Oceans - Test 2

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Which of the following is the predominant process that forms the metallic minerals in and around black smokers?


The instrument that emits a high frequency sound beam to measure the depth of the ocean developed in the 1950s is the..

Precision-depth recorder

A person experiences a popping feeling in their ears during the takeoff or landing of an airplane or while driving on steep mountain roads due to changes in the ______ of the atmosphere


Volcanic peaks on the deep-ocean floor with conical tops are called


Volcanic peaks that are below sea level but rise more than 1 km above the deep-ocean floor and have a pointy top like an upside-down ice cream cone are called


What does not fit the pattern: Abyssal hill, abyssal plain, table mount, seamount, submarine canyon

Submarine Canyon

Which of the following is the predominant process that forms the thick blanket of sediment on abyssal plains the deep-ocean floor?

Suspension settling

The two factors that are most important in determining the density of air are

Temperature and water vapour current

Which of the following statements about the Coriolis effect is correct?

The Magnitude of the Coriolis effect depends on how long the object is in motion

Which of the following will cause the lowest air pressure at the surface?

Column of warm, less dense air

What does not fit the pattern: Continent, ice shelf, sea ice, iceberg, ice floes


What does not fit the pattern: Global positioning system, Precision depth recorder, GLORIA, SeaBeam, Sea MARC

Global Positioning system

The intensity of solar radiation received at lower latitudes compared to higher latitudes is


The two most abundant components of dry air are

Nitrogen and oxygen

Volcanic features on the ocean floor that are less then 1000 meters tall are called

abyssal hills

Satellites use microwave beams to measure sea level to an accuracy of four


A cold air mass moving into and area occupied by relative warm air is called a/an

cold front

In the troposphere, air temperatures

decrease with increasing altitude

Older lithosphere is destroyed in association with

deep-sea trenches

Idealized pressure belts and wind systems are significantly modified by Earth's tilted axis of rotation and

differences in the heat capacities of the ocean and land

Air warmed by the land that rises and is replaced by cooler air from the ocean may produce a

sea breeze

The oceanic climate region that is characterized by sea ice coverage in the winter and open water (but cold) in the summer is


What does not fit the pattern: Shelf Break, Continental rise, Continental slope, Continental shelf, Abyssal hill

Abyssal Hill

What does not fit the pattern: Abyssal hill, seafloor spreading, oceanic ridge, rift valley, oceanic rise

Abyssal hill

What does not fit the pattern: Turbidite deposits, Deep sea fans, turbidity currents, Abyssal Plains, Graded bedding

Abyssal plains

What does not fit the pattern: Albedo, Oxygen, Troposphere, Water Vapour, Nitroegn


Where are the deepest portions of the world's oceans found?

At convergent plate boundaries

Directly seaward of the continental shelf is a more steeply sloping region called the

Continental Slope

What does not fit the pattern: Continental floor basalt, Continental shelf, Abyssal plain , Continental rise, continental slope

Continental flood basalt

Passive Margins are usually produced over geologic tie by which of the following?

Continental rifting and continued sea floor spreading

The relief in which of the following regions is similar to that found in mountain ranges on the continents?

Continental slope

Where does the deep-ocean basin begin along a passive continental margin?

Continental slope

The apparent deflection of air masses to the right or left as they move form one latitude to another is called the

Coriolis effect

Low pressure regions in the northern hemisphere rotate


Which of the following is an example of a passive continental margin?

East Coast of the United States

The doldrums occur in which of the following regions?

Equatorial (0-5 degrees)

Submarine canyons were most likely formed by

Erosion by turbidity currents

Which of the following is the standard unit of ocean depth?


What is the linear sea floor feature that is seismically inactive, occurs beyond offset mid ocean ridge segments, and the realize movement between two points on either side of the feature is in the same direction?

Fracture zone

Which of the following features is related to transform faults along mid-ocean ridges?

Fracture zone

The distinctive type of sedimentary layering that has largest particles on the bottom and smallest particles on the top, with intermediate sized particles i the middle, is called which of the following?

Graded bedding

A table mount is another name for a


Volcanic peaks that are below sea level but rise more than 1 km above the deep ocean floor and have a flattened top are called


When ice form from seawater the remains seawater will have a

Higher Salinity

The Big Island of Hawaii is an example of a volcanic island associated with volcanic activity at a


The two relatively flat areas on the hypsographic curve represent

Interior continental areas and abyssal plains on the ocean floor

The Island of Java is an example of a volcanic island associated with volcanic activity at a

Island arc

The island of Honshu is an example of a volcanic island associated with volcanic activity at a

Island arc

The strength of a hurricane stems from water's

Latent heat of condensation

Is the linear sea floor feature that has the following properties: A transform fault, a fracture zone or neither? It is seismically active, occurs between offset side ocean ridge segments and the relative movement between two points on either side of the feature is in the same direction.


Is the linear sea floor feature that has the following properties: A transform fault, a fracture zone or neither? It is seismically inactive, occurs between offset side ocean ridge segments and the relative movement between two points on either side of the feature is in the same direction.


