OM chap 5&6

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A result of concurrent engineering in product design​ is A. speedier product development. B. less customer demand. C. lower quality. D. higher costs. E. All of the above


A successful TQM program incorporates all EXCEPT which of the​ following? A. centralized​ decision-making authority B. benchmarking C. employee involvement D. JIT E. continuous improvement


Costs of​ dissatisfaction, repair​ costs, and decreased future demand are elements of cost in​ the: A. quality loss function. B. ISO 9000 quality cost calculator. C. process chart. D. Ishikawa diagram. E. Pareto chart


One of​ Britain's largest​ children's hospitals working with Ferrari Racing is an example​ of: A. external benchmarking. B. corporate responsibility. C. employee empowerment. D. internal benchmarking. E. Taguchi concepts.


Regarding the quality of​ design, production, and distribution of​ products, an ethical requirement for management is​ to: A. determine whether any of the​ organization's stakeholders are being wronged by poor quality products. B. obtain a product safety certificate from the Consumer Product Safety Commission. C. gain ISO 9000 certification for the organization. D. have the​ organization's legal staff write disclaimers in the product instruction booklets. E. compare the cost of product liability to the external failure cost


The goal of inspection is​ to: A. detect a bad process immediately. B. add value to a product or service. C. correct deficiencies in products. D. correct system deficiencies. E. All of the above


The​ "four M​s" of​ cause-and-effect diagrams​ are: A. ​material, machinery/equipment,​ manpower, and methods. B. ​mentality, motivation,​ management, and manpower. C. named after four quality experts. D. ​material, methods,​ men, and mental attitude. E. ​material, management,​ manpower, and motivation


What is a set of quality standards developed by the International Organization for​ Standardization? A. ISO 9000 .B. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award C. IOS 2009 D. Deming Prize E. ISO 14000


Which of the following documents lists the operations necessary to produce the component with the material specified in the bill of​ material? A. a route sheet B. an operations chart C. an assembly drawing D. an engineering drawing E. an assembly chart


A customer service manager at a retail clothing store has collected numerous customer complaints from the forms they fill out on merchandise returns. To analyze trends or patterns in these​ returns, she has organized these complaints into a small number of sources or factors. This is most closely related to the​ ________ tool of TQM. A. process control chart B. ​cause-and-effect diagram C. histogram D. scatter diagram E. quality loss function


A process sheet is a type​ of: A. work order. B. route sheet. C. assembly chart. D. bill of material. E. assembly drawing


Pareto charts are used​ to: A. show material flow. B. organize​ errors, problems, or defects. C. identify inspection points in a process. D. show the range of values of a measurement and the frequency with which each value occurs. E. outline production schedules


A Six Sigma program has how many defects per​ million? A. ​2,700 B. 6 times the standard deviation C. 3.4 D. ​1,000 E. 34


Building​ high-morale organizations and building communication networks that include employees are both elements​ of: A. Six Sigma certification. B. Taguchi methods. C. employee empowerment. D. the tools of TQM. E. ISO 9000 certification.


The analysis tool that lists products in decending order of their individual dollar contribution to the firm is. A. product life cycle analysis. B. breakeven analysis. C. ​product-by-value analysis. D. Pareto analysis. E. decision tree analysis.


Three broad categories of definitions of quality​ are: A. ​Pareto, Shewhart, and Deming. B. product​ quality, service​ quality, and organizational quality. C. user​ based, manufacturing​ based, and product based. D. ​low-cost, response, and differentiation. E. ​internal, external, and prevention


Three major elements of the product decision are.. A. goods, services, and hybrids. B. ​cost, differentiation, and speed of response. C. selection, definition, and design. D. legislative, judicial, and executive. E. strategy, tactics, and operations


According to the​ manufacturing-based definition of​ quality: A. quality depends on how well the product fits patterns of consumer preferences. B. quality is the degree of excellence at an acceptable price and the control of variability at an acceptable cost. C. quality lies in the eyes of the beholder. D. quality is the degree to which a specific product conforms to standards. E. even though quality cannot be​ defined, you know what it is


Based on his 14​ Points, Deming is a strong proponent​ of: A. an increase in numerical quotas to boost productivity. B. looking for the cheapest supplier. C. inspection at the end of the production process. D. training and knowledge. .E. All of the above.


