ops test 3

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A location decision for an appliance manufacturer would tend to have what type of​ focus?

cost focus

What is the ability to respond with little penalty in​ time, cost, or customer​ value?


In linear​ programming, a solution that does not simultaneously satisfy all constraints is called an

infeasible solution

A fast food restaurant is generally considered to be an example of

low customization and low degree of labor.

The main goal of retail layout​ is:

maximizing profitability per square foot of floor space.

Industrial location analysis typically attempts​ to:

minimize costs

In a linear programming​ formulation, a statement such as​ "maximize contribution" becomes​ a(n):

objective function.

Which of the following is not a requirement of a linear programming​ problem?

one constraint or resource limit for each decision variable

Which of the statements below best describes office​ layout?

positions​ workers, their​ equipment, and​ spaces/offices to provide for movement of information

Which of the quadrants in the service process matrix has high labor intensity and high​ customization?

professional service

Which of the following allocates display space and responds to customer​ behavior?

retail layout

A transportation problem has 8 origins and 6 destinations. The optimal solution of this problem will fill no more than​ ________ cells with quantities to be shipped.


Feasible region top right black

8X1​ + 4X2 ≥ 160

Consider the transportation problem and its optimal solution in the tables below. What is total shipping​ cost?


The​ northwest-corner rule is best​ used

to generate an initial feasible solution to a transportation problem

When applying the​ stepping-stone method, we test each

unused cell.

In transportation​ modeling, when is a solution NOT​ degenerate?

when the number of occupied squares equals the number of sources plus the number of destinations minus 1

If we wish to ensure that decision variable values in a linear program are integers rather than​ fractions, the generally accepted practice is to round the solutions to the nearest integer values


In linear​ programming, if there are three​ constraints, each representing a resource that can be used​ up, the optimal solution must use up all of each of the three resources.


In the graphical solution to a linear​ program, the region that satisfies the constraint 4X​ + 15Z ≥ 1000 includes the origin of the graph


In the graphical solution to a linear​ program, the region that satisfies the constraint 4X​ + 15Z ≥ 1000 includes the origin of the graph.


The transportation model is an excellent tool for minimizing shipping costs among existing​ facilities, but it is not useful when firms consider new facility locations.


Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding location​ decisions?

Once management is committed to a specific​ location, many costs become relatively easy to reduce.

An example of an intangible​ cost, as it relates to location​ decisions, is the quality of education.


Automated storage and retrieval systems are commonly used in distribution facilities of retailers


A​ firm's process strategy is its approach to transforming resources into goods and services.


Lists have been developed that rank countries on issues such as​ "competitiveness" and​ "corruption."


The transportation model is a special class of linear programming models


Unfavorable exchange rates can offset other savings in a location decision.


Suppose that an​ iso-profit line is given to be X​ + Y​ = 10. Which of the following represents another​ iso-profit line for the same​ scenario?

X​ + Y​ = 15

Which of the following products is likely to be assembled on a repetitive process​ line?


A linear programming problem has three​ constraints, plus nonnegativity constraints on X and Y. The constraints​ are: 2X​ + 10Y ≤ ​100; 4X​ + 6Y ≤ ​120; 6X​ + 3Y ≥ 90.


Which of the following represents a valid constraint in linear​ programming?

2X​ + 7Y ≥100

A transportation model fills​ one-half of its cells under the​ non-degenerate optimal solution. Which of the following most closely describes the number of sources compared to the number of​ destinations?

4 to 3

In transportation​ modeling, how do we handle​ degeneracy?

Allocate a zero quantity in one or more of the unallocated cells

A good layout requires​ determining

Amaterial handling equipment. B.environment and aesthetics. C.cost of moving between various work areas. D.capacity and space requirements answer E all the above

Allen Air Conditioning manufactures room air conditioners at plants in Houston​, Phoenix​, and Memphis. These are sent to regional distributors in Dallas​, Atlanta​, and Denver. The shipping costs​ vary, and the company would like to find the least cost way to meet the demands at each of the distribution centers. Dallas needs to receive 800800 air conditioners per​ month, Atlanta needs 600​, and Denver needs 200200. Houston has 850 air conditioners available each​ month, Phoenix has 650​, and Memphis has 300. The shipping cost per unit from Houston to Dallas is ​$88​, to Atlanta ​$12​, and to Denver ​$10. The cost per unit from Phoenix to Dallas is ​$1010​, to Atlanta ​$14​, and to Denver ​$9. The cost per unit from Memphis to Dallas is ​$11​, to Atlanta ​$8​, and to Denver ​$12.

Dallas Atlanta Denver Dummy Suppl Houston 8 12 10 0 850 Pheonix 10 14 9 0 650 Memphis 11 8 12 0 300 Demand 800 600 200 0 Transportation any starting method Unbalanced Dummy destination

A transportation problem requires exactly as many origins as destinations.


In terms of linear​ programming, the fact that the solution is infeasible implies that the​ "profit" can increase without limit.


