of the organism C) increases thethe ability to absorb nutrients,the ability of wastes to diffuse out of the organism, and also increases the surface area to volume ratio that in turn reduces frictional resistance to sinking D) increases the surface area to volume ratio that in turn reduces frictional resistance to sinking

increases the ability to absorb nutrients, the ability of wastes to diffuse out of the organism, and also increases the surface area to volume ratio that in turn reduces frictional resistance to sinking

The majority of marine invertebrates are ________. 17) _____ A) estuarine B) isotonic with respect to their environment C) adapted to life in the pelagic zone D) hypertonic with respect to their environment E) found only in benthic environments

isotonic with respect to their environment

Which of the following associations is correct?2) _____ A) Kingdom Eubacteria—bacteria in hydrothermal vents B) Kingdom Protista—mushrooms C) Kingdom Plantae—blue-green algae D) Kingdom Fungi—phytoplankton E) Kingdom Animalia—sponges

kingdom plantae- blue-green algae

Which of the following is the most specific taxonomic grouping shared by common dolphins and bat stars? 61) _____ A) Order B) Class C) Family D) Kingdom E) Phylum


Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 28) _____ A) Floating Sargassum B) Seagrasses C) Krill D) Jellyfish E) Zooplankton


An example of an organism that might be part of the infauna is a ________. 6) _____ A) crinoid B) tuna C) lug worm D) bull kelp E) shark

lug worm

Which of the following plankton are the largest? 73) _____ A) Macroplankton B) Phytoplankton C) Picoplankton D) Virioplankton E) Zooplankton


Plankton that measure between 2 to 20 centimeters are classified, based on size, as which of the following? 74) _____ A) Macroplankton B) Phytoplankton C) Picoplankton D) Virioplankton E) Zooplankton


Organisms that spend only part of their lives as plankton are called which of the following? 72) _____ A) Zooplankton B) Holoplankton C) Meroplankton D) Virioplankton E) Phytoplankton


Planktonic organisms that spend part of their life in planktonic form and the rest of their life as either benthos or nekton are called ________. 4) _____ A) macroplankton B) meroplankton C) bacterioplankton D) zooplankton E) holoplankton


The seasonal temperature range in the deep ocean is usually ________. 20) _____ A) between −2° and 32°C B) between 8° and 25°C C) between 2° and 8°C D) between 0° and 15°C E) negligible


77) Which of the following includes most adult fish, marine mammals, marine reptiles, and some marine invertebrates? 77) _____ A) Benthos B) Plankton C) Plantae D) Nekton E) Animalia


All animals capable of moving independently of the ocean currents are called ________. 76) _____ A) Animalia B) Plankton C) Benthos D) Plantae E) Nekton


Which of the following word pairs correctly link a descriptor with the way in which the organism lives in the ocean? 3) _____ A) plankton—bottom-dwelling B) nekton—swim C) benthos—drift D) benthos—swim E) nekton—bottom-dwelling


Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 27) _____ A) Picoplankton B) Meroplankton C) Macroplankton D) Nektoplankton E) Holoplankton


Which of the following is a phytoplankton? 69) _____ A) Foraminifers B) Dinoflagellates C) Radiolarian D) Noctiluca E) Copepod


High-latitude ocean water tends to support large planktonic communities because ________. 11) _____ A) of the longer summer day length B) there is abundant light C) of higher dissolved oxygen and nutrient concentrations D) of higher dissolved carbon dioxide E) there are fewer predators that feed on plankton

of higher dissolved oxygen and nutrient concentrations

Which of the following types of plankton can photosynthesize and produce its own food? 67) _____ A) Holoplankton B) Photoplankton C) Synthoplankton D) Phytoplankton E) Zooplankton


Plankton that measure between 0.2 to 2 microns are classified, based on size, as which of the following? 75) _____ A) Macroplankton B) Phytoplankton C) Picoplankton D) Virioplankton E) Zooplankton


All organisms that drift with ocean currents are classified as ________. 64) _____ A) plantae B) plankton C) benthos D) nekton E) fungi


Most of Earth's mass of living organisms consists of which of the following? 66) _____ A) Nekton B) Plankton C) Benthos D) Animalia E) Plantae


Which of the following kingdoms contains the multicelled plants, all of which photosynthesize? 47) _____ A) Archaebacteria B) Eubacteria C) Fungi D) Plantae E) Protista


Which of the following kingdoms has only a few species living in the marine environment? 48) _____ A) Protista B) Animalia C) Eubacteria D) Archaebacteria E) Plantae


Planktonic organisms often have needle-like structures that ________. 9) _____ A) serve as a "skeleton" to support the diatom B) prevent sinking C) increase density D) are used as a defense mechanism E) are used as paddles to catch ocean currents

prevent sinking

Which of the following kingdoms include various types of marine algae and single-celled organisms called protozoa? 56) _____ A) Eubacteria B) Fungi C) Plantae D) Archaebacteria E) Protista


Which of the following kingdoms includes a diverse collection of single-celled and multicelled organisms that have a nucleus? 55) _____ A) Eubacteria B) Protista C) Archaebacteria D) Plantae E) Fungi


Which of the following is a zooplankton? 68) _____ A) Virioplankton B) Coccolithophores C) Diatoms D) Dinoflagellates E) Radiolarian


The fundamental unit of taxonomic classification is the ________. 57) _____ A) Phylum B) Species C) Order D) Genus E) Family


Organisms that cannot withstand large changes in temperature are referred to as ________. 13) _____ A) stenothermal B) eurythermal C) estuarine D) isothermal E) euryhaline


Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. 29) _____ A) Suboceanic B) Sublittoral C) Supralittoral D) Subneritic E) Littoral


The single most important factor that determines the distribution of life in the oceanic province is ________. 38) _____ A) temperature B) sunlight C) diffusion D) salinity E) pressure


A common body shape that streamlines an organism in the marine environment is a flattened body that ________. 12) _____ A) has a wide, blunt front end B) tapers at the front end C) tapers at the top surface D) tapers at the bottom surface E) tapers at the back end

tapers at the back end

Compared to freshwater fishes, marine fishes ________. 18) _____ A) tend to lose water by osmosis since their internal salt concentration is lower than that of seawater B) drink seawater and produce a large volume of urine C) produce a large volume of dilute urine in an effort to rid their bodies of excess water D) tend to gain water by osmosis since their internal salt concentration is higher than that of seawater E) do not drink seawater in an effort to conserve as much water as possible

tend to lose water by osmosis since their internal salt concentration is lower than that of seawater

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