OPMA 3306 | Exam 3 | Chapter 9, 10, 5, 14

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Variance = ?

((b - a)/6)^2

Cost per unit time = ?

(Crash cost - Normal cost) / (Normal time - Crash time)

DPMO = ?

(Number of defects / (Number of opportunities for error per unit x number of units)) x 1,000,000

Expected time = ?

(a + 4m + b) / 6

Quality gurus: - C_____ - D_____ - J_____

- Crosby - Deming - Juran

Types of Development Projects - D____ P____ - P____ P____ - B____ P____

- Derivative Projects - Platform Projects - Breakthrough Projects

Inventory Status Records: -- I____ m____ d____ s____ -- I____ s____ s____ -- S____ d____ s____

-- Item master data segment -- Inventory status segment -- Subsidiary data segment

Cost of Quality(COQ): Estimated ____-____% of every s____ d____

15 20 sales dollar

The cost of quality has been estimated at what percentage of every sales dollar?


ISO standards: ¨Adopted in _____ ¨_____ than _____ c_____ ¨A p_____ for g_____ c_____

1987 more 160 countries prerequisite global competition

X-bar and R-Charts: Control limits: ---- Generally use z = ____ (____% of samples are expected to f____ w____ c____ l____)

3 99.7 fall within control limits

How many defects per million units are permitted to meet Six Sigma standards?


____ d____ per ____ if the process is running somewhere within 1.5 sigma of the target specification.

3.4 defects million

When calculating the expected time, the most likely time (m) is weighted ____ times more than the optimistic (a) and pessimistic times (b).


Logistics, while continuing to grow, currently make up _________ percent of the US gross domestic product.

8 to 9

Which of the following statements best characterizes an MRP system? A system that specifies the best transportation mode for inbound materials. A system-driven approach to determine which suppliers are likely meet delivery due dates. A system-driven logic that allows a company to tie the production functions together from a material planning and control view. An independent demand system that helps a company to prioritize customer orders based on profit potential.

A system-driven logic that allows a company to tie the production functions together from a material planning and control view.

Acceptance Sampling - Designing a Sampling Plan: 4 parameters: •A____ q____ l____ •L____ t____ p____ d____ •p____'s r____ (____) •c____'s r____ (____)

Acceptable quality level lot tolerance percent defective producer's risk alpha consumer's risk beta

Which term describes sampling performed on goods that already exist to determine what percentage of products conform to specifications?

Acceptance sampling

Critical Path Method

Activities and how long they'll take Required sequence and network diagram Critical path Early and late start/finish schedule

Features: A____ t____, b____ and w____, ____ c____

Added touches bells whistles secondary characteristics

Subsidiary data segment: A____ i____ that may be u____

Additional information useful

Planning Sequence

Aggregate operations plan Master production schedule Material requirements planning

MRP system inputs: A____ p____ p____ M____ p____ s____ B____ of m____ f____ I____ r____ f____

Aggregate production plan Master production schedule Bill of materials file Inventory records file

A fishbone diagram as part of a six-sigma quality improvement process might be found in which DMAIC category?


A final assembly is made from standard options that the customer chooses


Combines multiple component parts into a finished product, which is then stocked in inventory to satisfy customer demand


In which of the following industry types would MRP provide high benefits? Make-to-order Assemble-to-stock Engineer-to-order Assemble-to-order

Assemble-to-stock Engineer-to-order Assemble-to-order

Maintenance: A____ s____ P____ m____ p____ M____ t____ p____ C____ m____ t____ M____ h____ and r____ a____

Asset structure Preventative maintenance planning Maintenance task processing Corrective maintenance tasks Maintenance history reliability analysis

Which of the following is variation that is caused by factors that can be clearly identified?

Assignable variation

Acceptance Sampling (for A____): --- Performed on g____ that a____ e____ to determine what percentage of the products c____ to s____ --- Executed through a s____ p____ --- Results include a____, r____, or r____

Attributes goods already exist conform specifications sampling plan accept reject retest

C-bar = ?

Average number of defects per unit

Cost variance = ?


Schedule Variance = ?


Cost performance index = ?


Schedule Performance Index = ?


A bill-of-material also goes by the acronym ______


Item master data segment: B____ i____ d____ the i____

Basic information describing item

Which of the following is an operational goal of total quality management (TQM)? 1. Careful design of the product or service. 2. Ensuring that the organization's systems can consistently produce the design.

Both 1 and 2

New core process


New core product


New core technology


Outsource major activity


Projects ranked from most change to least change

Breakthrough Platform Derivative

Which of the following is not one of the widely recognized modes of transportation? Bus Rail Highway Water


Which letter denotes the maximum number of defective items that can be found in the sample before the lot is rejected?


C-Chart: UCL = ?

C-bar + z x Sp

C-Chart: LCL = ?

C-bar - z x Sp

When a product or service can have more than one defect per unit, which of the following is the most appropriate chart?


Project Crashing: •Prepare a _____-type n_____ d_____ •Determine the c_____ per u_____ of t_____ to expedite each a_____ •Compute the c_____ p_____ •Shorten the c_____ p_____ at the point where c_____ are _____ •Plot p_____, i_____, and t_____ c_____ c_____ to find the m_____ s_____

CPM network diagram cost unit time activity critical path critical path costs lowest project indirect total cost curves minimum-cost schedule

A time-cost model extends the _____ m_____ to consider the trade-off between t_____ r_____ to complete an a_____ and t_____ p_____ c_____

CPM model time required activity total project cost

Material Requirements Planning: C_____ and s_____ r_____ m_____, p_____, and s_____

Calculate schedule raw materials parts supplies

Total Quality Management Two fundamental operational goals 1. C____ d____ of the p____ or s____ 2. E____ that the o____'s s____ can c____ p____ the d____

Careful design product service ensuring organization's systems consistently produce design

Which of the following is a plant location technique that uses a coordinate grid system?

Centroid method

Assemble-to-stock: C____ m____ c____ p____ into a f____ p____, which is then s____ in i____ to s____ c____ d____

Combines multiple component parts finished product stocked inventory satisfy customer demand

Which of the following is variation that is inherent in the process itself?

Common variation

Analyze data ---- C____ a____ p____ ---- C____ the p____ of these p____ according to a set of m____

Comparing actual process Comparing performance processes measures

Which quality term refers to the degree to which the product or service design specifications are met?


Reliability/Durability: C____ of p____ over t____, p____ of f____, u____ l____

Consistency performance time probability failing useful life

Which of the following are the dimensions of the Logistics-System Design Matrix? Cost Volume Speed of delivery Weather

Cost Volume Speed of delivery

Shortening the duration of an activity is known as


Costs of quality: Cost of nonconformance Quality is free


Definition of quality: Conformance to requirements


Degree of senior management responsibility: Responsible for quality


General approach: Prevention, not inspection


Improvement basis: A process, not a program Improvement goals


Performance standard/motivation: Zero defects


Purchasing and goods received: State requirements Supplier is extension of business Most faults due to purchasers themselves


Statistical process control: Rejects statistically acceptable levels of quality Wants 100% perfect quality


Structure: 14 steps to quality improvement


Teamwork: Quality improvement teams Quality councils


Vendor ratings: Yes Quality audits useless


Which of the following is identified as an approach used in consolidation warehouses, where, rather than making larger shipments, they are broken down into small shipments for local delivery in an area?


Sales: C____ c____ O____ e____ D____/s____ G____ i____ I____ S____ i____ s____

Customer catalog Order entry Delivery/shipment Goods issue Invoicing Sales information system

Which of the following are sources of demand for products in a material requirements planning system? The master production schedule. Customer orders that have been canceled. Customer orders from sales personnel. Inter-department transactions.

Customer orders from sales personnel. Inter-department transactions.

Product Demand Sources: -- C_____ -- A_____ p_____ p_____

Customers Aggregate production plan

R-Chart: LCL = ?

D3 x R-bar

R-Chart: UCL = ?

D4 x R-bar

Six Sigma Methodology - ______ - Developed by G______ E______ as a means of f______ e______ on q______ using a m______ a______ - Overall focus of the methodology is to u______ and a______ what the c______ w______

DMAIC General Electric focusing effort quality methodological approach understand achieve customer wants


Define Measure Analyze Improve Control

DMAIC is an acronym that stands for which set of terms?

Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control

Costs of quality: No optimum Continuous improvement


Definition of quality: A predictable degree of uniformity and dependability at low cost and suited to the market


Degree of senior management responsibility: Responsible for 94% of quality problems


General approach: Reduce variability by continuous improvement Cease mass inspection


Improvement basis: Continuous to reduce variation Eliminate goals without methods


Performance standard/motivation: Quality has many "scales" Use statistics to measure performance in all areas critical of zero defects


Purchasing and goods received: Inspection too late Sampling allows defects to enter system Statistical evidence and control charts required


Statistical process control: Statistical methods of quality control must be used


Structure: 14 points for management


Teamwork: Employee participation in decision making Break down barriers between departments


Vendor ratings: No Critical of most systems


New machine


New software


Product enhancement


Select carrier


A work package includes: D____ of what is to be d____ P____ m____ S____ and c____ t____ for a group of a____

Description done performance measures starting completion times activities

What term refers to the inherent value of the product in the marketplace?