If 1 million passengers pass through the St. Louis Airport with checked baggage each​ month, a successful Six Sigma program for baggage handling would result in how many passengers with misplaced​ luggage? A. 6.0 B. 34 C. ​2,700 D. 3.4 E. 6 times the monthly standard deviation of passengers


Quality can improve profitability by reducing costs. Which of the following is not an aspect of reduced costs by quality​ improvements? A. lower rework and scrap costs B. increased productivity C. lower warranty costs D. flexible pricing E. All of the above are aspects of reduced costs by quality improvements


Suppose that a firm has historically been achieving​ "Three Sigma" quality. If the firm later changes its quality management practices such that it begins to achieve​ "Six Sigma"​ quality, which of the following phenomena will​ result? A. The average number of defects will be cut by​ 99.9997%. B. The specification limits will be moved twice as far from the mean. C. The average number of defects will be cut by​ 99.73%. D. The average number of defects will be cut by​ 99.87%. E. The average number of defects will be cut in half.


The hierarchy of​ components, their​ description, and the quantity of each required to make one unit of a product are documented​ on: A. a work order. B. an engineering drawing. C. a route sheet. D. a bill of material. E. a group technology listing


The process improvement technique that sorts the vital few from the trivial many​ is: A. Yamaguchi analysis. B. Deming analysis. C. benchmarking. D. Pareto analysis. E. Taguchi analysis


To become ISO 9000​ certified, organizations​ must: A. document quality procedures. B. have an ongoing series of audits of their products or service. C. have an onsite assessment. D. All of the above. E. None of the above


Which of the determinants of service quality involves performing the service right the first​ time? A. courtesy B. access C. responsiveness D. reliability E. credibility


Which of the following typically shows the hierarchy of​ components, their​ description, and the quantity of each required to make one unit of a​ product? A. an assembly drawing B. a route sheet C. an engineering drawing D. a bill of material E. an assembly chart


A graphic technique for defining the relationship between customer desires and product​ (or service)​ is A. product lifecycle management. B. the moment of truth. C. modular design. D. the assembly drawing. E. the house of quality.


A products life cycle is divided into four stages A. ​incubation, growth,​ maturity, and decline. B. ​introduction, growth,​ saturation, and maturity. C. ​introduction, growth,​ stability, and decline. D. ​introduction, maturity,​ saturation, and decline. E. ​introduction, growth,​ maturity, and decline.


Arnold Palmer Hospital uses which of the following quality management​ techniques? A. Pareto charts B. benchmarking C. flowcharts D. ​just-in-time E. The hospital uses all of the above techniques


In his​ book, Safe​ Patients, Smart Hospitals​, Dr. Peter Pronovost emphasizes the use of what tool to reduce catheter​ infections? A. a Pareto chart B. a​ cause-and-effect diagram C. a statistical process control chart D. a flowchart E. a checklist


Kaizen is a Japanese term​ meaning: A. ​just-in-time (JIT). B. a fishbone diagram. C. a foolproof mechanism. D. setting standards. E. continuous improvement.


Marketing issues such as​ advertising, image, and promotion are important to quality​ because: A. they educate consumers on how to use the product. B. they define for consumers the tangible elements of a service. C. they raise expenses and therefore decrease profitability. D. they make the product seem more valuable than it really is. E. the intangible attributes of a product​ (including any accompanying​ service) may not be defined by the consumer.


Quality function deployment​ (QFD) A. translates customer desires into the target design. B. determines what will satisfy the customer. C. is used early in the design process. D. is used to determine where to deploy quality efforts. E. All of the above


Quality lies in the eyes of the​ beholder" is: A. an unrealistic definition of quality. B. the definition of quality proposed by the American Society for Quality. C. a​ product-based definition of quality. D. a​ manufacturing-based definition of quality. E. a​ user-based definition of quality


The role of decision trees in product design is​ to: A. calculate the value of the moment of truth. B. rank products in descending order of their dollar contribution to the firm. C. calculate the value of quality function deployment. D. better understand the​ customers' wants. E. calculate the expected value of each course of action


What refers to training and empowering frontline workers to solve a problem​ immediately? A. kaizen B. ​poka-yoke C. benchmarking D. ​just-in-time E. service recovery


Which of the determinants of service quality involves having the​ customer's best interests at​ heart? A. responsiveness B. courtesy C. tangibles D. access E. credibility


Which of the following is NOT one of the major categories of costs associated with​ quality? A. external failure costs B. prevention costs C. appraisal costs D. internal failure costs E. None of the​ above; they are all major categories of costs associated with quality.