Neither the​ northwest-corner rule nor the intuitive method considers shipping cost in making initial allocations


The Chris Beehner Company manufactures two lines of designer yard​ gates, called model A and model B. Every gate requires blending a certain amount of steel and​ zinc; the company has available a total of 25,000 lb of steel and 6,000 lb of zinc. Each model A gate requires a mixture of 125 lb of steel and 20 lb of​ zinc, and each yields a profit of ​$80. Each model B gate requires 100 lb of steel and 30 lb of zinc and can be sold for a profit of ​$45.

Linear programming Aim is to Maximize A B Maximize 80 45 steel 125 100<= 25000 zinc 20 30<= 6000

A linear programming problem contains a restriction that reads​ "the quantity of Q must be no larger than the sum of​ R, S, and​ T." Formulate this as a linear programming constraint.

Q − R − S − T ≤ 0

A transportation problem has two​ origins: A can supply 20 units and B can supply 30 units. This problem has two​ destinations: C requires 25 units and D requires 35 units. Which of the following is​ true?

The problem will require a dummy supply with a capacity of 10 units.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding repetitive​ processes?

They allow easy switching from one product to the other.

What is the primary reason why retailers tend to locate​ high-draw items around the periphery of the​ store?

This arrangement will help to maximize customer exposure to other items in the store.

A binding constraint has zero slack or surplus.


A common form of the​ product-mix linear programming problem seeks to find that combination of products and the quantity of each that maximizes profit in the presence of limited resources.


A feasible solution in transportation models is one in which all of the supply and demand constraints are satisfied.


A transportation problem with 8 sources and 6 destinations will have an optimal solution that uses at most 13 of the 48 possible routes.


A transportation problem with a total supply of 500 and a total demand of 400 will have an optimal solution that leaves 100 units of supply unused.


Degeneracy in a transportation problem is when no closed path exists for evaluating an unused cell.


In a transportation minimization​ problem, the negative improvement index associated with a cell indicates that reallocating units to that cell would lower costs.


Linear programming helps operations managers make decisions necessary to make effective use of resources such as​ machinery, labor,​ money, time, and raw materials.


A linear programming problem contains a restriction that reads​ "the quantity of X must be at least three times as large as the quantity of​ Y." Which of the following inequalities is the proper formulation of this​ constraint?

X − 3Y ≥ 0

Capital Co. is considering 5 different projects. Define Xi as a binary variable that equals 1 if project i is undertaken and 0​ otherwise, for i​ = 1,​ 2, 3,​ 4, 5. Which of the following represents the​ constraint(s) stating that projects​ 2, 3, and 4 cannot all three be undertaken​ simultaneously?

X2​ + X3​ + X4 ≤ 2

Which of the following combinations of constraints has no feasible​ region?

X​ + Y ≥ 100 and X​ + Y ≤ 50

A transportation problem has an optimal solution​ when:

all of the improvement indices are greater than or equal to zero.

The initial solution to a transportation problem can be generated several​ ways, so long​ as:

all supply and demand conditions are satisfied.

Consider the transportation problem and its optimal solution in the tables below. The cell Source​ 3- Destination 3 is currently empty. What would be the change in the total shipping cost if the largest possible amount were shipped using that​ route, leaving all the supply and demand conditions​ unchanged?

an increase of $450

What is the region that satisfies all of the constraints in linear programming​ called?

area of feasible solutions

An optimal solution to a linear programming problem MUST lie

at the intersection of at least two constraints.

If a layout problem is solved by use of​ heuristics, this means​ that:

a​ satisfactory, but not necessarily​ optimal, solution is acceptable.

Which one of the following products is most likely made in a job shop​ environment?

custom furniture

In linear​ programming, choices available to a decision maker are called

decision variables

In transportation model​ analysis, the​ stepping-stone method is used​ to:

evaluate empty cells for potential solution improvements

What is a drawing of the movement of​ material, product or​ people?


An improvement index​ indicates:

how much total cost would increase or decrease if a single unit was reallocated to that cell.

The​ stepping-stone method:

is used to evaluate the cost effectiveness of shipping goods via transportation routes not currently in the solution.

Which of the following is an approach to solving a linear programming minimization problem​ graphically?


A large quantity and large variety of products are produced in

mass customization

The main objective of retail layout is to

maximize profitability per square foot of floor space.

Retail layouts are based on the notion​ that:

maximizing customer exposure rate maximizes sales and profit.

Using the​ iso-profit line solution method to solve a maximization problem requires that​ we:

move the​ iso-profit line away from the origin until it barely touches some part of the feasible region.

Which of the following constitutes a major trend influencing office​ layouts?

off-site employees

A location decision for a traditional department store​ (e.g., Macy's) would tend to have what type of​ focus?

revenue focus

What is the value of one additional unit of a scarce resource in​ LP?

shadow price

What is the name of the algorithm that solves linear programming problems of all​ sizes?

simplex method

Which of the following is an algorithm for solving linear programming problems of all​ sizes?

simplex method

What is an iterative technique for moving from an initial feasible solution to an optimal solution in the transportation​ method?

stepping-stone method

What is the maximum quantity that can be shipped along a new route​ (unused square) that has been chosen to receive allocation during the​ stepping-stone process?

the smallest number found in the squares containing minus signs

In a minimization​ problem, a negative improvement index in a cell indicates that​ the

total cost will decrease if units are reallocated to that cell.

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