Design quality

Quality Specifications: D____ q____ C____ q____ Q____ at the s____

Design quality Conformance quality Quality source

Pure Project Structure Disadvantages: •D_____ of r_____ •O_____ g_____ and p_____ are ignored •Lack of t_____ t_____ •T_____ m_____ have no f_____ a_____ "h_____"

Duplication resources Organizational goals policies technology transfer team members functional area home

A schedule that lists all activities by their early start times is a(n)?

Early start schedule

Which technique combines measures of scope, schedule and cost for evaluating project progress?

Earned value management

Serviceability: E____ of r____

Ease repair

Not designed for a system with discrete time periods such as MRP

Economic Order Quantity

The lot sizes generated do not always cover the entire number of periods

Economic Order Quantity

Acceptance Sampling Advantages: --- E____ --- Less h____ d____ --- Fewer i____ --- U____ of the i____ j____ --- Applicability to d____ t____ --- E____ l____ r____ (motivation for i____)

Economy handling damage inspectors upgrading inspection job destructive testing entire lot rejection improvement

E_____ w_____ and d_____ c_____ are the heart of logistics.

Efficient warehouses distribution centers

Master Production Schedule: E_____ i_____ (q_____ and w_____)

End items quantity when

Bill of materials file: E____ d____ c____

Engineering design changes

Secondary reports: E____ r____ P____ r____ R____ for p____ c____

Exceptions reports Planning reports Reports performance control

¨Cost of Quality(COQ): E_____ related to a_____ p_____ or s_____ q_____.

Expenditures achieving product service quality

Slack activity time is the difference between the early start and the late finish of a project activity time. True or false


Items are manufactured by machine to customer order. These are generally industrial orders


Items are manufactured by machine rather than assembled from parts. These are standard stock items carried in anticipation of customer demand


An approach for selecting a facility location by considering many different types of criteria using a simple point-rating system is known as which of the following?

Factor-rating system

Plant Location Methods: •F_____ s_____ •T_____ m_____ of l_____ p_____ •C_____ m_____

Factor-rating system Transportation method linear programming Centroid method

Which tool in Six Sigma projects is a structured approach to identify, estimate, prioritize, and evaluate risk of possible failures at each stage of a process?

Failure mode and effect analysis

Assumptions for COQ analysis: --- F_____ do o_____ --- P_____ is c_____ --- P_____ can be m_____

Failures occur prevention cheaper performance measured

A p-chart has upper and lower control limits expressed as lines on the chart. As long as the sample values fall between these two lines there is no need to investigate process behavior. T or F


The MRP program performs its analysis from the bottom up of the product structure trees, imploding requirements level by level. T or F


True or false: ISO 9000 recognizes companies each year for outstanding quality management systems.


True or false: There are relatively few project management software options for practitioners.


True or false: Third-party logistics companies manage only customer service functions.


True or false: Typically, a task is performed by multiple groups or organizations.


Using a modular bill-of-materials will complex the scheduling and control and also makes it difficult to forecast the use of different modules. T or F


Master production schedule: F____ o____ from c____

Firm orders customers

a firm audits itself against ISO standards

First party

ISO Certification has three different forms: _____ p_____ _____ p_____ _____ p_____

First party Second party Third party

Which of the following is not a lot sizing technique used in MRP systems? Lot-for-lot Fixed time costs Least total costs Economic order quantity

Fixed time costs

Six Sigma Analytical tools: F_____ R_____ c_____ P_____ c_____ C_____ C_____ d_____ O_____ f_____ d_____ P_____ c_____ c_____

Flowchart Run chart Pareto chart Checksheet Cause-and-effect diagram Opportunity flow diagram Process control chart

What is the term for a closed facility where goods can be brought in without being subject to normal import duties?

Free trade zone

Time fences

Frozen Slushy Liquid

When a project is housed within a functional division, such as manufacturing, it is called a ________ project.


•A team member can work on several projects


•Aspects of the project that are not directly related to the functional area get short-changed


•Critical mass of specialized knowledge


•Motivation of team members is often weak


•Needs of the client are secondary and are responded to slowly


•Technical expertise maintained in functional area


•Functional area is "home" after project completed

Functional Matrix

Platform projects: F____ i____ to e____ p____

Fundamental improvements existing products

To show the amount of time associated with an activity, as well as the sequence of activities, a project manager could use a __________ chart.


Which of the following is not a criterion that influences manufacturing plant or warehouse facility location decisions? Suppliers Free trade zones Political risk Gross national product Tariffs and customs duties

Gross national product

MRP record contains: G____ r____ S____ R____ P____ a____ B____ N____ R____ P____ r____ P____ r____

Gross requirements Scheduled Receipts Projected available Balance Net Requirements Planned-Order receipts Planned-Order releases

Logistics-System Design Matrix: Volume (low to high):

Hand delivery and air Highway Pipeline and rail Water

A product tree can do which of the following? Help to compute component usage Reduce product scrap Reduce labor overtime Reduce regular time labor Locate raw material supplies

Help to compute component usage

Assemble-to-order MRP Expected Benefits


Assemble-to-stock MRP Expected Benefits


Manufacture-to-order MRP Expected Benefits


A major drawback with lot-for-lot sizing is?

High setup costs

BOM Hierarchy: ____ levels (____ numbers) refer to e____ p____ ____ levels (____ numbers) refer to c____ and r____ m____

Higher lower end products lower higher components raw materials

Logistics Decisions How will the materials be transported? H_____ W_____ A_____ R_____ P_____ H_____ d_____

Highway Water Air Rail Pipeline Hand delivery

One of the objectives of facility location analysis is to select a site with the lowest total cost. Which of the following costs should be excluded from the analysis? Historical costs Inbound distribution costs Land Construction Regional costs

Historical costs

An EOQ lot sizing technique will try to balance the sum of which of the following costs given a fairly constant demand? Marketing Holding costs Transportation Setup

Holding costs Setup

a family of standards on environmental management

ISO 14000

encourages organizations to discuss social responsibility issues and possible actions with relevant stakeholders

ISO 26000

Which is the ISO certification regarding quality management requirements in business-to-business dealings?

ISO 9000

directs you to "document what you do and then do as you documented

ISO 9000

Benchmarking steps

Identify Analyze

Benchmarking steps: --- I____ p____ that need i____ --- A____ d____

Identify processes improvement analyze data

Activities that need to be completed immediately before an activity are?

Immediate predecessors

An opportunity flow diagram as part of a six-sigma quality improvement process might be found in which DMAIC category?


In which step of the DMAIC cycle would you identify ways to remove the cause of defects and confirm key variables?


A bill-of-materials that uses differences in alignment to indicate the order of assembly of components is using which type of structure?

Indented structure

Inventory status segment: I_____ about p_____ a_____

Information part availability

Which of the following is an example of a variable? Inspecting a piece of lumber for knotholes Inspecting a roll of fabric for snags Inspecting the diameter of holes drilled into a pipe Inspecting a car's paint finish for blemishes

Inspecting the diameter of holes drilled into a pipe

Which of the following is not an example of when to use a c-chart? Inspecting the diameter of holes drilled into a pipe Inspecting a piece of lumber for knotholes Inspecting a roll of fabric for snags Inspecting a car's paint finish for blemishes

Inspecting the diameter of holes drilled into a pipe

Inventory records file: I____ t____

Inventory transactions

Manufacture-to-order: I____ are f____ or a____ c____ to c____ s____

Items fabricated assembled completely customer specifications

Fabricate-to-stock: I____ are m____ by m____ rather than a____ from p____. These are s____ s____ i____ c____ in a____ of c____ d____

Items manufactured machine assembled parts standard stock items carried anticipation customer demand

Fabricate-to-order: I____ are m____ by m____ to c____ o____. These are generally i____ o____.

Items manufactured machine customer order industrial orders

Costs of quality: Quality is not free There is not an optimum


Definition of quality: Fitness for use (satisfies customer's needs)


Degree of senior management responsibility: Less than 20% of quality problems are due to workers


General approach: General management approach to quality, especially human elements


Improvement basis: Project-by project team approach Set goals


Performance standard/motivation: Avoid campaigns to do perfect work


Purchasing and goods received: Problems are complex Carry out formal surveys


Statistical process control: Recommends SPC but warns that it can lead to tool-driver approach


Structure: 10 steps to quality improvement


Teamwork: Team and quality circle approach


Vendor ratings: Yes, but help supplier improve


Influenced by the length of the planning horizon

Least Total Cost Method

Lot sizes evaluated are designed to cover an increasing amount of time (1 week, 2 weeks, etc.)

Least Total Cost Method

A more complete analysis and would take into account ordering or setup costs that might change as the order size increases.

Least unit cost

Slushy: L_____ c_____ to p_____ p_____ a_____

Limited changes production plan allowed

Facility Location Issues • L_____ is an important element in designing supply chain. • Influence m_____ p_____ and w_____ l_____ p_____

Location manufacturing plant warehouse location planning

When a service is being provided, who is typically responsible for ensuring quality at the source?

Location operations manager

The art and science of obtaining, producing, and distributing materials and products in the proper place and the proper quantities, is termed?


The framework used to describe logistics processes is which of the following?

Logistics-System Design Matrix

Does not take into account setup costs or capacity limitations.


Setting planned orders to match the net requirements exactly is what type of lot sizing technique?