Which of the following would likely cause a change in market opportunities based upon levels of income and​ wealth? A. sociological and demographic change B. political change C. technological change D. legal change E. economic change


​Payoffs, alternatives, and expected monetary values are terms associated​ with: A. product​ life-cycle management. B. ​make-or-buy analysis. C. quality function deployment. D. virtual reality. E. decision trees


An improvement in quality must necessarily increase costs. True False


Benchmarking requires the comparison of your firm to other​ organizations; it is not appropriate to benchmark by comparing one of your divisions to another of your divisions. True False


The quality loss function indicates that costs related to poor quality are low as long as the product is within acceptable specification limits. True False


A checklist is a type of​ poka-yoke to help ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a task. True False


An engineering drawing shows​ the: A. ​materials, finishes, machining​ operations, and dimensions of a component. B. ​dimensions, tolerances,​ materials, and finishes of a component. C. ​dimensions, tolerances,​ cost, and sales or use volume of a component. D. ​cost, materials,​ tolerances, and leadminus−time for a component. E. ​cost, dimensions, and machining operations for a component


A good description of source inspection is​ inspecting: A. ​one's own work. B. the goods at the production facility before they reach the customer. C. the design specifications. D. goods at the​ supplier's plant. E. materials upon delivery by the supplier


Reducing the complexity of a product and improving a​ product's maintainability are activities​ of: A. ​product-by-value analysis. B. manufacturability and value engineering. C. product lifecycle management​ (PLM). D. design for destruction​ (DFD). E. organizing for product development


Which of the following statements is NOT​ true? A. Legislation such as the Consumer Product Safety Act sets and enforces product standards by banning products that do not reach those standards. B. Product liability transfers from the manufacturer to the retailer once the retailer accepts delivery of the product. C. Qualitylong dash—be it good or badlong dash—will show up in perceptions about a​ firm's new​ products, employment​ practices, and supplier relations. D. ​Self-promotion is not a substitute for quality products. E. Inferior products harm a​ firm's profitability and a​ nation's balance of payments


A recent consumer survey conducted for a car dealership indicates​ that, when buying a​ car, customers are primarily concerned with the​ salesperson's ability to explain the​ car's features, the​ salesperson's friendliness, and the​ dealer's honesty. The dealership should be ESPECIALLY concerned with which determinants of service​ quality? A. ​competence, courtesy, and security B. ​understanding/knowing customer,​ responsiveness, and reliability C. ​communication, courtesy, and credibility D. ​competence, responsiveness, and reliability E. ​communication, responsiveness, and reliability


A Three Sigma program has how many defects per​ million? A. 3 B. 34 C. ​1,500 D. ​2,700 E. 3 times the standard deviation


A checklist is a type​ of: A. flowchart B. kaizen. C. Pareto chart D. ​poka-yoke. E. kanban


​"Making it right the first​ time" is: A. a​ user-based definition of quality. B. the definition of quality proposed by the American Society for Quality C. an unrealistic definition of quality. D. a​ manufacturing-based definition of quality. E. a​ product-based definition of quality


The process of identifying other organizations that are best at some facet of your operations and then modeling your organization after them is known​ as: A. continuous improvement. B. employee empowerment. C. patent infringement. D. copycatting. E. benchmarking.


Conforming to standards is the focus of the​ product-based definition of quality. True False


Of the several determinants of service​ quality, access is the one that relates to keeping customers informed in language they can understand. True False


Security is the determinant of service quality that means freedom from​ danger, risk, or doubt. True False


A hospital benchmarked against Ferrari Racing in an effort​ to: A. improve patient handoff quality. B. reduce the number of doctors. C. lengthen surgery duration. D. increase surgery prep time. E. All of the above


A manager tells her production​ employees, "It's no longer good enough that your work falls anywhere within the specification limits. I need your work to be as close to the target value as​ possible." Her thinking is reflective​ of: A. Taguchi concepts. B. internal benchmarking. C. ISO 9000. D. process control charts. E. Six Sigma.