Segments of the oceanic ridge system that are gentler and less rugged in slope due to faster rates of seafloor spreading are called

Oceanic rises

Deep ocean trenches and volcanic arcs result from the collision of two plates at convergent plate boundaries and mostly occur along the margins of which of the following oceans?

Pacific Ocean

Tamu Massif, the largest single volcano on Earth occurs in which of the following oceans?

Pacific ocean

With respect to mid-ocean ridges, transform faults are

Perpendicular to the ridge axis

What does not fit the pattern: Continental margin, Rift valley, Active Margin, Transform active margin, Convergent active Margin

Rift valley

The strength of a hurricane is ranked from 1 to 5 on the

Saffir-Simpson Scale

What does not fit the pattern: Minimal central pressure, Storm diameter, Sea surface salinity, Maximum sustained winds, storm surge

Sea Surface salinity

Volcanic feature on the ocean floor that are less than 1000 meters tall are called


Oceanographers who want to know about ocean structure beneath the sea floor use which of the following techniques?

Seismic Reflection

The correct order of seafloor features from the coast to the mid-ocean ridge is

Shelf, Slope, Rise, Abyssal plain

The method that is used most frequently to investigate sediment and rock layers of the sea floor is

Sound waves

The first recorded attempt to measure the ocean's depth was conducted using which of the following techniques?


The largest loss of life from a hurricane is usually due to

Storm surge

Underwater avalanches of muddy water mixed with rocks and debris are

Turbidity currents

Which of the following best describes turbidity currents?

Underwater avalanches of muddy water mixed with rocks and other debris

The Coriolis effect is due to changes in the ____ of earth with latitude


Seamounts and abyssal hills are _______ in origin.


Which of the following parcels of air would have the lowest density

Warm moist air

What does not fit the pattern: Westerlies, Summer solstice, Ecliptic, Autumnal equinox, Vernal equinox


The temperature regions are characterized by

Westerly winds

The Average slope of the continental shelf is approximately

a tenth of a degree

Extending from the base of the continental rises into the deep-ocean basins are flat deposits surfaces called

abyssal plains

Winds blowing out of the north toward the south in the southern hemisphere will appear to

be deflected toward the east

oceanic ridges and rises result from seafloor spreading along

divergent plate boundaries

The direction of motion along a seafloor transform fault is

in the same direction as the plates are spreading

The doldrums refer to the same region as the

inter-tropical convergence zone

Ascension Island is an example of a volcanic island associated with volcanic activity at a

mid ocean ridge

Along the margins of the Pacific are found most of Earth's

ocean trenches

New lithosphere is produced in association with

oceanic ridges

Low latitude wind belt with strong, reliable, generally easterly winds is the


Worldwide, scientists estimate that there are about 125000 known seamounts, many of which originated at ______ centres


A tropical maritime air mass is likely to be

wet and warm

Warm-water (From 30 to 350) hydrothermal vents form

white smokers

What does not fit the pattern: Island arc, passive margin, volcanic arc, continual arc, ocean trench

passive margin

All true oceanic islands are _____ in origin


Earth's axis of rotation is tilted at an angle of


The average albedo of earth's surface is about


The trade winds occur in which of the following regions?

5 to 30 degrees

What percent of Earth's volcanic activity, each year, takes place on the seafloor?


How many volcanic peaks are known to exist on the Pacific sea floor?

> 20 000

Which of the following will cause cause the highest air pressure at the surface?

A column of cool, dense air

the average slope of the continental shelf is similar to the slope of which of the following?

A large parking lot

Characteristics of passive continental margins include which of the following?

Broad Continental Shelves

What does not fit the pattern: Black smoker, White smoker, rift valley, hydrothermal vent, deep focus earthquake

Deep focus earth quake

Active continental margins are characterized by which of the following?

Deep sea trenches

What does not fit the pattern: Northeast trade winds, southeast trade winds, Doldrums, Westerlies, Polar easterlies


Which of the following statement about the movement of Earth's atmosphere is correct?

The movement of air within the atmosphere convection cells generates the wind belts

Which part of Earth's cumulative hypsographic curve includes the mid-ocean ridges?

The shallowed slope below sea level

Which part of Earth's cumulative hypsographic curve includes the continental shelves of passive margins?

The shallowest slope below sea level

Satellites are used to map the ocean floor because

The shape of the ocean surface reflects large features of the seafloor

Which part of Earth's cumulative hypsographic curve includes linear scars in the ocean floor, caused by the collision of two plates along the convergent plate margins?

The steep deepest part below sea level

As a result of the Coriolis effect in the northern hemisphere, winds always are deflected

To the right of their original direction

What is the linear sea floor feature that is seismically active, occurs between offset mid ocean ridge segments and the relative movement between two points on either side of the feature is in the opposite direction

Transform fault

What does not fit the pattern: Pillow basalts, Metal sulphide deposits, trenches, seamounts, rift valley


The oceanic climate regions where the majority of strong tropical cyclonic storms are produced is


The lowermost portion of the atmosphere where most weather occurs is called the


The sun reaches its most northerly point in the sky, directly overhead along the Tropic of Cancer during the

summer solstice

Relatively few abyssal plains are located in the Pacific Ocean due to

the presence of convergent active margins

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