Lot Sizing Strategies: L_____ E_____ o_____ q_____ L_____ t_____ c_____ L_____ u_____ c_____

Lot-for-lot Economic order quantity Least total cost Least unit cost

Fabricate-to-order MRP Expected Benefits


Fabricate-to-stock MRP Expected Benefits


If the ordering or setup costs remain constant, the _______ method is more attractive

Lowest Total Cost

Unlike EOQ, the lot size covers only whole numbers of periods

Lowest Total Cost

Which of the following is true about MRP? MRP is an acronym for Material Requirements Planning. MRP is the highest level of planning in most organizations. MRP is used to determine the number of parts, components, and other materials needed to produce a product. MRP is not used for dependent demand items.

MRP is an acronym for Material Requirements Planning. MRP is used to determine the number of parts, components, and other materials needed to produce a product.

Asset structure


Breakthrough projects: M____ c____ that create entirely n____ m____

Major changes new markets

Items are fabricated or assembled completely to customer specifications


Product - M_____ m_____ r_____

Manufacturing management responsibility

The aggregate production plan precedes what?

Master production schedule

Material Requirements Planning 3 Data Sources: M____ p____ s____ B____ I____ r____ f____

Master production schedule Bill-of-Materials Inventory records file

MRP system structure

Master production schedule, Bill of materials, and inventory records Material requirements planning Production activity reports



Invoice verification


Purchase order




•Better communications between functional areas


•Depends on project manager's negotiating skills


•Duplication of resources is minimized


•Policies of the parent organization are followed


•Potential for sub-optimization


•Project manager held responsible for success


•Too many bosses


Acceptable quality level (AQL) •M____ a____ p____ of d____ defined by p____

Maximum acceptable percentage defects producer

Process MRP Expected Benefits


Estimate three values: --- M_____ (_____) --- M_____ (_____) --- M_____ l_____ (_____)

Minimum a Maximum b Most likely m

Factor-Rating System: ¨______ w______ u______ ¨L______ of f______ is developed ¨R______ of p______ p______ assigned to each factor ¨Each s______ is rated against each f______ ¨The s______ of a______ p______ for each s______ are computed ¨The s______ with the ______ p______ is selected

Most widely used list factors range possible points site factor sums assigned points site site most points

M______ solutions are the norm


In CPM analysis it is generally expected that the relationship between activity direct costs and project indirect costs will be which of the following? Positively related Optimally related Negatively related Not related Fractionally related

Negatively related

Project Crashing

Network diagram Cost per unit of time for each activity Critical path Shorten the critical path Minimum-cost schedule

Factor-rating system •N_____ f_____ are important

Non-quantitative factors

An important issue in facility location analysis is business climate. An unfavorable business climate could be indicated by which of the following? Similar-sized businesses nearby The willingness of local politicians to provide favorable treatment for a consideration The presence of other foreign companies in the case of international locations The local presence of companies in the same industry An established educational institution nearby None of the answers are correct

None of the answers are correct

P-bar = ?

Number of defects / Number of observations

The graphical display of the probability of accepting lots with varying percentages of defects is termed?

Operating characteristic curves

Process Control Measurements

P-Charts C-Charts

P-Chart: UCL = ?

P-bar + z x Sp

P-Chart: LCL = ?

P-bar - z x Sp, or 0 if negative

Which analytical tool of Six Sigma breaks down a problem into the relative contributions of its components?

Pareto charts

Which of the following is not a direct activity cost? Support facilities Overtime work Penalty fees Leasing equipment

Penalty fees

Brand name recognition is an example of which dimension of quality?

Perceived quality

Lot tolerance percent defective (LTPD) •P____ of d____ that defines c____'s r____ p____

Percentage defects consumer's rejection point

Design quality: Dimensions of quality: P____ F____ R____/d____ S____ A____ P____ q____

Performance Features Reliability durability Serviceability Aesthetics Perceived quality

Which of the following is needed to calculate the expected time (ET) of an activity? P_____ t_____ (_____) O_____ t_____ (_____) M_____ l_____ t_____ (_____)

Pessimistic time b optimistic time a most likely time m

According to the logistics-system design matrix, which of the following modes of transporting products is limited to liquids, gases, and slurry?


Which of the following is/are a part of an MRP record? Planned order receipts Raw material receipts Gross requirements Scheduled repairs Net requirements

Planned order receipts Gross requirements Net requirements

Primary reports: P_____ o_____ r_____ for i_____ and p_____ c_____

Planned order releases inventory production control

Which of the following is considered a primary report in an MRP system? Planning reports Performance reports Exception reports Planned order schedules Cycle counting reports

Planned order schedules

Over-allocation: P____ u____ exceeds a____ s____

Planned use available supply

Addition to product family


Process upgrade


Select new partner


Technology upgrade


Which of the following influences were discussed for location decisions to build a manufacturing plant or warehouse? Political risk Total costs Proximity to customers Weather in the region

Political risk Total costs Proximity to customers

Which of the following is not a motivation for using a late start schedule? Postponing costs until necessary Postponing the start of the entire project Postponing use of labor Postponing the purchase of materials

Postponing the start of the entire project

¤As customers get more demanding, there is p____ to ____ v____

Pressure reduce variability

Performance: ____ p____ or s____ c____

Primary product service characteristics

Production activity reports: P____ r____ S____ r____

Primary reports Secondary reports

Includes industries such as foundries, rubber and plastics, specialty papers, chemicals, paint, drugs, and food processors


Projects can be categorized in four major areas: P____ c____ P____ c____ R____ and d____ A____ and p____

Product change Process change Research development Alliance partnership

Aggregate Operations Plan: P_____ G______ (not e______ i______)

Product groups end items

Demand management


Material Requirements Planning


Sales and operations planning


MRP system outputs: P____ a____ r____

Production activity reports

Work Breakdown Structure

Program Project Task Subtask Work package

Critical Path Method (CPM) assumptions: ¤P____ a____ i____ can be e____ a____ ¤They do not v____

Project activity items estimated accurately vary

Projected available balance = ?

Projected available balance from last period - gross requirements + scheduled receipts + planned-order receipts

Which of the following are typical objectives of process control plans? Provide information about whether items are meeting design specifications. Identify new design specifications. Develop new processes. Detect shifts in the process.

Provide information about whether items are meeting design specifications. Detect shifts in the process.

Facility Location Issues: Factors: P_____ to c_____ B_____ c_____ T_____ c_____ I_____ Q_____ of l_____ S_____ Other f_____ F_____ t_____ z_____ P_____ r_____ G_____ b_____ T_____ b_____ E_____ r_____ H_____ c_____ C_____ a_____

Proximity customers Business climate Total costs Infrastructure Quality labor Suppliers facilities Free trade zones Political risk Government barriers Trading blocs Environmental regulation Host community Competitive advantage

The project manager has full authority


•Duplication of resources


•Lack of technology transfer


•Organizational goals and policies are ignored


•Shortened communication lines


•Team members have no functional area "home"


•Team members report to one boss


•Team pride, motivation, and commitment are high


Quality: Q____ p____ Q____ i____ Q____ c____

Quality planning Quality inspection Quality control

Fundamental to any quality program is the determination of: --- Q_____ S_____ --- C_____ of a_____ those s_____

Quality specifications Cost achieving specifications

Centroid method •Q_______


Transportation method of linear programming •Q______


A shift in the variability in the process that results in a measured (not counted) outcome would most likely be detected by an


Which of the following is a plot of the average of the range within each sample?


Which of the following is defined as the difference between the highest and lowest numbers in a sample?


Which of the following affect a firm's logistics plans? Design of local warehouses Reaction to demand flexibility Desired speed of delivery Cost of transportation

Reaction to demand flexibility Desired speed of delivery Cost of transportation

MRP Explosion Process

Requirements for end items Net requirements When orders should be received Planned order releases Level 1 items Gross requirements Net requirements, planned-order receipts, and planned-order releases Repeat for all items in bill of materials

Materials: R_____ P_____ o_____ I_____ I_____ v_____

Requisition Purchase order Inventory Invoice verification

The first step in the MRP explosion process is? R____ the g____ r____ for e____ i____ from the m____ s____.

Retrieve gross requirements end items master schedule



Goods issue




Order entry


Operations and Supply Functions: S____ P____ Q____ M____ M____

Sales Production Quality Materials Maintenance

Production: S____ and o____ p____ D____ m____ M____ R____ P____ P____ c____ and c____ p____ P____

Sales operations planning Demand management Material Requirements Planning Production control capacity planning Production

Creating p-Charts

Sample proportions for each sample Average of the sample proportions Standard deviation of the sample proportions Control limits Individual sample proportions, average of the proportions, and control limits

a customer audits its supplier

Second party

Aesthetics: S_____ c_____

Sensory characteristics

Gantt charts show: S____ of a____ Amount of t____

Sequence activities time

Which dimension of design quality refers to the ease of repair?


What term refers to the philosophy and methods that companies use to eliminate defects in their products and processes?

Six Sigma

Project Milestone ¤S____ e____ in the l____ of the p____

Specific events life project

The range of allowable values associated with a process (given the intended use of the product) is known as which of the following?

Specification limits

Economic Order Quantity = ?

Square root of (2DS / H)

C-Chart: Sp = ?

Square root of C-bar

Standard deviation = ?

Square root of variance

Which of the following are not eligible to be considered for the Baldrige Award? Small businesses Health care organizations Educational institutions State highway patrol organizations Nuclear power plants

State highway patrol organizations

What term best describes the written description of the objectives to be achieved in a project?