If a sample of parts is measured and the mean of the measurements is outside the control​ limits, the process​ is: A. out of control and the process should be investigated for assignable variation. B. in​ control, but not capable of producing within the established control limits. C. within the established control limits with only natural causes of variation. D. monitored closely to see if the next sample mean will also fall outside the control limits. E. None of the above


PDCA is most often applied with regard to which aspect of​ TQM? A. continuous improvement B. employee empowerment C. benchmarking D. JIT E. Six Sigma


PDCA, developed by​ Shewhart, stands for which of the​ following? A. Planminus−Dominus−Checkminus−Act B. Prepareminus−Developminus−Createminus−Assess C. Problemminus−Develop Solutionminus−Checkminus−Act D. Planminus−Developminus−Checkminus−Accept E. Problemminus−Dominus−Continueminus−Act


The philosophy of zero defects​ is: A. consistent with the commitment to continuous improvement. B. the result of​ Deming's research. C. prohibitively costly. D. an ultimate​ goal; in​ practice, 1 to​ 2% defects is acceptable. E. unrealistic.


Which of the following is FALSE regarding control​ charts? A. Values above the upper control limits imply that the​ product's quality is exceeding expectations. B. Control charts plot data over time. C. Control charts are built so that new data can be quickly compared to past performance data. D. Control charts graphically present data. E. None of the above is false.


"The employee cannot produce products that on average exceed the quality of what the process is capable of​ producing" expresses a basic philosophy in the writings​ of: A. Vilfredo Pareto. B. W. Edwards Deming. .C. Armand Feigenbaum. D. Joseph M. Juran. E. Philip B. Crosby.


A quality circle holds a brainstorming session and attempts to identify the factors responsible for flaws in a product. Which tool do you suggest they use to organize their​ findings? A. control charts B. Ishikawa diagram C. flowchart D. Pareto chart E. activity chart


A route sheet provides​ a(n): A. set of detailed instructions about how to perform a task. B. sequence of operations necessary to produce the component. C. instruction to make a given quantity of a particular item. D. exploded view of the product. E. schematic showing how the product is assembled.


Which of the following is not a typical inspection​ point? A. upon receipt of goods from your supplier B. after a costly process C. before the product is shipped to the customer D. at the​ supplier's plant while the supplier is producing E. when production or service is complete


Which of the following shows in schematic form how a product is​ assembled? A. a route sheet B. an assembly chart C. an engineering drawing D. an assembly routing E. a process sheet


Which of the following statements regarding​ "Six Sigma" is​ TRUE? A. Six Sigma means that about 94 percent of a​ firm's output is free of defects. B. The term has two distinct meaningslong dash—one is​ statistical; the other is a comprehensive quality system. C. The Six Sigma program was developed by Toyota in the 1970s. D. The Six Sigma program is for manufacturing firms and is not applicable to services. E. Six Sigma certification is granted by the International Standards Organization​ (ISO)


A document for production that gives the instruction to make a given quantity of a particular​ item, usually to a given​ schedule, is​ a(n): A. route sheet. B. value analysis. C. work order. D. bill of information. E. assembly chart


A fishbone chart is also known as​ a: A. ​poka-yoke diagram. B. Kaizen diagram. C. ​cause-and-effect diagram. D. Taguchi diagram. E. Kanban diagram.


An assembly​ drawing: A. lists the​ operations, including assembly and​ inspection, necessary to produce the component with the material specified in the bill of material. B. describes the dimensions and finish of each component. C. shows an exploded view of the product. D. ​shows, in schematic​ form, how the product is assembled. E. provides detailed instructions on how to perform a given task.


GE's recall of 3.1 million dishwashers cost the company more in repairs than the value of the actual dishwashers. This is an example of which quality​ principle? A. appraisal costs B. internal failure costs C. cost of poor quality is underestimated D. prevention costs E. PDCA


Poka-yoke is the Japanese term​ for: A. continuous improvement. B. ​just-in-time production. C. foolproof. D. card. E. fishbone diagram.


Which of the following is TRUE regarding​ computer-aided design? A. It is an obsolete technology. B. It is too expensive to use in most manufacturing and design settings. C. It is the use of computers to interactively design products and prepare engineering documentation. D. It results in longer development cycles for virtually all products. E. It is the use of information technology to control machinery


Which of the following is an example of an external product development​ strategy? A. new internally developed products B. migrations of existing products C. alliances D. enhancements to existing products E. All of the above are examples of internal product development strategy


Which of the following statements regarding Arnold Palmer Hospital is​ FALSE? A. The hospital uses a wide range of quality management techniques. B. The hospital scores very highly in national studies of patient satisfaction. C. The​ hospital's high quality is measured by low readmission​ rates, not patient satisfaction. D. The design of patient​ rooms, even wall​ colors, reflects the​ hospital's culture of quality. E. The culture of quality at the hospital includes employees at all levels


Companies with the highest levels of quality are how many times more productive than their competitors with the lowest quality​ levels? A.2 B.4 C.3 D.5 E. None of the above because quality has no impact on productivity​ (units/labor hr


Total quality management​ emphasizes: A. a process where mostly statisticians get involved. B. ISO 14000 certification. C. a system where strong managers are the only decision makers. D. a commitment to quality that goes beyond internal company issues to suppliers and customers. E. the responsibility of the quality control staff to identify and solve all​ quality-related problems.