Statement of work

Which of the following terms describes testing a random sample of output from a process to determine whether the process is producing items within a preselected range?

Statistical process control

Design quality: ---- _____ d_____ of a f_____ ---- _____ d_____ of q_____

Strategic decision firm 6 dimensions quality

Prevention costs •S_____ of _____ the c_____ to p_____ d_____ •The _____ i_____ influence •Rule of thumb: every dollar in Prevention, s_____ $_____ in f_____ and a_____ c_____

Sum all costs prevent defects most important save 10 failure appraisal costs

Which of the following is NOT a part of the material requirements planning system? Bill-of-materials Supplier delivery schedule Master production schedule Inventory records

Supplier delivery schedule

When breaking down a project into smaller elements, what terms are used to describe the subdivisions?

Task and subtasks

ISO, international standards for quality management and assurance, was developed by?

The International Organization of Standardization

The file containing the complete product description, parts listing, quantity needed and product build sequence is called?

The bill-of-material

a certifying agency serves as auditor

Third party

A company that manages all or part of another company's product delivery operations is known as which of the following?

Third-party logistics company

The standard practice in statistical process control for variables is to set control limits to how many standard deviations from the mean?


In a Gantt chart the horizontal axis is usually which of the following?


_____ _____ is/are a company's attempt to provide a controlled window of opportunity to make changes to the master production schedule.

Time fences

In which of the following situations should we not use the transportation method of linear programming? To find a new site location for a plant To minimize costs of shipping "n" units to "m" destinations To maximize profits of shipping "n" units to "m" destinations To determine which corner of a street intersection to locate a retail service facility To locate a finished goods distribution warehouse

To determine which corner of a street intersection to locate a retail service facility

A special linear programming method that is useful for solving problems involving moving products from several sources to several destinations is known as which of the following?

Transportation method of linear programming

The value for Z used in quality control charts is based on the degree of confidence you want to have in the resulting UCL and LCL values. T or F


True or false: A least total cost lot sizing technique is a dynamic approach that continually looks for an optimal lot size where carrying costs and ordering costs are close to equal.


True or false: A product can have high design quality with low conformance quality, and vice versa.


True or false: Services typically have multiple sites to maintain close contact with customer.


True or false: Special consolidation warehouses are used when shipments from various sources are pulled together and combined into larger shipments with a common destination or into smaller shipments to deliver locally.


True or false: The effect of setting specification limits on product design allows businesses to monitor processes against these limits.


True or false: Total quality management requires companies to deal with all dimensions of products and services that are important to the customer.


¨The metric, Defects per Million Opportunities (DPMO), has 3 components: U_____ D_____ O_____

Unit Defect Opportunity

_______ are characteristics that can be measured numerically, such as weight, length, or diameter.


X-bar and R-Charts: V____ s____ involves measuring q____ c____ such as w____, l____, d____, etc.

Variables sampling quantifiable characteristics weight length diameter

Common variation •V____ that is i____ in the p____ itself

Variation inherent process

Logistics-System Design Matrix: Cost (low to high):

Water Pipeline and rail Highway Hand delivery and air

Logistics-System Design Matrix: Speed of delivery (slowest to fastest):

Water Rail and hand delivery Highway Pipeline and air

A statement of work (SOW) should include: W____ to be c____ and p____ s____ B____ p____ m____ C____ s____ or m____

Work completed proposed schedule budget performance measures completion steps milestones

What term describes the group of activities assigned to a single organizational unit?

Work package

When larger samples are needed for finer variations in a process, which chart would be better suited?


Variable Measurement Process Control Charts

X-bar Charts R-Charts

X-bar Chart: UCL = ?

X-double-bar + A2 x R-bar

X-bar chart: LCL = ?

X-double-bar - A2 x R-bar

A schedule that delays each activity as long as possible without delaying the overall project completion is known as _____.

a late start schedule

Least unit cost provides _________ as an advantage when taking variable ordering costs and setup costs into account.

a more complete analysis

Work Package ¤A group of a____ combined to be a____ to a s____ o____ u____

activities assignable single organizational unit

¨Early start schedule: A project schedule that lists all a____ by their e____ s____ t____

activities early start time

¨Late start schedule: A project schedule that lists all a____ by their l____ s____ t____. This schedule may create s____ by postponing p____ of m____ and other c____ associated with the project.

activities late start times savings purchases material costs

Critical Path Method (CPM): -- •Identify each a____ to be d____ and estimate how l____ it will t____ -- •Determine the r____ s____ and construct a n____ d____ -- •Determine the c____ p____ -- •Determine the e____ s____/f____ and l____ s____/f____ s____

activity done long take required sequence network diagram critical path early start finish late start finish schedule

Least unit cost method - a dynamic lot-sizing technique that _____ _____ and _____ c_____ for each t_____ l_____ s_____ and _____ by the n_____ of u_____ in each l_____ s_____, picking the l_____ s_____ with the _____ u_____ c_____

adds ordering inventory carrying costs trial lot size divides number units lot size lot size lowest unit cost

•Infrastructure - a_____ r_____, r_____, a_____, and s_____ t_____ along with e_____ and t_____

adequate road rail air sea transportation energy telecommunications

From the highest level planning at the top to the lowest level planning at the bottom, rank the following.

aggregate planning master production schedule material requirements planning

producer's risk (_____) •The p_____ of r_____ a g_____ l_____

alpha probability rejecting good lot

Projected available Balance - the a____ of i____ e____ as of the e____ of a p____.

amount inventory expected end period

Planned-Order receipts - the a____ of an o____ that is r____ to m____ a n____ r____ in the p____.

amount order required meet net requirement period

Net Requirements - the a_____ n_____ when the p_____ a_____ b_____ plus the s_____ r_____ in a p_____ are not s_____ to c_____ the g_____ r_____.

amount needed projected available balance scheduled receipts period sufficient cover gross requirement

Available to Promise: ---- Stock currently held in inventory may be a____ to a c____ o____ (a____) or may be a____ for f____ c____ o____ (a____ to p____) ---- Communicating current available to promise quantities can be a p____ t____ for c____ the a____ of s____ and p____

assigned customer order allocated available future customer orders available promise powerful tool coordinating activities sales production

R-chart is a plot of the a___ of the r___ within each s___

average range sample

Acceptance Sampling Disadvantages: ---- Risks of accepting "b____" lots and rejecting "g____" lots ---- Added p____ and d____ ---- Sample provides ____ i____ than ____-percent i____

bad good planning documentation less information 100 inspection

•Government barriers - b____ in many c____ are being removed

barriers countries

MRP systems tend to work best in companies where products are made in __________ using the same productive equipment.


Factor-Rating System: A major problem: does not account for the wide range of costs that may occur within each factor. ¤Maybe thousands of dollars different between b____ and w____ l____ on a factor and o____ on another factor.

best worst locations opposite

consumer's risk (____) •The p____ of a____ a b____ l____

beta probability accepting bad lot

Matrix Project Structure Advantages: •B____ c____ between f____ a____ •P____ m____ held responsible for s____ •D____ of r____ is minimized •F____ "h____" for t____ m____ •P____ of the p____ o____ are followed

better communications functional areas project manager success duplication resources functional home team members policies parent organization

When measurements from periodic samples stay ______ the control limits, the process can be assumed to be working properly


Logistics is _____ business.


Matrix Project Structure Disadvantages: •Too many b____ •Depends on p____ m____'s n____ s____ •Potential for s____

bosses project manager's negotiating skills sub-optimization

•Pareto chart - help to b____ d____ a p____ into the r____ c____ of its c____

break down problem relative contributions components

Modular bill of materials - a b_____ i_____ that can be p_____ and s_____ as a s_____

buildable item produced stocked subassembly

Often, increase in productivity is a b____ of efforts to r____ the c____ of q____

by-product reduce cost quality

Process control limits exceed specification limits - process is not c____ of m____ r____

capable meeting requirements

Specification control limits exceed process limits (for improved process) - process is c____ of m____ r____

capable meeting requirements

When the mean and standard deviation of a process is operating such that the control limits are acceptable relative to specification limits, the process is said to be


Efficient warehouse and distribution centers are the heart of logistics: These centers are c_____ m_____ and e_____ o_____ to ensure s_____ s_____ and q_____ f_____ of g_____, s_____ and r_____ i_____ from the point of o_____ to the point of c_____

carefully managed efficiently operated secure storage quick flow goods services related information origin consumption

¨Mean (X ̅) - the c____ p____ of a set of n____ (a____)

center point numbers average

3rd Party - a c____ a____ serves as a____

certifying agency auditor

Opportunity - A c____ for a d____ to occur

chance defect

Frozen: C____ to p____ p____ not a____

changes production plan allowed

Liquid: Any c_____ to p_____ p_____ a_____

changes production plan allowed

¨Variable - c_____ that are m_____ using an a_____ v_____

characteristics measured actual value

•Free trade zones - a c____ f____ into which f____ g____ can be brought without being subject to the n____ c____ r____

closed facility foreign goods normal customers requirements

X-bar and R-Charts: Number of samples: --- Once chart is set up, each sample is c____ to the c____ --- Use about ____ s____ to set up chart

compared chart 25 samples

There are two aspects to analyzing the data for benchmarking, they are c_____ a_____ p_____. c_____ p_____ of the p_____ against certain m_____.

comparing actual processes comparing performance process measures

Bill of Materials: Contains the c____ p____ d____, listing the m____, p____, and c____ along with the s____ in which the p____ is c____

complete product description materials parts components sequence product created

The problem of deciding how best to transport goods is a c_____ one and affects the c_____ of a p_____

complex cost product

Determination of lot sizes in an MRP system is a c____ and d____ problem

complicated difficult

Defect: any c____ that does not fall within the c____'s s____ l____.

component customer's specification limits

Quality at the source ¤Frequently discussed in the context of _____ quality. ¤P_____ ¤S_____

conformance product service

Process limits relate to how c____ the p____ is for m____ a p____.

consistent process making product

Process Capability: ¨The ability of a process to c____ p____ a g____ or d____ a s____ with a ____ p____ of generating a d____

consistently produce good deliver service low probability defect

Inventory records file: c____ d____ such as the n____ of u____ o____ and o____

contains data number units on-hand on-order

Centroid Method: ¨This methodology involves formulas used to compute the c_____ of the _____-d_____ p_____ that meets the d_____ and v_____ criteria stated above

coordinates two-dimensional point distance volume

Serviceability of the product may have a great impact on the c_____ of the p_____ or s_____ after the i_____ p_____. Also impact w_____ and r_____ c_____ to the firm.

cost product service initial purchase warranty repair cost

X-bar and R-Charts: Frequency of samples: --- Tradeoff between c____ of s____ and b____ of a____ the s____

cost sampling benefit adjusting system

The objective(s) of the transportation method of linear programming is(are) to: minimize the c_____ of s_____ n u_____ to m d_____. maximize the p_____ of s_____ n u_____ to m d_____

cost shipping units destinations profit shipping units destinations

Project Tracking without EVM ---- A simple comparison of just c____ versus b____ does not tell the whole story ---- Without a means of quantifying how much w____ has been a____, this is the only available information.

costs budget work accomplished

Transportation method of linear programming: Seeks to either --- minimize c____ of s____ n u____ to m d____ --- maximize p____ of s____ n u____ to m d____

costs shipping units destinations profit shipping units destinations

P-charts: •The size of the sample must be large enough to allow c____ of a____ •A rule of thumb, the sample is to be large enough to c____ ____ d____.

counting attribute capture two defects

Sometimes the goods are moved across c______


In the _______ process of a project, the duration of an activity is reduced.


Time-Cost Models: ¨Often referred to as "c_____" the project to reduce o_____ d_____

crashing overall duration

Software can be used to c____ the c____

create charts

If a delay of an activity delays the entire project, then this activity is on the c____ p____.

critical path

•Critical path method (CPM) helps to identify the c____ p____ in the p____ n____

critical paths project networks

2nd Party - a c____ a____ its s____

customer audits supplier

Define: - Identify c____ and their p____ - Identify a p____ s____ for S____ S____ e____ based on b____ o____ as well as c____ n____ and f____ - Identify ____ (c____ c____) that the c____ considers to have the most i____ on q____

customers priorities project suitable Six Sigma efforts business objectives customer needs feedback CTQs critical-to-quality characteristics customer impact quality

External failure costs •Costs for d_____ that p_____ t_____ the s_____

defects pass through system

Internal failure costs •Costs for d_____ incurred w_____ the s_____

defects within system

Conformance quality - d____ to which the p____ or s____ d____ s____ are m____

degree product service design specifications met

Companies with Six Sigma processes insist that a process making a part be capable of operating so that the d____ s____ l____ are ____ s____ d____ away from the p____ m____

design specification limits six standard deviations process mean

Aesthetics may greatly impact the d_____ of the product/service, particularly c_____ p_____

desirability consumer products

•Flowchart - a d____ of the s____ of o____

diagram sequence operations

Time-cost model: ¤Considers d_____ a_____ c_____, i_____ c_____ of p_____, and a_____ c_____ t_____

direct activity costs indirect costs project activity completion times

Functional Project Structure Disadvantages: •Aspects of the project that are not ____ r____ to the f____ a____ get s____ •M____ of t____ m____ is often weak •N____ of the c____ are s____ and are responded to s____

directly related functional area short-changed motivation team members needs client secondary slowly

ISO 26000 encourages organizations to d____ s____ r____ i____ and p____ a____ with r____ s____

discuss social responsibility issues possible actions relevant stakeholders

ISO 9000 directs you to "d_____ what you d_____ and then d_____ as you d_____"

document do do documented

Project Control Charts Charts provide an e_____ u_____ v_____ p_____

easily understood visual presentation

•Quality of labor - e____ and s____ l____ must match needs

educational skill levels

Level 0 items during the explosion process are typically referred to as _________ items, or gross requirements.


The master schedule deals with e____ i____ and is a m____ i____ to the ____ p____

end items major input MRP process

In addition to the demand for e_____ p_____, customers also order s_____ p_____ and c_____ for: ¤S_____ ¤S_____ and r_____

end products specific parts components spares service repair

The goals can only be achieved if the _____ o_____ is o_____ t_____ them, hence _____

entire organization oriented toward TQM

Statistical Quality Control (SQC): a number of different techniques designed to e____ q____ from a c____ v____.

evaluate quality conformance view

When three time estimates are used to estimate the activity time, critical path calculation should use the ___________ completion time for each activity.


When calculating the critical path for a three time estimate project, you use the ______________ as the activity duration time.

expected time

Design of experiments (DOE): ¤Permits e_____ with _____ v_____ s_____

experimentation many variables simultaneously

The process of looking outside the company to compare the firm to excellent performers is called _______ benchmarking.


In the _______-_______ system, locations are ranked according to their performance on a number of different criteria.


Air - f____ but e____

fast expensive

Available to Promise: A f____ of ____ s____ that i____ the d____ between the n____ of u____ c____ i____ in the m____ s____ and the a____ c____ o____.

feature MRP systems identifies difference number units currently included master schedule actual customer orders

Dimensions of quality also referred as f_____ of the p_____ or s_____

features product services

The Malcolm Baldrige award selection process helps improve quality and productivity by which of the following means? Providing f____ to a____ by the e____

feedback applicants examiners

Assemble-to-order: A f____ a____ is m____ from s____ o____ that the c____ c____

final assembly made standard options customer chooses

1st Party - a f____ a____ i____ against ____ s____

firm audits itself ISO standards

Aggregate production plan - the f____'s s____ for meeting d____ in the f____, implemented through the m____ p____ s____

firm's strategy demand future master production schedule

•Trading blocs - f_____ locate within a b_____ to take advantage of n_____ m_____ or _____ t_____ c_____.

firms block new markets lower total cost

Aggregate production plan: F_____ of d_____ from c_____

forecasts demand customers

The name, "six sigma" refers to the goal of no more than _____ d_____ per _____ u_____.

four defects million units

In a __________ project structure, team members do not report to a dedicated manager, but remain part of their functional units.


Matrix project: A structure that blends the f____ and p____ p____ s____. Each project uses people from d____ f____ a____. A d____ p____ m____ decides what t____ need to be performed and w____, but the f____ m____ control which p____ to use.

functional pure project structures different functional areas dedicated project manager tasks when functional managers people

Aggregate plan provides the g_____ r_____ of p_____ each _____ by p_____ g_____ (p_____ f_____)

general range production week product group product family

International logistics - managing these functions when the movement is on a g______ scale


International logistics is concerned with movement of goods and materials on a _________ scale.


Gantt chart - shows in a g____ manner the amount of t____ involved and the s____ of a____. Often referred to as a b____ c____

graphic time sequence activities bar chart

Highway - _____ f_____

great flexibility

The requirements for end items are retrieved from the master schedule --- These are referred to as "g____ r____" by the ____ p____ --- L____ ____ i____

gross requirements MRP program Level 0 items

Work Breakdown Structure ¤Defines the h____ of p____ t____, s____, and w____ p____

hierarchy project tasks subtasks work packages

Water - _____ c_____ and _____ c_____, but s_____

high capacity low cost slow

A product/service can have h____ d____ q____ but l____ c____ q____ and v____ v____.

high design quality low conformance quality vice versa

For performance indices: PI < 1 means costs are _____ than planned PI = 1 means costs are _____ as planned PI > 1 means costs are _____ than planned

higher exactly lower

Pipeline - _____ s_____ and limited to l_____, g_____, and s_____ in s_____ form

highly specialized liquids gases solids slurry

•Host community - h____ c____'s i____ is part of the evaluation process

host community's interest

Bill-Of-Materials (BOM): i_____ the s_____ m_____ u_____ to m_____ each i_____ and the c_____ q_____ of each.

identifies specific materials used make item correct quantities

Fitness for use. ¤I_____ the d_____ of the p_____/s_____ that the c_____ w_____ and d_____ a q_____ c_____ p_____ to e_____ that these d_____ are m_____.

identifying dimensions product service customer wants developing quality control program ensure dimensions met

In a network diagram, the activities that need to be completed directly before another activity are known as __________ predecessors.


Centroid Method: ---- Assumes i_____ and o_____ t_____ c_____ are _____ ---- Does not include s_____ s_____ c_____ for _____ than a f_____ l_____

inbound outbound transportation costs equal special shipping costs less full load

To ensure good master scheduling, the master scheduler must: ¤I_____ d_____ from _____ s_____ ¤K_____ s_____ of the a_____ p_____ ¤P_____ in c_____ o_____ p_____ ¤Be v_____ to _____ l_____ of m_____ ¤O_____ m_____ c_____ between m_____, m_____ and e_____ ¤I_____ and c_____ _____ p_____

include demand all sources keep sight aggregate plan participate customer order promising visible all layers management objectively manage conflicts manufacturing marketing engineering identify communicate all problems

Derivative projects: I____ c____ such as n____ p____ p____ or n____ versions

incremental changes new product packaging no-frills

The costs associated with sustaining a project are referred to as

indirect costs.