When sample measurements falls inside the control​ limits, it means​ that: A. the process limits cannot be determined statistically. B. each unit manufactured is good enough to sell. C. the process output exceeds the requirements. D. if there is no other pattern in the​ samples, the process is in control. E. the process output does not fulfill the requirements


Which of the four major categories of quality costs is particularly hard to​ quantify? A. internal failure costs B. prevention costs C. appraisal costs D. external failure costs E. None is hard to quantify.


A production manager at a pottery factory has noticed that about 70 percent of defects result from impurities in raw​ materials, 15 percent result from human​ error, 10 percent from machine​ malfunctions, and 5 percent from a variety of other causes. This manager is most likely​ using: A. a quality loss function. B. a scatter diagram. C. a​ cause-and-effect diagram. D. a flowchart. E. a Pareto chart.


All of the following costs are likely to decrease as a result of better quality​ EXCEPT: A. customer dissatisfaction costs. B. warranty and service costs. C. scrap costs. D. inspection costs. E. maintenance costs


Among the tools of​ TQM, the tool ordinarily used to aid in understanding the sequence of events through which a product travels is​ a: A. ​poka-yoke. B. Pareto chart. C. Taguchi map. D. check sheet. E. flowchart.


An assembly​ chart: A. provides detailed instructions on how to perform a given task. B. lists the​ operations, including assembly and​ inspection, necessary to produce the component with the material specified in the bill of material. C. shows an exploded view of the product. D. describes the dimensions and finish of each component. E. shows graphically how the product is assembled


Stakeholders who are affected by the production and marketing of poor quality products​ include: A. suppliers and​ distributors, but not customers. B. suppliers and​ creditors, but not distributors. C. only stockholders and organizational executives and managers. D. only​ stockholders, creditors, and owners. E. ​stockholders, employees, and customers.


Which of the following is TRUE concerning advantages of​ CAD? A. It provides accurate information flows to other departments. B. Most product costs are determined at the design stage. C. Virtually all products have their development cycle shortened. D. Design options are easier to review before final commitments are made. E. All of the above are true.


Which of the following represents an opportunity for generating a new​ product? A. economic​ change, such as rising household incomes B. demographic​ change, such as decreasing family size C. understanding the customer D. changes in professional standards E. All of the above are such opportunities.


Managers at Arnold Palmer Hospital take quality so seriously that the hospital typically is a national leader in several quality areas so that continuous improvement is no longer necessary. True False


Quality is mostly the business of the quality control​ staff, not ordinary employees. True False


Source inspection is inferior to inspection before costly operations. True False


The Japanese use the term ​poka-yoke to refer to continuous improvement. True False


​Deming's writings on quality tend to focus on the customer and on fitness for​ use, unlike​ Juran's work that is oriented toward meeting specifications. True False


A​ cause-and-effect diagram helps identify the sources of a problem. True False


Continuous improvement is based on the philosophy that any aspect of an operation can be improved. True False


Internal failure costs are associated with​ scrap, rework, and downtime. True False


Kaizen is similar to TQM in that both are focused on continuous improvement. True False


Line employees need the knowledge of TQM tools. True False


One of the ways that​ just-in-time (or​ JIT) influences quality is that by reducing​ inventory, bad quality is exposed. True False


Pareto charts are a graphical way of identifying the few critical items from the many less important ones. True False


Philip Crosby is credited with both of these quality​ catch-phrases: "quality is​ free" and​ "zero defects." True False


Quality circles empower employees to improve productivity by finding solutions to​ work-related problems in their work area. True False


TQM is important because each of the ten decisions made by operations managers deals with some aspect of identifying and meeting customer expectations. True False


The definition of quality adopted by The American Society for Quality is a​ customer-oriented (i.e., user based​) definition. True. False


The phrase Six Sigma has two meanings. One is​ statistical, referring to an extremely high​ process, product, or service​ capability; the other is a comprehensive system for achieving and sustaining business success. True False


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