¨Standard deviation (σ) - a measure of how many i____ o____ d____ from the m____ (s____). Often referred to as s____.

individual observations deviate mean spread sigma

Process: Includes i_____ such as f_____, r_____ and p_____, s_____ p_____, c_____, p_____, d_____, f_____ p_____

industries foundries rubber plastics specialty papers chemicals paint drug food processors

•Environmental regulation - these impact a certain i_____ in a given l_____ and must be included in the decision

industry location

Design quality - i_____ v_____ of the p_____ in the m_____

inherent value product marketplace

From the customer's view, there is often practically no difference between a product just i____ s____ and a product just o____. And there is a far greater difference in the q____ of a product that is at the t____ and the q____ of the one that is near a l____.

inside specifications outside quality target quality limit

Appraisal costs •Costs of the i____ and t____ to ensure that the p____ or p____ is a____

inspection testing product process acceptable

Six Sigma Analytical tools: What makes their application to Six Sigma unique is the i____ of these tools in a c____ m____ s____.

integration corporate management system

The functions concerned with movement of goods and materials on a global scale are known as __________ logistics.


Major information system activities for planning logistics involve allocating resources, managing _______ levels, scheduling, and order tracking.


Using complex lot-sizing techniques, larger lot sizes can cause an increase in __________, complicating plant logistics.


Projected available balance is the i____ at the e____ of a p____ which can be used for p____ in the n____ p____

inventory end period processing next period

Cross-docking minimizes i_____ in the w_____

inventory warehouse

A material requirements planning system interfaces with the master production schedule, bill-of-materials file and __________.

inventory records file.

Defect - Any i____ or e____ that does not meet the c____'s r____

item event customer's requirements

P-Charts: ¨Used when an i____ (or s____) is either g____ or b____ (a y____ decision) (A____)

item service good bad yes-no attributes

C-Charts: ¨Used when an i_____ (or s_____) may have m_____ d_____

item service multiple defects

MRP record: Kept for each i____ (including s____) m____ by the s____.

item subassemblies managed system

The inventory records file contains information such as list of authorized suppliers. item description. lead time. planned order releases. safety stock.

item description. lead time. planned order releases. safety stock.

Unit- the i____ p____ or being s____

item produced serviced

Super bill of materials - includes i____ with f____ o____

items fractional options

Lumpiness, or the tendency for uneven production, further down the creation sequence is caused by i____ being w____ from i____ in l____.

items withdrawn inventory lots

Why is project management important? ¤At the highest levels of an organization, management often involves j____ a p____ of p____.

juggling portfolio projects

Cross-docking - l_____ s_____ are broken down into s_____ s_____ for l_____ d_____ in an area

large shipments small shipments local delivery

¨Cpk ____ than ____ indicates process is capable (if the closest limit is ____ s____ d____ away from the p____ m____) ¨When the two numbers are not close, indicates m____ has s____

larger one 3 standard deviations process mean mean shifted

Hand delivery - ______ s______ in many s______ c______. Often s______ and c______ (______ l______ c______)

last step supply chains slow costly high labor content

The ________ ________ ________ method is a dynamic approach that adds ordering and inventory carrying costs for each trial lot size, divides the costs by the number of units, and chooses the lot size with the lowest unit cost.

least unit cost

One of the limitations with least total cost (LTC) is the influence by the selection of suppliers. length of the planning horizon. size of the manufacturing site. number of parts ordered.

length of the planning horizon.

All production systems have l_____ c_____ and l_____ r_____

limited capacity limited resources

ERP idea is to l____ ____ a____ of b____ M____ knows about n____ o____ S____ knows e____ s____ of a c____ o____ P____ knows what m____ needs A____ s____ is updated with t____ d____

link all areas business Manufacturing new orders sales exact status customer order purchasing manufacturing accounting system transaction data

•Competitive advantage - the l_____ should provide the c_____ with a c_____ a_____. T_____ i_____ play a role.

location company competitive advantage tax implications

•Other facilities - l_____ of other f_____ can influence a location decision

location facilities

Service - l_____ o_____ m_____ r_____

location operations manager responsibility

Material Requirements Planning The l_____ that t_____ p_____ f_____ t_____ from a m_____ p_____ and c_____ v_____. A l_____, e_____ u_____ a_____ to the p_____ of m_____ the p_____, c_____, and m_____ n_____ to p_____ e_____ i_____ D_____ d_____ d_____ the _____ s_____

logic ties production functions together material planning control view logical easily understood approach problem managing parts components materials needed produce end items Dependent demand drives MRP system

The critical path is the ______ chain of a______ in a p______

longest activities project

Rail - _____ c_____ but s_____ and v_____

low cost slow variable

Control - Determine how to m____ the i____ - Put tools in place to ensure that the k____ v____ remain within the m____ a____ r____ under the m____ p____

maintain improvements key variables maximum acceptance ranges modified process

Time Fences are used to m_____ a r_____ c_____ f_____ through the p_____ s_____. Unless o_____ r_____ are established, production system can be chaotic.

maintain reasonably controlled flow production system operating rules

The master production schedule typically deals with end items, but can be broken down to __________ if the item is large or expensive.

major subassemblies

Total Quality Management - m____ the e____ o____ so that it e____ on ____ d____ of p____ and s____ that are i____ to the c____

managing entire organization excels all dimensions products services important customer

A major issue in supply chain for manufactured goods is determining how those goods are moved from m_____ p_____ to c_____

manufacturing plants customers

ERP has ______ m______ (per f______ a______) and a______

many modules functional area applications

For service firms, the location decision is often closely related to the _______ selection decision.


The above demands are not usually part of the m____ p____ s____ They are fed ____ into the ____ at the a____ l____ (a____ i____ as a g____ r____ for that p____ or c____).

master production schedule directly MRP appropriate levels added in gross requirement part component

Upper specification - the m____ a____ v____ for a c____

maximum acceptable value characteristic

Process is capable when the m____ and s____ d____ of the process are operating such that the u____ and l____ c____ l____ are a____ relative to the u____ and l____ s____ l____

mean standard deviation upper lower control limits acceptable upper lower specification limits

Material Requirements Planning: a m_____ (l_____) for d_____ the number of p_____, c_____, and m_____ needed to p_____ a p_____

means logic determining parts components materials produce product

X-double-bar chart is a plot of the m____ of the s____ that were taken from a process.

means samples

Measure: - Determine how to m_____ the p_____ and how it is p_____ - Identify the k_____ i_____ p_____ that influence _____ and m_____ the d_____ currently generated relative to those p_____

measure process performing key internal processes CTQs measure defects processes

Both Design and Conformance quality should provide products that m_____ the c_____'s o_____ for those p_____. Often termed F_____ for u_____.

meet customer's objectives products fitness use

¨Lower specification - the m____ a____ v____ for a c____

minimum acceptable value characteristic

The time-cost model attempts to: develop a m____ s____. control e____.

minimum-cost schedule expenditures

An item that can be produced and stocked as a subassembly often uses a __________ bill-of-materials for planning.


New service facilities are far ______ common than new factories and warehouses •Much ______ expensive

more less

Multimodal: having _____ than _____ m_____.

more one mode

¨When resources are over-allocated, either _____ r_____ are required or r_____ is necessary Taking advantage of t_____ s_____ can free resources

more resources rescheduling task slack

Analyze: - Determine the _____ l_____ c_____ of d_____ - U_____ why d_____ are g_____ by identifying the k_____ v_____ that are _____ l_____ to create p_____ v_____

most likely causes defects understand defects generated key variables most likely process variation

Third-party logistics company may provide the m_____ of g_____, w_____ m_____, i_____ c_____, etc.

movement goods warehouse management inventory control

¨It is possible there are _____ critical paths


Service Facilities: •M_____ s_____ close to c_____ •Location decision closely tied to the m_____ s_____ d_____ •Decision more about maximizing p_____ than minimizing c_____

multiple sites customers market selection decision profits costs

After finding gross requirements, the next step in the MRP explosion process references inventory on hand and scheduled orders to calculate __________ requirements.


Master Production Schedule (MPS): the n____ of i____ to be p____ during s____ t____ p____.

number items produced specific time periods

Logistics - the art and science of o_____, p_____, and d_____ m_____ and p_____ in the p_____ p_____ and in the p_____ q_____

obtaining producing distributing material product proper place proper quantities

Sampling plans are generally displayed graphically through the use of o____ c____ (OC) c____

operating characteristics curves

Each step or activity in a company represents an o_____ for d_____ to occur.

opportunity defects

Least total cost method (LTC) - a dynamic lot-sizing technique that calculates the o____ q____ by comparing the ____ c____ and the ____ c____ for various l____ s____ and then selects the l____ in which these are most nearly ____

order quantity carrying cost setup costs lot sizes lot equal

Scheduled Receipts - o____ that have been r____ and that are s____ to a____ as of the b____ of the p____.

orders released scheduled arrive beginning period

To accommodate the lead time, o____ must be r____ a____ of t____

orders released ahead time

External Benchmarking: Looking _____ the f_____ to determine what e_____ p_____ are d_____

outside firm excellent performers doing

Third-party logistics company - an o_____ c_____ used to manage a_____ or p_____ of another company's l_____ f_____

outside company all part logistics functions

¨Software can be used to spot o_____


•Total costs - objective is to minimize o_____ c_____

overall cost

Aggregate plan shows o____ q____ to p____ - without specifying t____

overall quantities produce type

A logical, easily understood approach to the problem of managing the parts, components, and materials needed to produce end items How much of each p____ to o____? When to o____ or p____ the p____?

part obtain order produce parts

Lot sizes - the p____ q____ i____ in the p____ o____ r____ and p____ o____ r____ s____ of an ____ s____

part quantities issued planned order receipt planned order release sections MRP schedule

Perceived quality: P____ p____ and r____

past performance reputation

The p____ taking ____ t____ through this n____ of a____ is called the "critical path"

path longest time network activities

The file created by retracing a material requirement upward in the product structure to identify each parent item that created the demand is called a ______ record.


EVM provides information about p____ according to the s____

performance schedule

Consistency in the relative p____ of the product compared to the s____ of the a____, may have a great impact on how the q____ of the product is p____.

performance state art quality perceived

A firm designs a product/service with certain p_____ c_____ and f_____ based on what an i_____ m_____ e_____.

performance characteristics features intended market expects

Analyze data - are there p____ g____ between f____?

performance gaps firms

Time Fences: P____ of t____ having some s____ l____ of o____ for the c____ to m____ c____.

periods time specified level opportunity customer make changes

To achieve quality at the source, in general, who is responsible for ensuring that quality specifications are met? The p____ who d____ the w____

person does work

Quality at the source - the p____ who d____ the w____ is r____ for e____ that s____ are m____

person does work responsible ensuring specifications met

The variance of an activity's completion time requires knowledge of: the p____ t____ (____). the o____ t____ (____).

pessimistic time b optimistic time a

Six Sigma: A p____ and set of m____ companies use to e____ d____ in their p____ and p____

philosophy methods eliminate defects products processes

OC curves show how well the p____ discriminates between g____ and b____ l____

plan good bad lots

Planned-Order releases - the p_____ r_____ o_____ by the l_____ t_____.

planed-order receipt offset lead time

Lot-for-Lot: - Sets p____ o____ to ____ m____ the n____ r____ - Produces ____ what is n____ each ____ with ____ c____ o____ into f____ p____ - M____ c____ c____ - Does not take into account s____ c____ or c____ l____.

planned orders exactly match net requirements exactly needed week none carried over future periods minimizes carrying cost setup costs capacity limitations

The master production scheduler (also known as a p____, ____ c____, etc.) m____ the m____ s____

planner MRP controller maintains master schedule

What is project management? ¤P____, d____, and c____ r____ (p____, e____, m____, etc.) to meet the t____, c____, and t____ c____ of the project.

planning directing controlling resources people equipment material technical cost time constraints

Plant Location Methods: -- There are many techniques to identify p_____ s_____. -- Selection process can vary based on b_____ t_____. -- Techniques are often used in c_____.

potential sites business type combination

Project Tracking with EVM - With p_____ methods of quantifying the quantity of w_____ a_____, EVM provides much _____ i_____

pre-defined work accomplished more information

The benefits of using project management software are: producing p____ r____ r____ and g____. scheduling t____ and allocating r____. controlling c____.

presentation ready reports graphs tasks resources costs

CPM with Activity Time Estimates: --- This allows calculation of a p_____ e_____ of c_____ t_____ --- This is the distinguishing characteristic of the _____ m_____

probability estimate completion time PERT method

The purpose of sampling is to find when the p____ has c____ in some n____ way, so that the r____ for the c____ can be q____ d____.

process changed nonrandom reason change quickly determined

•Process control chart - used to assure that p_____ are in s_____ c_____

processes statistical control

The Bill-of-Materials shows how the p_____ is p_____ t_____

product put together

Bill of Materials: Often called the p____ s____ f____ or p____ t____ because it shows how a p____ is p____ t____

product structure file product tree product put together

The bill-of-material (BOM) file is also known as a product recipe. assembly instruction. product structure file. product tree.

product structure file. product tree.

Network-Planning Models: A p____ is made up of a s____ of a____ that form a n____ representing a p____

project sequence activities network project

Pure Project Structure Advantages: •The p____ m____ has f____ a____ •T____ m____ report to ____ b____ •S____ c____ l____ •T____ p____, m____, and c____ are ____

project manager full authority team members one boss shortened communication lines team pride motivation commitment high

Earned Value Management - Essential Features: - A p_____ p_____ that identifies the a_____ be a_____ - A v_____ of each a_____ w_____ - P_____ e_____ or c_____ r_____ to quantify the a_____ of w_____

project plan activities accomplished valuation activity work predefined earning costing rules accomplishment work

Earned Value Management (EVM): ---- A technique for measuring p_____ p_____ in an o_____ manner ---- Has the ability to combine m_____ of s_____, s_____, and c_____ in a project ---- Provides a method for evaluating the r_____ s_____ of a project at a point in t_____

project progress objective measurements scope schedule cost relative success time

•Suppliers - p_____ of i_____ s_____ supports lean production

proximity important suppliers

Matrix Project: •A blend of p____ and f____ p____ s____ - people from d____ f____ a____ work on the p____, possibly only ____ t____.

pure functional project structures different functional areas project part time

Quality gurus had slightly different definitions of what q____ is and how to a____ it but had the s____ g____ m____

quality achieve same general message

As variation is reduced, q____ is ____

quality improved

Process Control Procedures: Concerned with monitoring q____ while the p____ or s____ is being p____

quality product service produced

Variables = q____ c____ that are measured in a____ w____, v____, i____, c____, or other m____

quality characteristics actual weight volume inches centimeters measures

¨Attributes - q_____ c_____ that are classified as either c_____ or not c_____

quality characteristics conforming conforming

To achieve outstanding quality, requires q_____ l_____ from s_____ m_____, a c_____ f_____, t_____ i_____ of the w_____, and c_____ i_____ based upon r_____ a_____ of p_____.

quality leadership senior management customer focus total involvement workforce continuous improvement rigorous analysis processes

Acceptance Sampling - Purposes: ¨Determine q____ l____ ¨Ensure q____ is within p____ l____

quality level quality predetermined level

Statistical Quality Control (SQC): -- The q____ aspects of q____ m____ -- Processes usually exhibit some v____ in their o____

quantitative quality management variation output

MPS shows q_____ of each t_____, with i_____ about the p_____ t_____ f_____

quantities type information production time frame

Process Capability Index -- Ratio of the r____ of v____ p____ divided by the r____ of v____ a____ -- Shows how well the p____ being p____ f____ i____ the r____ s____ by the d____ s____

range values produced range values allowed parts produced fit into range specified design specifications

¨Specification limits - r____ of v____ that is considered a____ by the d____ or c____

range variation acceptable designer customer

¨Process limits - r____ of v____ that a p____ is able to m____ with a ____ d____ of c____

range variation process maintain high degree certainty

•Proximity to customers - makes r_____ d_____ easier

rapid delivery

A benefit of Six Sigma is that it allows managers to r____ d____ the p____ of a p____ in terms of its v____ and to c____ d____ p____ using a c____ m____

readily describe performance process variability compare different processes common metric

Performed on goods that already exist to determine what percentage of the products conform to specifications ¤May be items r____ from another c____ and e____ by the r____ d____, or they maybe components that have passed through a p____ s____

received company evaluated receiving department processing step

A Six-Sigma program seeks to r______ the v______ in the p______ that lead to these d______

reduce variation processes defects

Six Sigma: Seeks to r____ v____ in the processes that lead to p____ d____

reduce variation product defects

What is a project? ¤A series of r_____ j_____, usually directed toward some m_____ o_____ and requiring a s_____ p_____ of t_____ to perform.

related jobs major output significant period time

•Cause-and-effect diagram - show r____ between c____ and p____

relationships causes problems

Materials and manufacturing process attributes can greatly impact the r_____/d_____ of a product

reliability durability

Improve: - Identify means to r____ the c____ of d____ - Confirm the k____ v____ and q____ their effects on the ____ - Identify the m____ a____ r____ of the k____ v____ and a system for m____ d____ of the v____ - Modify the p____ to s____ w____ an a____ r____

remove causes defects key variables quantify CTQs maximum acceptance ranges key variables measuring deviations variables process stay within acceptable range

Economic Order Quantity: - Calculate r____ q____ based on EOQ - EOQ was not designed for a system with d____ t____ p____ such as ____ - The l____ s____ generated by EOQ do not always c____ the ____ n____ of p____

reorder quantity discrete time periods MRP lot sizes cover entire number periods

MRP Explosion Process: -- The r_____ for e_____ i_____ are retrieved from the m_____ s_____ -- O_____ b_____ and s_____ of o_____ are used to calculate the "n_____ r_____" -- N_____ r_____ d_____ is used to calculate when o_____ should be r_____ to meet these r_____ -- P_____ o_____ r_____ are generated by o_____ to allow for l_____ t_____ -- Move to L_____ _____ i_____ -- G_____ r_____ for each l_____ _____ i_____ are calculated from the p_____ r_____ s_____ for the p_____ of each l_____ _____ i_____ -- N_____ r_____, p_____ r_____, and p_____ r_____ are calculated as described in steps _____-_____ -- R_____ for _____ i_____ in b_____ of m_____

requirements end items master schedule On-hand balance schedule orders net requirements Net requirements data orders received requirements Planned order releases offsetting lead time level 1 items Gross requirements level 1 item planned-order release schedule parents level 1 item Net requirements planned-order receipts planned-order releases 2 4 Repeat all items bill materials

In addition to scheduling tasks, r_____ must also be assigned to specific tasks


Functional Project: •R____ for the project lies within ____ f____ a____ of the f____. E____ from that area work on the p____, usually only ____ t____.

responsibility one functional area firm Employees project part time

Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA): ¤R____ P____ N____ (RPN) is calculated for each failure mode. ¤It is an index used to measure the r____ i____ of the i____ listed in ____ c____. ¤____ RPN items should be targeted for improvement first.

risk priority number rank importance items FMEA chart High

•Political risk - r_____ in both the c_____ of l_____ and the h_____ c_____ influence the decision

risks country location host country

¤Include demand from all sources (s____, w____ r____, s____, i____ r____)

sales warehouse replenishment spares interplant requirements

¨Statistical process control (SPC) - testing a s____ of o____ to determine if the process is producing i____ within a p____ r____

sample output items preselected range

Creating p-Charts: •Calculate the s____ p____ (p) for each s____ •Calculate the a____ of the s____ p____ (p ̅) •Calculate the s____ d____ of the s____ p____ (s_p) •Calculate the c____ l____ (_____ and _____) •Plot the i____ s____ p____, the a____ of the p____, and the c____ l____

sample proportions sample average sample proportions standard deviation sample proportion control limits UCL LCL individual sample proportions average proportions control limits

¤Sigma refers to the s____ s____ d____

sample standard deviation

Outside of determining parts, components, and materials, MRP provides a s____ for when each of these should be p____ or o____

schedule produced ordered

The cost of quality involves the cost of scrap. warranties. rework. supplies.

scrap. warranties. rework.

Pure Project: •A s____ t____ works ____ t____ on the p____

self-contained team full time project

•Opportunity flow diagram - used to s____ v____ from n____

separate value-added non-value-added

¨Critical Path: the s____ of a____ in a project that form(s) the ____ c____ in terms of their t____ to c____

sequence activities longest chain time complete

ISO standards: ¨S____ of s____ agreed upon by the I____ O____ for S____ (ISO)

series standards International Organization Standardization

ERP applications s_____ a d_____, hence i_____ is c_____ in _____ a_____ of b_____

share database information current all areas business

Special consolidation warehouses are used when s_____ from v_____ s_____ are pulled together and combined into l_____ s_____ with a c_____ d_____ or into s____ s____ to deliver l____. This improves e_____

shipments various sources larger shipments common destination smaller shipments locally efficiency

•Business climate - can include presence of s_____ b_____, b_____ in the s_____ i_____, and other f_____ c_____, p_____ g_____ r_____, etc.

similar-sized businesses businesses same industry foreign companies pro-business government regulations

If the ordering or setup costs remain constant, the Lowest Total Cost method is more attractive because it is s____ and e____ to c____, yet it would be just as a____ under that restriction.

simpler easier compute accurate

Centroid Method: Used for locating s_____ f_____ that considers e_____ f_____, the d_____ between them, and the v_____ of g_____ to be shipped between them

single facilities existing facilities distances volumes goods

When activity times vary, a s____ t____ e____ may not be reliable Instead, estimate _____ t_____ v_____

single time estimate three time values

X-bar and R-Charts: Size of samples: --- Preferable to keep ____ (usually ____ or ____ u____) --- Sample needs to be taken within r____ length of t____ --- The larger the sample, the ____ it c____ to t____

small 4 5 units reasonable time more costs take

When measuring variables, it is often preferable to use a small sample size because _____ samples can be g_____ _____. _____ samples give _____ n_____ p_____ c_____ l_____. _____ samples are _____ c_____.

small gathered quickly large more narrow process control limits small less costly

¨Transportation method is a s_____ l_____ p_____ m_____

special linear programming method

Customers - s____ o____ placed by either e____ (s____) or i____ (i____) c____ ---- Carry p____ d____ d____ ---- No f____ involved

specific orders external sales internal interdepartmental customers promised delivery dates forecasting

¤Master Schedule must s_____ e_____ what is to be p_____ for each i_____ i_____ within the g_____

specify exactly produced individual item group

•Checksheet - basic form to s____ d____ c____

standardize data collection

ISO 14000 is a family of s_____ on e_____ m_____

standards environmental management

A schedule that lists all the activities by their early start times and completes the project and all its activities as soon as possible is known as an early ___________ schedule


Design of experiments (DOE) - a s____ m____ to determine c____ r____ between p____ v____ and o____

statistical methodology cause-and-effect relationships process variables output

Design quality is considered a(n) __________ for the firm.

strategic decision

A firm should have a mix of projects that best support a company's s____ s____.

strategic strategy

Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) - is a s____ a____ to i____, e____, p____, and e____ r____ of p____ f____ at each s____ in the p____

structured approach identify estimate prioritize evaluate risk possible failures stage process

Task ¤A further s_____ of a project - usually _____ than s_____ m_____ and performed by a s_____ g_____ or o_____

subdivision shorter several months single group organization

Earned value management, when properly applied, provides: a method for evaluating the s_____ of a p_____.

success project

Projected balance, the amount of inventory expected at the end of a period, is calculated using which equation? Projected available balance = ?

sum of on-hand inventory - gross requirements + scheduled receipts + planned orders

Gaining major attention was the requirement that s_____ d_____ that they are m_____ and d_____ their q_____ p_____ according to s_____ c_____ called _____ s_____, if they want to compete for i_____ c_____.

suppliers demonstrate measuring documenting quality practices specified criteria ISO standards international contracts

Enterprise Resource Planning: s____ that i____ a____ p____ in a____, s____, m____, and the other f____ in a f____

system integrates application programs accounting sales manufacturing functions firm

Functional Project Structure Advantages: •A t____ m____ can work on s____ p____ •T____ e____ maintained in f____ a____ •F____ a____ is "h____" after p____ completed •C____ m____ of s____ k____

team member several projects technical expertise functional area functional area home project critical mass specialized knowledge

Functional project: a structure where t____ m____ are assigned from the f____ u____ of the o____. The t____ m____ remain a part of their f____ u____ and typically are not d____ to the p____.

team members functional units organization team members functional units dedicated project

Since it is not easy to determine how well a sampling plan discriminates between good and bad quality, you should always examine __________ before using a sampling plan.

the OC curve

If ordering costs and setup costs remain constant then _________ is the easiest method for lot sizing.

the lowest total cost method

When a single time estimate of an activity completion time is not reliable, you should use

three time estimates.

At any point in time, an MRP system can access the status segment of the inventory record according to specific time periods commonly known as

time buckets.

Extending the critical path model to consider the trade-off between activity time and activity cost is known as the

time-cost model.

Master Production Scheduling: a t____ p____ s____ how many e____ i____ the f____ p____ to b____, and w____

time-phased plan specifying end items firm plans build when

Gross requirements - The t____ a____ r____ for each i____ (e____ and m____ r____ d____)

total amount required item external manufacturing requirement demands

A mathematical approach that minimizes the cost of transporting products from several locations to several destinations is the ___________ ___________ of linear programming.

transportation method

•Run chart - depict t____ in d____ over t____

trends data time

Generally believed cost for well-run quality management program is _____ _____%

under 2.5

Acceptance Sampling - Designing a Sampling Plan: ¨Determine (1) how many u____, ____, to s____ from a l____, and (2) the m____ n____ of d____ i____, ____, that can be found in the s____ before the l____ is rejected

units n sample lot maximum number defective items c sample lot

Assignable variation •V____ that is caused by f____ that can be i____ and m____

variation factors identified managed

In the centroid method, which of the following must be known before conducting the analysis? The v_____ shipped to each d_____ The _____ and _____ c_____ of each d_____

volume destination X Y coordinates destination

Hub-and-spoke systems - the sole purpose of the w_____ (the h_____) is sorting g_____ to c_____ a_____, where each area is designed for s_____ to a s_____ l_____.

warehouse hub goods consolidation areas shipment specific location

Logistics: we will focus on how to analyze where we locate w_____ and p_____ and how to evaluate the m_____ of m_____ to and from those locations.

warehouses plants movement materials

One problem with the factor-rating system is the fact that some factors may have much higher importance than others. This problem can be addressed by using a ___________ scale to vary the importance assigned to each factor.


The critical path provides a ____ range of s____ i____ useful in managing a p____

wide scheduling information project

Factor-Rating System: ¨A major problem: does not account for the _____ r_____ of c_____ that may occur within each f_____.

wide range costs factor

Activities ¤Pieces of w____ that consume t____

work time

Statement of Work ¤A w____ description of the o____ to be a____

written objectives achieved

External Benchmarking: ¤C____ ¤D____ i____

¤Competitors ¤Different industry

Costs of Quality: •A_____ c_____ •P_____ c_____ •I_____ f_____ c_____ •E_____ f_____ c_____

•Appraisal costs •Prevention costs •Internal failure costs •External failure costs

Which is the correct equation used to calculate economic order quantity (EOQ)? EOQ = ?


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